Raine on Me (23 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Raine on Me
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“I told you I’d call you on your cell,” the one injured in the shoulder muttered.

“They were waiting for us, like a trap.”

Kevin’s face turned bright red with rage and he took a threatening step in Brit’s direction. “You bitch! You killed my son. I want to see you suffer and bleed to death in agony the way he did.”

“You’re under arrest,” J.P. kept his gun trained on Kevin. “Slowly turn around and put your hands behind your back.”

“It’s not fair,” Kevin raged. “You’re nothing but a two-bit whore. You’re trash my son threw his life away over. You―”

River closed the distance in three long strides and his fist slammed hard into Kevin’s mouth, sending the older man flying back. J.P. moved too, shouldering River aside, and grabbing hold of a swaying Kevin Marthum.

“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have―”

“I’m going to see you dead,” Kevin swore harshly while he glared at Brit. “I’ll beat the charges they file against me and next time you won’t get lucky.”

12Drake laughed. “You’re not going to beat the charges against you and you’re making death threats. With your money, you’re a flight risk, so they are going to toss your ass into a hole.” His expression hardened. “You think we’re not smart enough to know you’ll attempt to hire someone from prison to kill her? You’ll never get the chance. I’m going to make damn sure you’re not even allowed access to a priest. The only person you’ll get to talk to is yourself. That happens once you go nuts from living in solitary confinement.”

“It’s never going to be over,” Kevin swore.

“It is,” Drake stated calmly. He turned his head and met River’s furious gaze. “Take her out of here so she doesn’t have to hear his meaningless threats. He won’t be able to take a breath without someone watching him. He’s done for and doesn’t even know it.”

“What if he does find someone to try to hire to kill Brit?” River took a step forward.

“He’ll never stop until he kills her.”

“Trust me, bro.” Drake winked. “I’m the king of collecting favors. I still have a lot I can call in. I know the wardens personally in every prison in the state. He’ll be talking to four-legged and eight-legged creatures but not to anything on two.”

River hesitated and then nodded. “Fine.” He spun around and held out his hand to Brit. “Come on, sexy. You and I have some talking to do.”

She didn’t hesitate. His warm fingers laced through hers and she allowed him to lead her out into the cool evening air. One of the ranch trucks sat parked next to a large Harley.

River jerked open the passenger door and frowned at her. “Get in.”

“My car―”

“Get in. I’ll have my brothers get your stuff later. Right now we’ve got more important things to deal with.”

She didn’t miss the simmering anger in his dark gaze as she studied him. “I left to protect you. You wouldn’t listen to me but I’ve spent years on the run, getting lost. That family never stops and I didn’t want him coming after you too. It wasn’t as though I planned to ever allow him to find me. You just wouldn’t listen to reason and I didn’t want you in danger.”

River’s expression was still angry. “We’ll talk when we get home. I’m more than a little agitated. The drive home should cool me off and calm me.”

She hesitated and then climbed into the truck. River slammed the door, walked around, got in, and then started the engine. She was going home with River. She realized how much she really wanted to do just that.

Chapter Fourteen


Brit opened the bathroom door to find River standing there gripping the doorframe, blocking her way. She swallowed hard, staring up into his angry eyes. He hadn’t cooled down much on the drive to the ranch. He also hadn’t spoken to her except to demand she use the bathroom the second they’d walked upstairs.

“My room now,” he demanded, backing up as he released the wood.


Her chin lifted and she headed where he wanted her to go. She didn’t feel fear. She refused to believe that River would hit her or do any of the things her ex-husband had been capable of. She glanced behind her when his door slammed shut.

“You left me.” He paused. “Again.” He frowned at her, crossing his arms over his broad chest. “It is starting to become a pattern with you.”

“I just wanted you safe.”

A dark eyebrow lifted. “Same here. Do you have any idea what kind of thoughts tortured me while I worried about you out there alone without me there to make sure nobody hurt you?”

“That wasn’t my intention.”

“I don’t give a damn.” His arms dropped to his sides. “Take your clothes off.”

She faced him and frowned. “You want to have sex now? You’re angry.”

“I’m furious actually. Do you need help?” He took a step forward and paused.

“You can remove them or I’ll tear them off.”

She took a step back. “River?”

He didn’t move. “I’m not going to hurt you. Do you think I would ever do that?”


“Good. It’s the truth. I’m really pissed, I admit that, but what I want most is you under me. I want to touch you and assure myself that you’re really okay. I need…” He blew out a deep breath. “Damn it, Brit. You drive me nuts. I went a little crazy when I walked in here and realized you hadn’t touched my bag to pack my clothes. It hit me hard in that second that you had no intention of allowing me to be with you. I ran downstairs but you were gone. You don’t know what it did to me.”

“I just―”

“I know,” he cut her off. “You wanted me away from you. You’re used to being on your own, looking out for yourself, and you didn’t trust me enough to protect you.”

“That wasn’t it. You just didn’t seem to want to hear how bad Kevin could be. He’s going to try to hire someone else to come after me. I just wanted to make sure when it 12happens that you’re not on the receiving end of that too. I couldn’t live with it if something happened to you.”

The anger melted away from his tense features and his hands unclenched. A strong emotion flashed in his gaze. “You love me, don’t you?”

Brit’s heart accelerated. She could tell the truth had dawned on him, that he knew how she felt, and lying about it would be useless. “Kevin thinks I killed Kyle. You’re safe as long as I’m far away from you. If he ever finds out we’re together he’ll assume you had a part in his son’s death.”

“I don’t give a shit what that man thinks.”

“You’re still not listening when I try to tell you how dangerous he is. I’ve been dealing with those assholes for years, River. They just keep coming. They have money and know important people, and they win.” Tears flooded her eyes and she tried to blink them back. “I doomed myself the second I woke up married to Kyle. It was so stupid that I never even saw―”

River closed the distance between them in a few quick, long strides. One hand slid around her waist, tugging her against his longer frame, while his other hand slid into her hair to cup the side of her face. He tipped her head back, lowering his chin, and stared deeply into her eyes.

“You don’t ever have to worry about Marthum again. If Drake says it, he means it.”

“He’s a lawyer. He should know better than anyone that the legal system doesn’t always work and people with money can manipulate it.”

“My brother isn’t just a lawyer. I can’t say much more than that but he’s got all those connections of his for a reason and while we’re not rich, loyalty is priceless. We’re rich beyond words when it comes to having good friends. Kevin won’t get the chance to send anyone after either of us. Stop worrying about me and start thinking about us.”

It hurt to even hope she could stay and be a part of River’s life for however long he wanted her. She’d come to the conclusion that happiness or being in a relationship wouldn’t be something she could hold on to. Years of struggling to stay out of Kyle’s clutches had left her battle weary and terrified.

“What do you expect from me? What do you want?”

His arm tightened around her waist. “I want you to stay with me. I want you to swear you won’t ever run away from me again.”

“For how long?”

His eyes closed and then he opened them. “Sixty years at least.”

Her breath froze in her lungs, stunned. Her mind struggled to work. His answer was something she’d never expected to hear. “You don’t do long-term relationships.

That’s…um…a really long time.”

“I didn’t do long-term. I also had never met a woman who could turn me inside out, fuck me and run away, and take my damn heart with her when she left. I’ve never held a woman in my arms and wanted to do it every night of my life for the rest of it 12but then this sexy little spitfire of a physical therapist walked into my bedroom.” He smiled. “And now I just want her to take off her damn clothes, chain her to my bed, and make love to her until she’s willing to admit she loves me as much as I love her. I’m willing to keep her there until I’m sure she’s convinced that being under me is the one and only place in the world she belongs.”


“And until she realizes I belong to her as much as she does to me. We’re great together, we make each other happy, and I’m not letting you go when I know damn well we’re a perfect fit.”


“You love me and I love you. I know you aren’t going to be happy in my motor home. Nav has been pestering me for years to get my ass home and help out with the ranch. I want us to have our own place. I’m not asking you to live on the road with me and I’ll make enough money to support us if I stay on here. I actually managed to save some money that Drake bitched at me to send to him when I was doing real good on the circuit. He opened a savings account for me, it’s not a hell of a lot but it’s enough for us to buy a mobile home. We’ve got a lot of beautiful land right here on the ranch to put it on. If you don’t like that we could build a ranch house similar to this one. It would take longer, we’d have to live here until it’s built, but―”

Brit rose on tiptoe, pulled him down to line them up better, and kissed him. He groaned against her lips and tried to deepen the kiss but she pulled back, staring up at him. “Stop interrupting me. You have an annoying way of doing that. It’s my turn to talk.”

He smiled but didn’t say a word.

“I love you too but I’m also scared that my past is going to bite us in the ass again.”

His mouth opened.

Brit shook her head at him, silently asking him not to talk. “But some things are definitely worth taking risks. Sometimes you have to say ‘what the hell’. That’s what I said to myself when I went to bed with you the first time and you’ve been talking me into doing insane things ever since. You’re just too cute to resist.”

River chuckled, his grin widening.

“I want to stay and be with you. I also admit I have a habit of running away when I get scared or things get too intense.” She turned her head, glanced at the bed, and then grinned up at River. “It’s a good thing I fell for a guy who has a thing for handcuffs.”

She stopped talking and then pushed against him, wiggling out of his hold. He released her. She reached for her shirt, pulled it over her head, and tossed it to the floor.

River watched her undress, a sexy grin curving his lips, until she climbed onto his bed and stretched out flat on her back. Her hand lifted, one finger wiggling at him.

“Come here.”

12He tore at his shirt, tossing it haphazardly to the floor. Brit laughed when he nearly fell over when he bent to tear off his boots and remove his pants. His hand grabbed at the bedpost to steady himself, shaking the bed, and one of the chains fell from the canopy.

“The bed comes with us when we move out of here, right?”

River laughed. “You know it.” Naked, he got on the mattress with her, moving until he crouched on his hands and knees, hovering over her to cage her body under his. “I plan to keep you here often.” He lowered his body, fitting it over hers.

Brit brushed her fingernails lightly across his chest, loving the feel of firm, warm skin. “I can’t wait.”

His mouth descended, stealing her breath as she exhaled, when his firm lips opened hers. She moaned when he kissed her, his tongue dominating hers. He shifted his hips and she parted her thighs, making room for him. His hot, hard erection pressed firmly against her feminine folds. Her hips arched, welcoming him to enter her but he broke the kiss instead.

“Not so fast.” His deep voice gave her chills in the best way. “I promised to chain you to my bed.”

She released him when he rolled away from her. She watched as he lowered the chains on the three remaining corners of the bed and held perfectly still while he shackled each wrist and ankle until he had her spread-eagle on his bed. She didn’t miss the satisfied grin on his face when he grabbed the motor remote, tightening the tension until they had no give. She tested them, trying to move, and found she couldn’t.

“You’re not going anywhere now, Fuck And Run.”

Brit’s eyes narrowed and she gave him a dirty look. “Are you really going to keep calling me that?”

He laughed. “Maybe. I love that little line you get between your eyes when I say it.

It’s damn cute.” He bent, reaching under the bed. Material slid on the floor and the zipper of his toy bag sounded loud in the room. “It beats calling you my old lady,” he teased.

“You’re right.” She relaxed and fought to hold back a smile. The man loved to get reactions out of her.

“You need to make a very important decision.” He straightened, holding a bullet vibrator between his fingers, showing it to her. His other hand lifted and he held up a feather. “Which one of these am I going to use on you?”

Brit laughed, staring at the blue feather. “What are you going to do with that?”

“This,” he waved the feather slightly, “is for if you say no to my question. If that’s your answer I’m going to tickle you with this until you say yes.”

Her gaze locked with his. “And the vibrator?”

“It’s for
you say yes. I’m going to use it on you until you scream my name after I get you to come so hard you see stars.”

13“What’s the question?”

River took a deep breath, his features tensing, and then he sat down on the edge of the bed, twisting his torso to face her. “I’m not good at this shit but I figure you can’t run away from me.” He flashed a grin when he glanced down her body. “I’m just waiting for something before I ask.”

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