Reaching Rachel (11 page)

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Authors: LL Collins

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Reaching Rachel
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“Did that look like Justin?” Her stomach was quivering. It wasn’t exact, but damn did that picture remind her of him. She knew she had only seen him twice now, but it was enough to send goose bumps down her body.

“Hmmm … I think your imagination is getting the best of you,” Ben teased, pulling her back to lay with him and kissing her softly. “I didn’t really see the resemblance.”

Kayley relaxed against Ben. “You’re probably right.” As he kissed her deeper, he made her completely forget about the picture she had seen, and her worry over Rachel.



Rachel rolled back and forth, pain coursing through her body. What was wrong with her? The morning light shone brightly through her windows, and she groaned. She knew she was in her bedroom but had no idea what had happened to her.

She attempted to sit up and the room spun off its axis, causing her to whimper. Her stomach revolted at the movement and she knew she was going to be sick. Grabbing the trash can next to her bed, she lost the contents of her stomach. Her head pounded and her stomach roiled. It was right then that she remembered everything. Justin. He had demanded that she let him move in with her, and she had said no. He had hit her. No, he had beaten her. The last thing she remembered was seeing his fist coming at her face.

Closing her eyes against the pain, she gingerly touched her face. She could feel dried blood and the puffiness of her skin. She could only imagine what it looked like. As she swung her legs over, pain radiated in her ribs and stomach. Oh my god. What had he done? And where was he now? She was almost afraid to turn her head any farther, as the pain was so blinding it was making her sick again. She needed to get away from him. She needed to get up and get to the police station.

Gripping the nightstand for support, she slowly stood. The room spun dangerously as she found her footing, and she gripped harder to keep from losing her balance. Breathing in short bursts to keep her ribs from sending shooting pain through her body, she took small steps to the bathroom.

Making it to the doorway, she breathed a sigh of relief. It felt like she had just run a marathon. She knew once she looked at herself in the mirror, Justin better watch out. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, well in this case hell hath no fury like a woman beaten by her boyfriend. Oh, hell no this wasn’t going to be the end. Justin was going down.

Hearing a door on the other side of the house, she involuntarily whimpered. He was here. God no. She had hoped he had left and wouldn’t be back until after she already went to the cops.

Reaching the mirror, she gasped out loud when she saw herself. Tears fell out of her eyes and down her bruised face, and she took shallow breaths to keep herself from hyperventilating. If she didn’t know that she was looking at herself, she would’ve thought it was someone else standing there. Her red hair was in tangles around her face, and her green eyes couldn’t be seen through the puffy bruises on her eyes, cheeks, and nose. She reached up and touched her face, wincing. Touching it felt like she just lit a match and set her face on fire.

Turning the water on in the sink, she leaned over gingerly to try to wash the dried blood from her nose off of her face. As she bent, a ripping sensation went through her chest and she cried out in pain, more tears escaping her swollen eyes.
It’s my punishment,
she thought.
For all the things I’ve done.

Standing back up carefully, the room spun once more and she gripped the bathroom counter, her body shaking from the exertion of keeping herself upright. Determined to make it to her closet to get dressed, she stepped slowly out of the bathroom.
I wonder where my cell phone is,
she thought.
I need to call Kayley.

She almost made it to the door to her closet when the door to her room started opening. If she could’ve run, she would have been sprinting. Ice ran through her veins as she looked, terrified, at the opening door. Her body started shaking in anticipation of what he might do now. She closed her eyes, wishing that someone would show up and save her from this, from him.
I’ve been so stupid¸
she thought.
I should’ve known better than to get involved with anyone again.

Almost like someone else had taken over her body, she started making noises she couldn’t control as she saw Justin’s face. Backing up, she was shaking her head no as he came fully into view. He smiled as he saw her, but the smile was cold and calculating.

“Well, well, well,” Justin drawled, stepping towards her. “Look who’s awake.” He reached his hand out to her and she screamed. He laughed as he stood so close to her, she could smell the alcohol on his breath. Her stomach revolted again, and she had to bite down hard on her lip to keep the bile from coming up.

“No,” Rachel whimpered, trying to step back. But he was too fast. He gripped her wrist painfully, and she cried out.

“Have you learned your lesson?” Justin sneered. “I think we’ve readjusted our roles in this relationship. See, I’m the one in charge here from now on. I’ll tell you what’s going to happen, and you are going to comply. Because,” Justin paused, touching her bruised and battered face, “we don’t want this beautiful face messed up any more than it already is. I would hate for you to have permanent damage from the
you need to learn.” He reached over and kissed her lips gently. “See, we have a good thing here, Rach, you and me. And now that you
, things will only get better. Don’t you agree?”

Rachel blinked, staring at him like the alien he seemed to be. He really thought that she was going to go along with this? But as stubborn as she was, she knew that if she didn’t placate him now, she would never get out of here to go to the cops. “I understand, Justin,” she whispered.

He grinned, wrapping his arms around her. “Well, that’s the best thing I’ve heard all day. I love you, Rachel, and I’m sorry for what I had to do. But, you had to learn the rules. I get it, you haven’t been in a relationship in a long time, so you don’t understand how to be in one. I’m going to help you with that.” Justin stepped back, looking her body up and down. “I’m going to get you some medicine for the pain, and then we are going to get reacquainted. Lay down, and I’ll be right back.”

Rachel looked at him, wondering how she was going to get to her phone fast enough when he left the room. She didn’t even know if it was in here.

He looked back at her before he left the room. “I know you wouldn’t do something as dumb as try to contact anyone, so I have your phone. Since you learned your lesson and all.” He shut the door behind him, leaving her staring the door and wondering what in the hell just happened.

Hearing the front door and then his truck a moment later, she got up gently and looked out the window. He was leaving. Now was her chance to get the hell out of here. He had her phone, so calling anyone was out of the question. If he was as smart as she assumed, he had also taken her car keys. She wondered idly if anyone was on the beach that would help her, but quickly dismissed that idea. She looked awful and would probably just freak everyone out.

“How did this happen,” she cried out, easing herself on the edge of the bed. “I’m so stupid, so so stupid. I should’ve seen this coming the night he grabbed me at the restaurant.” But she knew that nothing could’ve prepared her for what he had done.

Making a quick decision, she stood up gingerly and found a pair of yoga pants and a tank top. The pain of changing almost caused her to pass out. She knew she had a few broken ribs and probably a concussion. She looked around in vain for her purse—she knew he had it.

Walking gingerly to the door, she looked carefully outside to see if he was coming down the street. Not seeing him, she opened the door and stepped onto the front porch. Maneuvering carefully down the steps, she looked around to see if she could see anyone around that she may be able to ask for help. This was the downside to living in her parent’s beach house. Most of the other houses around her were only rentals, so you never really knew anyone around.

Standing at the end of the driveway, her heart stopped when she saw his truck headed down the street.
. She had to get inside before he saw her, or God only knew what he might do. Trying her hardest to walk fast, tears of pain pricked her eyes. Her head was pounding, her ribs ached, and her face felt like a balloon with too much air in it.

She practically ran up the steps, even though doing it caused black spots to dance in front her eyes. She had one goal and that was to make it inside. Pushing through it, she swung open the door and collapsed on the couch. Sweat coursed down her chest from just those few minutes of exertion. The room was spinning. But she had made it.

The front door opened and she closed her eyes, wishing so many things she wasn’t sure which one was at the forefront. She tried to regulate her breathing so he wouldn’t know she had been trying to leave.

“Hey baby,” Justin purred, sounding just like the person she knew before last night. “You feeling better? I got you some coffee and a bagel from the corner store.” Rachel opened her eyes, in disbelief. Was she
feeling better?

“I also got you these,” Justin produced a bouquet of flowers from behind his back. They were a beautiful assortment of daisies, sunflowers, tulips, and roses, something she would’ve loved and swooned over had it not been for the fact that she could barely move.

When she said nothing, a look crossed his face and he furrowed his brow. “Aren’t you going to thank me?”

Rachel sighed inwardly, knowing what she wanted to say back but knowing full well it wasn’t going to get her anywhere. “Thank you, Justin. Those are beautiful. Could I please have some medicine? I’m in a lot of pain.”

“Of course,” Justin cooed, brushing his lips over her bruised face. “I’m going to get you some ice for that face, too.”

He walked into the kitchen, acting like a dutiful, concerned boyfriend. It was all Rachel could do to not scream and throw things at him. How could he act like she was just sick or something? She knew right then and there that she had to find a way to get away from him for good. She was many things, but a doormat wasn’t one of them.



It had been a week since the ‘incident’, and Rachel had done what she does best. She had stuffed it away, trying to forget what had happened. Justin had been very sweet all week of course, bringing her flowers daily, making love to her, apologizing, and saying it would never happen again. But, he had also been threatening her. He told her she was never to tell anyone about the lesson she learned, or the next lesson would be even worse. He had called her terrible names, mostly saying she was worthless, a bitch, no one would love her, so many things that she couldn’t even keep them straight. He had taken custody of her phone, and she hadn’t been allowed out of his sight. When he went to work, he left her at the house with no way to talk to anyone or leave. Little did he know that she was lying low, planning and trying to figure out exactly how she would get away from him.

Today was her first day back to work since she hadn’t been in any condition to leave the house. Kayley and Jessica had been very concerned about her, calling her constantly. Of course Justin had sat next to her the whole time, making sure she only said what he allowed her to say. She had told them both she was very sick with the flu and she didn’t want them to get it. Her parents had even called, and she told them the same thing. Justin was pleased with her and ‘rewarded’ her often, which meant he slept with her. While she previously loved sex with Justin, now it felt contrived, forced. She hated every second.

The visible bruises were mostly gone, able to be easily covered by her makeup now, so she was allowed to go back to work. Her ribs still ached, but she knew that would be awhile before they felt normal again.

It was also the week of Thanksgiving, and her parents were coming in for the holiday. She was excited to see them, as it had been quite a while since their last visit. What she wasn’t looking forward to, however, was Justin still being around.

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