Read Ready To Love Again Online
Authors: Annalyse Knight
“Um . . . you’re jumping ahead a little fast, pumpkin. Let’s get back to the question at hand.” Chase tried to steer her back to the proposal. “Are you okay with Katie and Shawn becoming a part of our family?”
“Yep, but I still want a baby sister.”
He ignored her request and hugged her tight. “Thank you, sweetheart.”
She nodded against his chest before she flopped back onto her bed. Chase tucked her in and made his way to her door, but when he opened it, she spoke again.
“Did you get her a ring yet?”
“No, not yet.”
“Can I go? Maybe I could help you pick it out?”
“I think that would be a great idea.”
“Hurry up, Mom,” Shawn whined from the backseat.
“Chill out,” Katie said while she pulled into Chase’s driveway.
“Do you think Gina is here? I missed her while she was gone.”
“Yes, she and Daniel returned yesterday from their honeymoon, so we’re going to welcome the happy couple home.”
As soon as the car stopped, Shawn shot out the door, darted up the stairs, and tackled Gina. She was still giggling when Katie made it into the house and gave her a hug.
“How was your trip?”
“Are you kidding me?” Gina asked when they walked into the kitchen. “Sandy beaches, fantastic views, and
in board shorts,” she said, pointing at Daniel.
He looked up and gave Katie a small wave before returning his attention to the marinating steaks. When Chase came in from the patio, barbecue tongs in his hand, Katie felt the warmth from his presence spread across her body.
“Mom just called and said they’d be here in fifteen,” Chase told Gina when he entered the kitchen.
He gave Katie a quick kiss in greeting, grabbed the steaks from Daniel, and went back outside. Katie thought it was funny that Chase couldn’t cook a single meal in the kitchen but seemed to be more than competent in front of a grill.
Once Daniel was finished with his task, he took Gina into his arms, dipped her back, and planted a wet, sloppy kiss on her mouth. She shoved him away and slapped his butt before pushing him out the door to help Chase.
“So what needs to be done?” Katie asked, smiling at their antics
“Would you mind making the salad while I finish up the dessert?” Gina asked, rummaging through the refrigerator for all the ingredients. Katie pulled out a cutting board and knife while Gina laid everything out on the counter. She glanced at the knife and narrowed her eyes.
“You’re not going to cut the lettuce with that, are you?”
Katie laughed and shook her head. “Heavens, no. That’s for the tomatoes and cucumber.”
“I think I’m going to keep you and get rid of my stupid brother. I’ve told him a hundred times not to cut leafy vegetables.” Gina chuckled and turned back to her dessert.
The rest of the evening was spent with tales of Gina and Daniel’s adventures in Hawaii. Tony kept pushing Daniel to tell him about the waves at North Shore, while Shawn listened in eagerly.
The sun was on its final descent when they finished dinner. Katie stood to help clear the dishes, but Mia snagged the plates out of her hand and informed her that she and Connor would take care of cleanup. Katie sighed and relented.
“Come take a walk with me,” Chase said in her ear, grasping her elbow to lead her to the door.
“We can’t leave.” She waved her hand toward the kitchen. “Your family—”
“Will understand.”
Katie shook her head but followed him out of the house anyway. She couldn’t deny that she wanted some alone time just as much as he did.
They went out the gate and down to the beach, where they walked hand in hand. The sun had touched the horizon when he stopped at the water’s edge and kissed her. Chase pulled away, and Katie’s eyes fluttered open to see him holding a little blue ring box.
Her heart skipped a beat.
Chase took her trembling hand and placed the box in her palm. When she opened it, Katie was surprised to see several pieces of paper folded inside rather than the ring she’d expected.
She let out a shaky breath when her eyes darted up to Chase’s.
“Read them,” he said, coaxing her.
She pulled out the top note and unfolded it. Shawn’s chicken scratch was scrawled over pretty pink paper dotted with hearts.
I love your hugs and kisses.
Katie smiled at his admission. She never would have guessed he liked her public displays of affection since he whined so much about them. Maybe he’d written what he thought she wanted to hear. Katie chuckled before refolding the paper and pulling out the next one. Tony’s neat handwriting appeared on the same printed paper.
I love when you make dinner and it feels like we’re a real family.
Tears pricked at her eyes. She glanced up at Chase, and his smile never faltered.
The next paper was from Liz.
I love that you’re always so nice, even when I’m mean, and you do things with me that remind me of my mom.
Katie didn’t hold back the tears. There was still one more note at the bottom of the box, and she pulled it out, knowing it would be from Chase. It was thick, and when she unfolded it, fourteen dollars fell onto the sand at her feet.
She laughed through her tears while he knelt to pick up the money. “Read the note,” he said. Katie was overwhelmed by her emotions, but she smiled and began to read Chase’s elegant script.
I love everything about you. You make me whole, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Her breath caught in her throat, and when she looked down at Chase, he held out the money to her.
Again, not what I expected to see with him on his knees.
“You have to accept these fourteen dollars.”
She laughed and shook her head. “Nope. They’re yours.”
He gave a disappointed sigh, and then turned the full force of his charm on her. “This isn’t about control, Katie. I love your independence too much. I need to know that the woman I marry will let me take care of her even if it is just fourteen dollars.”
Katie swallowed. “Cheater,” she whispered, making him grin up at her.
When she’d reached out a tentative hand to take the money from his fingers, Chase reached into his pocket and pulled out a little black velvet box.
“Marry me?” he said while he popped open the top.
Katie knew at once that this was the right thing to do. This was the next step in her happily ever after.
She sank to her knees and threw herself into Chase’s arms. “Yes! A thousand times over, yes!”
His arms wound around her back, and he pulled her closer, kissing her with a passion that made her toes curl. In one swift motion, Chase stood, scooped her into his arms, and twirled her around.
Katie let out a loud laugh when she caught a glimpse of Shawn and the whole O’Donnell clan standing in the picture window of Chase’s home, watching with happy smiles.
“We have an audience,” she said.
He looked to the house and grinned. “Well, then let’s give them a show, because as soon as we get back to the house, I’m kicking them all out.”
Chase pulled her closer until their lips met in an urgent kiss. Katie’s hands wound into his hair, and she tugged him closer to her. Gasping for breath, he pulled away and looked into her eyes.
“I will love you forever.”
“And I you.”
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About the Author
Annalyse Knight is a recovering craft addict. She spent many years jumping from one hobby to another until she discovered that writing satisfied all her creative cravings.
A stay-at-home mom, Annalyse raised her three children on California’s Monterey Peninsula. Although she and her family later moved to the Sacramento area, the beach, the quiet community, and the beauty of the California coast continue to inspire her writing.
She spent several years writing with an online community, and she loved the direct interaction with her readers. Her online participation eventually led to her volunteer at The Writers’ Collective, an online writing workshop group founded to create a supportive community for writers. With her children almost grown, Annalyse decided to take her hobby to the next level and become a published author.
Ready to Love Again
is her first novel with The Writer’s Coffee Shop.
I would seem terribly ungrateful if I didn’t express my heartfelt thanks to a few people who helped me in this adventure.
To my first cheerleaders: Amanda, Jess, and Katie. Your encouragement and late night chats kept me motivated to continue this story when life seemed to fall apart around me. We had our ups and downs, but I’ll forever be thankful for your support.
To my awesome writing group: Erica, Dawn, Karen, and my first editor-in-chief, Melanie. Thanks for beautifying this story before I sent it on to the workshop. Your thoughtful insight helped me see where I needed to cut, expand, or reword some of my “interesting” phrases.
To my amazing team at The Writers’ Collective: Tiffany, Beverlyn, Jodie, Karen, Betsy, Robin, Melissa, and Anne. You guys helped turn this story into something I’m proud to call my own. I appreciate the long hours everyone put into this. Thank you!
Last, but certainly not least, my children. Thanks for believing in me and supporting my incessant need to be behind the computer. I love you!