Reagan Hawk

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Authors: Space Pirates' Bounty [Strength in Numbers 2]

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Space Pirates’ Bounty (Strength in Numbers)


Reagan Hawk



Space Pirates’ Bounty © Copyright 2013 by Reagan Hawk

First Electronic Printing April 2013, The Raven Books

Cover art by Eliza Black © Copyright 2013

ISBN: 978-1-62501-019-3

Edited by Suz Gower

Final Line Edit by Dianne B



All books copyrighted to the author and may not be resold or given away without written permission from the author, Reagan Hawk.


This novel is a work of fiction. Any and all characters, events, and places are of the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or events or places is merely coincidence.



Published by Raven Books

Raven Books and all affiliate sites and projects are © Copyrighted 2004-2013





Space Pirates’ Bounty (Strength in Numbers)


Reagan Hawk


Table of Contents


Space Pirates’ Bounty (Strength in Numbers)


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight


About the Author

Reagan Hawk Titles

The Beast Mas
ters Series

Strength in Numbers Series

Masters of Pleasure

Cyber Sex Series

Reagan on Amazon

The Raven Books
’ Complimentary Material

A King
’s Ransom by Reagan Hawk

Rescuing Reya by Reagan Hawk

The Savage King (Lords of the Var 1) by Michelle M. Pillow


Reagan Hawk Titles
The Beast Masters Series

Trading Teon

Securing Sara

Rescuing Reya

Capturing Clara

Binding Bree


Strength in Numbers Series

Strength in Numbers

Space Pirates
’ Bounty

Bounty Hunters’ Captive


Masters of Pleasure

A King’s Ransom

A Knight’s Redemption

A Prince’s Captive


Cyber Sex Series

Prepared to Please

Denial of Service

Programmed for Pleasure


Space Pirates
’ Bounty

Book Two in the Strength in Numbers Series

Scheduled to become head concubine for a sadistic master, Lucia longs to be taken from her life. Born a slave, she believes she will die without ever knowing passion or love. Resigned to a life of cruelty, she never dreamed to find herself sailing the stars and sandwiched between two alpha males, each willing to die to protect her and each willing to see to her every sexual desire. 

Raider, a Robin Hood of the future and a legend among thieves and space pirates, has amassed a fortune for himself and his crew. Seeking something more daring, he poses as a guard for hire and takes a position within a nobleman’s household with an elaborate plan to claim the man's riches for himself. He finds himself less concerned about money and more captivated by Lucia—a most alluring bounty. His lust for her is dangerous and could leave them both with a death sentence. He doesn’t care. He wants her and he’ll stop at nothing to have her, to possess her, even if it means stealing her instead of gold.


Warning: Short story contains
MMF/MFM (oh, who are we kidding, just about everything and everyone joins in the fun) graphic language, ménage and more, kinky alien sex, extreme alpha males, and pretty much anything else you can think to toss in for sexy fun.





Strength in Numbers Series

Strength in Numbers

Space Pirates’ Bounty

Bounty Hunters’ Captive



To my readers, who continue to let me try new things and visit new worlds. Thank you! To my proofers, thank you for your help. To my beta readers—you ladies kick ass. To my editor, Suz—thanks for helping me make my dream a reality, and to my final line editor who cleans it all up at the end making it “pretty” again, thank you.




Chapter One

In orbit off Planet Emperius Romanius (Emprom)

Captain Raider of Terana
snu stared at the viewing screen of his ship, the
. Planet Emprom was in sight. A swirl of browns, tans, reds and blues, it was quite a vision to behold if one didn’t realize the atrocities that took place upon its surface. He’d been planet-side on Emprom more than once, and each time it had turned his stomach. There was a vast class separation. You were either rich or you were poor. You were either free born or a slave.

Ever since his first visit to Emprom, he
’d been working on a plan to add to his wealth. He was an opportunist, and that didn’t always go hand in hand with his morals—despite how loose they tended to be.

The only way he could get back at the universal system
—a system under which he’d been born noble, yet suffered greatly at the hands of those wanting more power, more wealth—was to do what he did best. Steal. He didn’t keep all the bounty for himself—though more than enough to be comfortable. But he was generous with those in need. Those who were born with notes of ownership and debt over their heads before they’d barely drawn in breath. The universe was hardly fair, and while one man could not change the minds of everyone, he could change the minds of a few—enough to help make a difference in at least some people’s lives.

’d land on Emprom within the hour and then their plan would begin.

Captain, you sure you’re up for this?” Galwin asked. The man was a master of anything mechanical. He could fix the
in deep space with two pieces of adhesive material and a prayer.

Raider had
seen it done before and still wasn’t sure how it was they’d made it to a safe port for repairs. By rights they should have been space dust. Whatever Galwin did had held, and that was merely one of the many fixes he’d done to the ship over the years he’d been part of its crew.

’s size often intimidated others. At just shy of seven feet, he was imposing. He and his twin brother Ewan, who were matched in every way except personality, often made Raider feel short. Since Raider stood six and a half feet tall, that was a feat indeed.

Every bit capable and able to kill a man, Galwin didn
’t walk around with a chip on his shoulder. If anything, he seemed to go out of his way to mediate peace whenever possible. And though he didn’t like violence, he was capable of it when the need arose. Raider knew the man’s past and knew why he disliked having to resort to violence.

He couldn
’t blame him. He offered a sideways smile at his friend. “Ever known me to miss out on a challenge?”

Galwin laughed. “
No, sir.”

Ewan entered the flight deck. His long, dark brown hair that he normally wore tied at the nape of his neck hung free today. His gaze, so dark it often appeared obsidian, flickered over Raider, lowered to his groin, and then back up again.

Heat washed over Raider. He knew the thoughts running through his second–in-command’s head. Knew Ewan was thinking upon last night. The sexual tension that had ridden the air between them. It had been two weeks since they’d last shared a bed. Two weeks since they’d taken solace in one another’s bodies. Two weeks since they’d arrived at an understanding. The time had come for them to move forward with their lives, start families, take the next steps, yet Raider suspected neither was fully ready to do so. Ewan had a crazy notion they could do this together—that they’d find one woman who would want them both and who would want to be mother to both their children, living as one family unit—a union of three.

Raider seriously doubted that would come to be.

“Get in, get the gold, get out,” said Ewan as he neared Raider. “Emprom is backward, and staying too long will leave you nailed to a cross.”

It was well known throughout the galaxies that Emprom had unique ways of dealing with their unwanted and unsavory elements. Their love of
public crucifixions wasn’t exaggerated.

At least I’ll keep my hands if I’m caught,” Raider said, his attempt at humor falling flat. “Unlike what Planet Tresilian would do to a thief.”

Galwin laughed. Ewan didn
’t. Instead, Ewan sat in the co-pilot’s seat. “Send one of us. Stay. This is a fool’s errand and you well know it. This Ahenobarbus tale is most likely a trap. No man is that rich on Emprom without being a bloodthirsty tyrant—one who will see a plan such as this coming a light-year away.”

Galwin snor
ted. “Emprom is full of wealthy, glutinous pigs. Let us pray they are too busy counting their gold to take note of us and this scheme.”

I pray the tides turn upon them,” Ewan said, disgust in his voice.

Raider reached over and touched Ewan
’s armrest. He met his longtime friend’s gaze. “Your distaste of nobles and the rich is noted.”

You know what I mean,” Ewan muttered, refusing to look at him. “We have more than enough credits and gold as is. Let this one pass. Emprom’s riches are not worth your life.”

Two weeks and it is done,” Raider stated clearly. “I’ll get in, be hired on and learn all I can about his guard detail, then empty his coffers. We are richer, he is poorer, and we can funnel the money to those on the Waysoni Moon who need it more.”

Ewan sn
orted. “And you’re sure this background your contact gave you will hold? What if this Ahenobarbus looks too deep into your invented history and backstory? What then? Think it will be too difficult for him to find out you are not Emprom born? That you have never actually served in Emprom’s military or ever worked for anyone in Emprom, let alone high-borns?”

With an amused shrug, Raider smiled. “
If the fake papers do not work, then I fight my way clear and leave with his head on the end of my sword.”

Galwin l
ifted his fist in the air. “May the gods deem it so!”

Ewan cracked a half smile, his hand moving over Raider
’s. The men shared a look, one that spoke volumes without any actual words being said. They were friends, yet something more hung in the air between them.

Baton, the only member of the crew from Earth, entered the flight deck and glanced around. “
Are we discussing leave time? My dick needs tended to and Emprom is full of whorehouses that would handle that very thing and more. I’ll even pay extra for a pretty one.”

Galwin laughed harder. “
Learned your lesson after the last one, huh?”

Baton grabbed his clothed crotch. “
The injections to cure the ailment that hussy gave me were not worth the five minutes with her.”

All the men laughed.

“I told you to avoid the ones who discount to near free,” Ewan said cheerfully. “The coin is well spent in certain areas and sex is one of them. Do not skimp or your cock could fall off. Plus, the prices the medical stations around this galaxy charge are far, far more than what the high-end whores ask for.”

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