Raven Moon (9 page)

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Authors: Eva Gordon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Dystopian, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Romance, #Paranormal, #apocalyptic, #zombie

BOOK: Raven Moon
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Maddox lowered his muzzle and sniffed, clarifying her scent. She snapped out of her stupor and lifted her head. Her deep purple eyes met his. “Maddox, you remember me, right?”

His eyes widened and his nostrils flared. How could he forget that insolent little tart? A raven temptress, who enjoyed the company of wolves more than her kind. He swallowed a thick string of saliva and whimpered. Now what was he to do?

Maddox lifted a clawed hand, signaling her to wait. He stepped out, shifted back to human form, and grabbed a bath towel from the maid’s cart. He returned with the towel wrapped around his waist as if he just jumped out of the shower to answer the door. Maddox studied her. She looked different. Rather than attired for the nightlife, she was dressed casually for ease of movement rather than to entice and without gobs of makeup. Although the way her pants hugged her curves, she nonetheless tempted his inner beast. Her banged black hair was longer, down to her shoulders, adding a silky sheen to her natural beauty and alluring fragrance he could never forget. “Princess Ravenna?”

She flushed, parted her full lips and gawked at him. “Umm…”

Desire bit him like a bloody thirsty gnat. Self-loathing for the sin of lust darkened his mood and he snapped in disgust. “Don’t think you can hide your identity from me, fugitive.”

She shifted her weight and winced. “I prefer, Rave.”

He threw her a harsh squint. “Rave, destroyer of the Bloodstone, then. We need…”

A zombie ape rampaged into the room. Its hideous foaming scream pierced his ears. Maddox twisted and as the creature lunged, he roared and went partial werewolf. His powerful claws swiped through its neck, decapitating it. The ape head hit the wall before landing on the bed. Score! Silence followed. There were no more, at least here. His wolf roared in victory. He turned to Rave, her soft and pink lips beckoned him. He moved to collect his reward. A kiss to sate his hunger. She dropped her eyes, taking in his groin. No! The devil in her eyes cooled his seed. Maddox picked up the towel and shielded himself. He growled, ashamed that his wolf felt the need to protect Satan’s get and then take her as his sexual prize.

Rave flinched at his snarl then batted those purple beautiful eyes. “If you’re going to kill me, make it quick.”

Kill her? His chest tightened, conflicted with warring emotions. As a Benandanti soldier, he was duty bound to execute the raven wanted for stealing and destroying the Bloodstone. But, he was no hunter of the devil’s ilk. Maddox was first and foremost alpha hunter of the Kindred. A decorated Templar Warrior. He growled in frustration as her eyes closed awaiting her execution. He cocked his head at her bravery rather than pleading for mercy.

The last time he laid eyes on her, his wolf had shamefully lusted for her. That night, Satan had forced him to spill his seed in the deep forest. After waking in a heated sweat, Maddox self-flagellated the wolf beast into submission. He grimaced as he recalled the bite of the lash on his back. If he left her alone, the wolf’s guilt would devour him. There had to be justification to keeping her alive. Something that would satisfy Lazarus and his oath. The ape monsters? Maybe she knew more than him? Enough that it would be better if he brought her back. Of course, she would be more valuable alive. Lazarus could use the princess to bargain with the king of the ravens for information about the witch that resided in their territory. Or as a bargaining tool for fueled aircraft. Prior to the Bane, the ravens were the wealthiest shifters. He flared his nostrils. “We need to fix your broken arm.”

Her eyes flashed open and she squirmed in discomfort, lifting her chin. “Why, Benandanti? You’re pack will eventually kill me anyway.” She stood and mumbled, “Yep, I’m screwed.”

Maddox glared down at her. She seemed smaller than he remembered. Then again, last time he saw her, she’d worn six-inch stripper heels. “You’re more useful alive.” His helicopter transport would return in a week and he could hand her over. Such a prize would merit permission for him to return to hunting the Kindred rather than being Lazarus’ second in command. His inner wolf balked at the idea of giving the raven princess to Lazarus.

Rave wiped a tear and shrugged. Her voice was hollow. Resigned. “I would rather die.”

The joyous carefree glow and the mischievous twinkle in her eyes she displayed at the consortium meeting were gone. His inner wolf howled, joining in her sorrow. He snarled. “No one should prefer death over life.”

Puffy faced, she stared past him. “After what happened to my loyal guards, I’d rather join them in the eternal thermals.”

Maddox’s heart softened. He’d felt similar guilt and remorse after Mariah and Diego were killed. “They gave up their lives to save yours. Honor their last wish.” He grabbed her gun, and stepped out of the bathroom. “Wait here, while I dress and grab my weapon.”

“Where are we going?”

“We need to find a hospital so I can set your broken arm.” Once a shifter’s bone was set properly it would heal almost immediately, but flight would be impossible for months. No way could she escape dangers without flight.

“What do you know of medicine?”

“I’ve helped a medic set bones on a…never mind.”

Rave raised her eyebrows. “Are you hurt?”

Her question caught him off guard. Did she care? His tone hardened, “Was, but once I shifted, the wound completely healed.”

Rave threw him a doubtful look and sighed. “But what about the chimpanzombies?”

He quirked a brow. “Hmm. That’s a bloody good name for the creatures.” He closed his eyes and tilted his head to listen. “The ones in this building are dead. The only ones we should be concerned about are the slow human zombies.”

“Hey, just know I get credit for the new name.”

“The rules are the scientific name must be Latinized.”

She wrinkled her brow, took a breath and slowly expelled it. “
Pan troglodytes zombiensis.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Impressive.”

She scoffed. “Brains and beauty, how shocking. But then again only zombies go for brainy girls these days.”

His inner wolf howled in amusement, but he kept the beast in check. Maybe leaving her would save him a whole lot of trouble. His inner beast snapped at him, defying his idea. He ran his hand through his hair. “Let’s make haste.”

Chapter 6

Rave, stupefied over the loss of her men, didn’t put up a fight as Maddox lifted her. Not that she could win against an alpha werewolf, but she could at least draw blood. Yet, the cries of her men as they were torn apart had killed her fighting spirit. Maddox gently cradled her lethargic body in his arms and dashed down the stairs. Her emotions bounced in turmoil in the safety of his muscular wolfish arms. Grateful the chimpanzombies had not torn her apart, but resigned to what lay down the road in his custody. Odd as it was, her raven foresight told her, he would never kill her. Nor hurt her, not by intention. It was something more than his ‘wolf into you’ lust. Still, her thoughts darkened. What would the Benandanti do to her once he delivered her to his compound? No doubt, they would make an example of her for destroying their last Bloodstone.
After I caused my guards’ death
just as well
. Rave released her breath and hissed in pain.

Maddox paused; his face flamed and he loosened his grip. “I’m sorry. I’ll slow down.”

Rave snapped out of her self-pity. Her men deserved vengeance for their horrendous death, not her pointless sacrifice. “No, don’t. I’d rather not be around when the rest of the hungry guests arrive.”

Maddox gave her a brisk nod and leapt down the last flight of stairs, landing with the grace of an acrobat, while holding his prisoner.

She’d had close calls with the religious freaks but had always managed to fly away just in the nick of time. The last time she went on a flyby, a bullet grazed off several flight feathers. This was the first time she didn’t have the advantage of flight to distance herself from the Benandanti. Despite his sexy godlike body, awesome British accent and his offer to help her set her broken arm, she must never forget he was her enemy. Sure, he wanted her mended, mended to stand trial and burn in an old-fashioned witch-burning pyre, probably in the middle of their compound square.

Her raven-kind was cunning, yet, without flight, how would she escape the most powerful Benandanti werewolf? Worse, why had she gawked at him as if he was a male stripper? This hot eye candy was deadly sweet poison. She closed her eyes, thinking when she opened them she’d find herself on the bed with Cashel, clearing his throat in order to gently wake her.

Rave peeked one eye opened. No, still in the arms of the enemy. What if she shifted and snuck away? If she hid amongst the undead, wouldn’t their stench cover her scent? Hardly. Werewolves had a nose that could smell a raven feather in a haystack of goose feathers. The thought of slimy, pukey, stinky zombies trampling over her was a bad idea. Been there, done that.

The satchel strap felt like a noose as she attempted to stretch her neck. Her heart skipped a beat. Wolfsbane! The concocted mixture Dora gave her to heal silver bullet poisoning included wolfsbane fluid and the vial was still inside her sac. One never knew when it would come in handy to heal a werewolf friend. Better yet, knock out a werewolf enemy. There was probably enough to tranquilize him for half a day, giving her enough time to find a vehicle and escape. That is, after he dragged her away from zombie central.

They entered the hotel’s illuminated lobby. Funny how the light timers still worked. Backup generator no doubt to stop zombie apocalypse looters. Maddox stilled and stared toward the bar. Rave followed his glance, expecting to see a swarm of hungry zombie hotel workers. She frowned. “What?”

“A Steinway baby grand piano.”

Rave glanced at his massive rough hands, not the delicate tapered fingers of a pianist. “You play?”

Maddox smiled for a second, before his joy slipped away. “Since I can remember. Age four before…never mind.”

“Really? What are you some Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart werewolf?”

Maddox sneered. “The piano is my favorite pastime when I’m not ripping out my enemies’ throats.”

Rave pressed her left hand against her throat, imagining him ripping her carotid, and then sitting to play the theme
Phantom of the Opera
. Rave raised her brow. “Hmm. Piano. Who knew?” Team vampire played the piano while team werewolf played electric bass or drums.

“Certainly not you.” He glanced at her with distain and snorted. “You don’t look like the type who appreciates classical music.”

She scowled. Snob! “Hey, Wolfiegang, our family supported the San Francisco Symphony.” Now was not the time to tell him she quit piano at age twelve to play the electric guitar. Maybe she’d knock him out and play a classical tune as he fought the effects of wolfsbane. She huffed. “Besides, I can’t imagine you playing anything more than chopsticks.”

“Not all werewolves are sex-starved pub brawlers.”

Shame. At least about the sex-starved part. “Didn’t you gain the reputation as the Benandanti’s unbeatable alpha in the wolf pits?”

“I earned my title of Alpha Templar in God’s arena.”

“Call it what you want, it’s still a bad assed reputation. Although, you never fought Dirk Gunderson, so…” Rave looked away, not wanting to antagonize him any more than she already had. She must still rely on the surly werewolf to take her to safer grounds.

Maddox huffed in annoyance. “I would make him piss like a cub.”

Rave almost smiled, knowing she’d drawn out his arrogant inner wolf. Of all the packs, only the Benandanti, Dogs of God, suppressed their base wolf. Kind of like a healthy male suppressing his sexual needs, only ten times worse because the lunar cycle influenced the werewolves. Other shifters were not tied to the moon and had more control over their totem animal. However, the werewolf shared their human psyche with their wolf. The Benandanti believed the devil controlled their wolf persona. They wasted their gift by denying their wolf, only releasing the feral beast to fight greater evil. Battling fire with fire. Not so easy for a werewolf, which explains why the Benandanti were always pissed off.

Maddox set her down on a lobby sofa. “I’ll check out valet parking and get us a fast vehicle.” He stopped at the counter and grabbed a complimentary bottle of water. He unscrewed the top and handed it to her. “Drink it. You need to stay hydrated.”

His kindness warmed her, hell, even turned her on. “Thanks.” Her guilt on wanting to slip him a wolfsbane Mickey stabbed her heart. She took a swig and gave him a sheepish grin. Maybe he would just let her drive off? “Actually, I’d hate to keep you from hunting the Kindred. Especially since you only missed them by a few days.”

He stiffened. “You saw them.”

“No but Gary, a man we met did. He’d already been bitten by the chimpanzombies and we weren’t able to save him. He turned into a zombie Tarzan. He saw them capture five chimpanzombies. Fortunately, according to the original number of apish ghouls Gary said had escaped, you killed them all. We need to kill the remaining five before they get loose and turn humans into faster zombies with a taste for animal meat.”

“Faster human zombies?”

Why not tell him the truth? “He filmed it on his camcorder. That’s when I saw Jaeger.”

He glared down at her, brutal contempt in his voice. “Why should I believe you, raven trickster?”

Rave glared at him, her face flushing from his anti-raven
remark. “Really? Name calling?”
Wait until I ‘trick’ you into getting wasted on wolfsbane
. One moment, hero, the next asshole. She muttered, “Benand-nut with issues.” Rave winced as she took out the camcorder. “Here! Look for yourself. I stopped viewing when Jaeger turned around.”

Maddox grabbed the camcorder and glowered at the still shot of his enemy. His canines emerged and a low growl escaped his throat. He turned up the volume and cocked his head. Slowly, he nodded, his wolf ears picking up conversations too soft for her to hear. He emitted a fierce growl.

Rave stared mesmerized as Maddox flickered from human to bipedal werewolf form and back again. Deep emotions, such as rage and lust triggered the alpha wolf eclipse phenomenon. A rare occurrence but one she’d last witnessed when Dirk raged to protect his mate. Would Maddox retain enough of his intelligence to know she was not…well not his worst enemy? She shuddered. What would happen if the alpha wolf eclipse was directed at her? Holy Werewolf of London times five.

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