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Rajiv Menon -- ThunderGod (37 page)

BOOK: Rajiv Menon -- ThunderGod
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'You are in Aranyapura, in the presence of Savitra, king of the Aditya tribe. That is Aryaman, our military commander. I am Brihaspati.'

Indra and Soma could scarcely believe what they had heard. They were among Mitra's people!

Brihaspati continued. 'We were expecting you. Mitra came to me in a vision telling me of your arrival. It could not have come at a more opportune time. Come, let us dine. We have urgent matters to discuss.'

He indicated to Aryaman to follow. The four of them acknowledged Savitra and left. The befuddled king went back to his meat and wine.

After a hearty meal in Brihaspati's austere quarters, they walked out into a leafy bower to assess their current situation.

Aryaman informed them that the very existence of his tribe was under threat. The Asuras had defeated the river pirates who controlled the mouth of the delta. In a fortnight, the monsoon would hit this region and transform the muddy bog into navigable rivulets and streams. His spies had informed him that Hiranya was already ready with his army at the newly-captured docks to move into Aranya along with the rains. Although the river pirates did not know the exact location of their arboreal city, they could bring the Asura army uncomfortably close. Aryaman then excused himself and left to check on some of his men.

Brihaspati, Indra and Soma then talked long into the night. Indra learnt of the misfortune that had befallen Mitra's tribe since his departure. His brother Savitra was no warrior and had been ill advised in matters of state. They were defeated by the Asuras and had to abandon their cattle and horses and flee. They had bribed the river pirates who helped them get away and seek refuge in these swamps.

Brihaspati apologised for the lukewarm reception the king had given Indra. Savitra still resented the fact that his brother had abandoned his people in their hour of need, so he had not warmed up to Mitra's pupils.

Indra agreed to join forces with the Adityas against their common enemy. He and his men then left for their camp to prepare for what was to come.


True to Brihaspati's word, within the first week of the rains, the Asura vanguard arrived on the northern banks of Aranya. Three thousand warriors led by Hiranya started to scour the forest in search of Indra. That was not the only news that Aryaman came to deliver. He brought with him the head of Timon. Hiranya had sent it to Savitra, warning him that this was the fate that awaited all who helped Indra.

Indra was furious at the death of Timon. The spy had been a valuable asset in his campaign against the Asuras. With his death, Indra's chances of getting new horses were remote. Also, a helpless Aryaman had been unable to convince his father to join in the battle. The Devas were on their own. Even if they managed to defeat the vanguard and Hiranya, they would still have to contend with the main force of seven thousand warriors that were on their way, commanded by Sargon's son, Naraka.

Hiranya had spread his forces out in a wide line and was prepared to search every tree and bush in Aranya.

Indra realised their best chance would be to break into smaller units to avoid detection. He divided his forces into four units of about two hundred men each. Their orders were to split up and keep a close watch on the enemy. Two units would then engage the Asuras and provide the necessary distraction. At the opportune moment, the other two would try and break through the enemy line unseen. They would then head north and rendezvous at the docks. With a bit of luck they might be able to hijack a couple of the river pirates' boats and head west. They could find a safe spot to hide in the many rivulets of the delta before the main force under Naraka arrived.

It was a plan where a lot of things could go wrong, but it was the best they had. Indra wished his men luck and sent them on their way. Valli went with Nala and his troops. Indra was glad; he did not want her close to him when the fighting began. Her presence would only serve as a distraction.

Indra and Soma decided to attack the middle of the enemy line where it would be the thickest. They hoped it would give Atreya and Nala a chance to slip through the flanks unnoticed and capture the docks.

The Devas had one big advantage--their numerous hunting expeditions through these lands had given them a good knowledge of the terrain. Now, Soma and a small band of men met the Asura frontline in a small clearing in the forest. They made it appear as if they had chanced upon them by accident and fled from there. The enemy took the bait and came after them. The Asuras, with their heavy armour and bulk, found the going extremely tough. Soma and his men used their arrows and slingshots to harrow them further. They led them into a thick grove of trees where Indra and his men waited, perched high in the trees, their bows at the ready. The thick vegetation slowed the Asuras even further and they were easy targets. The Deva archers moved like shadows through the trees and extracted a heavy toll on the enemy.

On the eastern flank, Atreya successfully led the enemy into the bog. Soon the Asuras found themselves floundering in an enormous pit of quicksand. Their great bulk and armour made them sink very quickly into the treacherous mud.

On the other flank, Valli used her skills as a huntress to lay out a series of traps in the jungle. The unsuspecting enemy walked right into them. There was pandemonium in the Asura lines as spikes flew out of the trees and impaled them, or the jungle floor gave way under their feet and they fell to their deaths onto a bed of sharp wooden stakes.

In the commotion that ensued, the Devas under Nala managed to slip past the enemy lines unseen. But soon their luck ran out and they ran full tilt into an enemy patrol. Fierce fighting broke out. At close quarters, the Asura army was a fearsome war machine and took a heavy toll on Nala's men but both Valli and Nala, along with a small band of warriors, managed to fight their way out of trouble.

Valli used her knowledge of the jungle and led their pursuers deeper and deeper into the green maze. After losing them in the dense vegetation, they made their way to the docks to discover that Atreya had already secured it. But the Asura boats were all gone. The river pirates had betrayed their new masters and left the Asuras to their own devices.

Bitterly disappointed, they flopped down on the banks of the river. They had gambled and lost. Trapped between the Asuras on one side and the river on the other, they had nowhere to go. Soma arrived at great speed. He informed them that Indra and his men had broken through the enemy lines and were on their way with the majority of Hiranya's army in pursuit. When he heard about the missing boats, he went straight back to the frontline to inform his king.

Indra did not know what to do next as he and his men fell back towards the dock. They were trapped. Even if they went north along the river, there was every chance they would run into Naraka and his army. The docks were now in sight; somewhere behind them they could hear Hiranya's roars as he urged his battered army to hurry.

On the banks of the river stood a frustrated Valli. She threw rocks into the water in an effort to calm herself. Then suddenly, round a bend in the river, she saw a boat appear, then there was another, soon a small flotilla of boats arrived at the docks. The captain of the lead boat leaned across and shouted.

'I am Riktim, sent by Aryaman to get you out of here.'

Valli ran back and shouted to the men to fall back towards the docks. She could see the tall figure of Hiranya outlined against the trees. The Asura saw her and his rage increased. Indra screamed for the men to get on the boats even as he showered arrows into the Asura frontline. Indra was one of the last men to climb on board before they cast off.

As they started to move down the river, Hiranya arrived at its banks. The boats were already well out of range of the archers, but Hiranya called for his war bow and notched an arrow. He used all his strength to bend the bow till it creaked from the effort. Then he let fly the arrow.

Indra, who was engrossed in navigation, did not see the missile head towards him. Valli looked up and saw the arrow arc towards their boat. She used all her strength and pushed Indra out of the way, only to stumble into the path of the deadly shaft. The arrow struck her in the chest and knocked her off the boat into the water. Indra screamed in rage and helplessness as her body disappeared under the surface of the murky water. The boat rounded a bend and Hiranya and the Asura army disappeared from sight.


Riktim was the youngest clan leader among the river pirates. Like Aryaman, he prized freedom above everything else. Although the other members of the pirate council had thrown in their lot with the Asuras, Riktim had refused to toe their line. He had been only too happy to help Indra against the oppressive Asuras. He planned to drop the Devas off at the western end of the river delta, far away from the pursuing enemy force. His family and clan members were meant to join him there. He hoped to re-establish his operations on the south-western banks of the Euphrates where the Asura influence was still weak.

They made their way through the maze of rivulets, taking shelter on the numerous little uninhabited islands of the delta. On the bow of the lead boat, a worried Indra took stock of the situation. It would be suicidal to face the Asuras in an open plain--they had no horses or armour. Much as he detested it, flight had again been the only option left to them. He had to find a safe place to regroup and rebuild his vastly depleted army. By antagonising Sargon, he had grabbed the tiger by its tail. Now he must ride it to the end.

Riktim was the most cheerful member of the party; he knew these waters like the back of his hand and did not expect any pursuit. The Asuras preferred fighting with the earth under their feet; Riktim did not think they would follow them through these treacherous waters. To be on the safe side though, he had left men with small fast boats at strategic points along the river to keep watch on the enemy forces.

One of these men soon arrived with the most terrible of tidings. The pirate captain had grossly underestimated the determination and drive of Hiranya and his men. A horrified Riktim heard that Hiranya had slaughtered his entire clan, along with all his family members. The Asura general had then commandeered all the available pirate boats and was now after them with a heavily armed force of two thousand men.

Indra, who was mourning the loss of Valli, could only imagine the grief of the young pirate captain. Riktim sat alone for a while, and then went up to Indra to say that he sought no reward for his services except the head of the man who had killed his family. He vowed that he would not rest till he had driven the Asuras from these lands.

For the rest of the journey, Riktim ensured that the men were kept in good morale and fighting condition by making sure there was plenty of clean water and game for them at every pit stop. As they neared their destination, Indra was optimistic that they could lose the Asura army in the vast expanse that lay west of the Euphrates delta.

When they finally arrived at a village on the west bank, a man showed up on the shore and made a signal to Riktim. It was a sign that there was danger. They dropped anchor in the middle of the river and waited for nightfall. Indra and Riktim then took one of the smaller boats and docked at the village wharf. Riktim's man was there to receive them. He seemed high-strung and nervous.

'An army came out of the west a few days ago. They are camped in the reed beds to the south of the village. They do not look like Asuras, they are smaller in stature and carry big round shields with the head of a lion emblazoned on them.'

Riktim was puzzled; his knowledge did not extend very far beyond the banks of the river. He looked towards Indra, who thought for a while before he spoke.

'They sound like Yavanas. But it does not make sense. What are they doing this far east? To my knowledge there is no treaty between them and the Asuras.'

A nervous Riktim did not like the situation one bit.

'I hope there isn't one, there is really no place else for us to go.'

The man suddenly remembered something.

'Some of them have visited the tavern and they spoke with the owner.'

The tavern owner was a one-eyed old man who had briefly been part of Riktim's father's crew. He greeted them warmly, served them some terrible wine and invited them to stay for dinner. The food was even worse than the wine, but the old man had interesting news. The Yavana commander had told him they were in search of a man called Indra.

Outside the tavern, Riktim was of the opinion that they take to the boats and find another place to dock further downstream. Indra, however, was confident that there was no love lost between the Yavanas and Asuras; he would have nothing to fear from them. He convinced the pirate to take a walk with him, and much to Riktim's dismay, made his way to the Yavana camp.

As the two of them walked through the tall reeds, they could hear songs being sung. Indra smiled to himself; they were not unlike his own tribe in their ways. As they neared the campfires, they were accosted by a patrol of sentries. Indra introduced himself and said he was there to see their commander.

BOOK: Rajiv Menon -- ThunderGod
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