Radiant Surrender (CSA Case Files Book 6) (11 page)

Read Radiant Surrender (CSA Case Files Book 6) Online

Authors: Kennedy Layne

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller

BOOK: Radiant Surrender (CSA Case Files Book 6)
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eing exposed to Jessie for too long was a mistake. She confounded Crest in a way that no other woman ever had and therein laid the problem. She wasn’t the young naïve girl that he’d hired years ago. She was now a naïve twenty-six year old woman who’d created a fantasy around a lifestyle that the public and media were now blindly romanticizing ever since that damned book series took over the world. Did it contain the correct elements or a somewhat overly simplified basic truth? Yes, in a manner of speaking. That was akin to trusting a butcher to doing your next surgery. He technically had all the right tools. To Crest, it was the frame of mind of the submissive that was most vital and damn if he didn’t find her strength to be the most appealing thing he’d ever seen or witnessed. This was why he’d stayed away and kept his distance. She was the flame to which his wings were drawn…the radiance that his darkness craved. The question remained…what would she do if he were to expose her true motivations? Discovery sometimes unearthed facts that should be left in their graves.

Crest pulled his holster a little tighter across his shoulders. He was delaying waking the sleeping beauty that was still curled up on the couch. The sun had risen around ten minutes ago and he should have had their collective asses already in the car and on their way. As it was, he’d had another cup of coffee and he wanted to postpone the inevitable conversation.


The one syllable word was whispered and Crest stalled in putting away the washed cup he’d used last night. She’d given her answer. He finally managed to close the cupboard and fold the dishtowel, giving himself an extra thirty seconds before turning around and finding those emerald green eyes watching him closely. Was Jessie really prepared for the monster she was about to unleash? Perhaps that was the better question. If he gave her a taste of what she as a submissive would experience with him as her dominant, that might actually have her changing her mind before his carefully cultivated cover was blown and reality irrevocably changed their relationship forever.

“Yes, what?” Crest studied her closely, watching for any sign that he was about to push her too far. Would that be a victory or a defeat? He leaned back against the small countertop and crossed his arms, giving her an appearance of leisure. As he did so, the start of that rush he so enjoyed at the beginning of a sub’s training gathered at imagining all the potential. “You’re not a complete novice, Jessica. I’m well aware that you
at Masters over the past couple of years and I even know with whom you played. You’re well versed in the psychology that goes behind this lifestyle as well as what is expected of you in your role. I will give you one more warning, because what you experienced with your previous partners was fairly far down the proverbial ladder than what is likely to happen with me. So I’ll put it to you once again. Do you want to continue down this path that you set us both on or are you deluding yourself by imagining us playing house with an occasional spanking to keep things edgy?”

Jessie slowly sat up, the long waves of her silky brunette hair falling over her shoulder. It made him want to wrap the soft strands around his hand and yank her head back until she gasped and her lips parted for his. He refrained, needing an answer before this went any further. Even then he wouldn’t give her what she wanted as she understood it. It was what she didn’t want that would heighten the experience. Her cheeks were slightly flushed from awakening and there was a delicate indention on her jawline where she’d had the blanket tucked against her. She was as bright as the morning light that came streaming in the window from the corner of the blanket that they’d hung, which was where he would instruct her to stand once she said the inevitable answer.

“Yes, Sir.”

Crest’s insatiable beast came to the forefront and it took every ounce of strength he had not to move from this kitchen. He closed his hands into tight fists to prevent himself from reaching for her. Jessie had finally succeeded in releasing his inner demons and there was no turning back. She’d even inserted a challenge in those two words that had him
her submission.

“Stand, remove all of your clothing, and position yourself where the sun meets the floor.”

Jessie didn’t hesitate, not that Crest thought she would. She was eager to experience what she thought he would give her as well as wanting to please him. She’d undoubtedly read up and even practiced what she’d learned about BDSM, but what he wanted went far beyond that. He watched as each piece of clothing that another man had given her was removed from her body. She was graceful in her movements and that wasn’t something that could be taught. A rush of hot blood surged through him.

As Jessie finally stepped out of the black lace panties that she’d been wearing, Crest took time to study her erotic form in all its glory. She was proud of her body and she damn well should be. Her posture was flawless, her pert breasts were a bountiful C cup, her waist couldn’t be more than twenty-three inches around, and although she was petite…she had delicately muscled legs that would wrap around a man’s hips and be able to hold on for the ride. Her pussy was clean-shaven and she had the most beautifully fresh, pink colored clit he’d ever seen on a woman. Her golden skin turned sun kissed as she stood exactly where he’d instructed her to. She was a sight to behold and the longer he took his fill, the more restless she became. And so it started…

“Turn around.”

Jessie took her time in following his command, slowly spinning on her heel until her voluptuous backside was facing him. She worked out and it showed in the toned muscles of her buttocks as well as her thighs. It was a good thing that she kept in shape, for it would be needed with what he had planned for her in future scenes. She would still need some measure of conditioning. He had her stand there for a good four minutes before her patience had been tested and she looked over her shoulder. He didn’t speak and it was at least another two minutes before she broke. He was actually impressed with her patience.

“Are you going to say something?”

“I wasn’t aware I had to. Maybe you are confused as to what your role is here.” Crest pushed forward, away from the sink and casually strolled to where she was standing. He walked around her and placed himself marginally to the side so that the lone ray of sun was still making contact with her skin. The fire had died down, although he was confident it wasn’t the cool air that had Jessie’s nipples stiff. He purposefully reached out his hand and stopped inches from where one of the peaks practically begged for his touch. Her eyes had followed his movement and she’d stopped breathing. When he dropped his hand back down to his side, she finally exhaled. “Your gaze will always be on me—not what I’m doing, unless I give instructions to the contrary. I’ve already told you that this isn’t a game to me. I won’t repeat myself. It’s simple. Your body is mine from this moment on and I will ensure that you receive what you need in every way and detail. At any time you wish to end this, you just say it. No coded words. Stop means stop. I can’t read your mind, although at times you think I might. I pay attention. I will take your word for it. Know that there is the very real possibility I may say I don’t want to proceed. In which case, it all stops. I’m a man of my word.”

Jessie’s eyes were glued to his, her arousal evident with each passing second. Her pupils were almost covering the beautiful color of her irises and the flush that now stained her cheeks had nothing to do with awakening. The artery in her neck pounded with the beat of her heart and he imagined she could feel it in her clit as well. Crest stepped back, taking pleasure in her beauty and knowing that he wouldn’t be able to do any scene justice with the time restraint they’d been given this morning. But he could undeniably get her into the mindset of being his and give her something to think about as he drove them back to the city.

“Spread your legs and place your wrists at the small of your back.” Crest wanted to see her cream glisten on her inner thighs before releasing her from this position. He wanted to know that she craved the feeling of release and the anticipation of when it would come from his implement, his hand, or his cock. “You’ll stay like that until I decide it’s time to leave.”

A small frown marred Jessie’s brow as she shifted her stance so that her feet were shoulder width apart. As she reached behind her to place her hands where he’d instructed, her breasts were pushed out the way he’d intended. He reached out and with two fingers tilted her chin upward with a directive to keep her gaze forward. When she was positioned exactly to his specifications he left her there while he finished putting away the other items he’d used. By the time he’d repacked his bag and had it zipped shut the only thing left to do was fold the blanket that was on the couch. He would leave the one afghan on the window and make certain that a message was sent to his old friend that his cabin had been used recently due to unforeseen circumstance.

Crest leaned back against the wooden door and crossed an ankle in what appeared to be a relaxing stance. His hardened cock was straining against the zipper of his denim, but he wouldn’t allow his discomfort to get in the way of her novice submissive training. This wasn’t one of the women he had vanilla sex with and she certainly meant more to him than the rare women who simply liked to partake in his predilection. He had no doubt that her body was prepared for what he wanted to do, but her mindset wasn’t anywhere near where it needed to be. She was waiting for him to touch her…take her. Witnessing her body’s responses and knowing she was anticipating more was starting to borderline on apprehension. It raised his arousal level and he was looking forward to when he had her in his own bed.

“The sunlight is shimmering off of your cream. As a matter of fact, a pearl of your liquid is slowly dripping down the inside of your right thigh.” Crest paused as he took pleasure in the rise of her chest as her breathing started to become shallow. “Your nipples…are they sensitive?”

“Yes, Sir.”

Crest lifted the corner of his mouth in a half smile at Jessie’s use of a title. He hadn’t decided what she should call him. She was the only one besides his mother and father who called him Gavin and he found he liked the sound of his name on her lips. He’d address that at another time. He wanted to heighten her desires, stir her emotions, and cause her stimulation to build over what came next.

“Take each one in between your index finger and thumb, but lightly hold them and look at me while you do it.” Crest waited until she’d done so to move toward her by one step. Witnessing her following his directives had his endorphins flowing. “Now slowly squeeze them until you can’t stand anymore pressure.”

Jessie swallowed and Crest watched the fluid way the muscles in her neck moved to allow the act. It made him want to order her to her knees and take him into her mouth, but he held back. This wasn’t the time or place. Her gaze seemed almost mesmerized by him as he walked closer, but it was only from the arousal she was caught up in.

“Did I say to stop?” Crest asked, stopping far enough away from her so that he could still view the gorgeous scene between her legs. He was keenly aware of when her fingers had stopped pressing together. “Pleasure and pain are connected, Jessica, whether we want them to be or not. I would never do anything to cause you harm, but I will use what is at my disposal to give your body what it craves. We’ve trained ourselves to think we can only handle so much, when our bodies are made to withstand and experience things well above our predetermined thresholds. You will continue to do what I instructed or I will use something in this cabin to rig up some clamps for you to wear the entire drive back to the city. Which is it to be? I’m sure there is some barbed wire somewhere close by.”

The smallest shiver of fear finally crossed over Jessie’s features and it was like an intake of intense pleasure that enveloped Crest’s soul. He adored the wonderment that appeared in her eyes as she enjoyed the pressure she continued to exert on her now pale white and red nipples. There was nothing like taking a woman to this place and showing her the true meaning of pleasure. It was clear she didn’t know how much more pressure her nubs could take without inducing too much pain. She was downright frightened that her threshold and his were miles apart. He got the utmost pleasure out of taking her past that in measurements of inches and then yards. It wasn’t until she was holding her breath and her eyes glazed that he spoke.

“Now hold yourself like that until I tell you otherwise.” Crest had to force himself to walk away from her. He grimaced when his jeans practically crushed his cock as he knelt to gather her clothes from the floor. Once he had them in hand he stood with relief and then took his time folding them individually with the utmost care and carrying the stack to her. He was pleased to see that she hadn’t taken her eyes off of him. “Release your nipples and get dressed. We should have already been halfway through our morning commute to the city by now.”

“What?” Jessie practically groaned the word as the blood rushed back into her now swollen peaks, but her meaning was perfectly clear. Her previous apprehension was now erased by irritation and sexual frustration. “Gavin, you can’t—”

“I can and I will as often as I like.” Crest held out her stack of clothing until she reached for them, ensuring that his stern expression never changed. He hadn’t missed that she’d closed her legs the moment she’d released her nipples. The extreme need that was sweeping through her was evident by the slight trembling in her hands. “You want something right now—a quick release, an orgasm that will sustain you until I have time to continue your training. This isn’t about the moment, Jessica. By the time I’m through with you all you’ll think about are my needs…not your own. All your body will want is my touch. It will be the only way you can find fulfillment. The only thing that will satiate you is what I alone can give you. I will take you past your fears, your self-imposed thresholds, and your limits beyond anything that you could ever comprehend at this point. That’s when you’ll be mine.”

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