Rebel (The United Federation Marine Corps) (23 page)

BOOK: Rebel (The United Federation Marine Corps)
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essentially a pioneer or explorer.

Class 4 Employees.  Federation regulations classify civilian employment.  Class 1 employees are free citizens who can quit as they chose.  Class 2 are employees who owe time to a corporation in return for training or schooling.  Class 3 employees are temporary or contract employees who work for a specific period of time.  The do not get the same benefits as Class 1 employees.  Class 4 are termed “indentured.”  They owe money for transportation or other considerations, and must work to pay off the debt.  They have minimal rights, and their indentured term can be adjusted due to additional debts incurred.

Jacks:  Slang for company security personnel

The Kirk:  The Church of Scotland.

Shinbutsu shūgō

 elements of various religions incorporated in a 

Glaikit boaby
:  Old Scottish slang. 
is stupid, and
is a somewhat derogatory term for a policeman.  It can also mean penis.

Kuso kurae
:  A Japanese term for “eat shit.”

Robbin:  a hero’s sidekick

Zips:  a social media transmission format where small messages, either written, spoken, or with video, can be easily and quickly sent to individuals or groups.

NIP:  National Independence Party, an armed organization dedicated to independence for the planet.

Pure dead belter:  something that is exceptionally brilliant or amazing.

Ordinance technical two:  NIP enlisted military ranks do not follow Marine, Legion, or militia ranks.  They are based more on navy ranks, with the type of job first, then a one, two, or three to indicate senority

Gentry:  A Congress of Free Worlds planet known for inexpensive but utterly reliable military and construction gear.

Jimmylegs:  a somewhat derogatory nickname military personnel have for hired security.

Opsec:  Operational Security.

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