Ravenwild: Book 01 - Ravenwild

BOOK: Ravenwild: Book 01 - Ravenwild
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Peter J. Plasse


Cover art by Mark Zug at
Letter graphics on cover by Michael Pierce at
Inner art by Michael Longenecker
The celtic border surrounding the character portraits was done by Neil Dring.


Copyright © 2010 by Dr. Peter J. Plasse and Michael L. Longenecker
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ISBN eBook: 978-0-9833400-0-3


Smashwords Edition
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No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the authors. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.


This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


First Printing: November 2010
Lightning Source Inc. (US)
ISBN Trade: 978-0-9833400-1-0










This book is dedicated to the Plasse and Longenecker families, without whose encouragement and support this book would have died as the essence of a wish that was once-upon-a-time most fervently wished.


"Dreams are ever so much more important than therapy."
- Katy-Li-of-the-Bindu-Scriptures




Table of Contents


Part 1


Chapter 1: Gnomes inside the castle walls
Chapter 2: "What do you mean, we're inside the acorn?"
Chapter 3: "A wizard? Named Hemlock Simpleton?"
Chapter 4: Stephanie gets hoodwinked
Chapter 5: Trolls and Gnomes, up close and personal
Chapter 6: Erik makes a plea
Chapter 7: Who's the real wizard anyway?
Chapter 8: It isn't brain surgery unless it really is...
Chapter 9: Today I just might kill a wizard
Chapter 10: Wishing something doesn't make it happen
Chapter 11: Sometimes, ya just can't hide
Chapter 12: Run, Doreen, run...
Chapter 13: "These Gnomes have exceptionally keen hearing."
Chapter 14: "Hey Human, wake up..."
Chapter 15: There will come a dark time
Chapter 16: "Shannon, the goats need tending."
Chapter 17: The courage of Norma Webb


Part 2


Chapter 18: A boy is just a boy on any world
Chapter 19: "Daddy's the Emperor now."
Chapter 20: "Whose prisoner is he anyway?"
Chapter 21: "Here's to maybe."
Chapter 22: "I hate waiting."
Chapter 23: What leaders do that non-leaders do not do
Chapter 24: Beauty and brains
Chapter 25: "I hate the hunting channel."
Chapter 26: "Bring it on, Old One."
Chapter 27: "The right tool for the right job"
Chapter 28: The Bindu-ward art of magic and spell
Chapter 29: Now we can be friends
Chapter 30: "This gets a little complicated."
Chapter 31: Probably why we married them
Chapter 32: Jacqueline would be pleased
Chapter 33: "How's everybody?"
Chapter 34: "I am calling Kendra."




There will come
a dark time...




Part One


Chapter 1


Rolan Fairman sat admiring the beauty of the predawn sky. In the distance, out beyond the trees, stood the Great Wall. Behind him were snow-capped mountains that soared to dizzying heights. The new day was about to break wide open and the three moons, all full, cast a light nearly as bright as that of day, but softer in a way that gave everything an almost velvety appearance. He loved this time of day. It was the only time when the world seemed truly at peace with itself. Still, he knew it wouldn’t last, for this was a world at war, torn in many directions.

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