Real Challenge (Atlanta #2) (11 page)

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Authors: Kemmie Michaels

BOOK: Real Challenge (Atlanta #2)
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When she was collected, he held her face gently and pulled her in for a series of sweet, short kisses before walking her to the door. “What do you think of my office?” he said with an ornery grin.

“It seems a little hot in here to get any work done,” she said, fanning herself playfully.

He was about to open the door when she stopped him. “Wait,” she said with a seductive grin.

He watched her pull her skirt back up around her hips, revealing those amazing legs to him again. She reached up and tugged on the scrap of black fabric that was once her thong and she rolled the black lace down her hips and to the floor. She tucked the shredded fabric in the inside pocket of his suit jacket. “To remember me by,” she said with a wicked smile before she walked over to the door. “Am I presentable?”

Scott nodded and kissed her again. “I really am going to miss you.”

“Me too. But no booty calls. If I’m with you I want it to be real — all or nothing. I won’t be a toy,” she said smiling, not at all threatening. “Well not after this, anyway.”

“That goes double for you. I’m not a toy either,” he said, grinning bigger.

“Oh, please. If I called you, you’d be on your knees in a hot minute,” she said.

“Ok, true. Call anytime if you want to use me for sex. Deal?”

Cassie just laughed. “Deal.” He opened the door and acted as though he was continuing a long conversation they had started in his office. She played along, but once again she noticed that Scott went from completely genuine to the false, polished façade he maintained at the office. She really hoped he would figure things out soon. What a shame if he never got to be himself and be happy in his whole world.

Cassie waited for Marcus’s call that morning with more anticipation than usual. She always liked the chance to touch base with her brother every week. He was her strongest point of stability. But this week she needed to talk out what was going on with Scott. She hoped Marcus could handle the conversation.

Usually she avoided romantic topics with him. Marcus was sometimes too overprotective and most of the dates she had were too casual to talk about anyway. But now there was Scott. He was getting completely under her skin, and she was going to have to keep herself back from him for two months. Self-denial was not Cassie’s strong suit. She wanted Scott, well the
Scott, and she couldn’t have him, at least not for now.

When the phone finally rang, she answered immediately. “Hey, Marc.”

“Hey, Cass. What’s up?”

“Not much,” she said. “I had a very strange lunch yesterday.”

“Strange how? Food or company?”

Cassie laughed. “Actually both.”

She told him about the wings competition and the awkward conversation about the break in terms of them dating. She left out the part about the romp on his office desk. Some things a brother just didn’t need to know, even one as close as Marcus.

“So, now it’s a whole thing with Scott. And I have to wait.”

“Geez, Cass, are you ok?” Marcus teased. “I know waiting will cause you to suffer a stroke or something. That’s bad news for me too, you know. If he’s not around I won’t get to kick his ass.”

“Tighten your leash, will you? Scott’s a great guy under all those flashy smiles, but he doesn’t even know it yet. But that’s kind of the fun part. The waiting will be tough, but I think I can handle it.”

“If things are so great, and you don’t mind waiting, then why are you all worked up about it?”

“I’m not sure if he can handle me,” Cassie said, sounding unsure of herself.

“I see. Well, it would take a hell of a man to handle you,” Marcus said honestly. “But if he can, then you know he’s right. Just promise not to compromise. You are you and that’s it.”

“Obviously. So how’s Erin? I didn’t talk to her at all this week.”

“She’s good. I can’t believe how busy she’s getting with tax season. I hate seeing her so tired. She likes the work, though, so it’s not too bad. Right now we’re living for Sundays. We take that day for us. God…I sound like a sap.”

“No, you sound like a man in love…and I love it. But enough about that or I’m going to gag,” Cassie said. “Tell me more about Marcus Junior. How’s his training going? Is he settling down yet?”

“His name is Luke, smartass, and he’s doing great. Bill gets on me all the time about how much Luke reminds him of me when I first came in. He calls him Marcus Junior, too. Anyway, Luke had an attitude break-through this week. He talked to me about a few things when no one else was at the gym. Of course, he screamed half of it while knocking the shit out of the sparring dummy, but still. We’re getting somewhere. He was back two days later pissed off and needing to blow off steam again, but hey, who doesn’t.”

“You,” Cassie said with a big grin.

“Yeah, not so much anymore,” he laughed.

“Do the guys at the gym know about the partnership yet?” Cassie asked. She was so excited for her brother. His trainer, Bill, had been like a father to them both and had taken Marcus completely under his wing. Now close to retirement, Bill was passing ownership over to Marcus little by little over the next several years. This was her brother’s dream job and Cassie was thrilled for him.

“Not yet. Bill wants to wait until I’m done fighting before we announce it. I still have a little over a year left. Bill might have me go out with a bang…did I tell you about Vegas?”


“Yeah, the MGM Grand is hosting its first-ever Fight Week, a big week-long event showcasing talent from major cities across the country. Bill’s trying to get me in. Save the last week in June in case it’s time for a road trip.”

“Are you serious?! I’m telling the clinic already. That would be

“Yeah, I have to admit I’m pretty pumped at the idea of fighting in an event like that. Plus, there’s a whole convention. Equipment demos, informational booths, training seminars, the whole bit. I think I’ll go either way, maybe see how we can update the gym.”

“Look at you, Mr. Businessman. I love it. Hey — good talk, meathead, but I’m going to do my yoga now. I’ve been slacking this morning, just waiting for your call,” Cassie said.

“Um, not yet if that’s ok,” Marcus hesitated.

“Huh? Ok. What’s up?”

“Hold on, I need to go outside…”

Cassie heard the sliding glass door from his apartment open and close. She could completely picture him standing beside his grill, but she had no idea why he needed to find some privacy for their conversation. She couldn’t imagine anything he wouldn’t want to say in front of Erin. Those two were closer than anyone.

“Ok, so, uh…” Marcus started, but then paused.

“Spill it already. Is Erin ok? Why the need to talk away from her?”

“She’s fine. I just, uh, needed to tell you first.”

“Tell me what?”

“I called her parents yesterday and got their blessing. I’m proposing to Erin when tax season ends. I already picked out the ring.”

“WHAT?! Oh my God!!! Congratulations! Wow. I am so happy for you!” Cassie was absolutely thrilled. She had no doubt the two of them would be happy forever, and she couldn’t wait to be able to call Erin her sister.

“Thanks,” Marcus said with an embarrassed smile in his voice. “Just keep your mouth shut about it, ok? I’d rather she hear the proposal from me. Can you handle that?”

“It’ll be tough, but I can do it,” she smiled. “I am so happy, Marcus. You two deserve every bit of joy you’re going to have together.”

“Thanks, Cass. Now go do your yoga. I’m going to go kiss my girl.”



“Bye, Marc. And Congrats.”

Cassie spent the next hour in her yoga room, relaxing to some wind-song music with ocean waves rhythmically lulling through the background. She stretched and posed through some of her favorite exercises while she thought through her brother’s relationship with Erin. The two were a perfect fit and rescued each other from life’s ugly side.

Cassie had only rescued herself so far, and that was ok with her. She had joy every day. Still, she couldn’t help but envy their insanely strong love. Few people ever got to experience something like that.

So in the meantime, she focused on her music and her balance, and challenged herself by doing as many head-stand poses as she could. By the time she was done, she was peaceful and a bit sweaty, still so happy for her brother.

She smiled at the copper crescent moon on the wall while she turned off her iPod speakers. Cassie found that decoration on her first shopping trip out with Erin. The two of them had gotten so close over the past few months. Cassie was so thankful for Erin’s place in Marcus’s life, even more so now. Erin would be such a good wife to him.

Cassie loved to see her brother so happy, but she often wondered when she would find that kind of love. She would never settle for less than incredible. Her brother and Erin were walking proof that incredible happens. Would Scott be that guy for her? She honestly didn’t know. His fake charm was a massive turn-off, but the man underneath was playful, intelligent, dedicated, and challenging.
man could certainly be her kind of incredible. She wondered if he could drop the façade, or if expecting him to was fair at all.

All she knew for certain was that she had two months before she could find out. That was tough to take. But still, if the man underneath needed time, she would gladly offer him all he required. In the mean time, she could study more for her nursing boards, hang with Erin and Jenna, go thrifting, and keep up with her yoga.

Funny…all those things were part of life anyway, but now they seemed like little snippets to hold her over until she could see Scott again. She shook her head at herself on the way to the shower.

Chapter Six

For Scott, February ended with no contact from Cassie whatsoever. Just as she had promised, she backed off. At first he missed her like crazy, but then the grind of tax season demanded all of his attention and all he could do was remind himself that she’d be back in April. Maybe by then he’d know how to answer her stupid question and she wouldn’t annoy him with those seven words anymore.

March plowed along with very little else in his world but work and swimming. He was working seventy and eighty hour weeks by the middle of the month. He was exhausted and needed tax season to end. Not only would he be able to sleep again, but he’d have a chance to see Cassie.

He still thought about her almost every day, and as crazy as the concept sounded, he was glad she had backed off. She was a lot to handle and he couldn’t get her figured out and get his work done at the same time. He couldn’t believe she made the deal, no games, no drama. Unique was an understatement.

The third weekend in March rolled around and Scott was beyond drained and completely stressed. He had no idea how he was going to get all the work done in time for the April 15 deadline. All he wanted to do was call Cassie to get a dose of her energy and blow off some steam. He couldn’t though, because he had promised no quickies. She didn’t want him halfway. That’s what she said, and there was definitely no way he could start the relationship again with the schedule he was keeping.

But the gods must have been smiling on him because just as he was about to break the no-booty-call clause of their deal, his phone buzzed. The text wasn’t from Cassie, but the next best thing. His old roommate from Georgetown was in Atlanta and wanted a night on the town. Perfect. He could get a little crazy with his old buddy and not break his deal with Cassie. He texted the address of one of his favorite clubs and the promise to meet him there at nine.

Scott walked into the familiar club with the pounding dance music and pulsating lights surrounding him. He hadn’t been out like this in over two months. He looked around at first like he was home. He saw Sean by the bar and went over and slapped him on the back. He grabbed the shot Sean had waiting for him and tipped the drink back in one easy move.

“How the hell are you?” Scott asked over the throbbing music. “What are you doing in Atlanta?”

“Training seminar for work. It’s not until Monday, but I thought I’d visit a few friends while I was here. They let you out to play during tax season?” Sean nearly shouted over the music.

“Once in a while,” he responded loudly, throwing back another shot.

Scott and Sean fell back easily into their college personae and laughed at all the old stories. They reminded each other of all the best of the hot ladies they landed and Scott was feeling better than he had in weeks. This was just what he needed to get out of the crazy work schedule and the mental strain.

After reliving the old times, they decided to offer the ladies of
club a chance for Scott and Sean to make some new memories. Scott was quite buzzed from three shots in his overly tired body and new victories seemed like the best idea he had heard in a while.

They began their old favorite pastime of rating the local talent. After spending a good amount of time predatorily observing all the hottest of chicks, they picked the two who looked like they would be ready for some serious fun.

Sean decided to target a sexy Latina in a tight red dress. Scott, now more than just buzzed, decided on the leggy blond in a black dress dancing with her. Soon after, they were on the dance floor bumping and grinding with their goals for the evening.

After allowing his hands quite a few daring moves, Scott finally got around to asking blondie’s name, which was Kaylee or Kyla or something. He was enjoying getting her attention and had her backed up against the dance floor wall in no time, kissing her and letting his hands roam as freely as she let him…and she let him roam as free as he wanted.

Hell. Yes.

Kaylee/Kyla wasn’t showing any signs of holding back and he was ready to take this as far as she would let him. She was easy, but that didn’t make her any less of a victory. Scott pulled her down a little brick hallway by the back corner of the bar. The entrance was well hidden behind a stack of speakers, but a bartender buddy of his had clued him in to the spot a long time ago. Around the corner from the entrance was a dim, private venue for a quick romp and Scott took advantage every chance he could.

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