Randall Riches (11 page)

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Authors: Judy Christenberry

BOOK: Randall Riches
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Rich scratched the back of his neck. “Come to think of it, she didn’t.” He had had his mind on picking up Samantha and hadn’t paid much attention to his grandmother’s appetite. “That’s a good idea.”

When the chocolate was ready, she had Rich pour it into the large cup. Then she had him pour it into three regular-size mugs. One of them she added to the tray. “For your mother,” she said and reached down to slide the tray toward him.

Rich must’ve thought she was going to try to pick up the tray, because he lunged toward her, reaching out. Samantha tried to back away and lost her footing. Rich grabbed her and pulled her against him.

It was as if the world had stopped spinning suddenly as he held her against him, their breaths mingling as their gazes met.

“Sam, I didn’t—” Rich began.

At the same time, Sam said, “I’m sorry—”

They stared at each other and Samantha felt her breath grow shallow, until she couldn’t breathe at all as
Rich’s mouth covered hers. His strong arms wrapped around her body. Samantha slid her arms around his neck, loving the feel of him pressed against her. The rediscovery of that magic she’d felt before was amazing. She’d told herself she must’ve imagined it.

He reslanted his lips as they kissed, as if he wanted more. Though Samantha knew there were reasons she shouldn’t supply his needs, she couldn’t seem to help herself. Or remember why she shouldn’t. His touch was too heavenly.

The sound of the creak she always heard when someone was on the fourth step from the top, jerked her back to reality. When Rich pushed her away before she could move, she assumed it did the same for him.

Suddenly she went from the exciting warmth of his body to nothing. They stood there staring at each other, but at least they weren’t touching.

Janie breezed into the kitchen. “Did he forget how to make the hot chocolate?” she asked cheerfully. Then her gaze fell onto the tray. “Oh, it’s all made. Sorry I misjudged you, son. Were you afraid to carry it up because of your cast?”

“Yes!” Samantha agreed enthusiastically, relieved that Janie came up with a reason for the delay. “Him with his foot and me with my arm, it was hard to decide who would be the biggest risk.”

Rich said nothing. He didn’t even look at his mother. Fortunately, her mind was preoccupied. “I’ll take care of it. Oh, there’s a cup for me, too. Thanks, Sam.”

Then they were suddenly alone in the kitchen again. A deadly silent kitchen.

Rich ran his fingers through his hair. “I can’t keep apologizing!” he finally said, sounding as if he would explode if he didn’t say something.

Sam realized she didn’t want an apology. What she really wanted was for him to repeat his actions. Her cheeks blazed with fire as she turned away. “It’s not necessary.”

“Yes, it is! I’ve told you I won’t marry you, but I keep kissing you.”

She looked at him questioningly. “You think you have to marry every girl you kiss?”

“No!” he roared.

She immediately shushed him. She didn’t want his mother coming down to find out what was wrong. It was bad enough discussing this with Rich, but his mother? “So, we both understand the situation. If one of us—forgets and kisses the other, it’s just a passing thing. If no one sees us, then they won’t think anything about it. So there’s no harm.” She wasn’t sure she made sense, but she wanted the discussion ended. “I think I’ll go lie down for a little while. I’m tired.”

Janie reentered the kitchen to hear that remark. “I’m glad you’re going to lie down. I came down to tell Rich he had to stop talking so you could rest. But it is good to see how well you two are getting along.”

With Janie standing there beaming at them, Samantha didn’t dare even glance at Rich. “Right, Janie. I’ll go to bed at once.” And she bolted from the kitchen.

Chapter Eleven

Since not only Rich’s mother but his father also came over to Lavinia’s for dinner, everything went smoothly that evening. Rich even had a chance to talk to his dad about some changes he wanted to make to the routine on the ranch.

He and his father did the dishes after dinner. All the kids had been trained in cleanup at home, male and female. His mom had said she wasn’t going to raise boys who thought they should be waited on.

While they cleaned the kitchen, Janie first put her mother to bed for the night and then took care of Samantha. Rich gave her the cream before she went upstairs. And breathed a sigh of relief.

Until his father asked him to sit down because they needed to talk.

“Dad, I cleared everything up with Samantha. She’s happy to stay and she doesn’t expect me to marry her, I swear.” He could’ve said that with a clean conscience this morning, but the afternoon had confused the issue. He wasn’t clear on what Sam meant with that jumbled speech before his mom came down. He thought maybe
she was telling him she liked his kisses. But he certainly didn’t need to think that!

“Good. Glad to hear it. But that’s not what I need to talk to you about.”

“It’s not?”

“Nope. Your mom and I didn’t go anywhere for our anniversary this year and I felt bad about it. So I bought tickets for a trip to Hawaii as a surprise.”

“Good for you, Dad. That’s romantic.”

His father grinned. “Yeah. I’ve learned a little over the years.”

“So when do you— Uh-oh. That’s the problem, isn’t it?” A hard lump settled in his stomach. So much for all his plans to avoid Samantha.

“I’m afraid so, son.”


“This is Thursday night and we leave Saturday morning.” Pete stared at his son. “What I need to know is, can you manage with the two ladies upstairs by yourself?”

Rich knew what his father wanted to hear. And he was going to give him that answer, no matter what. His parents were the best. “Sure, I can. We’ll be fine.”

“Are you sure, son?”

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

“I’ll get Anna to come by and check on you when she can. And Russ and Abby will spend the weekend with you. I’m sure Mildred will send over some meals.”

“That’s nice. Then I’m sure we can make it.”

“Your mother will probably call here every day to be sure they’re all right. Any trouble and you can al
ways call the ranch and whoever’s available will be right over.”

Rich couldn’t help but smile. What his dad said was true. But he couldn’t see calling any of the uncles to come rub Sam’s shoulder. “I know. We’ll be fine. I’m pretty sure Grandma just has a cold. But we won’t take any chances, I promise.”

“What do you promise?” Janie asked as she entered the kitchen.

“To take care of Grandma and Sam.”

“Of course you will,” she said with a smile, “but I’ll be here.”

“No, you won’t, sweetheart,” Pete said.

“What are you talking about, Pete?”

“I’m talking about tickets I already bought for us to fly to Hawaii Saturday morning.”

Janie gasped. “But why?”

“Because I haven’t had you to myself in a while. Plus, it’s a belated anniversary present.”

“But Mom—”

“Will be taken care of,” Rich quickly said, thinking his mother looked like a newlywed as she stared at her husband. The love they shared had always been strong. The boys had never doubted it when they were growing up.

“What if she gets worse? I’ll admit she just seems to have a cold, but—”

“First we’ll call Doc to come see her. Then we’ll call you and I bet Dad will get you back here as soon as possible. It’s not like you’re abandoning her. She’s got
me and Sam and the rest of the family,” Rich assured her.

“Oh, Pete, you know I want to go,” Janie said with tears in her eyes.

“I know, honey, but if it upsets you too much, we won’t go,” Pete hurriedly said.

“Why don’t you bring Anna over tomorrow to look at Grandma and see what she thinks?” Rich suggested.

“Good idea, Rich,” Pete said and turned to his wife. “And on the way home I’ll tell you about the other arrangements I’ve made.”

Rich escorted his parents to the door and stood there watching them drive off. Then he banged his head against the wood frame of the door. “Good Lord, what have I done?” he asked himself.


when Samantha first opened her eyes, she smelled coffee and bacon. She almost turned over to sleep a little longer until they delivered breakfast to her room.

Then she remembered she wasn’t in the hospital any longer. And Rich had to be the one doing the cooking. She shoved back the cover and got out of bed. She dressed slowly but she noticed the pain wasn’t quite as bad today.

Before she came to the hospital yesterday, Lavinia had found some button-up shirts in her closet that she had put in Samantha’s room, knowing they’d be easier for her to wear as long as her shoulder was painful.

She opened Lavinia’s door before she went downstairs, but the older woman was still asleep. When Sam
reached the kitchen, she discovered Rich sitting at the table eating. “Is there any extra?” she asked apologetically.

He stood. “Sure. I made enough for all of us. I was trying to decide if I should wake you.”

He fixed a plate for Samantha and brought it to the table. “You want milk, juice or coffee?”

Samantha chose milk. He set a glass down beside her plate and then resumed his own place. After several minutes of eating, Samantha said, “You’re a good cook, Rich.”

“Thanks. Mom raised us to take care of ourselves. I’m just not sure my skills would impress either you or Grandma.”

“I’m sure you’d manage, but you won’t have to. I’m doing better and Red and Mildred have promised to send over some food.”

“I’m glad you feel that way, ’cause Dad is taking Mom to Hawaii on Saturday.”

Sam’s head snapped up. “What?” They were both being unfailingly polite, but Rich was keeping his distance. She’d figured they could manage what little time they spent together, but news that they would be alone scrambled her insides.

“It’s a belated anniversary present. He’s already bought the tickets. I told Mom we’ll be okay.”

“Of course we will. How wonderful! Your father is a great man,” Samantha replied. She’d always thought Hawaii was the ultimate romantic place, one she’d never see.

“Nice of you to say that. It’s going to mean more work for you when you’re not in the best shape.”

“I’ll manage.” She wasn’t concerned about any extra work. Lavinia had given her a home. She’d do what needed to be done. And keep away from Rich.

Rich frowned. “Hey! Where’s the sling the doc said you should wear?”

“It’s hard to get on by myself. Besides, I don’t really need it.”

“You need it. You could pull your stitches loose. Where is it?”

“It’s in my room, but I can—” She stopped because he was no longer there. She could hear his steps on the stairs.

She stood and carried the dishes to the sink, using only her left hand. Then she got out a tray and fixed a plate for Lavinia. She had it ready to go when Rich returned to the kitchen.

“This tray is ready, if you can carry it up. Then we’ll let you get to your real job.” She smiled, appreciating his work this morning.

“First your sling. Come here.”

She couldn’t argue, but it made her anxious to get that close to him. Keeping her head down, she stood in front of him. He lifted the sling over her head, sliding the straps onto her shoulders before he gently placed her bruised and cut arm into the sling.

Samantha raised her head to thank him, to find her lips only inches from his. She pulled back even as he lowered his lips to hers. Shocked, she started to protest when the back door opened.

Janie stared at the two of them. “Everything okay?”

“Fine,” Samantha hurriedly said. “Rich was helping me get my sling on.”

“I’m glad to see he’s doing his best for you,” Janie said, grinning.

“He is. He got up early and prepared breakfast for all of us. I just fixed Lavinia’s tray.”

“Is she awake?” Janie asked.

“No, but I thought she shouldn’t miss meals.”

“You’re right. I’ll take the tray up. Rich, you can do your own job today. After I’m gone you may have to cut back, but today you get to be a cowboy, not a nurse-maid.”

Janie picked up the tray and hurried up the stairs.

Sam took several steps away from him. “Will you be in for lunch? Your mother will want to know.”

“Yeah, probably.”

“Don’t overdo it, today.”

“I don’t need a second mother,” he returned, glaring at her.

“And you don’t need a wife. I think we all get the picture, so don’t gripe at me.”

His cheeks flushed a bright red and he turned and strode out of the house.

Samantha sat down at the table and reached for the coffeepot. She needed another cup of coffee.


thoughts at bay until he’d saddled his favorite gelding and swung into the saddle. He could just get the cast into the stirrup, so he was careful not to take risks. He didn’t want any more injuries.

Once the horse was in motion, heading toward the north pasture, Rich let his mind go back to the kiss that didn’t happen. What was wrong with him?

He’d tried to establish a nonromantic relationship with Samantha. But every time he was alone with her, he couldn’t seem to keep his hands off her. This morning he’d been determined to show that he could be in the room with her and not—not attack her. Then he’d almost given in to temptation. Those “accidental kisses” had him hungering for more. But it didn’t have him wanting anything permanent.

He was an idiot! If he gave in to temptation, he would be marching down the aisle whether he wanted to or not. His father would see to it. So, he’d keep his distance. That was all it would take. And maybe he felt like dating some town girl just for fun, after all.

That’s what he’d do. And he wouldn’t think about Samantha. He picked up speed, hoping to outrun his thoughts.

When he headed for the house at the end of the day, without coming in for lunch, he was dead tired. But they’d come across a cow having delivery difficulties with an early calf. But they’d saved them both. So he’d had a successful day, but he was late.

At least he didn’t have to worry about getting in early. His mom was there to tend to Grandma and Sam. He’d grab something to eat and a hot shower and then hit his bed. He suspected he’d be asleep before he could pull up the cover.

One of his men offered to ride with him to the house so he could take Rich’s horse back to the barn and rub
him down. Rich had been taught to tend to his own animals, but he thought even his dad would forgive him tonight.

“Thanks, Doyle. I owe you one,” he said as he slid from the saddle.

“No problem, boss. You overdid it today. But you sure were a help. Couldn’t have managed everything without you.” The cowboy nodded in the fading light and headed for Lavinia’s barn, leading Rich’s horse.

Rich limped across the porch into the house.

When he reached the kitchen, he discovered Samantha had set the table for two. As he came in, she pulled a small casserole dish from the oven awkwardly, barely using her right hand. The casserole tilted dangerously and he sprang forward.

“Don’t! It’s hot,” Sam muttered, shifting the dish away from him and sliding it onto the table.

“I thought you were going to drop it,” he exclaimed.

She gave him a brief smile before opening the fridge and bringing out a tossed salad.

Rich stood there, watching her, feeling useless and awkward.

“Sit down.”

“I need to wash up.” He spun around and hurried to the workroom nearby. By the time he got back to the kitchen, hot rolls were on the table, along with glasses of iced tea.

Sam gestured for him to sit down and joined him at the table. “Don’t forget to leave room for Red’s famous chocolate cake. He sent one over today.”

As he was filling his plate, Rich asked, “Where’s Mom? Is she eating with Grandma?”

The only answer he got was a shake of Sam’s head. She concentrated on her dinner.

“Sam? Where’s Mom?”

“She went home early. I told her we could manage and she hadn’t packed yet.”

“She went home early?” he asked, his appetite suddenly going away. What about Sam’s shoulder cream? Was his nightmare coming true? Would she expect him to rub her shoulder, her bare skin?

“Don’t worry. Everything’s taken care of. Your aunt Anna came by today and said Lavinia was doing very well. She’s coming back tomorrow to check on her again. Your family is so incredibly nice.”

“Yeah,” Rich agreed, still thinking about the rest of the evening. So much for going straight to bed.

When he’d finished his dinner, Samantha asked, “Do you want your cake now? Or shall I bring it in while you’re watching TV? Janie said one of your favorite shows comes on tonight.”

He couldn’t remember a television show that he watched frequently. Certainly not one that would take his mind off Samantha. “Uh, let’s do the dishes and then have cake.”

“You don’t have to do the dishes, Rich. You worked all day, without lunch.”

“Uh, I apologize for not making it in. But we had an early calf that demanded our attention.” He didn’t see any anger or pouting on her face for his failure to appear.

“Is it all right?” she asked, concern on her beautiful face. It amazed him how pretty she could look with no makeup, her hair pulled back in a ponytail.

He cleared his throat. “Uh, yeah, it’s fine.”

“Good,” she said with a smile and stood to clear the table.

He picked up his own dishes and followed her to the sink. He waited until she’d awkwardly rinsed her own and then stepped forward to rinse his.

“I’ll do that,” Sam protested.

“Look, Sam, I know you’d do it. I know you’re a hard worker. You don’t have to prove anything to me. So relax. We’ll work together.”

She stood still for a minute. Then she smiled at him, a warm smile that lit up her face. “Thank you, Rich.”

When he’d finished rinsing the other dishes, he said, “Sit down. I’ll cut the cake.”

While they ate the sinfully rich chocolate cake, Samantha asked questions about his day. He found himself describing the baby calf and its difficult introduction to life. Her laughter and interest eased the tiredness from his body.

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