Ranch 1.5-The Christmas Tree Bargain

BOOK: Ranch 1.5-The Christmas Tree Bargain
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An erotic interlude with the characters of




J. L. Langley









This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Loose Id® e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.


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This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable (homoerotic sex).

The Christmas

J. L. Langley


This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


Published by

Loose Id LLC

1802 N Carson Street, Suite 212-2924

Carson City



Copyright © December 2006 by J. L. Langley

All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared in any form, including, but not limited to printing, photocopying, faxing, or emailing without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC.


ISBN 978-1-59632-394-0

Available in Adobe PDF, HTML,
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Printed in the United States of America

Editor: Karen W. Williams

Cover Artist: April Martinez


Ethan took the last ornament from Fred and scratched behind her ears.
“Thank you, girl.”
Standing back, he searched for a spot to hang the little cowboy snowman.
Ah, right there
. Hooking the decoration onto a bare branch, he studied the tree again. He grinned, feeling good way down deep. The colored lights twinkled against the silver garland, making it sparkle. The smell of pine filled the living room. Christmas music was playing softly on the radio. He had his man and his dog. And the different decorations disguised the bare spots in the tree.
. Well, except there weren’t any presents under it yet. He was going to have to wrap all the presents.

Arms enfolded him from behind. Jamie nestled his front against Ethan’s back. “It’s still ugly.” He kissed the back of Ethan’s neck.

“No, it’s not.” Their wedding bands clinked softly as he twined his left hand with his partner’s and leaned against Jamie.

Jamie nodded, his hair tickling Ethan’s ear. “Yes, it is, it’s even worse than last year, but that’s okay. You owe me, Cowboy. Now pay up.”

Ethan chuckled. He’d had to bargain for the tree; apparently, it was time to fork over his payment. Turning his head, he kissed Jamie’s jaw, the stubble pricking his lips. “You’re really going to make me shell out a present early?”

I let you get this hideous monstrosity. I deserve it.” Jamie turned Ethan toward him, his hands dropping down to cup Ethan’s ass. A bright smile lit his face, his big blue eyes shining.

Ethan grabbed the lapels on Jamie’s red flannel shirt and pulled him forward and kissed him. “Go upstairs and get ready for bed and I’ll be right up.”

“But …”

He shook his head. Oh no, he knew what that was about; Jamie had conducted extensive searches throughout the house during the past week, looking for gifts. No way was Ethan giving him a clue what room to hunt in. “Go.” The man was like a ten-year-old when it came to Christmas. It was adorable and trying at the same time. You couldn’t put breakables under the tree, because Jamie shook the shit out of the boxes as soon as he saw them. Giving his lover another quick peck on the lips, he turned him and pushed him towards the stairs. “Go on.”

Jamie heaved a sigh, his shoulders slumping a little. He didn’t even try to deny he wanted to see where Ethan got the gift from. “Damn.” He patted his leg twice and headed up towards the stairs.
“C’mon Fred.”
That was, no doubt, the sound of Jamie pouting.

Ethan smiled so big his face hurt. His Blue Eyes was way too predictable. Waiting a few minutes to make sure Jamie really was in their room, he went to the office. He closed the door just in case and crossed to the bathroom. No one ever used the shower in the office bathroom and no one but Bill -- who cleaned the shower -- ever looked behind the shower curtain. Jamie had never suspected the shower as a hiding place. Who would?

Ethan pulled the
flag curtain back and sifted through the boxes, looking for the one he was going to give Jamie. It was meant to be given in private anyway.
Ah ha!
There it was. He grabbed the small cardboard box and closed the curtain. He’d ordered the gift off the Internet last week and had picked it up from the post office just yesterday. It wasn’t wrapped yet, but he doubted Jamie would care. Then again, the man did get a kick out of ripping through wrapping paper. Oh well, Jamie wasn’t the only one that would enjoy this present.

When Ethan opened the door to his office he saw a dark head dart out of sight up the staircase.
. Groaning, he shook his head and headed up to their room.

Jamie was sitting on the edge of the bed in just his jeans, his bare feet tapping on the wood floor.

Ethan paused in the doorway to look his fill. Jamie still took his breath away. The man was sexy even without trying to
and damned if Ethan’s cock didn’t fill at the sight. His love didn’t look much different at twenty-five than he had at twenty-one. He was a little more filled out and the cobbled belly had gotten even harder, more chiseled. He still wasn’t as wide shouldered and bulky as Ethan through the chest and arms, but he was probably more defined now-days. The man was just plain beautiful. In fact, if there was a better looking man anywhere, Ethan had yet to see him, but then he was a little on the partial side. At the moment those baby blues were blinking up at him, doing a fair imitation of innocence, but Ethan knew better. “You …” He punctuated it with a point of his finger. “Better stay out of my office. Every present you find, I’m taking back.”

“You’re no fun.” Jamie flopped back on the bed, his bottom lip poking out. Bolting back up a second later, he stuck his hands out, grinning from ear to ear.


Ethan stepped into the room, tucking the box behind his back. “You aren’t ready for bed. Get naked and you can have it.”

Hopping up, Jamie shucked his pants, tossing them on the floor, and was bare-assed in the middle of the bed in three seconds flat. He hadn’t even stopped bouncing when he held his hands out again.

Good Lord
. Ethan lost it and started cackling. His Blue Eyes was nothing if not cute. Tossing Jamie the box, he closed the door, and started undressing. Naked was a requirement for this present. By the time he got the lights out, the bedside lamp on, and into bed, Jamie was digging into the box.

“Ooh.” He held up the glittery red dildo, his eyes wide.

Ethan hid a grin and crawled under the covers, fluffing up his pillow and laying down. “Okay, then, good night.”

 --” Jamie pounced, landing on top of him, dildo in hand. “Oh, no, you don’t.” He
his hands under the covers, finding Ethan’s erection. “You bought me a new toy, now you have to play with me.” He got to his knees and jerked the covers off, pressing all that bare skin against Ethan’s. Biting Ethan’s neck, he growled and set the new toy down on the bed beside Ethan’s head.

Unable to hold it back any longer, Ethan smiled. “That wasn’t the --”

Jamie squeezed his cock and licked a long line up his neck, then nipped his jaw.

Ethan moaned, his hips pushing up. The teasing was over.

Kissing his way down Ethan’s body, Jamie wasted no time swallowing down his prick.

“Oh, fuck, baby!” Ethan threaded his fingers through Jamie’s thick black hair, pulling him closer.

Jamie took it all happily, his whimpers muffled by Ethan’s dick.

Soon, wet sucking sounds filled the room, followed by Jamie’s little grunts of pleasure and Ethan’s heavy breathing. The sight of those pretty lips wrapped around his cock was mesmerizing. The man had taken to sucking dick like a duck to water. Hell, he was probably better at it now than Ethan was.

He tried his best to lie still and let Jamie have his way with him, but it soon became too much. He pushed his partner back.

Jamie’s mouth came off of him with a pop, and he frowned up at Ethan. “I wasn’t done.”

Grabbing him under the arms, Ethan hauled him up and rolled him onto his back. “Yes, you were.” He kissed the frown right off that handsome face, thrusting his tongue into Jamie’s mouth and taking what was his.

Jamie moaned and squirmed under him, thrusting his hips against Ethan’s. Hard prick slid against hard prick. He pulled away, hands roaming over Ethan’s back, his ass, his sides. “Fuck me. Please … please, Cowboy.”

“Did you forget about your Christmas present?” No way was he not using it. Playing with Jamie’s arsenal of toys was one of the great joys in life. He loved to watch his man writhe and beg. Ethan snagged the sparkly red dildo, laying it on Jamie’s chest,
reached for the nightstand drawer. He somehow managed to get the lube while Jamie mauled him.

Dislodging Jamie’s mouth from his neck, Ethan pressed Jamie back onto the bed and stuffed a pillow under the younger man’s head. He sat back on his heels, taking in the lean, muscular body below him. His cock jerked at the sight, his belly clenching.
“So damned hot.”
Pinching one nipple then the other, he traced his hand down the hair on Jamie’s chest, over the trail of hair below his navel, and clasped the hard prick curled over that firm belly.

Jamie moaned and humped his fist, the rock-hard cock throbbing in Ethan’s hand. Clear blue eyes met his, pleading.

“Get me the other pillow, baby.”

Reaching to Ethan’s side of the bed, Jamie grabbed the pillow and handed it down to him.

He let go of his prize and tapped Jamie’s hip. “Lift up.” When the younger man complied, he placed the pillow under the tight little cowboy butt and flipped the top on the KY. The lube was cool when it hit his fingers, so he rubbed it between them, warming it.

“Please.” Jamie whimpered, his ass lifting off the pillow, making his dick slap against his abdomen. It left a wet spot on the pale skin. He brought his knees up, planting his feet on the mattress, giving Ethan better access.

Ethan’s own body responded, his cock starting to leak. Watching Jamie’s dick bob and wag as he moved was something he never got tired of. He pushed two fingers into his Blue Eyes, spreading and slicking. He tipped the bottle up, pouring more over his buried digits. “Give me the toy.”

Jamie began pushing down, swallowing his fingers up, so Ethan didn’t wait; he snagged the toy from Jamie’s chest and pushed it into the hot little hole. He was rewarded with a gasp and then a low, drawn out moan,
Jamie -- predictable -- started moving, impaling himself on the smooth silicone. “Oh fuck, Jamie, baby.”

Ethan’s balls drew up tighter, anticipating what was to come. He slid his hand forward, pushing a finger into Jamie’s ass alongside the dildo, watching his love’s face for any sign of discomfort. There wasn’t any, but he hadn’t expected any. When Jamie got like this the sky was the limit and he could take anything. And Ethan wanted to push it and see how much he could get away with. He added a second finger, still using the toy.

“Oh, God!
Oh. What are you doing?” Jamie’s eyes widened, but the husky voice was anything but a protest.

 …” He added a third finger, continuing to fuck the tight little hole with fingers and fake cock. Giving Jamie a few minutes to get used to it, he slid forward, bringing his own dick closer. His cock jerked at the thought of what he was going to do.

Pulling out his fingers he caught Jamie’s gaze. “Be still a minute.”

Jamie nodded and stopped thrusting. But he couldn’t quite control the tremble as he bit his bottom lip and
up on his elbows to watch. “Ethan …” He whispered his name.

Ethan positioned his dick below the dildo and pushed slowly inside his lover’s snug hole. It felt strange but good. It was fucking heaven, so tight. He couldn’t hold back the groan of pleasure.

Jamie whimpered, but Ethan knew that sound, it was a good whimper.

“Okay, baby?”

“Uh huh.
Full, really full.”


Jamie shook his head. “No.” His prick jerked against his belly, leaking even more.

Their eyes met and held, and Ethan drew the dildo out gradually and pressed it back in little by little. They both gasped. It was a pretty powerful moment. Jamie trusted him and he’d never do anything to break that trust. He reached forward, caressing the stubbly cheek.

Jamie turned into his palm, kissing it. “Love you, Cowboy.”

“Love you too, Blue Eyes.”




He held the toy still and fucked his lover. It was amazing, but then every time with Jamie was. They watched each other as Ethan moved. Jamie squirmed beneath him, the breathy moans starting up again. The stretched channel clutched at his cock, squishing it against the silicone. Ridges on the toy raked across the head of his dick, adding to the sensation.

Jamie’s stiff cock bobbed with every thrust, his balls drawing up. In no time, Ethan was pounding into him as Jamie begged.

Oh … 

Ropy streams of white hit the rigid stomach without either of them even touching Jamie’s cock. It was hot as fuck, how Jamie could get off with just anal stimulation. His snug little asshole clenched around Ethan’s prick and the dildo. A tingle raced up Ethan’s spine and catapulted him into orgasm right along with Jamie.

Pulling the toy out, he rested his forehead on Jamie’s raised knee.
Merry freaking Christmas to him.
He was going right back to that website tomorrow and ordering more presents. There was a string of anal beads that looked interesting.

He wasn’t sure how long he sat there contemplating the possibility of more toys, but Jamie snuffled and his legs started sliding down, jostling Ethan out of his planning. Pushing himself up, he picked up the toy and went to the bathroom to wash up. He got back just in time to catch Jamie before he rolled over onto his stomach. Washing the come and lube off Jamie, he set the washcloth on the nightstand and climbed under the covers. He tapped Jamie’s pretty little white ass to get him to get up and under the covers.

With some halfhearted mumbling and a lot of flopping around, Jamie finally managed to get in bed properly.

Ethan pulled his partner to him, pushing the dark head down on his shoulder and wrapping his arms around the strong shoulders. Kissing Jamie’s forehead, he turned out the lamp.
“Night, Blue Eyes.
Love you.”

He thought Jamie was asleep, but a kiss landed on chest and a hand squeezed his arm. “Love you too. And if you promise to do that from here on out, I’ll let you get an ugly tree every Christmas.”

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