Razor's Traitorous Heart: The Alliance Book 2 (21 page)

BOOK: Razor's Traitorous Heart: The Alliance Book 2
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He was about to follow through on his threat
when he heard the lock turn and the door cracked open a couple of
inches. Kali’s tear-stained face peeked up at him. Her bottom lip
trembled and she angrily brushed at another tear as it escaped to
run down her cheek.

“What?” She snapped. “I want you to leave me
alone. I want you to… to just go away!”

“You are hurting? I will call Patch. He will
give you something for the pain,” Razor murmured in concern as he
studied her red eyes. “Come, I will help you to the bed.”

“I am not hurting, at least not where Patch
can help me,” she replied. “I don’t want to… to lie down.”

“What is wrong,
,” Razor asked
in a husky voice. He raised his hand and captured another tear as
it fell. “Why do you cry?”

“I ‘cry’ because I’m so mad I want to hurt
two of the stupidest men on the Earth,” she growled in frustration.
“I want… to ‘cry’ because… because… because I just want to

Razor’s eyes soften
when she sniffed. He remembered Thomas’ advice
about cuddling. Earth wom
n liked to
cuddle. He pushed the door open a little further so he could
tenderly pull Kali closer. Wrapping his arms around her, he
breathed a sigh of relief when she buried her face against his

“Who are the two stupidest men?” Razor asked

“He gave me away? I thought he loved me! I’m
family. You don’t give family away,” she whispered in a choked

Razor bent and carefully picked her up. He
turned and carried her over to the bed and sat down on the edge of
it. The same confusing feelings he felt before threatened to drown
him again, only this time he knew what it was. Thomas said to trust
her. To be honest with her. That she would know. Thomas said that
women didn’t smell a lie like a Trivator. He explained that they
knew instinctively when a male was being deceitful.

“He does love you, Kali, just as I do,”
Razor replied in a quiet voice. “He did not give you away. He gave
you to me. I am now your family.”

Kali rested her head against his chest, her
ear pressed against his heart. It was strange how similar he was to
a human man, but also so different. It skipped a beat when he said
he loved her. She lay still for several minutes as he held her
close to his warm body.

She didn’t know if what she felt for him was
love or lust. All she knew for sure was that her body ignited into
molten lava whenever he was around. She had never had a reaction to
anyone the way she did to Razor.

Okay, whenever I even think of him I
short circuit,
she thought.
But still, is that love or

She had no experience with what she was
feeling and it had been so long since she had talked to another
woman about feelings, she had no idea what to do. Maybe she should
talk to Chelsea. She seemed like she would know. After all, she had
been married for a long time and had three daughters who were also

“Why did he tell you to take me away?” She
asked in a quiet voice.

“Because I couldn’t stand by and watch you
die like mom did,” a husky voice said from the doorway.

Razor’s eyes connected with Destin’s for a
long moment. His arms tightened possessively around Kali when she
started to sit up. He hadn’t realized that the door to his living
quarters was still ajar. When he had entered his rooms early and
found the bed empty, his first thought was that Kali had escaped
again. It wasn’t until he heard a sound coming from the bathroom
that he realized that she was there.

“Destin!” Kali exclaimed in a tear-choked


Destin studied Kali’s red, swollen eyes. He
didn’t plan on coming to the National Guard Armory. He had fought
against it, but he couldn’t leave her. He couldn’t let her go
without telling her he loved her. That she was his Kali. His wind
sprite, his baby sister, his family. When Razor stopped him in the
narrow alleyway, he had almost killed the bastard. At least, until
Razor asked him how many times did Kali have to almost die before
Destin realized that it was time to accept the Alliance’s help in
rebuilding the Earth.

He licked his lips and stared back at Razor.
“May I come in?” He asked quietly.

“Yes,” Razor replied.

Destin would have to have been blind and
deaf to miss the possessive way the Trivator warrior was holding
his sister or to miss the warning in his voice. Razor was making it
clear that Kali belonged to him and he was not going to let her go.
In that, they were still in agreement. Destin realized that Kali
would always put herself in between him and danger.

Destin slowly walked into the room. He
grabbed one of the chairs by the table as he walked by and
positioned it next to them. He sat down and gently picked up Kali’s
left hand. He ran his thumb over the dark symbols circling her
wrist as he thought about what to say to her. Drawing in a deep
breath, he looked up into her swollen eyes.

“Kali, everything is going to be alright
now. I… I need you to know that I love you. It is because I do that
I want you to stay with Razor.” His eyes locked with Razor’s darker
ones. “He has sworn to protect you. Earth is not such a good place
to be right now, especially Chicago. It may be selfish of me, but I
to know that you are safe.”

“I can help you,” she murmured. “I have
stood by your side and protected you for the past six years.”

Destin’s eyes returned to her. “I know and I
love you even more for that. Now it is my turn to protect you. It
isn’t like I won’t ever see….” Destin drew in a deep breath before
he tightened his grip on her hand. “We’ll see each other again, but
for now I need for you to go with him. I need to know that you are
safe and protected. I need to be able to focus on rebuilding our
home so that when you return, it will be ready for you.”

“Destin,” Kali started to argue in
confusion. “Why? Why are you suddenly so concerned about me getting
hurt? Why are you wanting me to leave when there is still so much
that needs to be done?”

“Because you are carrying our babe,” Razor
replied suddenly, looking back at Destin. “I gave my seed to you
and Patch confirmed that it has taken hold in your womb.”

Kali jerked forward, almost falling out of
Razor’s lap as she twisted. Only his arms and Destin stopped her
from sliding off onto the floor. Her mouth hung open like a fish
out of water as she looked at Razor in shock before shaking her
head in denial.

“How can he tell so soon? I mean we’ve
only…” She blushed a deep red and glanced at her brother. “It’s
only been four days,” she mumbled.

“Yes, and we have been together frequently
over those four days,” Razor pointed out, ignoring her deepening
blush. “He picked up a change in your blood and did a scan. It
confirmed that you are pregnant with my child.”

“But… but…,” Kali stared at him in shock.
“How? I mean I know
but… how can it be possible?”

Razor’s eyebrow rose as he looked at her
pale face. “It is possible. My brother and Jesse have proven that
it is possible for a child to be created between a human and a

“What… will the difference between us cause
any problems? I mean, I’ve heard that people with different blood
types here can have problems,” Kali whispered with a worried

“I talked to Patch about that,” Razor
admitted. “He explained that our blood types were compatible. There
is no danger that we are aware of at this time. Lyon, Hunter and
Jesse’s son, is very happy and healthy. My biggest concern is the
trauma you have endured and the amount of blood you have lost.
Patch wants to monitor you to make sure everything will be well for
both you and the babe. He also wants you to get plenty of rest. You
need to let the healing process complete and give your body time to
recuperate from the blood you have lost.”

“I’m happy for you, Kali,” Destin added with
a smile. “You deserve to be happy.”

“Yeah, but… a baby!” She exclaimed in a
dazed voice as she sank back in shock. “I… I don’t know anything
about babies.”

Razor slid his arms around her and pulled
her protectively closer to his body. He felt the trembling in her
slender frame as shock and fatigue washed through her. He would
talk to Patch again before he retired tonight. He wanted Patch to
check Kali one more time to make sure she was going to be

“We will learn together,” Razor whispered in
her ear as she sank back against him. “I will be there for you,
Kali. This is a gift no warrior would want to miss.”


What little energy Kali had seemed to desert
her as she sank back in Razor’s arms in stunned disbelief. She
listened as the men talked quietly about what happened after Razor
took her. Most of the men who were under Colbert surrendered and
pledged to work under Destin. The few that continued to resist were
slowly being hunted down by a combination of Trivator and Destin’s

After a short time, her eyes grew too heavy
to keep them open. The combination of blood loss, her body healing
from its injuries and her crying had exhausted her. Soon, their
quiet voices lured her into a light sleep.

“You promise you’ll keep her safe?” Destin
asked as he watched Kali breathing evenly. “She loves to run and
explore. I really don’t see her slowing down much. If she becomes
real quiet, just be there for her. She is working things out on her
own. She needs her space. She can’t stand being cooped up. She
hates broccoli and peas, but loves spinach with cheese in it and
egg drop soup.”

“I will make sure I download the ingredients
and how to prepare them before we leave,” Razor replied. “Is there
anything else I should know?”

“She loves mint tea, but hates mint,” Destin
said with a chuckle. “It relaxes her.”

“I will get a crate of it,” Razor assured

“She also likes to hog the covers when she’s
cold. Razor,” Destin started before releasing a deep breath and
staring into the other male’s eyes. “Please, keep her safe. She is
everything to me.”

“I swear on my life, I will protect her. She
is my life, Destin,” Razor murmured, holding Kali’s relaxed body
closer to his. “I will do everything I can to protect her.”

“But remember to let her fly,” Destin said,
rising out of his chair and bending to brush a kiss across Kali’s
cheek. “She is a free spirit. She needs to fly.”

“I will be right beside her when she does,”
Razor assured him as Destin picked up the chair and replaced it by
the table. “Cutter will make sure you have all the support you

Destin looked over his shoulder at the huge
male holding his sister. They looked – right. A small smile pulled
at his lips and he bowed his head in acknowledgement before walking
out the door. For the first time since their
mother's death
, a huge weight felt like it had been
lifted off his shoulders. Standing tall, he nodded to Tim, who was
standing waiting for him further down the hall.

“Everything good?” Tim asked quietly as
Destin walked up to him.

“Yeah,” Destin replied, glancing over his
shoulder at the closed door before turning back to Tim with a small
smile. “Yeah, everything is good.”

“You know Jason is going to be pissed,” Tim
commented casually. “He wanted Kali.”

Destin chuckled. “After the beating he got,
I don’t think he is going to try to tangle with that huge bastard
again. He’ll get over it. She didn’t love him like she does

Tim grinned. “I hope he knows he is one
lucky bastard then,” he said as they stepped out into the frigid
air. “Kali is one very special gal.”

Destin looked up at the stars in the sky. It
was hard to believe that one day soon Kali would be up there flying
through the solar system. Life had changed a lot for them, but
change could be a good thing. Perhaps one day he would get a chance
to go see it for himself. Until that day, though, he had a lot of
work to do.

“Yes, she is,” Destin agreed, pulling his
sock cap on. “Let’s go. We have a lot of work ahead of us.”

Chapter 24

Kali fumbled with the comlink that Razor had
given her right after they arrived on board his Flagship. The
was an experimental prototype warship that he was
overseeing. Razor explained that while it was smaller than most of
their other warships, it was much faster and was equipped with the
latest advancements in Trivator weaponry. All Kali knew was Razor’s
definition of small and hers were not the same. She had spent the
last three days exploring and she still hadn’t seen a quarter of

It was going to take a while to get
acclimated to what was happening. Everything was so foreign to her
and she was feeling more than a little intimidated by it. Hell, she
was still trying to get oriented to the feeling of being in an
enclosed area. She was used to being able to step outside and feel
the sun on her face and the wind in her hair any time she felt like

To make matters worse, she hadn’t seen much
of Razor since they arrived. She understood he was busy with the
preparations for the departure and everything, but it wasn’t much
comfort to her growing unease. The problem with him being gone so
much during the past three days was she couldn’t help but wonder if
she was making a huge mistake. After all, it wasn’t like she could
just hop on the metro, if it had been working, and go home.

As the view of the Earth began to fade from
the viewport she was looking out of an hour ago, her doubts and
fears escalated. It had taken everything inside her to keep from
screaming out that she had changed her mind, that she wanted to go

There were so many things that could go
she thought as she fumbled with the comlink attached to
the collar of her shirt.
All I have are the few things that
Destin brought me before we lifted off. I don’t know anything about
spaceships and alien planets and…

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