Razer's Ride (15 page)

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Authors: Jamie Begley

Tags: #The Last Riders#1

BOOK: Razer's Ride
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“What is the significance of the dates on the razor?”

“The day I joined the navy and the day I joined The Last Riders.”

“What does your tattoo mean?”

“Everyone has to figure it out for themselves.”

“You only have this tattoo on your body, everyone else has several more.”

Razer laughed, “I don’t like needles. I was born addicted to crack, first couple years I almost didn’t make it. Doctors and nurses were always poking me with needles. Don’t let them anywhere near me now, but wanted this one. Not going to get another. Had to threaten the mother fucker who gave me this one not to tell that I had passed out.”

Beth burst out laughing. Razer rolled her over putting a hand over her mouth to cut the sound off.

“Shh… everyone will hear you laughing. They will think your laughing at my dick.” He joked before removing his hand.

“I doubt that. Everyone here knows your dick is no laughing matter.”

“Damn right.” He gloated.

“Of course, they might think I am laughing at your fucking.”

Beth squealed like a girl and took off running to the bathroom with him chasing her.

“Nope, they heard you screaming when you came.”

Razer pushed her into the bathroom as she tried to slam the door. Jerking her into his arms and kissing her silly. Beth’s laughter died as he turned the shower on, maneuvering her into the warm spray. They washed each other with their hands, exploring each other’s bodies. Razer broke away from her to leave her under the water.

“Stay here.”

He came back within minutes, coming back into the shower with her. At first she thought she was imagining what she saw glinting in his hand.

“Razer... is that a straight Razer?”

“Yes.” Guiding her foot and bracing it on the ledge in the shower, he grabbed some lotion hanging in the caddy in the shower.

“Stand still.”

He poured some lotion into the palm of his hand and rubbed it into the blond curls between her thighs. He raised the Razer and gently began shaving.

“Razer stop. I can…” She started to put her leg down.

“Don’t move, I don’t want to cut you,” he warned.

Beth froze in place as he shaved her, moving her leg higher until he could even slide the razer around the sides of her pussy. It was definitely a new experience and Beth could only stand there blushing furiously. When he was done, he took the hand held showerhead down, aiming it between her legs until she was clean. Then he put it back and taking another bottle down, he poured a different lotion on his hand rubbing it gently into her cleanly shaven skin.

When he was done they got out of the shower and dried off. Beth sat on the bed and called Lily while Razer went downstairs to bring some food back for them eat.

Afterward, they sat talking about the likelihood of zombie apocalypses versus deep-sea volcano eruptions bringing an end to the world.  When her giggling had her falling backwards, Razer took advantage of her splayed legs, pulling her towards him.

Beth knew by the look in his eyes that he wanted her again and she wanted him just as badly.

“I have had my dinner, now I want my dessert.” 

He kissed her thighs, prying them apart as she tried to close them when his intentions became obvious.

The struggle didn’t last beyond him latching onto her clitoris. He took his time, determined to teach her the pleasure to be found in his bed.  His tongue found her entrance laving inward, parting the lips of her pussy, tasting the treasured tightness within. Beth’s head fell back onto the pillow, her back arched as she grabbed the rail at the head of his bed.  Frantically, she tried to wrench away from him, the strength of her orgasm frightening. Razer held her firmly, his mouth latched onto her clitoris until her quivering stopped.

“I never knew I could come that hard,” she whimpered.

Razer removed another condom from the nightstand and with a hand on her waist, flipped her boneless body onto her stomach.

“Now the challenge is for you to make me come as hard.”

“So it’s a challenge?”

“Not much of one, I’m almost ready to come.”  His hand forced her shoulder to the bed, which lifted her ass in the air. His sheathed cock slid inside her with a series of hard thrusts.

“You sore?”


“You will be, took it easy on you last time.” His hands on her hips had her pushing back against him hard. Loud slaps filled the air. Beth hands reached out to press again, grabbing the metal headboard to keep from banging her head against it. Beth’s thighs began to tremble from the force he was fucking her with.

“Razer... I don’t know if I can come again,” Beth pleaded.

“You’re going to come again harder than you did last time.” Beth did not know if she would be able to take it if she did.  The force of his thrusts, the directions gradually rebuilt the fire inside of her body.  He located the spot that sent her moaning, managing to find it each time he surged inside her. Her pussy began tightening, trying to hold onto his cock. Beth felt her climax building; she wasn’t able to do much more than let Razer throw her into blazing contractions of sensations that had her grabbing a pillow to quiet the screams tearing from her throat.

Beth’s orgasm had her thrusting back onto his cock, Razer barely managed to pin her down so that he could finish with a series of thrusts that prolonged the pleasure building in his cock, unable to draw it out longer, he buried himself deep, coming with a long groan.

“Woman, you take everything I have.” 

“Razer, I think you’re the one trying to kill me.”


                      Chapter 12


Beth was surprised at how quick the week went by while she stayed at Razer’s house. Switching patients with Evie had made her days shorter, but longer for Evie.  Beth felt guilty, but could do little to change the situation until they could discover who had shot at her. Thankfully, next week they planned to switch again.  Evie could go back to her original schedule, just different patients.

Friday was a light day for both of them with Beth and Evie both leaving the house early.  Evie was able to finish after one patient. Beth finished early also, returning to the house at lunchtime, going into the kitchen for a bite to eat. Rider was sitting at the counter, eating a sandwich.

Beth got the bread and began making herself a peanut butter sandwich.

“The house is quiet, where is everyone?”

Rider grinned. “It’s Friday. Party day.” At Beth’s raised brow, he explained further. “Everyone went into town for supplies. Usually the guys go, but the girls went also. Heard them carrying on about something. I try not to listen when they’re scheming.” He gave a shudder.

Beth laughed. She had become friends with several of the house occupants, they respected her personal space and when she hadn’t responded to a few of their overtures, they had backed off with a smile. The thing that had surprised her the most was while they weren’t shy about where or with whom they had sex, it wasn’t as constant as she had thought.

They worked hard. Beth had heard them in the factory early before she had gone to work and worked late in the evenings. Often, they would come in exhausted just to grab a bite to eat before going to bed.

On the other hand, they were filled with sexual energy. Beth had walked in the living room or television room several times to find the members having sex. The first couple of times she had immediately left the room, deeply embarrassed how she still left the room, but it didn’t embarrass her as badly. She supposed she was becoming desensitized. Others who enjoyed watching would often join in if invited. Those were the ones that Beth had a harder time dealing with because she felt it was only a matter of time before she walked in to find Razer involved in another trio.

Beth finished her sandwich and was drinking her milk, taking her phone out, she going to call Razer and see what he was doing. He had still been sleeping when she left; she hadn’t wanted to wake him yet, she now regretted missing the morning sex that she had become accustomed to. She was about to punch his phone number in when the front door opened and the men came in carrying groceries with girls trailing behind, packing shopping bags from one of the few stores in town.

Evie raised her bag. “Beth you missed out, we emptied that excuse of a department store. After we get something to eat, we are going upstairs to change into our new clothes. I even, as your best friend, picked you up a little something, something.”

Beth laughed, lowering the phone as the kitchen became crowded with the guys putting up groceries and getting the meat ready for the grill.

“Watch it, be careful.” Beth’s attention was drawn to Natasha whose hand was covering a patch on the curve of her breast. Beth froze knowing in her gut what was underneath. Natasha went to the refrigerator taking out a soda. Opening it, she took several swallows before sitting at the counter.

Her hand shaking, Beth put the phone back in her pocket. Face white, she headed for the door, wanting to get out of the room as quickly as possible.

Jewell drew everyone’s attention to her. “What’s wrong Beth, you look like you’re going to throw up?”

“Where’s Razer?” Beth’s question came out in a whisper.

“He’s not here, he’s with…” not waiting for Evie to finish, Beth tried to leave the room. Evie grabbed her arm. “Let me get a cold rag.”

“No, I have to get out of here.”

“Leave her alone Evie, she knows,” Natasha said.

“Knows what?” Evie’s confused eyes searched Beth’s, then went to Natasha.

“Fuck no, he didn’t. That’s where you went while we were shopping?” Evie couldn’t believe Razer’s stupidity. The hurt in Beth’s face was something she never wanted to see repeated and now it was right before her again.

“Yes.” Natasha had guilt written all over her face.

“What date does it have?” Beth forced herself to look at Natasha expressionlessly.


“Congratulations.” Beth said forcing herself to walk slowly out of the kitchen. She had her keys in the pocket of her pants and kept walking until she was out the front door.

Shade was getting off his bike when he saw Beth walk out the door. Even from where he was sitting, he could see the pain on her face. Quickly, he took out his cell, punching Razer’s number.

“Beth is leaving the house.  From her face, I would say she knows what went down this morning.”

“Keep her there. Be there in five.” The line disconnected.

This time, Beth did not run from the house, consoled that at least this time she had not caught Razer in bed with another woman. No, it was tattooed on the woman’s breast in plain sight so that every time Beth looked at her she would know the exact date that Razer had fucked her.

As she drew closer to her car she saw Shade leaning against the driver’s door, blocking her from getting inside it.

“Hi, Beth.”


Beth paused, waiting for him to move out of her way. When he didn’t Beth tried politely to get him to move.

“Excuse me, Shade, I would like to get in my car.”

“Oh, going somewhere? “ As she was trying to get into her car, Beth figured that was pretty much self-evident.

“Yes. Do you mind?” Again, she tried to get in her car, but Shade would not budge.

“Actually I do. Razer will be here in a minute. He wants you to wait for him.”

“But I don’t want to wait for Razer,” Beth argued.

“Take that up with him.” He shrugged.

“To do that, I would have to be here, which I don’t want to be, now would you please move out of my way?”

“Too late.”  Shade gave a nod to Razer who pulled in on his bike, deliberately blocking Beth’s car. Shade moved away as Razer got off his bike to face an angry Beth.

“I want to leave and I would appreciate it if you would move your bike.”

“Where are you going?”

“I need to see a patient.”


Beth thought fast. “Mrs. Rogers.”

Razer pulled out his cell phone. “What’s her number, I want to see what the emergency is?”

Beth couldn’t think that fast. “Never mind. I don’t have to tell you where I am going. I just am, Evie can bring my stuff when she comes to work Monday.”

“So you’re not planning on coming back?”

“No, I am not coming back,” she snapped, irritated.


“Why?” Beth repeated.

“Yes, Beth why are you moving out, knowing that you life is in danger,”  Razer responded.

“Because I don’t want to stay here any longer.”


“None of your fucking business,” Beth said.

Razer’s eyes narrowed at her words. “Watch yourself, Beth.”

Beth glared back. “Fuck off!”  She snatched her car door open. She would run over his bike if he didn’t move it. She felt herself lifted of her feet and thrown over Razer’s shoulder.

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