Realm of the Dead (24 page)

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Authors: Donovan Neal

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BOOK: Realm of the Dead
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King Camael sat down on his judgment seat.  Raised high upon a platform of multicolored flame, it overlooked the populace who assembled on command of their king. Before him lay a transparent tube which Gabriel and Metatron would enter for the Burning.

Eyes gawked and many gasped as all knew the duo had left Aseir in good will, yet now stood near the cylinder that would incinerate them to ash.

Questions bubbled throughout the crowd, whispered inquiry of why the angels were being put to death. Sherkanim escorted Metatron and Gabriel to the entrance and stood with a spear in one hand and the Horn of Malakim strapped to his waist.

Enoch and Elijah sat as Camael's guests, to the left of the king. With downcast faces, the humans looked desperately at Sherkanim, seeking a sign that what they were about to witness would somehow be stopped. Sherkanim met their eyes briefly, then darted his gaze away. 

The king then stood and raised his hands to silence the raucous crowd.

"Citizens of Ashe' and people of Aseir, behold, a new thing doth dwell among us. For several days ago there came to us, humans. Creations of El only made known to us by our fellowship with the Ophanim. Nevertheless, upon command of El did I hearken and send our great chariots to ferry the one named Elijah to our shores."

Camael waved his open hand toward Elijah, smiling at the grizzled prophet of God.

"Not long after, we received a visitation from another human and two Elohim from beyond the mountain. And not just any angels, mind thee, but two of the acclaimed Lumazi. Angels who stand before the Godking Himself!  And these came to petition us for assistance in a cause that plagues their people...a cause which their leadership hast brought upon their own head...a cause for which we could not provide balm to ease. And though they broke the sacred agreement between our peoples, my hand did show restraint, for I did not smite them where they stood. Nay. Instead, they were lodged a fortnight and allow to petition thy king? Yea, and who were even then released with food to journey home in peace.

"But, once again the Elohim have trafficked in deceit. Once again our people are victim to the schemes of those who would practice duplicity and guile, for stolen from our own chambers by these selfsame souls was one of the acclaimed horns of judgment. An instrument known that upon its blowing, would signal the end of all things and invoke the Lord's wrath. And these two who stand before you, are each judged by your king for its theft.  Who would be so brash as to steal such a weapon of destruction?  Therefore I am burdened to ask what punishment should be levied against those who would incite terror against the realm? What punishment should be given to ones so vile that they would invoke our people to war?  I say that there can be but one penalty for such crimes...only one response to such a transgression. Death!"

Horrified gasps spread throughout the crowd as many placed their hands over their mouths in shock and dismay. As the murmur grew, fiery faces contorted into gestures of confusion, anger, sadness, and rage.

"How dare they!" roared some.

"But did we not witness them as pure?" others said, confused.

Camael smiled and again waved his hands in an attempt to bring calm.

"Aye, we have indeed been deceived. Twice now our brethren have manipulated us to acquire their own ends. Perhaps we have been too long behind the mountain! Perhaps we have been too long-suffering of those who had earlier stolen from us.  For how long shall we permit angels to take advantage of our restraint?  How long must we endure the disrespect to our culture that again we find ourselves victim to deceitful schemes?  Schemes that have resulted in Heaven's three peoples divided. Nay! As thy king, I cannot stand idle and allow such an offense to go without an answer."  The king then shouted to his guard. "Sherkanim!"

The king's chief immediately snapped to attention.

"My king?"

"Prepare them for the Burning," commanded Camael.

Sherkanim jabbed the hilt of his spear into Metatron's back to shove him forward into the chamber of burning. Another guard opened the tubular furnace doors where the fires raged within.

"Wait!" Enoch cried, jumping to his feet. Fury emblazoned his face until the veins pulsed on his neck. "Will not the king of so great a people do right?  Wilt thou be so quick to condemn, that the accused not have room to retort? Or is there no justice this side of the mountain of Heaven?"

Camael frowned. "Do you think my sentence extreme, human? That our matter is without cause?  Very well. Never let it be said the king of the Seraph is unjust. I will permit the condemned to speak."  Camael nodded his head and motioned for Sherkanim to allow Gabriel to come forward.

Sherkanim pulled Gabriel by the iron cuffs and whispered into his ear.

"Give the people cause for abeyance, for let it be known that none are thirsty for war."

Gabriel nodded in acknowledgment and smiled for the small act of kindness. Metatron watched his brother ascend the furnace platform steps that he might plead on their behalf. The crowd stilled as he surveyed them. Every eye cast toward the platform whilst others peered through windows from the flaming buildings that comprised the city, and the whole city quieted to hear his words.

"Hear me, great people of Aseir. Hear one who stands as a mouthpiece for God, Himself, for it is I, who when summoned, gives annunciation upon El's command. Moreover, it is a task my people and I have always taken seriously.  To speak only that which El hast commanded us to speak.  To do only that which we see our Father do.  We, are they, who go to and fro throughout the Earth and gives the word of God to prophets and kings. We are they who traverse the heavens to assure the word of the Lord never touches the ground, and now I stand before thee – a messenger of God accused of crimes – guiltless of transgressions that my brother and I did not commit. We are all one family in Heaven. The Ophanim, the Elohim, and yea, the Seraphim, albeit one family torn asunder by an act long ago.

"Thou art the living flames that wander this side of the mount...the flame that our God hath given flesh. I know that what I see before me now is merely the silhouette of thy true form. A humanoid form given to the eyes of those who abide in your presence. For indeed thou art living fire and as formless as the clouds. And I know that to commence with the Burning, thou must assume the fires here within the furnace. It is you who must enter the holes cut therein, and with thy own flesh, together form the fires that would consume me and my kinsman alive.

Know that we do not desire to die, but we do not fear death. This thing that the king doth in judgment for alleged misdeeds is not a trifling matter. Before one takes life that originates from El, one must be sure that El sanctions such an act, for precious in the sight of the Lord are the death of His servants, and know that the Lord will not hold him guiltless who does them harm.  For though, thy king decrees our death – thou art the fire that would kill us. It will be you who puts us to the fire. You who causes our dissolution– not he. But have ye not already tasted the fires that burn within us and found us true? Have ye not seen the remnants of the Kiln that animates our stones and the flames that is our lot?  When we submitted earlier to your judgment, did we not come forth as pure gold?  And having tasted of the fire that ignites our stones, have we in anything moved in such a manner as to bring disrepute to the One True King?  Therefore, what manner of men must we be, that in such a span of time to have turned so quickly from the path we have held since creation?  To abase ourselves so, that we would do both ye and ourselves this dishonor?  Nay, brethren, we are guiltless of this thing.

"We confess that the horn was indeed in our stuff. However, we did not take it, nor did we seek the instrument.  Neither did we seek to hide it amongst our stuff.  For hath not God said that on the day a horn of judgment returns to His sight, He would with seven trumpets unleash the end upon creation and all those who seek to destroy her?  Come now and let us reason together, for who but the insane would dare to remove an instrument that could tear asunder worlds?  And lo, do we strike thee as men without reason? 

"Therefore, if thy king hath nothing to fear, present us once more to thy sight. Search us and see that no wickedness lies within us, for what can be gained but the truth, and who hath anything to fear but us to the loss of life? I say again, we are innocent of the crimes laid against us, nor do I plead for mercy when my brother and I are without fault. But know this. If need be our lives must be taken to avert war, then do what must be done, for Heaven must not be allowed to be grip further division."

Gabriel then ceased from his argument, bowed, and took his place next to Metatron. The two stood next to one another confident, and unafraid for what might befall them.

Many in the crowd nodded their heads, looking at one another, affirming the Burning would be the best way to show their deeds.

"Let the angels' works be revealed by fire!" one shouted.

"Try their works and see what sort it is!" said another.

A slow clamoring overtook the crowd, a cacophony of voices that raised fists and arms to their king. "Try them! Try them! Try them!"

Camael frowned, his brow wrinkling in disapproval. He lifted his hands to shush the crowd.

"Who is Nephanos?" he said. "Am I not your king?" he roared.

Silence overtook the crowd as the atmosphere tensed, and many a citizen lowered his head nervously as a child rebuked by a parent.

"Hath not I, your king, decreed these two as the culprits for which punishment is due?  Doth my own servants question the rule of he who is ordained by God to be seated before thee?  Hath the judgment of thy king now come into question?"

Elijah then stood and faced the kind with fiery eyes. "Thy rule hath been found wanting by the True King," he said that all might hear.

Camael pounded his fist on the armrest of his chair, stood and shouted, "How dare you! You would do well to mind your tongue, human. Or do you think that El's allowance for thy presence in Heaven removes thee from the shadow of my rule?"

And in that moment, Camael grew bright, and flame erupted from his person as solar flares from the sun. Fiery tentacles shot across the crowd and over both Elijah and Enoch, the blast nearly singeing both.

Enoch then also stood in anger. "We dare to speak for we are the candlesticks of the Lord. Or hast thou lost the presence of mind that thou wouldst threaten men whom God Himself hath given power to open and close Heaven?  You speak of thy desire to avert war, yet thou dost channel flame across the very ambassadors of the Lord, and even thine own people. Do you think your kingship removes thee from judgment?"

Camael drew a deep breath for retort, flaming from head to toe, irate.

"Thou shal..."

A deafening boom pounded the sky and concussive reverberations rocked the people. All looked up, for the familiar flash of lightning and prismatic colors of a funnel cloud signaled the arrival of a ladder. All stepped aside to make room for the new arrival. A great bolt of light settled onto the platform and ash and dust raced to cover the flaming souls that eyed the spectacle. The kaleidoscopic beam lifted from the scaffolding, and the King of the Ophanim materialized...and from behind him stepped Michael, Chief Prince of all Elohim. Immediately a cadre of Seraphim warriors landed as well. Some took up positions in front of the king, while others floated above the people, spears in hands.

The faces of Eladrin slowed in their spinning. Michael's halo shown bright over his head. Gleaming white raiment fell over a muscular body, and Michael looked upon the people. So swiftly did he unsheathe his sword that the motion was like a blur, and the sword split into seven swords with fearsome eyes and snapping teeth. Each blade encircled him as moons traverse a planet in elliptical orbit while arcs of electricity draped his person. His eyes burned as coal as he approached the king.

Immediately guards closed ranks around the king and each unsheathed spears of fire. Sherkanim also unsheathed a sword and floated near to Camael, ready if needed.

Michael's eyes bore no fear as he marched toward the king, unmoved by the guards that stood between him and his celestial peer. 

Camael waved his hand. "Stand down," he commanded.

The warriors slightly relaxed and sheathed their swords, continuing to eye Michael as he mounted the steps to face the King of the Seraphim. With each step, sparks crackled beneath him. With each ascent, his flowing cape billowed in the winds of Aseir revealing a fully armored body. The Seraphim warriors edged back as he approached.

The twirling Sword of Ophanim surrounded the Prince of Kortai and none dared enter his personal space Michael reached the apex where Camael sat quietly watching the display of regality that approached. A wave of awe swept the people as

Michael stopped before the king, and the shining armor folded back into his skin. He glowed in white rays of light and his halo was as a brass ring of fire suspended over his head.

All seven blades stopped their gyroscopic rotation and hovered mid-air. Michael then fell to one knee before the king, and all seven swords converged into one, then slammed into the fiery iron platform, puncturing the dais where they stood blade-first into the ground. A billowing clap of thunder echoed from Michael's person and the rumbling shook the ground.

Michael closed his right hand into a fist and slammed his fist into his chest in a sign of acknowledgment to the king.

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