Real Vampires Have Curves (27 page)

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Authors: Gerry Bartlett

BOOK: Real Vampires Have Curves
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Blade grinned. “The advantages of being vampire. You never had to learn how to cook.”
“Neither did you. Modern men share household duties.” As if Blade could ever be classified as modern. Metrosexual to him would mean a quickie on a bus.
He grinned, obviously mind reading again. I ran my hand over the cool granite. He didn't say a word, just planted a little picture in my mind of the two of us on a cracked leather seat doing the wild thing between stops. Hoo, boy. That
been him planting the picture, hadn't it? I gave him a searching look. He looked as innocent as a decadent male can manage.
“You didn't get much of a tour last time you were here. Come upstairs.” He took my hand and tugged me toward the staircase.
“I think not.” I knew exactly what would be on the second floor. I've watched my share of home decorating shows. With a designer kitchen comes a designer master bedroom, make that a suite, with a luxurious bathroom complete with a Jacuzzi tub and steam shower. A girl can resist only so much. I was safer downstairs.
“Come on. The TV and DVD player are in my bedroom. I know you like HBO. Flo told me you have some favorite shows.”
“Aren't you two just the best of buds?” Calling myself all kinds of an idiot, I let him lead me up the stairs. I
to see his bedroom and safety is highly overrated. He stopped in front of a closed door at the top of the stairs.
“I apologize in advance. I haven't slept in a coffin in centuries.”
slept in a coffin.” But he did sleep raw and in a king-sized bed. He pushed open the door.
“Maybe we should go back downstairs. We can sit and talk. Drink a Bloody Merry together. Like old friends.”
“Are you afraid to be in my bedroom with me?” He gestured toward a plasma TV hung on the wall across from the foot of the bed. “See? I have a TV.”
“Sure.” In a vamp magic move, Blade had my T-shirt off and eyed my bra.
“I want to study this Kevlar. As a scientist.”
“You were never a scientist.”
“True. But I love modern technology.” He put both hands on the bra. “Velcro.” He ripped it open, the sound a bizarre kind of turn-on. “Easy on. Easy off.”
I reached for his shirt. “Snaps.” I popped them open. “Easy on. Easy off.”
We just stared at each other. Had I come here to have sex? Probably. Almost getting killed makes me horny. So I was looking for a little affirmation. I'm alive, almost. I want to
alive. And maybe I want some of that release Blade had offered. I looked down at my skirt and
it on the floor around my feet.
“Gloriana!” Blade laughed and pulled me to him. Skin to skin. Nice. “Where did you learn to do that?”
“Flo.” I leaned against him for a moment, then pushed back to walk away from him. I wore a bright red thong. I looked over my shoulder. “How do you like
“Is that what they are?” Blade eyes gleamed. “What else have you learned, Gloriana? Has Flo told you how she pleases her many lovers?”
I turned and put my hands on my hips. So maybe I was posing a little. Judging from the way Blade's jeans bulged, I was having the desired effect.
“Do you think I need lessons in pleasing a man?” I walked slowly up to him and brushed my nipples across his chest. I dipped one finger into his waistband. He sucked in a breath when I popped open the snap there. “Are you complaining about previous performances?”
“Do you take me for a fool?” He pulled me into his arms and kissed me hungrily, as only Blade could. I wrapped my arms around him and
his jeans and boots in a heap next to the bed. I slid my hands down to cup his bare buttocks. Bingo.
“Gloriana.” He picked me up and carried me to the bed. “You're magic.”
“And don't you forget it.” I pulled him down on top of me and we made love. Not wild monkey sex, but can't-pleasure-you -enough sex. Our timing, our moves were as perfect as centuries of practice could make them.
“Lie back, Gloriana. Let me love you.” Jerry held my hands over my head and nuzzled my breasts, suckling first one and then the other until I moved my legs restlessly.
“Does that please you?” He blew on a damp nipple then looked up at me.
“You know it does.” I reached for him.
“No. Keep your hands there, above your head. Tell me where to go next.”
Next. He knew where I wanted him next, but I smiled and decided two could play the waiting game.
“Kiss my calves, then the back of my knees.”
Jerry slid down me, “accidentally” dragging his warm mouth and tongue over my stomach and curls on his way.
“Roll over. I want to do this properly.”
I rolled and gripped the brass headboard with both hands. Properly? There was nothing proper about the way Jerry spread my legs and explored my backside while he kissed a heated path where I told him to.
“Taste me, Jerry. You know where.” I felt his warm breath on my inner thighs.
“Do I?” His hands were under my hips, lifting me. His tongue flicked across my sensitive flesh. “Am I in the ball park?”
Cute. Maybe Jerry
been watching some TV. “Lover, you're hitting a home run.” I clutched the cool metal until I feared I'd bend it. “Oh . . . yes!”
He wouldn't stop until I shuddered, unbearably sensitive to his touch, my legs quivering. Finally, he rolled me over and gathered me in his arms.
“Was that to milady's satisfaction?”
I yawned and stretched, rubbing my toes up his hairy leg. “'Twill do.” I looked down to where his erection nudged my hip. “But we seem to have a bit of a problem. My knight's lance is unsheathed.”
Jerry grinned and threw his own arms over his head. “Mayhap my lady has a remedy?”
I ran my hands over his hard body, then crawled on top of him. Oh, God, but he could fill me.
“Better?” I moved just enough to take him deeper.
“Getting there.” He pulled me down to kiss me, his tongue stroking mine as I began to move. When I finally collapsed on top of him, I was wasted. Inside out and upside down. As a release it had been a dandy. And Jerry had the cat-who-ate-the-canary kind of smile that told its own story.
“Stay with me tonight, Gloriana. Sleep in my arms while the sun's out.”
I sat up and looked down at my forever lover. Tender feelings washed over me. The very feelings that scared the hell out of me. Blade picked up my hand and kissed my knuckles.
“Stay, lass.”
“Flo and Valdez will freak out if I don't come home.”
“Call them. Tell them you're with me.” He sat up and reached for me, cupping my breasts and kissing each one in turn. “Don't be afraid of staying. It doesn't mean I own you.”
Trust Jerry to cut to the chase. “I'm not afraid.” And trust me to rise to his bait. I'd dropped my purse on the floor next to the bedroom door. I
my cell phone in my hand and it was there.
“What made you decide to learn this now?” Blade shook his head. “You're dazzling me.”
“You ain't seen nothin' yet.” I hit the speed dial. Flo wasn't home but I left a message which I knew Valdez could hear. I
the phone into my purse, then lay back. Maybe I should go home, but the bed was comfy and the man seemed inclined to pleasure me again before the sun came up. I was staying put.
I woke suddenly. Jerked awake by the touch of cold steel on my breast. Mara stood over me. She held a knife in her hand. One of Blade's stilettos.
“I could cut out your heart. No vampire can survive that.”
I glanced at the pillow next to me. “Where's Blade?” I'd managed to say that pretty well. Like I wasn't inches away from death.
“Downstairs on the phone with our Westwood snitch.” She smiled and flicked the sheet off of me. “I will never understand your appeal to him. You are . . .” She made a face. “Fat.”
myself behind her. And my fat ass was out of reach. I laughed, high on my power and the look of utter bafflement on Mara's face. I
the stiletto on the floor, but her grip tightened and it didn't move out of her hand. Can you say power struggle?
“You weren't really going to kill me, were you?” I pulled on my new bra and skirt. God knows where my thong had landed. “Blade would be . . . vexed.” I'd never liked Mara. She'd been a Campbell favorite, the noble daughter of a neighboring clan. How does an English actress stack up next to that? Like a rust bucket next to a Ferrari.
“No, I wouldn't kill you.” She tossed the knife on the bed. “I'll leave that to Westwood.”
“Gee, thanks.” I found my T-shirt and was about to slip it over my head.
“Wait! That's your Kevlar, isn't it?” Mara stepped closer. She had the knife again, clever girl. “How about a little test?” The bitch put the blade against the fabric and pushed.
“Mara! Stop that!” Blade grabbed her wrist and the knife landed on the carpet.
“Relax, Jeremiah. I was only playing.” Mara put her hand over his and smiled up at him. She wore low-riding skinny black jeans and a T-shirt that hugged her breasts and left a nice strip of bare skin showing at her narrow waist. Everything about her was better than me. Outside, inside. I hated her. Hated myself. Hated Blade for returning her smile.
I jerked the shapeless T-shirt over my head. “I need to go home now. Shall I call a cab?” I plucked my cell phone from my purse.
“I'll take you home.” Blade picked up the knife and hid it . . . somewhere in one of his lightning fast moves. “Mara, I'll see you later.”
I headed down the stairs. I threw up a block to keep Blade from reading my mind. I'd been a damned fool once again. Mara was living here and obviously eyeing Blade as a MacTavish replacement. What man wouldn't choose her over me? My head hurt and my heart ached. I sure didn't need Blade's pity. I had enough of my own to wallow in.
Blade dropped me off, inclined to follow me upstairs until his cell phone rang. Business. I waved good-bye, blew him an air kiss to show that Mara's bitchy possessiveness hadn't gotten to me. No sirree.
I unlocked the apartment door and Valdez trotted up to me.
“Thanks for the night off. Flo took me out with her.”
He followed me into the kitchen.
I popped open a Bloody Merry.
“I could eat.”
“Flo didn't feed you? Where is she?” The apartment was silent.
“I'm not supposed to say.”
Valdez plopped his bottom on the linoleum and watched me dump Cocoa Puffs into his bowl. I topped it with milk and held it just out of reach.
“Excuse me? Whose dog are you, anyway?” I knew he could do one of his tricks and get to the cereal, but I also knew he shouldn't be allowed to keep secrets from me.
“You got me. She's with Richard Mainwaring.”
“Oh, my God!” I slapped the bowl on the floor, splashing milk everywhere. “How could you let her go with him?”
“He's okay.”
Valdez was busy licking up the spilt milk before diving mouth first into his bowl.
“He's not okay. He could be staking other vamps with crosses, for crying out loud.” This was bad. Had Blade left yet? I looked out the window but his car was gone.
“He's not staking other vamps. He said so and Flo and I believed him. I have a b.s. detector, you know. The guy was telling the truth.”
“I thought she went out with Kenneth Collins.” I walked down the hall and flung open Flo's bedroom door. The usual chaos associated with her decisions about what to wear. But the bed was made and that told the tale.
“She did. But that ended early. So we went out looking for Mainwaring. And found him.”
“Where are they?”
“His place. Flo dropped me off here and went with him. He's a tough dude. No one will get by him. She musta spent the day with him too.”
Valdez had cleaned out the bowl.
“No. I'm so glad you and ‘Ricardo' bonded. I can't believe you let Flo leave with him.” I watched Valdez rub his face clean on the living room rug.
“You think anyone can stop Flo from doing what she wants?”
He gave me a long suffering look.
“Both of you females are stubborn as hell.”
Was I going to stand here trading insults with my
? I stormed off into my bedroom. Valdez was just another macho male in a furry body. Had Mainwaring done some kind of whammy on both Flo and my dog to get them to accept his story so completely? And if he wasn't the religious psycho staking vamps, then who was? I showered the smell of sex off my body, taking a minute to reminisce about the pleasure Blade had given me and three minutes to seethe about that bitch Mara before worry about Flo took the upper hand.
I pulled a hot pink fifties circle skirt and white twin set with pearl buttons out of my closet and stepped into the loafers that went with it. I dragged my hair into a ponytail and tied a white scarf around it. Now I looked like a teenager. Which made me feel marginally better. Mara had been close to thirty when she'd turned vampire and I'd been a young looking twenty-four. Yeah, I was bitter. Right now, if Mara and I had a bitch-off, I'd win, hands down.
“Come on, you worthless hound.” I threw my stuff into a cute fifties Lucite box purse which I would never sell and unlocked the door. “We're going down to the shop.”
Ryan was working the evening shift. At least nights were getting longer as the season changed. Which is a really good thing in the vamp world. Not that Texas seasons seemed dramatically different from each other. But the nights were cooler and my sweater felt good. So did the hours stretching out ahead of me.

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