Reave the Just and Other Tales

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Authors: Stephen R. Donaldson

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Daughter of Regals & Other Tales

“Stephen R. Donaldson demonstrates new breadth and range in his first book of short stories . . . There is no doubt that Donaldson remains the reigning master of epic fantasy.”

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

“He has a versatility that few had previously guessed . . . [The] stories are fresh, original, and, in a couple of cases, simply superb . . . Exciting fare for Donaldson fans and the uninitiated alike.”

Rocky Mountain News

“Donaldson proves himself at home in a surprising number of story genres . . . Of those stories that are fantasies, ‘The Lady in White’ and ‘Ser Visal’s Tale’ are exceptional . . . Overall,
Daughter of Regals
is a good collection.”

The Columbus Dispatch

“The best tales here (both written for this collection) are the title story, a real good twist on magical power achieved at the proper time and place, and ‘Ser Visal’s Tale,’ on betrayal and ultimate triumph . . . An interesting overview on Donaldson’s style and the turnings of his imagination.”

Los Angeles Times

“This collection leaves one intrigued about what Donaldson will try next. Meanwhile, his many readers should appreciate this chance to broaden their picture of him and his work.”

Publishers Weekly


Against All Things Ending

“Maintains the high standards of the first two volumes . . . Donaldson remains a romantic who believes in lovers who will risk all for each other.”


“A fascinating fantasy . . . Fast-paced.”

Midwest Book Review

“There’s much to like in Donaldson’s latest installment in the multivolume Thomas Covenant epic series.”

Kirkus Reviews

“A long and complex tale, with many different forces and magical objects, strange words, prophecies, betrayals, and the fate of the whole world at stake.”

The Wooster (OH) Daily Record

“This final installment does more than merely entertain. It brings the reader into intimate acquaintance with loss, sorrow, rage, self-doubt, and, ultimately, despair.”

Western Morning News


Fatal Revenant

“Thought provoking . . . This complicated and emotional continuation of the Thomas Covenant saga is exactly what Donaldson’s fans have been hoping for.”

Publishers Weekly

“The real testament to Donaldson’s storytelling ability is that he makes readers interested in spite of his protagonists’ shortcomings . . . Many readers around the world are waiting for the third installment in the final series of a fantasy creation that rivals
The Lord of the Rings
in scope and imagination.”

Onyx reviews

“The ending is the kind of cliff-hanger that should have readers returning to see how it and the remaining adventures play out.”


“Donaldson continues to weave a complex tapestry in
Fatal Revenant
 . . . An engaging tale.”

Warren County Report

“A complex, poignant epic fantasy . . . Stephen R. Donaldson is a great world-builder as he makes his characters—even the monsters—seem real, but it is the poignancy of relationships that makes him one of the best fantasists today.”

Midwest Book Review

“There simply are not enough stars to award this book. It is not a lightweight fluff piece but an intense, mentally stimulating, and utterly satisfying read . . . It breaks my heart to finish a story like this.”

The Eternal Night

“[Donaldson has] managed to expand on an already-detailed world with a rich imagination unique in modern fantasy.”

Science Fact & Science Fiction


The Runes of the Earth

“[A] landmark fantasy saga.”

Entertainment Weekly

“A reawakening of a classic fantasy saga.”

Library Journal

“A trilogy of remarkable scope and sophistication.”

Los Angeles Times

“Startlingly original antiheroic fantasy resonating with echoes of both Tolkien and Philip K. Dick.”

Publishers Weekly

“An epic with page-turning intrigue.”

Detroit Free Press

“Impressive . . . filled with splendid inventions.”


“The most important and original work of epic fantasy after Tolkien . . . Rich in paradox, metaphor, and symbolism . . . Donaldson’s writing remains one of the most original and intellectually challenging works to have graced contemporary epic fantasy.”

SF Site

“Fans can celebrate.”

Kansas City Star


The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever

“I don’t think books like this come along more than a few times in a lifetime.”

—Marion Zimmer Bradley

“Will certainly find a place on the small list of true classics.”

—The Washington Post Book World

“Covenant is Donaldson’s genius.”

The Village Voice

“A feast for epic fantasy addicts.”

Publishers Weekly

“The most original fantasy since
The Lord of the Rings

Time Out

Novels by Stephen R. Donaldson

The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant





The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant




The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever




Anthologies by Stephen R. Donaldson




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A Penguin Random House Company

Copyright © 1999 by Stephen R. Donaldson.

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eBook ISBN: 978-1-101-63751-7

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Donaldson, Stephen R.

[Short stories. Selections]

Reave the Just & other tales / Stephen R. Donaldson. — Ace trade paperback edition.

pages cm

ISBN 978-0-425-25703-6 (Trade)

I. Title. II. Title: Reave the Just and other tales.

PS3554.O469R42 2014




Bantam Spectra hardcover edition / January 1999

Bantam Spectra mass-market edition / January 2000

Ace trade paperback edition / February 2014

Cover art by John Jude Palencar.

Cover design by Sarah Oberrender.

“What Makes Us Human”—

First appeared in
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction
, 1984.

Subsequently appeared in
Berserker Base
, edited by Fred Saberhagen, Tor, 1985.

Later appeared in one of DAW’s “Year’s Best” collections.

“The Djinn Who Watches Over the Accursed”—

First appeared in “World Tales,” the souvenir booklet of the 1985 World Fantasy convention, © Stephen R. Donaldson.

Later appeared in
Arabesques 2
, edited by Susan Shwartz, Avon, 1989.

“Reave the Just”—

First appeared in
After the King
, edited by Martin H. Greenberg, Tor, 1992.

“The Woman Who Loved Pigs”—

First appeared in
Full Spectrum 4
, edited by Lou Aronica, Amy Stout, and Betsy Mitchell, Bantam, 1993.

“The Kings of Tarshish Shall Bring Gifts”—

First appeared in
The Book of Kings
, edited by Richard Gilliam and Martin H. Greenberg, Roc, 1995.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.





s I think about it, I realize that fourteen years have passed since I last published a collection of short fiction. I’m not quite sure how that happened. Apparently I’ve spent more time than I realized writing novels.

By contrast, all the fiction in my previous collection,
Daughter of Regals and Other Tales
, was composed over a six-year span, from 1977 to 1983—with the obvious exception of “Gilden-Fire,” a novel fragment originally conceived as a part of
The Illearth War

However, the fact that I took fourteen years to produce these eight novellas and short stories does have an advantage or two for the reader.

The first—and less interesting—benefit is that the present work was quite naturally done under more diverse conditions and circumstances than those which obtained during the writing of
Daughter of Regals and Other Tales
. In essence, all my previous stories came to me between the completion of
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever
and the publication of
White Gold Wielder
. They were all composed, in a manner of speaking, under Thomas Covenant’s ambiguous influence. Not so the stories here. The earliest of them predates
The Mirror of Her Dreams
; the most recent were completed two years after I finished work on
This Day All Gods Die
. For that reason, they were produced to meet a greater variety of needs and aspirations. My career as well as my life went through more changes in fourteen years than in six.

For example, two of these stories were written “on demand”—which is emphatically not my usual approach. I wrote them not because I felt particularly inspired by them, but because I’d accepted the responsibility of writing
. In one case, “The Djinn Who Watches Over the Accursed,” I was overtaken by career concerns: I’d agreed to be a guest at the World Fantasy Convention, and my hosts wanted an original story for the program book. In the other, “What Makes Us Human,” my ego impaired my judgment: Fred Saberhagen had asked me to contribute to a “shared-world”
novel he had in mind, and I wanted to prove that I belonged in the company of other writers he’d approached—among them Roger Zelazny, Poul Anderson, Ed Bryant, and Connie Willis.

I include these two stories as examples of craft, not of art. Everything else I’ve ever written—here, in
Daughter of Regals and Other Tales
, and in my novels—I’ve written because I fell in love with it, believed in it, and couldn’t imagine writing anything else, not because someone asked me (or paid me) to write it.

But there were other variables as well that didn’t impinge on my previous collection. “The Kings of Tarshish Shall Bring Gifts” came to me while I was skidding down into a catastrophic divorce; “Reave the Just” played a crucial role in my recovery afterward. “The Woman Who Loved Pigs” helped me regain my balance when I’d begun to founder in the Gap novels—specifically, between
A Dark and Hungry God Arises
Chaos and Order
. “By Any Other Name” brought me back from the worst case of writer’s block I’ve ever experienced.

In retrospect, the man who produced
Daughter of Regals and Other Tales
seems to me to have had a remarkably uncomplicated existence.

As it happens, the autobiographical dimension of fiction holds limited interest, at least for me. Any true storyteller draws on life to create fiction; but the interaction is so oblique, and goes through so many sea changes, that it defies explication. (A brief demonstration: which of the stories in this book responds to a lawsuit impugning my honor, both as a writer and as a father? None that I’ve mentioned so far can be excluded—although I admit that “The Djinn Who Watches Over the Accursed” and “What Makes Us Human” are unlikely candidates.)

More interesting, I think, is the second advantage of the time span occupied by the composition of these stories. It is that the reader receives here a better glimpse of the ways in which I’m developing my gifts and skills. With experience—both personal and creative—any artist ambitious for excellence inevitably changes. And the distance between, say, “The Kings of Tarshish Shall Bring Gifts” and “The Killing Stroke” is greater than any comparable interval in
Daughter of Regals and Other Tales
. Fourteen years should allow enough time for the stages of the journey to reveal themselves.

What all those changes might be, I don’t pretend to know. My sense of perspective about my work might politely be called imprecise. I suspect, however, that they will be more apparent to the reader. Nevertheless, I’m aware that my aspirations as a storyteller have gradually shifted focus, especially in the past decade. To repeat a comment I’ve made elsewhere: “I want all my characters to have dignity.” Of the many elements which combine to make up a work of fiction, I’ve been known to attend more closely to design than to character. This was particularly true in the six
books. But not anymore. I’m good at design, and I no longer worry about it. Instead, I strive as carefully as I can to penetrate the hearts of my characters, so that I’ll be able to see and value them for who they are.

I am—if I may be forgiven the expression—the only God they’ve got.

One practical point in conclusion: the order in which these stories now appear is not the order in which they were written. I’ve rearranged them, shamelessly, for effect. The actual sequence of composition was:

“What Makes Us Human”

“The Djinn Who Watches Over the Accursed”

“The Kings of Tarshish Shall Bring Gifts”

“Reave the Just”

“The Woman Who Loved Pigs”

“By Any Other Name”

“The Killing Stroke”


The first two have been very slightly revised for this edition.

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