Ravished (18 page)

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Authors: Julia Keaton

BOOK: Ravished
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          Bronson tilted her
hips up to his lips.  She felt the soft brush of his lips on her folds, heard
his intake of breath as he inhaled her scent.  He held her still when she would
squirm, allowing her to know he was in absolute control.

          “Look at me, Alex,”
he ordered, and she obeyed.

          Dark were his eyes,
smoldering as though a fire had been lit.  He’d seen her secret and still he
wanted her, wanted more.  A sharp, desperate spasm of lust arched her insides
at his dark look.  She wanted to close her thighs, protect herself from the heat
of his gaze, the molten swipe of his tongue.  He was too much, too intense for
her to survive.  Looking on him made her womb tremble, that bud throb
responding with achy tension.

          “Know that you can
hide nothing from me, Alex.  Not this, not anything.  You are mine,” he said,
his voice rough, deeper than she’d ever before heard it.  It vibrated inside
her, echoing in the desire gripping her body.

          Before she could
prepare, before she could take a breath to utter his name and deny his
possession, he dipped his head and plunged his tongue deep in her core.  Alex
screamed, throwing her head back and grinding her hips up to his face, her
sheath gripping his tongue as he curled it inside her, lunging forward,

          His fingers dug
into her buttocks, bringing her closer to his face as he ate her flesh, drank
the syrup of her body as if he were starving.  He devoured her, plunging inside
again and again, mimicking the stroke his cock had set inside her anus until
she was mindless with the feel of his molten slide in and out of her.

          He lapped her,
nibbling her folds with his lips, her juices making wet sounds that should have
embarrassed her, but his greed for her honey allowed none to escape, and
allowed her no chance to think beyond the pleasure racing inside her veins.  He
burrowed deep inside her, grinding his chin against the narrow strip between
her entrances, rubbing his nose against the swollen bud. 

          He would smother,
would eat her alive.  His breath was ragged against her, fanning the desire
burgeoning through her core.

          He pulled out
suddenly, panting as if from exertion.  Alex whimpered, opening her eyes to see
him watching her.

          Knelt between her
splayed legs, he removed his tunic and shirt, leisurely drawing them over his
head.  Each inch of flesh exposed by his movement sent sharp shafts of desire
coursing through her.  His skin was naturally dark, almost bronze, the muscles
of his stomach jerked with his heaving breath, making her own lungs labor for

          He threw the
garments down, dropping his arms to his sides, his hands clenching, so near his
cod piece, she wanted to scream from the anticipation.  He’d left her on the
edge, and she would die if he did not plunge into her and quench the burn of
her loins.

          He backed off the
bed, standing.  Alex made a small, disappointed noise, sitting up on her
elbows.  His lips curled in a slow, wicked smile, barely traceable, the
slightest change in his expression that told her he enjoyed her torment and
would prolong it as long as he wished.  Alex shifted on the bed, frowning as
she chewed her bottom lip, drawing his eyes to her mouth.

          His eyes narrowed,
studying her, holding her gaze as he untied the lacing holding his cod piece in
place.  His cock jutted forth, impossibly thick, angrily red and swollen.  He
bent, blocking her view of it as he removed his hose and boots, and then he
stood before her, unadorned save for his own masculine beauty.

          Her breath caught
in her throat to look on him, to see his eyes blaze like the hottest fire, a
sapphire flame that singed her flesh and burned away her reservations.  His
black hair clung damply to his face and neck, and she itched to run her fingers
through it, to have the hair matting his chest caress her breasts and belly. 
And that steely rod … what would it feel like in her most intimate core,
rending, ramming, leaving nothing untouched…?

          “You devour me,
sweet Alex,” he growled softly, advancing on her, crawling onto the bed toward
her.  Sensual menace oozed from his pores, dripped from his voice.  He advanced
on her with the leisure of a hunter who’d cornered his prey.  “I could find
release merely from your eyes.”

          Alex swallowed,
backing away, her heart fluttering in her chest like a caged animal.  “Why do
you not,” she whispered, choked with some indefinable emotion.  She couldn’t
help but to glance down at his shaft, protruding from his groin like a lance
seeking a target.

          He caught her line
of sight and  smiled with pure, male satisfaction, crawling between her raised
knees.  “I have.  ‘Twas not near enough to appease me.  I watched as you
plunged a finger into your sheath.  Listened to your moans of pleasure.  I
vowed I would make you scream for my cock inside you, for my mouth at your
breast, my fingers in your slit.”

          Alex shuddered,
wanting to look away but not daring to close her eyes.  “Oh God.  You … you saw
me?”  She blushed, her skin turning crimson with mortification.

          “Aye.  My hand was
little appeasement compared to the beauty of your flesh.  Drinking your cream
but whet my appetite,” he said, crawling over her, closing her in with his
body.  He leaned over her on his forearms, his hair hanging down, his eyes
unblinking, consuming her.

          He bent his elbows,
sinking inexorably down until his mouth was inches from her own.  Shifting his
hips, he rubbed the molten tip of his erection against the top of her pubic
mound, letting her feel the weight of him.

          “Do you feel how
hard I am for you?” he murmured, closing the distance between their mouths in a
fiery kiss.

          Alex whimpered as
he ground his hips against her, up against that white hot center of pleasure
that throbbed for want of him.  His tongue thrust deep into her mouth, stealing
her breath and the essence of her soul in a devouring kiss that threatened to
consume her.  She suckled his tongue, thrusting off the tattered remains of her
soaked shirt from her arms so that she could feel the silk of his skin against
her flesh.

          He groaned as she
wrapped her arms around him, touching his back, her questing fingers
discovering he was more gloriously hard and powerful than she’d ever imagined. 
His muscles flexed with strength beneath her fingers, responding to her touch. 
His flanks heaved with breath against her arms as he tore from her mouth and
dragged his lips across her jaw.

          Alex gasped, scored
by his teeth, scraped by fledgling beard, his whiskers burning and feeling
heavenly rough on her skin.

          He lifted suddenly,
propping on one arm, laying half atop her as he peeled her mustache away and
ripped the wig from her head.  Alex startled, her eyes widening with surprise,
stunned to see him frowning down at her with brows heavy over his eyes.

          “I want you as the
woman you are,” he growled, thrusting a hand in her hair to loosen the tight
mat it had become.  The silky fine tresses sprung to life at his touch, wove
through his fingers like wisps of flame.

          She felt free,
unbound, a wildness soared inside her.  His eyes darkened, near black from the
shadow of his hair, but no less potent.  She shivered, meeting his gaze.

          “Somehow, I knew my
wildcat would have hair of fire,” he whispered, clutching the side of her head
as he kissed her once more.

          His mouth was
sweeter this time, as if he’d pulled the emotion choking her lungs and bathed
her with honey.  Alex’s throat tightened, her eyes stinging as he pleasured her
mouth, nibbling her lips, her tongue, fueling the bittersweet desire.

          The soft side of
him stunned her, made her ache in places that should never hurt.  Her heart
seemed to trip over itself, its pace climbing as he smoothed a trail of kisses
down the column of her throat to her breasts.  He nuzzled her breasts, dragging
his lips over the tender flesh, swiping his tongue across each nipple in turn.

          With his free hand,
he cupped her, rolling her nipple between his fingers, stoking the blaze
consuming her loins.  Alex’s whimper of pleasure turned to a cry as he closed
his mouth on one bare peak, dragging her flesh into his mouth in a hard,
sucking kiss, rubbing his tongue on the delicate nipple until it swelled and
hardened in his mouth.

          She dug her short
nails in his back like talons, crying out as he continued to suckle as though
drawing sustenance from her breast.  Her back arched, unconsciously thrusting
her breasts closer.  His lips and teeth, his tongue, were torture, undeniably
sweet agony.

          “I shall go mad
without surcease,” she breathed, risking a hand to clutch his head to her
breast.  She wanted him to stop, but she couldn’t bear it.

          He broke from her
flesh, scoring the underside of her breast with his teeth before moving for her
other.  “As you have driven me mad,” he growled, latching on, sucking near to
the point of pain.

          Tears squeezed from
her eyes.  Her vagina clenched in agony.  Moisture flooded her, soaking her
folds, seeking to cool that branding iron that pressed against her mound that
offered no relief.

          Alex planted her
feet flat on the bed, arching her back, shifting her hips to raise and grind
herself on his manroot.  His hardness touched her cream laden bud, increasing
the swell of it, the pain that gripped her—but what glorious pain it was.  His
mouth stilled.  His body went rigid.  His breath suddenly panted from him,
chest heaving against her ribs.

          “By my troth--do
not!” he said hoarsely, closing his eyes.

          Sweat beaded on his
forehead, his arms.  Alex bit her lip, lowering her arms until she could reach
his buttocks.  She grasped them, pulling him against her as she arched her
hips, seeking that wondrous place yet again, finding it with his heated rod.

          He groaned, long
and loud, a mournful sound that erupted from deep inside him.  He eased back,
breaking her grip, and then she felt the change come over him.  His muscles
shook with the power of restraint.  A great, hard knob pushed against her
woman’s sheath, stretching, tearing her, setting her flesh on fire.

          Alex whimpered,
needing his length inside her, knowing that the pain was what she craved … and
she would have it.  She moved her hips, forcing him inside her, gasping as the
broad head of his cock distended her opening, moving past the fragile
entrance.  Her muscles seized on him, closing down, desperate to shut him out.

          “Oh God,” he
panted, burying his face against her neck, shuddering with the effort of
control.  “I cannot.”

          “Please,” she
pleaded, dying, pinned to the bed and unable to move as she wanted—needed.  She
would expire without him.  She’d gone too far to stop now.  The pain had built
inside her until she was near to bursting.

          She dug her fingers
into his buttocks, urging him to take her.  His breathing quickened.  She could
feel the pound of his heart against her chest.

          “Do … not … move,”
he groaned harshly.  He dropped on her, melding to her, propping his weight on
his elbows on either side of her ribcage.

          Alex could not obey
him, not in this.  Hurt noises whimpered from her throat.  She rubbed her legs
against his, her calves to his thighs, stimulating her senses, awakening
sensation in her lower half.  Her entire body seemed sensitized to the
slightest touch.  She moaned, breathing heavily, rubbing her legs, locking them
around his buttocks as she stroked her palms up his back.

          A loud, mournful
cry tore from him.  He bit her neck, stifling it, shaking, breathing hard and
fast through his nose.  His muscles flexed, tensed as if to hold him back, but
he’d lost his mind, all control.  He thrust, ramming the broad length of
himself inside her, tearing, rending flesh.  Alex screamed as he tore through
her maidenhead and sank to the hilt in her sheath.

          He shuddered, and
she felt hot tears against her neck, knew not if they were his or her own.  His
cock twitched against her breached inner muscles.  The breath had stolen from
her lungs at the force of his invasion—she couldn’t breathe for the weight of
him, the wound he’d struck inside her.

          Slowly, drawing out
her agony, he pulled his shaft from her core, rubbing that impossibly hard,
huge knob through her tender insides until his cock was nearly free, and then
he plunged deep once more.

          Alex cried at his
gentle push, clenching him, aching as he withdrew, aching as he entered.  With
each stroke, she thought surely now she would die, but slowly, as he continued
subjecting her to the movement she’d craved so much before, tremors built
inside her.  The fire in her muscles ceased to burn with pain, searing instead
with an increasing pleasure.  It felt like his tongue but harder, more
demanding.  He was so huge, he filled her near to overflowing.  He stretched
her sheath so tightly, she could feel the engorged veins roughing his length,
bumping through her muscles.

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