Rebel Temptress (Historical Romance) (21 page)

Read Rebel Temptress (Historical Romance) Online

Authors: Constance O'Banyon

Tags: #Historical, #Romance, #Fiction, #REBEL TEMPTRESS, #Adult, #Adventure, #Action, #Yankees, #Plantation, #Yankee Major, #Enemy, #Unportected, #Alone, #Bloodshed, #War, #Lonely, #Captured Hearts, #Seductive, #Vowed, #Possess, #Precious, #American Revolution, #18th Century

BOOK: Rebel Temptress (Historical Romance)
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He pushed her trembling legs apart, as his lips traveled down her throat to settle on her satiny-smooth breast. He heard Honor gasp, and knew her surrender was not far away.

"Love me Adam, love me," she murmured against his ear.

Adam's lips returned to hers, and as his kiss swept her senses, he entered her body slowly.

Honor did not pull away, as he feared she might, but moved her head from side to side as her arms tightened around his neck.

Honor felt as if the gates of heaven had opened and she was walking among the clouds as Adam began moving slowly inside of her. And she was not alone in her paradise, for Adam, the man she loved, accompanied her. Feelings she had never experienced or imagined lifted her higher and higher.

"Adam, Adam," she murmured, as he kissed her parted lips.

"Tell me if I cause you pain, darling," he murmured against her satiny throat. Adam felt his love for her deepen as her body responded to his every command, and his mind was swept away in a whirlwind.

"No, Adam, you do not cause me pain," she whispered as she sought and found his lips. Suddenly her body seemed to explode, and she felt the tremor that shook Adam's body.

Adam rolled to the side of her and crushed her tightly in his arms, kissing her face, which was wet with tears. He raised his head and looked at her, fearing he had hurt her.

"Honor, did I hurt you?"

She shook her head, trying to find her voice. When she spoke, it was a throaty whisper. "The pain was in the beauty of it, Adam, I never knew . . . I thought . . . Oh, hold me Adam."

Adam did not trust himself to speak, as his own eyes filled with tears.

The wind stirred the branches of the apple tree as Adam pulled Honor's robe up to cover her nakedness. In showing her that love could be beautiful, he was leaving himself open for more hurt. He was aware of Honor's deep sense of loyalty, and knew that, even if he had possessed her body, he might still lose her. Knowing her as he did, he was afraid there would be recriminations in the morning. He wanted to hold on to her forever, allowing nothing and no one to hurt her.

Honor felt Adam's hand about her waist and curled up in his arms. Tonight he had taught her what love between two people who loved each other could be like. Her body had been awakened by his lovemaking, and inside she felt that she would ever belong to him alone. It did not matter that she was married to another—she and Adam belonged together. She wanted to tell him of her deep love, but she felt shy about revealing her innermost feelings. She shuddered as she remembered Jordan's taking her body and using it so brutally.

"Are you cold?" Adam murmured as he drew her more tightly against him.

"No, I was just thinking."

He smiled against her face. "About me, I hope."

Honor moved her head and looked into his handsome face. "Was it wrong what happened between you and me Adam?"

Adam knew the recriminations were beginning. He traced the outline of her lips with his finger. "How could it be wrong, Honor? How could anything so beautiful be wrong?"

Honor closed her eyes; if it was wrong, she would face that tomorrow, right now she wanted nothing more than to lie in Adam's arms and feel loved. She became aware of his wandering hands and rolled over to her side and put her arm around his shoulder. If tonight was all they would ever have, then she would make the most of it. She kissed his lips and then his cheek, peppering kisses over his closed eyelids, she felt his grip tighten about her waist.

"You learn quickly," he growled as he pushed her back against his shirt and covered her body once more. Once again, the heavens opened to allow the two of them to trespass, and this time Honor gave love to him in return for the love he showered her with. Love in its purest form surrounded them both. They made love frantically, driven by the thought that this night might be all they would ever have.

Honor fell asleep in Adam's arms. There so many questions he wanted to ask her, but looking down at her lovely face that was softened by his lovemaking, he knew they could wait until morning. He sat up and pulled her nightgown over her head. She looked at him through sleep-laced eyes. Wrapping her robe about her, he lifted her in his arms and carried her toward the house.

Honor stirred as he laid her down on the bed that had once belonged to her. She held on to him when he would have left her.

Kneeling down beside her, he kissed her soft lips. "We will talk in the morning, darling. Sleep now."

Honor sighed contentedly and closed her eyes. Wrapped in Adam's love for her, she fell asleep.

Honor awoke to the bright sunlight that flooded the bedroom. Looking about her, she was puzzled for the moment; then she remembered last night and blushed a deep scarlet. Her hand strayed down her body as she remembered Adam's lovemaking. Her heart was overflowing with love as she relived the way Adam had made her body come to life. She remembered every word he had spoken to her. She frowned, remembering Jordan and Meagan. How could she condemn the two of them now that she had allowed Adam—no,
Adam—to make love to her? Her heart cried out that what she had experienced with Adam could not be wrong. How could anything so beautiful be wrong? You are no better than Meagan, a small voice told her. Honor buried her head in her pillow and cried out in her misery. What about Aaron? He was the innocent victim in all of this.

There was a tap on the door, and Honor sat up wiping the tears from her eyes. She feared it would be Adam, and she hated to face him. What would he think of her after last night?

"Come in," she said in a trembling voice.

Honor was surprised when a beautiful, dark-headed woman came in carrying a tray with what was obviously her breakfast. The woman smiled brightly at her and placed the tray down on Honor's lap.

"Good morning. I am Adam's twin sister, Suzanne, and you are Honor. My brother has told me all about you."

Honor lowered her head, feeling embarrassed, wondering what Adam's sister must think of her.

"I knew Adam had a sister, but I did not know you were his twin." Honor raised her head and looked into eyes the same color blue as Adam's, and wondered again what Adam's sister must think about finding her in this bedroom. "I can see that you do favor Adam a great deal."

Suzanne drew the yellow brocade chair to the side of the bed and sat down. "Do you mind if I call you Honor? I feel that I know you very well."

"Yes, please do. You must be surprised to find me here this morning. I can only apologize for intruding."

"Nonsense! Honor, my brother and I are very close, and he has told me all about you and your troubles. I hope you do not mind."

Honor blushed and lowered her head, feeling at a loss how to answer Adam's sister. "I am sorry for involving Adam in my problems. I would leave immediately, but you see I have nothing to wear except my nightgown and robe." Tears of shame washed down Honor's face. "You must think it very odd to find me here in only my gown and robe."

Suzanne felt her heart wrench for the beautiful girl whom her brother loved. Good Lord, what a monster her husband must be! "Honor, you must not feel ashamed of anything where I am concerned. I, like my brother, stand ready to help you in any way I can. My brother once told me of how you saved his life — that makes me indebted to you." Suzanne took her hand and squeezed it reassuringly. "You are among friends, Honor."

Honor shook her head. "I have never met anyone as kind as you and your brother, but I must not inflict my problems on you."

Suzanne stood up. "Eat your breakfast before it gets cold, while I go and get you something of mine to put on. After that we can decide what you should do."

Honor watched as Adam's sister left the room. She took a bite of the eggs but found she was not hungry and pushed the tray aside. Closing her eyes, she remembered the night before. Adam truly loved her and wanted her for his wife. All the ugly things she had witnessed between Jordan and Meagan now seemed unimportant.

How different she felt this morning. Adam had taken her body and made it his. She smiled to herself as she remembered how it had felt when he made love to her. He had been right—the love between a man and a woman who loved each other was beautiful.

Honor could hardly wait to see Adam today. She would tell him that she loved him, and, if he wanted her, that she and Aaron would go away with him. She could not stand the thought of returning to Green Rivers even if it would be only long enough to get Aaron, but Adam would be with her; he would never allow her to face Jordan alone. There would be trouble when they took Aaron, but Adam would handle Jordan.

She still had trouble believing that Adam was at Landau, and she wanted to ask him why he had bought her home.

Honor moved off the bed and looked about the room that had once belonged to her. Nothing had changed in this room but her. She was now a woman capable of loving and giving of herself. Adam had changed her last night. No longer would she fear the love between a man and a woman. Adam had shown her that she was as capable of giving of herself as any woman who loved a man.

Honor felt excitement at the thought of Adam's making love to her again. Of course, she reasoned, she must not allow him to make love to her until she was truly his wife. Adam's wife. How wonderful that sounded. It would be hard not to give in to him if he wanted to make love to her before they were married, but she must be strong, for then their marriage night would be all the sweeter for having waited.

Later, Honor sat on a garden bench beside Suzanne, watching her son and daughter chasing a brightly colored butterfly.

"Your children are delightful, Suzanne. You must be very proud of them."

"Yes, they are rather wonderful. I am afraid that Adam spoils them terribly. I understand that you have a son, Honor."

"Yes, Aaron is delightful and a bundle of energy. At times I find it very tiring trying to keep up with him."

Suzanne studied Honor's face. She was very beautiful and soft-spoken, and she could see how her brother had lost his heart to her. How like Adam to fall for a woman who needed a man to depend on. But Honor had too many problems, and Adam had been hurt enough already.

"Honor, what are your plans? Will you leave your husband?"

Honor looked at Suzanne, not knowing how to answer her. "I do not know what my plans are, I have not talked to Adam yet. I want you to know that I love your brother. I have loved him for a very long time, and if he wants me to, I will go away with him."

"What about your son, Aaron?"

"I could never leave Aaron, but I know Adam understands this. He is very fond of my son."

"I am sure you are aware that my brother has told me about your marriage and how unhappy you have been, but could you and your husband not work out your problems for the sake of your son?"

"I do not know how much Adam has told you about my personal life . . . but I can no longer stay with Jordan."

"Adam did not go into any detail, but I know he has been very upset because of you."

Honor caught the reprimand in Suzanne's voice. "You do not want me to be with Adam," she said softly.

Suzanne saw the pain in Honor's beautiful green eyes and wished there were some way to avoid hurting her more, but Adam was her first concern. She must convince Honor that Adam would only be hurt more in the long run if she went away with him.

"Honor, my brother loves you a great deal. I would not like to see him hurt more than he has been already."

"I would never intentionally hurt Adam, please believe this."

Suzanne reached for Honor's hand. "I do not want to hurt you either, Honor, but you must understand that my first concern is for my brother. I believe that you would destroy Adam if you were to leave your husband to go away with him. It would be far better for him if you no longer involved him in your problems."

"I had not thought . . . I suppose I was being very thoughtless."

"Honor, I am sure you are aware that Adam is a lawyer by profession. Had you thought how detrimental it would be to his career if he were to marry a divorced woman?"

Honor stood up slowly, blinking the tears from her eyes. "You are right, of course. It was very selfish of me not to think what would happen to Adam if I were to marry him. I . . . will leave now."

Suzanne felt tears in her own eyes and wished she had not spoken so harshly to Honor. Adam would be very angry with her if he ever learned that she had interfered in his life, but she was committed now and could not pull back.

"I believe that would be very wise, Honor. Would you like me to have our driver take you home?"

Honor was trying desperately to hold on to her composure. "No, it is but a short walk. I thank you for the loan of the gown and will have it laundered and returned to you by tomorrow. I also wish to thank you for your kindness in allowing me to stay here last night."

"Oh, Honor, I am so sorry. I believe under different circumstances you and I could have been good friends."

"Tell Adam . . ." Honor said as she choked back a sob.

"Tell Adam what?" A deep voice spoke up from behind her. Honor spun around to see Adam smiling down at her, and the look in his eyes caused her heart to beat faster, as the look plainly told her he was remembering last night. It had been dark last night and Honor had not noticed the way Adam was dressed. How different he appeared without his uniform. He wore black tight-fitting trousers and black highly polished boots. The blue shirt he wore brought out the blue of his eyes. His dark hair was neatly groomed, and the handsome face so dear to her had a soft look of love.

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