Raber Wolf Pack Book Three (8 page)

Read Raber Wolf Pack Book Three Online

Authors: Ryan Michele

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Raber Wolf Pack Book Three
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“Sabrea,” I offer, wondering what the hell is happening.

She releases me. “Maggie sees bright pink and I see a deep, indigo blue. The colors are almost intertwining.”

“You smell of wolf.” At the end of my sentence I should have said duh. Idiot.

“Yes, wolf and witch.” She shakes her head. “Or something like that.” She lets out a soft chuckle.

“Nana, we lost the crystal again,” Zara says quietly, tone dripping of disappointment.

“We’ll find it. It’ll be all right.” Nana O walks up to Zara and rubs her hair gently. It such a sweet and kind gesture and I instantly think of my mom. It hasn’t been long, but when you see someone every day and then you don’t, it’s a change.

“But you said we needed the crystal. What if it gets into the wrong hands?” Zara’s fear is prominent.

“I have faith, my dear. Now what is going on?” Nana O asks calmly. My eyes keep moving around the room as we all sit there trying to decide what to do. Figure out exactly what we are up against and having no answers.

“Maggie, Nana,” Xavier starts, “when Kenly and Sabrea shook hands, they had electricity radiate through them. When Zara and Sabrea shook hands, the whole wind swirling, knocking all my shit to the ground thing happened, but this time a bright light beamed out of them. Any idea what the hell this is about?”

“I’ll talk to Marvin and see what I can get from him,” Maggie offers. “It’s a super power, but Heavens help me if I know for sure what it is. Nana, you want to go for a drive?”

“Yep. Let’s figure this out.” They leave and we are stunned silent for a brief moment. All this shit is happening so fast.

“Sabrea, tell us about the power,” Xavier commands.

How embarrassing. I have a so-called power, but really can’t get it to work. I sigh. I tell them about the two instances where I moved things while thinking about them. Then I go on to all the times I practiced. I feel like a damn idiot.

“So, really I may have it, but I don’t know how it works, and I’m not one-hundred percent that I do have it.”

“And you can’t shift?” Xavier says, and I feel an inch small. I shouldn’t. My mate doesn’t think anything of it, but it’s there. I want it gone. I don’t want to feel that self-doubt anymore. I deserve more.

“I can’t shift,” I say softly to a squeeze from Thor. “I also only have one ear.”

“But you hear fine?”


“Great. The shifting thing, I’m not so sure on. I’ll look into it. But if you can’t shift, you’ll need to make sure you can defend yourself,” Xavier says and I chuckle. “What’s so funny?”

“I’ve had years of practice against my sisters. As long as the claws and teeth don’t get me, I’m perfectly fine to defend myself.” Zara and Kenly grin widely.

“Great. Okay. So this is what I need you ladies to do. Practice your powers. Zara, you have the listening to others thing down. You need to tap into the energy, figure out what it is, and develop it. Kenly, figure out the mind control. I want you to practice on everyone here. Then, I want you to go into town and practice there until you can determine what sets it off. Sabrea, you need to nail down this moving things with your mind. Keep practicing and pull out every emotion you can think of to see if it will work,” Xavier orders. “I want you three to stay together. If you are out in public, no one leaves the other. You will have Gary with you at all times.”

I suck in a breath. I’m not sure I can make it work. I don’t know how. I’ve been trying religiously for weeks. I’ll keep at it, though.

Each one of us nods our heads in agreement.

“Thor. You work with Mal. Dig like hell and find anything and everything. Max, you figure out what you can from your end. I’ll be on Maggie and Nana when they get back,” Xavier continues. “For now, let’s all go eat then we’ll start.”

At that moment, my stomach rumbles and Thor lets out a chuckle. “Yep, Sabrea here has worked up an appetite.” I elbow him. Not hard, just enough to get his attention, and chuckles sound throughout the room.




halt as Xavier, Zara, Max, Kenly, Thor and I walk into the dining area. It’s bigger than the one I shared with my old pack, but it’s the same premise. Tables line the area filled with wolves devouring food. The smell wafting through the air has my wolf snarling. I want to eat right now, but with all the stares, I can tell that it may be a bit before that happens.

“This is Sabrea, my mate,” Thor announces to the large group. “She was born with only one ear and cannot shift.” Heat rises from my chest and up my neck. Way to just put it out there, Thor. “I don’t give a shit and neither will any of you.”

“You have got to be kidding me!” is screeched from a pretty blonde with ample curves standing beside one of the tables. Her hip is cocked, her hand gripping it, in what I like to call ‘bitch-stance.’ “Seriously? First we had to put up with,” she waves in Zara’s direction, “
that is. Then Kenly is a fucking human for Heavens’ sakes, and now you bring in a female that can’t shift? I mean, come on. Have you three lost your minds?” She is obviously addressing the three men in the group but it’s us females that step forward.

It’s like some cosmic pull that one of us began to move and the others went in sync with it. We form a line in front of our mates, not touching one another, but all of our eyes piercing this woman.

“Marissa, what did I tell you about running your mouth?” Zara says in a voice that should scare the ever-loving shit out of this Marissa chick. It would me if I were in her shoes, but apparently it doesn’t.

“Blah, blah, blah,” she says, making her hands talk, but they look like ducks quacking. Whatever. “I was talking to the men, not to you three,” she snarls, standing there like the three males behind her are her mates and we are encroaching on her territory.

I sense Zara wanting to take a step forward and the three of us do so in unison. “I haven’t had the pleasure to meet you. I’m Sabrea,” I say in a sugary-sweet voice that always has others looking at me like I am no threat, just trying to keep the peace.

“I didn’t ask who you were,” Marissa snaps. “Seriously, Thor. A mate who has no ear and can’t shift? She can’t help defend the pack. She’s defective.”

And that word causes a snap inside my head. A big one that I can’t control.

In a blur, I’m in front of Marissa, my hands at her throat holding her up so her feet dangle from the floor. My fingers bite into her skin. What I wouldn’t give for a set of claws. My wolf bangs her head hard on the glass encasement, just begging to get out. I’d love to let her. Marissa takes a swipe at me, her claws fully extended.

Knowing I can’t beat her if she turns into a wolf, I throw her like she weighs nothing across the room. She lands on one of the tables, food splattering everywhere, including on the bitch. The wolves sitting at the table jump up, brushing the food off of them and a tinge of regret washes over me. “Sorry about that,” I tell them to some grunts and waves.

“You bitch!” Marissa screeches, standing back up with her face beginning to contort into wolf.

“You rang?”

Marissa runs at me, but I move so much faster than her. My swiftness is beyond comprehension. Guess I’m giving my new pack a little show. Marissa goes flying into Thor and he grabs her, saving her from falling.

He’s touching her.

He’s fucking touching her.

She looks up and smiles at him then turns back to me and smirks snidely, acting unsteady on her feet so Thor has to hold her tighter.

I growl and charge at Marissa, yanking her out of Thor’s arms and giving him a look that could seriously kill him. With my burst of speed, I pick Marissa up and her claws begin swiping, narrowly missing me.

“Get this straight, bitch. I may not shift, but I will take your fucking ass down if you ever put your hands on him again.” I toss her back across the room, this time into the doorway that leads to the living room. She lands with a loud thud. “Bitch, don’t fuck with me, I promise you won’t like what happens.” Marissa stands and silently leaves the room.

I turn and glare at Thor then move over to the food line. I grab a white plate with a little too much anger and begin slopping food onto it. I really don’t know what I’m adding, but truth be told, I don’t give a shit. I’m hungry and I’ll eat just about anything. And being pissed at Thor doesn’t help. Strong arms wrap around my waist, and I turn my head in a flash, snapping my teeth at Thor. Screw him.

“Calm down,” he coos in my ear.

At this, I plop my half-full plate on the counter and turn to him. “Calm down?” I take a step closer, our chests touching. “You want me to fucking calm down when you had your damn hands on her?” I give a mighty shove and he steps one foot back, but remains where he is. I know I’m strong, but come on, he’s a male. “You expect me to live like that? Fuck no. Get that shit through your head right now, Thor. I don’t share. I’ll kill any bitch that touches you. Got me?” I poke his chest with my index finger for emphasis and hear chuckles all around me. I kind of forgot I had an audience. Shit.

“I got you,” Thor says with a fantastic smile on his lips. Shit, he’s hot. Asshole. “Same goes for you.”

“I’m not the one with a female in my arms,” I growl, my wolf getting more temperamental every second she can’t escape. Fucking hell. A headache is coming on. When my wolf gets like this there isn’t a lot I can do. I press my fingers into my eye sockets, trying to help with the pain.

“What’s wrong?” Thor’s concerned voice touches me, but pain slices through my head just as my wolf charges hard into her glass enclosure. I swear every time she hits her head, the headache gets more intense.

“Need to lie down.” I’ve already got enough problems; I don’t need anyone to know about this too. I need to get the hell out of here.

“Sabrea,” Xavier’s voice calls from behind me and it takes all of my might to turn to him. “What is wrong?” It’s not a request, it’s a demand. Shit.

“Headaches. After all this,” I wave my arm around, “my wolf is trying to get out. She slams on the glass over and over. It kills my head. It normally only lasts a few minutes, but the pain is bad.”

“Stella!” Thor calls. “Living room. Lie on the couch. Now,” he orders, but instead of letting me walk, he picks me up bridal style and sets me down on the plush couch.

My wolf crashes again and I try to hold back the whimper, but am unable to.
Calm, wolf. It’s okay. Calm.
I try to talk to her as Thor comes to sit behind my back and pulls me to him on the couch. My wolf sniffs and immediately begins to calm, acknowledging Thor. I swear sometimes she gets so riled up she has a hard time realizing what’s around her in the first place. Unfortunately, I can tell from Thor’s thoughts that he can feel my pain, and I hate that part of our connection. I never want him to feel pain from me.

Stella rushes in and places her hands right above my head. I close my eyes as an ease comes over me and blow out a huge puff of air. “Better,” I moan. “Thank you.”

“You get these a lot?” Thor asks, but from the expressions on Xavier, Max, Zara, and Kenly, they want the same answers.

“Just when my wolf really tries to break free. When she’s really trying to attack.”

“But you didn’t get a headache when you were attacked in the woods? Wouldn’t your wolf want to come out and protect you?” Max asks.

“She pushed to get out, but you have to realize that she hasn’t been out much therefore her fighting skills are not where they should be. Three males, she wouldn’t be able to fight off. One bitch of a female, no problem.” At least that is what I think happened.

Xavier shakes his head and runs a finger through his hair. “Fucking shit.” Zara wraps her arms around his waist, pulling him to her. His empty arm comes around her and he rests his chin on her forehead.

“We’ll work on it,” Zara says to the group and I have no idea how she plans on doing that. I mean hell, I can’t figure it out, Marvin couldn’t figure it out. I’m not sure what it is I need to be working on. “Let’s get you something to eat and we’ll go from there.” I nod while Thor helps me to my feet.



the way to begin a relationship. Even though Thor and I are mates, I still want to get to know him. I want to learn his likes and dislikes. I want to memorize each plane of his sculpted body. I want to take the time to kiss every inch of him and explore. But when the weight of an impending attack rests on your shoulders, there really isn’t much time for that. Let alone going out for a run all together, which I’m really desperate for.

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