Raines, Elizabeth - Wanted [Wicked Missions 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (14 page)

BOOK: Raines, Elizabeth - Wanted [Wicked Missions 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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She reached up with her lightly bound hands to touch the veil covering her face again to be sure it was in place. Izzie had tied her wrists with a knot that Callie could easily loosen as part of the ruse to convince Carlos she was being presented by Izzie and Alayna as their prisoner. The veil acted as a disguise. Sure, she had distinctive Belusian gray eyes, but a man like Mikel would be too inattentive to notice something like that. At least she sure hoped so, but better to be prepared. She couldn’t let her guys or Izzie and Alayna face danger and not even warn them. “Um…we might have a problem.”

“Problem?” Spencer’s voice buzzed in her ear through her tiny communicator. “What kind of problem? I don’t see Carlos yet.”

Since her mouth was hidden by the veil, Callie felt as if she could talk softly and no one would think she was having conversations with imaginary people. “My…um…my…” Shit, she didn’t want to tell her guys about Mikel this way. They’d surely be jealous and angry that she hadn’t let them know she’d been “attached” when they’d spirited her away from Bromond.

“What is it, Callie?” Hammond asked. “What’s wrong?”

“My boyfriend’s standing a few meters away from my position.”

“Boyfriend?” two enraged male voices shouted so loudly, Callie flinched, resisting the urge to rub her abused ear.

“Relax, guys,” she replied, keeping her voice calm and hoping to soothe their tempers. “I love you. I just…forgot about Mikel.”

Izzie’s snorted laugh sounded behind her. How awkward to have this conversation with the redhead and Alayna listening in.

“Forgot?” Spencer said with a growl. “How in the fuck do you
a boyfriend?” His temper was clearly in full flight.

“I’m sorry, honey. I really am. Once I met you and Hammond, I totally forgot about Mikel.”

“Damn right you did.” It was Hammond’s turn to scold her. “And you can tie that loose end up as soon as we grab Carlos.”

All she could do was let them know what was in her heart and hope they’d quickly forgive and forget. “I love you both. We can talk about this later. Okay?”

“Don’t let him see you,” Alayna warned. Callie hoped the comment would bring them all back to the task at hand. “He can’t let anyone know you’re here until we’re ready to approach Carlos,” she added.

Easier said than done
. Callie was trying hard to search out Carlos in the crowd, but since Mikel moved one merchant stand closer, she’d have had to turn away from him so he wouldn’t notice her. She resisted because if she did, she might have missed the fat man arriving in the souk. “I’ll try not to.”

Just as she finally turned to her left, she suddenly saw their target, but he hadn’t just arrived to meet them as planned when Izzie had let him know she’d “captured” Callie. The man was dressed as a merchant and was standing behind a kiosk that held an array of pastries. Quite a disguise, and it might have worked better if it wasn’t for his nose. He’d obviously had it surgically repaired, but both his eyes were still ringed in black and yellow bruises, and a white bandage stretched over the bridge of his new nose. Callie couldn’t even dredge up guilt for having shot his first nose off. “Shit. He’s here.”

“Where?” Hammond asked.

“Look at the stand with the sign that says ‘sweets’ in Bromondi. He’s standing behind it, wearing the brown robe and the green turban.” The man was actually conducting a transaction, wrapping up a treat and taking some coins in payment. When Carlos went for a disguise, he truly took it all the way toward authenticity.

“Fuck!” Spencer said. “How could we have missed him?”

“We were looking for him to arrive,” Izzie commented. “We assumed he’d show up at the time we gave him, not that he’d be disguised and already here.”

“Waiting like a spider in a web,” Spencer added.

“So are we all ready?” Alayna asked. “We might as well take back some control and make the first move by taking Callie to him. Hammond? Spencer? You know your job.”

“We’ll take out his bodyguards,” Hammond replied. “I promise.”

Since they were both positioned on rooftops so they could keep watch over the marketplace and perhaps put their sniper skills to good use, Callie was comforted. Hammond and Spencer would protect her. She was ready to play hostage, so she took a few steps closer to Izzie and Alayna so they could “turn her in” to Carlos. On her second step, a strong hand settled on her shoulder.

“Callinda? Is that you?”

She whirled around and came face-to-face with Mikel. His brown eyes caught hers. For a long second, they simply stared at each other. He hadn’t changed one bit. Still a little too thin. Still smelling of tobacco. Still giving her an irritated look like he desperately wanted to throttle her. Why was it all the men she’d ever known before Spencer and Hammond always had that expression around her?

Callie’s common sense kicked back in. “You’ve got to leave, Mikel. Now. I’ll come find you later so we can talk.”

“Leave?” he shouted. “Are you fucking kidding me? Where in the hell have you been? I’ve been worried sick!”

Alayna stepped up to Mikel. She was taller and seemed to use her height to her advantage, going toe-to-toe with him. Even though her features were concealed by blue lace, her unwavering stare could have melted a glacier. “You heard Callie. Get out of here. She’ll come find you later.”

“Who in the fuck are you?” he demanded, putting his hands on his hips and glaring right back at her.

People in the souk were beginning to stare. Callie shot a quick glance to the pastry stand where Carlos had been hiding in plain sight. He’d vanished. “Fuck. Carlos is—”

“I know,” Spencer buzzed in her ear. “He slipped out when the boyfriend showed up. Hammond and I are on it. We’ll find him, baby.”

Izzie had pulled her veil aside and come to flank Callie. She wasn’t as kind to Mikel as Callie and Alayna. “Get your ass outta here.
. You’re going to get someone hurt.”

Mikel tilted his head like a curious child. “Hurt? What are you talking about, lady?” When he didn’t get an answer, he turned back to Callie and grabbed her upper arm. “C’mon. We need to find someplace private to talk. Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been?” More people stared as his voice grew louder and louder.

“I’m sorry I worried you, Mikel.” Callie didn’t know what else to say to get him to leave. “It couldn’t be helped.”

He gave her a contemptuous snort. “Sure it couldn’t. Last time I saw you, you were heading out to grab up some meds for your kids. Next thing I know, you’re gone over a week. Vanished. And no one’s seen hide nor hair of you. Now you want me to just walk away?” His question was a near screech.

Izzie’s pistol was suddenly in her hand, and it was pointed at Mikel. “We’re done playing nice with you, asshole.” She glanced over at Alayna. “Why don’t you take him outta here and keep him occupied? I’ll take Callie and complete the mission. Hear that, guys?”

Mikel had an incredulous frown on his face. “Guys? What guys? Who are you talking to? God, you people are all insane!”

A quick green blast came from Izzie’s pistol, hitting Mikel in the chest. He let out a hissing breath as his legs collapsed. Callie didn’t worry, instinctively knowing Izzie had set the weapon to stun. Alayna caught him before he hit the ground, grunting as she tossed him over her shoulder and left the souk so quickly, it took Callie a moment to realize that neither of her lovers had responded to Izzie’s question. About to ask if they were okay, she froze when a familiar voice sounded behind her just as something firm was pressed between her shoulder blades. “Now I won’t even have to pay a reward for you.”

“Carlos,” she whispered, afraid to turn around and face him. A frightened shiver raced the length of her body.

Izzie whirled to point her weapon, but Carlos remained well concealed behind Callie—especially when his beefy arm wrapped around her chest and he pulled her hard against his bloated body. His heavy body odor made her fight back a gag.

“Hey! Carlos!” Izzie said, her expression calm. “So glad to find you.” She nodded at Callie and smiled, although Callie could tell the smile was forced. “Told you I’d bring her to you.”

“You didn’t
her,” Carlos sneered. “I got her
. So piss off, lady. You’re not gettin’ a single uni outta me.”

Izzie kept her pistol at ready. “Piss off? Are you fucking kidding me? After all the trouble I went to so I could get her here? Shit, Carlos! Who do you think you’re talking to?”

He chuckled and squeezed Callie a little tighter as he started to back away. “I’m talking to a woman who’s walking away empty-handed while I take this little bitch here and leave. You try to stop me, and you’re done in this business.”

“Why, Carlos,” Izzie replied with a genuine smile. “You’re gonna welsh on this deal? Why am I not surpri—”

Izzie’s word froze as a green light burst just to Callie’s left. A Dracorian fell to the ground. The pulse pistol he’d been holding bounced against the pavement to rest next to Izzie. She kicked it well out of the Dracorian’s reach.

“One down,” Spencer said.

A second green light burst behind Izzie, and a humanoid male yelped as he dropped a laser pistol. Blood pouring from his hand, he left the weapon and started running away. A second shot felled him, and he crumpled behind Izzie.

“No more bodyguards,” Hammond declared.

Most of the people in the souk were now gaping at them, but all Callie could think about was getting away from Carlos.

“I can take him,” Hammond buzzed in Callie’s ear. “Just give me the signal, Izzie. I can drop him in one shot.”

She gave her head an almost imperceptible shake. Not a surprise, because the I.D.E.A. agents had all agreed they wanted to try and take Carlos alive. Callie held her breath, waiting for the perfect moment to carry out what she, Alayna, and Izzie had planned.

“I’ve got news for you, Carlos,” Izzie said with a sly smile. “
not the one who’s done in this business.

“You’re demented,” Carlos said, seemingly unaffected by the loss of his henchmen. He took another step back and dragged Callie with him.

Callie seized the opportunity. “Now!” she shouted as she slammed her head back against Carlos’s face, dropped to her knees, and scrambled away from him. Unfortunately, the bulk of her robes and the difficulty she had getting her hands free made it tricky to put too much distance between her and the man who obviously wanted her to die.

One shot erupted from Izzie’s pistol, hitting Carlos in the chest right as he lunged for Callie. For a moment, the anger in his eyes and the fact he still advanced as she awkwardly retreated made her fear that he was immune to a stun setting. Then he suddenly stopped as his eyes rolled back in his head. He pitched forward and landed rather unceremoniously on his face, planting it against the brick street. An audible crunch made Callie wince. That nose was surely broken again. He’d probably be cursing her the rest of his life, which would thankfully be spent on some penal moon.

“You okay, Callie?” Spencer asked through her earpiece. He sounded a bit breathless, so she assumed he and Hammond were probably coming down from their snipers’ nests.

“I’m fine.” She stood up, trying to get her robes straight and put her face veil back in place since it had fallen away in her escape. Men were staring and scowling, probably more from her and Izzie’s audacity to show their faces in public rather than the shots fired or the three people lying in a heap at their feet. “We need to get out of here before the local police arrive.”

Hammond and Spencer drew her attention as they jogged toward the little spectacle. Hammond got to her first, wrapped his arms around her, and lifted her off her feet. He squeezed her so tightly, she could hardly draw a breath. But she didn’t mind, hugging him back just as hard.

Spencer took Callie the moment Hammond released her, giving her a bear hug.

“I thought we had to hurry,” Callie said when Spencer put her back on her feet. “Shouldn’t we get Carlos out of here now?”

Izzie nodded at the men. “Since you guys are ready to out yourselves, you can take it from here with the local yokels. I’m gonna take Callie, find Alayna, and keep our cover. We’ll catch up with you later.”

She hurried Callie away before she could ask her what Izzie meant.

* * * *

Hammond watched Callie talking quietly with Mikel, trying to hold off the irrational jealousy he felt to see them together. They stood on the tarmac just outside the
, sharing a private moment.

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