Quinn (The Waite Family) (28 page)

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Authors: Kathi S Barton

BOOK: Quinn (The Waite Family)
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“I want to be inside of you…I’m not…Christ, you’re killing me, baby.
Let me fuck your pussy, please.”
His voice was rough, his tone pleading, but she didn’t want to stop.

“Come in my mouth, Drew.
I want you to shoot your cum down my throat so I can taste you.” She wrapped her mouth around him again and watched his face.

He didn’t take his eyes from hers as he began rocking in her mouth.
His hand at the back of her head held her steady as his thrusts got harder and faster.
When she felt the first hot stream hit her tongue, she took him deeper into her, felt him slide down her throat.
He didn’t stop. He fucked her mouth hard and long. When he pulled her back this time she let him go. Suddenly she was up and his mouth was ravaging hers.

“Quinn,” he said hoarsely against her mouth. “Lay down. It’s my turn.”

When she scrambled onto the bed and lay on her back he told her to turn around and get on her knees.
She loved it when he took her from behind and hurried to do what he wanted.
When his hand slapped hard at her ass she sat up and turned around, ready to blast him with her temper.

“No, turn around.” His voice was hard. “I’m going to beat this beautiful ass of yours until it’s hot then I’m going to fuck you hard.
You’ll learn to obey me in the bedroom, Quinn, or you’ll get this every night.”

Her pussy clenched at the thought of him spanking her.
She turned around and before she could settle back onto the bed he slapped her again.

“When I tell you to stop sucking my dick so I can fuck you”—slap, then another— “you’ll do it.” Two more and her ass hurt.

When he slid his hand between her legs and pinched her clit she rolled into his hand.
She could feel her juices flood his hand.

“You’re so wet.
I’m going to enjoy this so much.
Have you ever had your ass fucked, baby?”

“Carl…he did it. But I didn’t…he hurt me.”
She hated bringing him to her bed, but didn’t want to start screaming if Drew tried like she had with Carl.

“Remind me to kill that bastard.
I’m not going to hurt you, baby. I’m going to go slow and easy. If I hurt you, I swear to you I’ll stop.
All right?”

She was terrified. She didn’t want to disappoint him, but she had been hit so many times during sex that she almost said no.
But this was Drew and he loved her. Before she could change her mind she nodded.

“Good girl.
Tell me when you want me to stop.”
He moved his fingers to her pussy again and she felt his cock nudge at her entrance.
“I’m going to use your cream to get you ready for me.
Christ, you are so fucking wet.
I could fill my mouth with you. And you taste so delicious, hot and spicy.
I love tasting you after I come inside of you.”

She relaxed by degrees.
When she started to rock into his hand he bit her shoulder.
When he touched her tight hole she tensed up again.

“No, don’t. I’m not…I’m only going to use my thumb.
Feel it?”
His thumb pressed against her rings and she was soon arching up to get more of him.
When he broke
and was inside of her she felt a slight pain, but nothing like she had before.

“Are you all right?” She nodded.
“You’re so tight back here.
I’m going to enjoy fucking you.
I want to come deep in your ass and make you scream.
I’m going to buy you a toy when we get home. One that I can vibrate your clit with while a fuck this ass of mine.
You’ll come so hard you will pass out from it.”

She wanted to come now.
Her ass no longer hurt, but felt good. Her pussy was fluttering with each stroke of his fingers against her.
When he moved away from her pussy she whimpered and he chuckled.

“I’m going to stretch you now and need more of your cream.
I won’t let you suffer. Not too much anyway.”

When he moved back to her clit and pinched her she came. Not hard, but enough to flood his hand and make her want more.

“That’s it, baby.
I’ll let you come now, but when we get home you’ll ask me.
I want you to know that I’m the master in here. All right?”

“You…you are into games?” Her body was beginning to build up to another climax, quicker this time.
“You want to tie me up and whip me?”

He stopped what he was doing and answered her. “Yes. I’m into games. Nothing too hard core, but I do enjoy them.
Are you all right with that?

Before she could answer she felt her ass pinch as he moved inside her.
She didn’t hurt, not really, but found she wanted him to move, to take her.

“I’ve…I’ve never played before. But if you teach me, I think I’d like it. Especially if it feels this good.”
She arched back against his fingers as they stretched her.
“Please, Drew, more.”

His laugher sent a shiver down her spine.
When he leaned over and bit her again, this time harder, she came again. Another quick fighting of her body and a sudden release.

Soon they had a rhythm. He would gather more of her cream and then work her ass until she was comfortable, begging him for more.
His bites got harder, but not painful, his mouth hotter, but not mean.
When he leaned over her back and nipped her shoulder again she could feel his hot, heavy breath on her neck.

“I’m going to enter you now. I’m can’t wait much…I won’t hurt you, but your ass is driving me crazy and I need to be inside you.”
She nodded.

When his finger pulled out of her she whimpered again. She found that she loved that full feeling and wanted more of it. His cock at her pussy stroking along her folds made her reach between her legs and try to guild him inside.

“No, baby. I’m getting my cock wet so I can slide easier.
Christ, your pussy is hot and I’m going to have to suck you off again and again just to satisfy my craving for you.”

When his cock was back at her ass she tensed up. His hand coming across her ass had her moan.
“Good girl. Now I’m going to go slow, but I won’t be able to if you move like that again. Take a deep breath and
when I tell you, release it slowly but don’t tense up or it will hurt.”

Nodding again, she took a deep breath and when he told her, she slowly let it out. His cock pushed hard against her ass and she felt a sudden pop and he was in.

The pain was overwhelming and she nearly screamed for him to stop. But he didn’t move, didn’t so much as lean on her.

“I’m inside of you Quinn and you cannot believe how incredible it feels to have you pulsing around my dick.
If I don’t move soon I’m going to come just here and you won’t be able to feel me moving inside of you.”

He moved slightly, his cock going deeper into her until she tensed
then he moved back.
Over and over he moved this way, deeper each time.
When she felt his groin against her pussy she knew that he was all the way inside.
His harsh breathing made her realize how much this was hurting him too.

“Drew, please, I want you to come inside of me. Fuck me, please. I want to feel you fuck me this way.” Arching back against him she felt the first bit of pleasure. As he started moving slowly she bowed her back and spread her legs wider, taking him deeper.

When he reached between her legs and entered her pussy she came apart.
The small climaxes she’d had were only a teaser. This one ripped
her body and she saw stars.
Burying her head in her pillow she screamed over and over as he fucked her.
When he stiffened over her she felt his cum splash deep inside of her and it brought her again.
He was moving faster now, both his cock and his fingers.
When she came a third time he sat up, grabbed her hip, and pistoned deep.

Quinn collapsed on the bed when he dropped onto her. She couldn’t move, wasn’t sure if she would be able to ever again.
Drew rolled to his side and when he was on his back, he pulled her to his chest where she promptly fell asleep.

~Chapter 24~


The funeral for Alyssa’s mother was held at the local funeral home. Thousands turned out on the cold, blustery morning.
There were whispers about how Shannon had died, who had killed her.
There was always talk when a woman as beautiful as her mother was killed.
Alyssa and Cain sat in the front rows along with four of his five sisters.
Sydney couldn’t be reached in time to make it home.
Right behind them sat the entire Miller family.
Nathan couldn’t attend, of course. He was “drying out.” There was a lot of talk about Robert, but no one really cared, especially not Alyssa.

The graveside services for her brother had been held the day before. There hadn’t been anything in the paper, just as Alyssa had wanted, and there had been no one there save the funeral director and Drew.
He wasn’t buried in the family plot either
and there would be no marker until after the trial.
Even though he was dead there would still be a murder trial brought against him.
Alyssa needed this and was glad when it was over for the closure.
She had just one more thing to do.

The DVDs that Quinn had told the police about had showed that Samuel had been aware of his nephew’s actions that day. It had also, on other recordings, showed him as a perverted man. He had brought small boys into the house and had raped them. He didn’t have a gambling problem as they had thought, but used his money to pay off families of his victims.
He, too, was standing trial, though for now it was very quiet.

The week after the funeral Alyssa left work early and went to pay a visit. No one knew where she was going except the bodyguard with her and her husband.
He didn’t want her to go, but she had been asked and she would do this one thing for him.


Nathan paced his room again. He was nervous. What if she didn’t come? What if she changed her mind?
He didn’t know if he’d be happy about that or sad. He sat down again only to hop back up and begin pacing again.

“If you wear a hole in the floor you won’t get your deposit back.
And from what I understand, it’s a hefty one.”

Nathan looked over at the man who had been his nurse for the past thirteen months. “Did she call and say she wasn’t coming?
I knew this was a bad idea. Not only have I set myself up for this, but she will know I’m a loser.”

Brady came in the room and sat on the chair.
“No, she didn’t call. She said she’d be here and she will. And if I hear you call yourself a loser again I’ll take away your pudding at dinner and give it to old lady Bird and tell her you’re sweet on her.”

Nathan smiled. Mrs. Bird had been in this place and out again twice since he’d been here. He was not going to be a repeater, he’d decided. He’d been told that if a person could make it an entire year without an episode it got easier each time.

“What if she doesn’t come? What if…what if she laughs at me and tells me to fuck off?”
Nathan sat down.
“I don’t think I can do this.”

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