Realm of the Dead (7 page)

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Authors: Donovan Neal

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BOOK: Realm of the Dead
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Chapter Five

Freedom is Not Free

Michael walked to the study of Jerahmeel and knocked on the door.

"Come in," came the gruff reply.

Michael gingerly opened the door and poked his head inside.  Jerahmeel looked up and stood at attention when he saw Michael peer into the room.

"My Prince?" Jerahmeel said.

Michael waved Jerahmeel to be seated. "I am come to discuss the situation of Iblis and Talus."

Jerahmeel remained standing. "I am anxious to mount a rescue mission immediately.  I have consulted with Argoth, and our intelligence seems to indicate that he is deep within the creature.  Possibly somewhere near the bowels of the giant itself."

Michael lowered his head.  "Talus is that which I wish to speak of."

Jerahmeel looked upon his brother. "Wonderful, with thy permission I will take Iblis and two others and mount a rescue mission.  Iblis will no doubt have knowledge of the realm beyond what Argoth's scouts can tell us.  For since Hell's overturn by Lucifer, we have lost sight of its internal mappings and growth.  It is my intention, therefore, to also take one of the redactors.  Argoth believes he can remap the creature and monitor things from the Hall of Annals and will compare our journey to the last known coordinates we have of the creature's system."

Michael looked away from Jerahmeel. "I see," he said.

Jerahmeel's eyes narrowed and he studied Michael. "How soon am I given leave to return?"

Michael sighed. "I grant thee leave for Hell with all those requested, but thy mission will not be to rescue our brother."

Jerahmeel's eyes widened in appeal, "But, Michael, we have actionable information that might allow us to bring him home.  Wouldst thou leave him in the clutches of the enemy?  Hath my brother grown so cold in command that the Host are but trinkets to be moved about on game boards of skill?"

Michael immediately recoiled and spoke, "How dare you impugn mine honor to think my love of Talus waxes cold.  Did I not seek a volunteer to misdirect Lucifer, and to seek out Chronos?  Was it I who held his hand aloft to undertake so dangerous a mission?  And who accompanied our brother that he returned alone?  The report of both he and his Grigori are silent to Argoth.  Tell me, Lord of House Harrada, did Talus not save thy life?  Did he not allow himself to be taken that ye might live?"

Jerahmeel bowed his head. "I am shamed.  I meant no disrespect.  I...I am simply concerned about the welfare of our brother.  I seek but the authority to see the thing through."

Michael walked over to Jerahmeel and placed his hands on his shoulder and sighed. "I miss him, too, but we are Lumazi. Our first order is to God, then to the people of the realm.  To this end, we cannot allow ourselves to succumb to desires of self-rule.  Therefore, leave quickly and take those whom would assist thee, but rescuing Talus shall not be thy cause.  Thou wilt search the bowels of the creature, Hell...not to rescue, but to destroy."

Jerahmeel replied, "Do you aim to destroy the Hellforge that Iblis made mention of?"

"Aye," replied Michael.  "Lucifer cannot be allowed to create a kiln.  Iblis has told me that he has taken the residue of my people's stones of fire along with others that have surrendered themselves to him and hath created a cache of weapons and monstrosities that will, in time, rival us in number.  We have seen that his plan to blend mankind's blood with our own to create abomination hast incurred the direct wrath of God. Have we not even seen El, Himself, leave to battle Lucifer in the realm of men in flesh?  We cannot rescue Talus whilst the threat of a kiln exists.  I did not destroy the womb of our birth to see our brother ignite another war against us. Until we can secure the Hellforge, nothing...not even the rescue of our brother, can stand in the way of this task.  Are you clear in your purpose?"

Jerahmeel turned his back to his brother and groaned, "You ask a hard thing, but the Lord of House Harrada is clear in his purpose.  It shall be done as thou hast commanded.  But tell me..."

Michael looked at his brother in deep intent. "Say on."

"How many more of us will you let see dissolution before you see Lucifer destroyed?"

Michael's eyes grew wide. He frowned and turned to leave, knowing that at that moment, the relationship between him and his brother could not be worse.


*   *   *

Raziel, head of the Great Library, traveled through the burbs of Jerusalem and arrived at a home that was sealed with the royal clay seal. A seal that could only be broken by the hand of the Lumazi.  Anticipating the barrier, Raziel had asked Jerahmeel to meet him at the home of Eskalion.  He did not have long to wait, and he bowed in greeting to the Prince of House Harrada.

"My apologies, my Prince, but I saw no choice but to request a member of the Lumazi witness what I suspect."

"Thy report said thou didst believe Eskalion could be healed. That was all I needed to know."  Jerahmeel then cracked the seal that was bonded to the door and opened it.  "After you, my friend."

"My thanks, High Prince."

The door opened, and light burst into the street and through the windows. Both angels covered their eyes, for standing in the center of the room was the Holy Spirit, and the Shekinah was aglow and lit the interior. 

"My King!" Jerahmeel exclaimed.  Both he and Raziel immediately knelt in the presence of God.

El Pnuema motioned for them to rise and spoke, "Rise, my children." His voice reverberated as if multitudes were speaking.

Both angels stood to their feet and Jerahmeel was first to respond. "We are here to speak to Eskalion, my King.  We apologize for disrupting thy work.  We will return at another time."

"Nay, my son. Yet when thou doth journey, thou shalt take Eskalion with thee."  A flash of light then ensued, and El Pnuema was gone. The angels shielded their eyes and when they looked again, Eskalion had entered from the back room of his home towards them.

Raziel was first to speak. "Eskalion of House Arelim, thou champion during the war, we know through scrolls that this thing called grief hath befallen thee.  I bring to you one of the Lumazi, whom the Holy Spirit hath commanded to speak to thee,"

Eskalion looked upon them in silence.  His eyes vacant as if his mind were elsewhere.

Jerahmeel spoke. "Thy valor during the war is known to me and to all of the Lumazi.  I am on a mission to strike at the heart of Lucifer's power.  He builds a forge deep within the confines of Earth and Hell.  It is my charge to destroy this creation."

Eskalion addressed Jerahmeel. "And what of Talus?"

Jerahmeel was taken aback not expecting his brother to come up in conversation.

"I do not understand...what of him?" asked Jerahmeel.

Eskalion walked closer to Jerahmeel and studied his face. "Will you be going to rescue our brother from the Enemy?"

Jerahmeel frowned. "Though it grieves me to say it, I am forbidden to hamper the cause of the Hell-forge's destruction.  To secure Heaven's security must take precedence over rescue of our brother. This is the direct order of the Chief Prince."

Eskalion thought on the words of Jerahmeel and spoke, "The Chief Prince is right in his judgment.  You cannot sacrifice the destruction of the Hell-forge to save Talus. Yet no such prohibition hinders me.  I shall find Talus. This, God by His Spirit hast commanded me, this, God by His Spirit I will do."

Jerahmeel immediately came to realize the provision of the Lord. For Michael had forbidden him to move to rescue Talus, if in doing so, it might weigh against the successful destruction of the Hell-forge.  And now Eskalion stood before him, charged by the Lord Himself, to undertake what he could not.  Jerahmeel smiled, and whispered, "I thank you, Lord."

Eskalion looked at Raziel, "You have been in continuous ministry to me.  You and the Word of the Lord have strengthened me, and I stand returned to wholeness.  You have my thanks, Grigori."  Eskalion bowed, and Raziel returned his respect in kind.

"It is settled then," said Raziel.  "When will you leave Heaven?"

Both Raziel, and Eskalion looked at Jerahmeel, who replied, "As soon as I can muster enough restraint to not choke the life from Iblis."


*   *   *

Michael approached the throne of God, his spirit heavy.  There was a foreboding in every step.  Each foot placed before the other was as though weights were fastened to his ankles.

The seven bowls of fire blazed atop the steps of gold and crystal. The Virtues wafted about, and the rainbow that arched over the throne bathed the two Arelim angels in prismatic color as they spread their wings over God, for El was clothed in unapproachable light and sat quietly on the throne.

Michael knelt before his King, his head bowed. "My Lord, I come in consult, for I have returned a member of the Fallen to Heaven.  The renegade, Iblis, hath I sanctioned rescue.  Rescued, that I perchance might discern Lucifer's plans and curtail his strategy.  This I have done without seeking first my King and his righteousness. Two of the Lumazi on to destroy the false kiln Lucifer seeks to raise within the bowels of Hell itself, and the other to accompany Enoch across the expanse of Limbo to see Enoch safely to the shores of Aesir, and to consult with the other human you have brought to Heaven.

"Now my Lord, are these actions to my Lord's will?  For wisdom resides in thee and I would not throw away my brethren to failure."

El sat quietly looking at His Son. The brightness of His person receded, and the image of an aged man of many years then stepped down from the throne. God placed his hand under Michael's chin and lifted his head, gently leading him to his feet and spoke.

"A certain man had many sons, but of his household, two stood apart. Both were loved beyond measure, and the glory in store for them was beyond imagination.  Nothing would he have withheld from them, yet the older, not willing to abide by his father's will, became angered, and whilst enraged sought means to usurp his father's rule.  Judged for his act of betrayal, he was thrown into outer darkness, forever dead to his father. Judged to lament in the wailing and gnashing of teeth."

Michael's eyes darted to the floor as his head nodded, unsure if he truly desired to hear the rest of the story; nevertheless, queried the Lord.  "And the other son?"

"The other son," said the Lord.  "Was also beloved of his father and was lifted to be first among his house.  In self-will, he also sought to obtain through wisdom what could only come from the father, and though well-meaning, his heart was not corrupt. However, he exposed his entire house to ruin.  Now, my High Prince, I ask thee, what meaneth this parable, and of whom do I speak?"

Michael's heart was smitten, for he knew that the Lord spoke of him and his brother, Lucifer. He collapsed to his knees and tears surged forth. "It is I, my King, and I am bowed in sorrow. Forgive me, my Lord. In my own wisdom, I have made thy work of none effect. For I have sinned against thee and I beg thy pardon." Michael continued with his head bowed and hands outstretched on the floor. "I beseech thee, Heavenly Father, do away with the iniquity of thy servant for I have done very foolishly."

And the Lord said unto Michael, "Thy sin is forgiven and thy iniquity is removed; nevertheless, thou hast greatly sinned in this thing for thou hast called good that which I hast called evil, thou hast put darkness for light, and light for darkness. And in thine own wisdom, thou hast recalled that which I have exiled.  Behold now, the sum of thy choices as thou hast wrought folly and unleashed contagion in the realm. Thy people will suffer greatly because of thine actions."

Michael lifted his hands in an appeal to the Lord and cried out. "My Lord, I beg thee, have mercy, as they are but lambs...sheep who have followed their wayward shepherd."

And the Lord spoke unto Michael, "I cannot turn my face from this thing.  For before the people, thou hast wrought folly in obedience to my name.  Therefore, I offer three things. Choose thee one of them, that I may do it unto thee. Choose thou either cure of the plague and thy people made whole, but the loss of thine free will, or three months to be destroyed before thy foes, overtaken by the sword of thy enemies, or three days the Withering throughout all the coasts of Heaven. Now, therefore, advise thyself, what word shall I bring to pass in judgment?"

And Michael said unto the Lord, "I am in a great strait. Let me, I pray, fall into the hands of the Lord, for very great are thy mercies, but let me not fall into the hands of Satan, nor would I surrender the Host to be as the beasts of the field."

The Lord nodded his head and replied, "The Chief Prince hath spoken, let the thing then be done."

Immediately, a fog rose from the ground, from the exterior of the mountain of God into the burbs round about the Heavenly city. And the Shekinah that covered the whole of Heaven withdrew to cover naught but the mountain of God. And when the presence of the living God was withdrawn, a dense, greenish, noxious fog saturated the grounds of Heaven.

And the people knew something was wrong, for El's warmth, light and presence could not be felt.  Panic slowly ensued, as the last time the environment of Heaven changed, war was not far behind.

Iblis sat in his cell, and his mind grew darker with the retracting of the presence of the Lord.  He watched as the color in the very air muted with each passing second. Vibrant and multicolored walls slowly faded in luster and dulled in appearance until the prisoner of war sat quietly and frowned, for he understood what was happening better than most.

The Withering had come.

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