Rage (8 page)

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Authors: Michelle Pace,Tammy Coons

Tags: #Romance, #Music

BOOK: Rage
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Saffron nodded. “Oh…the gargoyle winged guitar. Nice.”

Nathan cocked a disapproving eyebrow at Saffron, who

shrugged carelessly. “Anyway, Phillip and I went to that concert to see if we could find Cheyenne and Steph. But they’d already

left by the time we got backstage.”

“What the hell?” Cheyenne couldn’t contain her surprise.

She’d had no idea that they’d come looking for them, and if Scot knew, he hadn’t told her this story. “Why?”

Nathan’s seemed uncharacteristically serious. “The concert

was the evening after Phillip resurfaced. He came into the studio apologizing with all these brilliant songs talking about how he’d

‘just needed time to clear his head and refocus.’ He told us he

had to go find Stephanie and try to talk to her—the sooner the



better. Scot mentioned she was with you at the Toxicity concert.

And Phillip went ballistic.”

Cheyenne paused, feeling a bit sheepish. Finally she pro-

ceeded with her portion of the tale. “Steph’s dad called her at the last minute when Gerald couldn’t catch a flight in time to do the shoot. It really wasn’t a big deal.”

Nathan shook his head and looked grave. “It was to Phil-


Cheyenne huffed and sat back in her seat. “Okay, yes. Steph

knew Phillip despised Clive. But Phillip left. He walked away

from her for saying she didn’t want to get married and then

trashed their little love nest like an angry two year old.”

“What?” Saffron asked, wide eyes peeking out from under

her blunt bangs.

“Oh, quit being so melodramatic. He didn’t take a bulldozer

to it or burn it to the ground. He punched a couple of holes in the wall and turned over some furniture.” Nathan scoffed. “Hardly

surprising. This is Phillip Kersey we’re talking about.”

“And he
. She was really worried about him at first. But after a day or two of him not answering her calls, like everyone else on the planet, she assumed he was in Bangkok

sniffing coke off some hooker’s ass. Why shouldn’t she go ahead

and do her job?” Cheyenne emphasized her argument directly to

Saffron, who nodded as if she’d made perfect sense.

Nathan paused and looked pointedly into Cheyenne’s eyes.

“Cheyenne, you know I love Steph. But Clive bloody Richards?

You know, the very first thing Clive did when Phillip explained

that he was there looking for Steph was pull up a cell phone pic of him hanging
all over
Steph. It looked really bad, Cheyenne.

Phillip grabbed him by the throat, and that’s when the row with

security started. I was still pissed at Phil for skipping town at the time, so as long as someone’s ass got kicked, it was all right by me.”

Cheyenne furrowed her brow, “Don’t make me bitch slap



you again, Nathan! Get your fucking facts straight next time be-

fore you allow that pit bull off of his chain. Clive
all over Steph that night. But he’s not her type, and she’s not an idiot.

She knew he was doing it because of Phillip, and she told him to go to hell. He wouldn’t leave her alone. When he put his hand up her shirt, she punched him in the junk.”

Nathan’s eyes darted back and forth, and Cheyenne could

see he was truly surprised by this bit of information.

“Kinky,” Saffron laughed and reached out for Cheyenne’s

knee. Cheyenne tucked her legs underneath her. A loud snore

erupted from Bret.

“So…” Scot said from behind her, startling all three of

them. His dark eyes danced with intrigue. “…we’re retelling the

trials and tribulations of Steph and Phillip in preparation for their reunion, I take it?”

“Why, yes we are, my love.” Cheyenne smiled at her hus-

band and beckoned him to sit next to her.

“Well, then. Move over.” He heaved a weary sigh and

gracefully maneuvered his lanky body into the seat next to

Cheyenne. “The next debacle was the “Fire Woman” video.”

Cheyenne groaned and shook her head. “I thought Steph

was going to end up in prison after she saw that little stunt.”

Scot put a finger to her lips, interrupting her. “Let me tell

this particular part of the story.” He removed his finger and replaced it with his mouth, giving her a quick kiss.

“That’s hot.” Saffron remarked, and Nathan shushed her.

“I love it when Scot gets all catty. He’s a pro.” Nathan

sipped his drink. “Go on.”

“After the Toxicity concert, Phillip went a bit mental. One

could argue he went on a long overdue bender. When he sobered

up, he crashed at our place for a few weeks. Phillip Bret, and I virtually lived in the studio throwing down demo tracks. He was

writing a lot of…hostile, dark music. Then one day he comes in

and says we need to cover this old song by The Cult. So we rec-



orded ‘Fire Woman.’”

“Which turned out to be a major catastrophe.” Cheyenne


“Hey! We rocked that song. It’s the video that needs to go,”

Scot argued, pushing his long dark hair out of his face.

“But I love that video. I find it very provocative…sexy.”

Saffron frowned.

“Oh, it is. Too bad it’s the retelling of Phillip and Stepha-

nie’s relationship.” Cheyenne crossed her arms, remembering

Steph’s tirade when she first showed her the video. When Scot

brought the video home and she saw it, Cheyenne flew straight

to Milan to forewarn Steph before Phillip’s “vision” debuted.

Stephanie’s first reaction was to make a snarky comment about

Fury (“Oh, they’re doing covers now? How very retro.”), but

once the images of Phillip re-enacting their private moments

with a pale, red headed model (breaking her camera, the airplane bathroom, the rainstorm kiss), she became completely enraged.

She had a total meltdown and nearly took some pretty impressive

revenge. Cheyenne put a stop to the evil plot and saved Steph

from a move she would have really regretted. She dragged her

out to a nearby café to try to help her gain some perspective.

Three bottles of wine later, Steph broke down and, through una-

bashed tears, confessed to Cheyenne about the loss of her baby.

The way that Steph could barely choke the words out hurt Chey-

enne’s heart. Steph was typically cold as ice, so witnessing her fragility was downright terrifying. Thinking about it even now

pissed Cheyenne off all over again, and she wanted to go scream

in Phillip’s face; however, Stephanie had sworn her to secrecy.

Loyalty had become vitally important to Cheyenne, and she

hadn’t even told Scot. Stephanie was of the opinion that telling Phillip about the baby now would serve no useful purpose.

“Which brings us to the UK Music Video Awards.” Na-

than’s devilish eyes appeared even greener as he laughed mali-

ciously. Scot and Cheyenne exchanged a thoughtful glance, and



Scot shook his head at Cheyenne in warning. Cheyenne simply

looked away. Things were about to take an ugly turn, she was

certain of it.

“What on earth happened there?” Saffron looked from one

person to the next.

“You were there, Nathan. Tell it.” Scot waved an exasperat-

ed hand in the air.

Nathan topped off his drink and sat forward. “Phillip, David

and I were doing shots at the bar when some twat in a suit ap-

proached us. He introduced himself as Steph’s agent and got in

Phillip’s face. I’m not sure what all was said, but he was defi-

nitely spouting off about the Fire Woman video.”

At that moment, Phillip approached them and grabbed a

beer from the mini fridge.

“What’s up?” he asked, pulling out his ear buds. The as-

sembled group exchanged a collective smirk.

“Hey, mate. What was the wanker’s name that shoved you

at the U.K. Awards?” Nathan had clearly chosen to brazen

through the fact that they’d all been talking about him. Phillip leveled an acknowledging gaze at Nathan and glanced awkwardly at Cheyenne. When he visibly puffed up, she shook her head.

“Christopher…something or another.” He shrugged and

tried to look unconcerned.

“Hoult.” Cheyenne informed them all. Scott removed his

arm from around her, and she knew he was pissed at her, but she

didn’t care. “Christopher Hoult.”

“Yes! Phillip told him to piss off and started to walk away,

but the bloke grabbed his shoulder and hit him. Before I knew

what was what, this Christopher dude was on the floor, and Dave

was yanking Phillip off of him.” Nathan held his fist out at Phillip who halfheartedly bumped it.

“Don’t start nothin’, won’t be nothin’.” Scot agreed with a

cocky shrug that was out of character for him. Phillip nodded at Scot in thanks for his obvious support.



Cheyenne glowered at them both like they were simpletons

and turned to Saffron ready to deliver the coup de grace. “Christopher ended up in the hospital with a broken nose and a frac-

tured rib. Stephanie felt awful that her agent had the crap kicked out of him for trying to stand up for her…defend her honor. So

she went to the hospital to thank him for what she considered

going way above and beyond his job description. Steph was pret-

ty surprised when Christopher told her he needed to resign as her agent because he was having trouble remaining professionally

detached when it came to her. She was shocked, but she refused

his resignation. Then a month later he finally asked her out.”

“No way! Did she say yes? Are they dating now?” Saffron

graced Cheyenne with an impish grin. Cheyenne turned her dark

eyes on Phillip who froze with his beer halfway to his lips, gaping at her words. Steph was no angel, but dammit, he’d messed

with her best friend and needed to be taken down a notch or two.

Phillip seemed glued to the spot, and his blue eyes seemed both

surprised and troubled.


Out of the corner of her eye Cheyenne watched him tilt his

head to one side and stare at her, waiting for her response. She smiled cheerfully at Saffron.

“At first she said no, but by the holidays he wore her down.

They’ve been seeing each other ever since.”



Steph pushed back her seat and reclined tiredly. She accept-

ed a beer from the flight attendant with a grateful smile. They

were on the last leg of what had been the never-ending trip to

hell. Sure, hell happened to look a lot like the Garden of Eden, but as Cedric had often reminded her, the devil’s favorite trick was convincing folks he didn’t exist.

Fernando de Noronha. In college she’d drooled over the

photographs in
Condé Nast Traveler
. She’d been dying to go to the exclusive island off the coast of Brazil and photograph it for herself, and now she’d be there in less than an hour. Unbelievable. If she’d stayed for a month and never slept, she would never get all the shots she wanted. But she wasn’t going for herself, or for
National Geographic
. She was going as a favor to D.J. Dave, Fury’s fabulous drummer and all-around nice guy. Her photos of

the astounding beaches, turquoise waters, and dramatic rock

formations would have to be squeezed in between Yara’s in-

creasingly Bridezilla-esque demands.

Even so, who doesn’t love an all-expense-paid trip to para-

dise? Someone who feels like she’s marching toward the guillo-

tine, that’s who. Stephanie was about to face a group of old

friends whom she adored, but who had witnessed her make a

series of unfixable mistakes. She would have to watch Cheyenne

frolic happily with Scot and little Liam and beat back the grow-

ing jealousy of the happy family, an envy that pulsed through her 52


veins like poisonous venom. And for Steph, a wedding didn’t

symbolize new beginnings, but served as a tragic reminder of her own self mutilating cowardice.

And then there was Phillip.

Steph rubbed her temple and wondered if she’d need to take

migraine medicine for the first time in over a year. Phillip would be on the island. The archipelago was roughly ten square miles,

and she was convinced that it just wouldn’t be big enough for the both of them. He was in the wedding, of course, so she would

soon be photographing him. She’d see him in person for the first time since the hospital and most assuredly would have no choice

but to interact with him.

Even though she knew it wasn’t cool, Steph popped a

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