Rebirth of the Seer (28 page)

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Authors: Peter W. Dawes

Tags: #Fantasy, #Paranormal

BOOK: Rebirth of the Seer
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I pressed my lips against hers, harshly and with little concern for how much she wished a kiss at that moment. She resisted, which only
spurred me to press my mouth to hers more earnestly
, skin motioning against skin until she responded at last. Our lips parted and she gasped for breath, b
ut her arms slid around me. T
his time, a much more urgent and passionate embrace commenced. We toppled onto the couch, where we remained until the first pieces of clothing had been stripped from our bodies.

Sweeping her into my arms, I carried her back into the bedroom and laid her onto the mattress in a reverent manner. Her eyes would not meet mine as I crawled atop her, but her hands found my chest and ran along th
e bare skin she had freed. O
ur first frenzied kisses turned searching. I leaned close and whispered in her ear, “I see no blood or danger before my eyes. Nothing but a dark-haired beauty I mean to protect.” My lips found her neck, relishing the warmth radiating from her in a long string of caresses.

Monica’s back arched. “Things can change,” she said cryptically. “Maybe this is a warning, but we can’t be so sure.”

“Surely the Fates know what I would do for you.”

My mouth moved to capture hers. We exchanged several deep kisses before my watcher broke away. “You are so damn arrogant sometimes. Do you know that?”

I smirked. “Downright incorrigible.”

Her words began
to gain more confidence. “
I can save my own ass, Romeo.”

“I imagine you can.”

“It’s going to take more than some smug bastard named Ian to get rid of me.”

I laughed despite myself,
fear and relief juxtaposed in the sound
. “It best take more than that. I am going insane for your sake, witch.”

Monica’s eyes opened. A half-lidded stare met mine, heating the air around us with the way her gaze smoldered. “Sure you want to save me, then?”

“Absolutely.” Our lips met again, a more tempered – but no less deliberate – kiss commencing with intentions clearly stated. This time, when desire swept us under, everything moved slower than it had before, details lingered upon which had gone ignored before. I finished stripping her with slow relish. She reciprocated my tenor and all the while, I mused on what a spell had been cast on me. A creature which should not have been capable of love was being consumed by it, clutching onto it as though it would be his only escape from hell. It was a notion
revisited with every kiss and moan exchanged. The entire debacle might have unraveled my sanity, but it taunted me with the miraculous in the same breath. As aware as I had been of my dualism throughout the past few weeks, I
walking contradiction.

At once, I was human and immortal; dead and alive. A pulse beat strongly in my chest even with my heart still silent. I breathed the air with renewed purpose while still not needing breath. None of it made sense, yet I found myself examining this new being slipping through the cracks of my soul and I could not determine if I should l
oathe or embrace the nonsense he carried in his
I might have known Monica would be my salvation when I rescued her from the Council, but I could have never guessed just how much she might be my
as well.

I mused upon it as I held her against my chest and stole kisses
in her hair
. Her back to me, I
still knew her eyes were fixed somewhere in the darkness,
afterglow having given itself over to reflection for
both of us
. Our fingers inte
rlaced atop her stomach and
whispers from her mind
formed the only break in the silence for several minutes

Finally, s
he spoke. “I
swear, no matter how many times I hear people tell me the Fates have their ways, I can’t help but wonder why they like playing with us so damn much.” She punctuated
the comment with a sigh. I tightened my hold on her reflexively
, prompting her to continue
. “It’s like the messages get garbled jumping from one plane to another. And by the time they get to us, we have no fucking idea what it is
It pisses me off.

I chuckled softly and grinned. “Much like being a vampire and attempting to decipher the riddle of humanity.”

“Oh, it can’t be that bad.”

“Much more than you could know. I have all the memories of being human, but cannot summon the same thoughts and feelings. By nature, being vampire is completely different.” I paused to breathe her in, my grin turning mischievous. “It is in the blood, I suppose you could say.”

Monica snickered softly. If she had begun to smile, I co
uld tell when it dissipated as
the air around us turned heavier again. She nestled closer to me. “So, I guess humans and vampires have that much in common. We’re both perplexed as hell when we have to decode the
transcripts from the great beyond.”

“Perplexed, befuddled, and driven completely insane. Although, I am not about to sit back and wait for the puzzle to be made clear.”

“What’s the plan?”

“I think the time has come to be the devil again.”

Monica turned, furrowing her brow at me. I chuckled and kissed her softly, telling her I would elaborate further after a shower and a change of clothes. After our talk, a call was placed to Wesley informing him of
the next move in our
game. I would enter the coven the
evening, and scare the snake from the grass before he had a chance to strike.

The next night, I pulled out my black shirt again and the black suit jacket I had worn as an assassin.
ing each button in the same systematic fashion as I had for five years, I stared at a reflectionless mirror and sighed. For the humans, I had to play the man. For the vampires, I had to play a far different role. The cold and sinister assassin could disarm a room full of mortals in his time and leave them eating out of his hand before he drank from their veins. My personality would just have to shift further toward the immortal side once more.

My watcher walked up behind me, arms wrapping around my waist from behind. A grin tugged at the corner of my mouth at the bizarre way the mirror captured her. “You look ridiculous,” I said, my eyes shifting to the sight of her hugging an invisible entity.

“You’re so good for my ego,” she said, betraying the statement with a playful curl of her lips. She puckered and kissed thin air. I felt the motion on my back. “Not my fault you’re so damn tall. I can’t see anything past the Great Wall of Peter.”

“And it is not my fault you are so short.”

“Bite me, Goliath.”

I snickered, but sobered immediately, my eyes shifting from dark-haired beauty to where I should have been. I imagined a paler version of the human I had been, sunglasses over his eyes. Something about the mental image provoked a frown, as well as a taunt twist inside my stomach. “This ruse is getting hard to maintain,” I said. “And I fear my ability to hold up to any form of examination at the moment, mortal or immortal.”

“What makes you say that?”

“I have to go from playing nice with your friends to being my colder, more sinister self. And I think Wesley and the others shall not remain ignorant for much longer.” I sighed, turning to face her. Her hold slackened enough to permit the action. “I belong to no one now, so I can convince neither camp of my fidelity. And there is so much at stake before us.”

Monica regarded me in silence for a few precious moments. My gaze shifted downward, but rose again when one hand slid from my back and lifted to touch the side of my face. “You belong to me,” she said. “And I know you too well by now to doubt you. There have been many times throughout all of this that you looked ready to buckle and brought yourself back to your feet. Don’t think about whose persona you’re trying to wear, think about the mission and what you need to do to get back to me in one piece.”

A reluctant smile surfaced. “When did you become my cheerleader, witch?”

“Ah, there you see. That’s sounding like Flynn again already.”

“And how is that?” My arms circled her. I bent at the waist enough to meet her gaze. “Dashing and deviant?”

“Devastatingly handsome and cunning.”

“Be aware, Precious
.” Our lips met in a lingering kiss. “I am not to be trusted.”

My eyes shut. I felt her smile. “They have warned me about
, vampire.”

“I am a wicked one, this much is for certain. See how willingly you have fallen into my clutches?”

“Yes, I see it all too well.” Monica sighed. “Your power must’ve been more than I could resist.”

“I might say the same for you.” Another brief connect of skin on skin brought with it her taste. For a fleeting moment, I wondered if we had the time for another wrestle in the sheets. “Sensuous woman,” I said. “You unnerve me, but I shall allow you to accompany me nonetheless. You suit this devil in black.”

She chuckled. “A devil who I hope has his throwing daggers on him.”

“You could frisk me if you need to.”

“Cheeky bastard.” With a sound whack against my posterior, she drifted away from my arms and turned to leave the room. “Let’s go fetch the others, Flynny. You know how insufferable we mortals get when you vampires keep us waiting.”

“Do no
t remind me. Finite creatures. Y
ou live your lives racing from one meaningless event to another. You should thank the lot of us when we end you.”

Monica laughed, and took my arm when it was offered to her. I could not help but to grin – the words sounded detached from my actual sentiment
as I played them
back in my thoughts. I c
issue them convincingly enough,
and I suppo
sed that was all which mattered for the task at hand. B
ut I could not deny how much I had
d. This
new creature no longer sought the sadism of bloodlust. That this
could have been assigned to me even a week prior, I would have been muc
h more confident in my ability.

And regardless of whether my heart was in it, the future depended on the outcome
As did the life
of the one for whom I cared

Chapter S


Clouds concealed the pale moonlight, making the night particularly dark as I
the coven. Adjusting my sunglasses, I took inventory of what laid before me, now much closer and more intimate with the building than I had been during our previous visit.
There were no cars parked in the front
, but enough activity passed through the large glass doors to give it the appearance of a b
ustling private establishment.
turned away any unwelcome visitors
at the gate
and allowed me pas
t security when I gave my name.

A shiver crawled the length of my spine as I walked
across the grounds

The wind was not nearly as cold that evening as it had been in recent days, but as another chill afflicted me, I reminded myself of where I tread. These beings were no longer my kindred. Indeed, they might kiss my cheek and shake my hand all evening, but their master would ensure one
after another registered on this radar I now possessed. I vowed to myself to ignore it as much as possible.

After all, this demon had a mission to accomplish.

I shut my eyes and indulged a steadying breath as I attempted to summon what I had pantomimed back at the apartment, this time in a more serious fashion. The cunning creature I once was – the immortal whose very name could turn the tepid blood of vampire cold with fright – crept from the shadows in a tempered
. The corner of my mouth curled in a smirk. Yes, they would call me Peter tonight, but everything about me would have to scream

“Another fucking social call,” I muttered, flicking away the cigarette I had lit after parting company with the others. I adjusted my coat, concealing the shoulder holster and knives, and stepped briskly past one couple loitering on the front s
teps. The door opened before me
as though I belonged there, and a nod exchanged with one vampire almost bore with it the message that I was just another
returning from a venture out onto the town. My eyes took in the sight of the foyer as I entered
, and I summoned an air of apathy to project over my discontent

Decadence hung all around me, from the smallest adornments to the largest fixtures. Paintings and tapestries hung from the walls, depicting scenes both macabre and majestic for the voyeur. Many of the pieces bore the signs of being as old as Ian himself. Well-dressed creatures strolled past, exchanging nods with me as I continued inward. This was a game with which I was well-acquainted; the same I had played when I kissed Sabrina’s lips while still tasting their wickedness. If I could fool her for so many weeks, then surely I could maneuver this round of chess.

I paused by a larger set of doors, flanked on both sides by two men. “Greetings, fellows,” I said as they stared me down. Both burly and of European persua
sion, one reminded me of Julian
. “I have been invited by your master Ian. I should like to meet with him if he is available.”

“Your name?” he asked unflinchingly.

I smiled at the irony. “Peter, originally of Philadelphia. He told me you would be informed I was coming.”

The man’s disposition changed at once, into a much more agreeable posture. “Oh, yes. Yes, he did.” Stepping out of the way, he gestured at one of the closed doors. “Please, enter. Ian’s been expecting you.”

“Thank you.” Offering him a quick nod, I shot a glance at his counterpart before walking to the doors and pulling one open. Music which had filtered into the hallway from the other side became louder, revealing this to be something more than just a lounging area. I perked an eyebrow at the collection of vampires on the other side. It would seem their coven was a bit on the rowdier side.

A common area on the other side proved to be anything but. The door swung shut behind me, leaving me to pause in the entry and gaze upon a temple for carnal indulgence. Men and women either lounged together, or busied themselves on the dance floor, glasses of blood, alcohol, or a combination of the two in hand and a cloud of cigarette smoke hanging in the air thick enough to cut through. I furrowed my brow and recoiled against the stench of bodies pressed together, knowing some of the fray to have pulses for at least the time being. Whether or not they still would by the night’s end was a matter up for debate.

Taking a deep breath, I willed myself to move forward, descending a short set of stairs into the main portion of the room. Tables were situated in front of plush booths, with chairs on the other side for those apt to stand and be seated more frequently. Figuring Ian would be one more for enjoying the sight of his debaucherous progeny, I made the mistake of fixing my sights on the stationary crowd. It made me ill prepared for when one of the dancers crossed
and intercepted me.

She slunk against me, leaving a group of two men and another woman to bare her fangs and graze her fingertips across my chest. I did my best to reciprocate the look of interest, while dismissing her advances at the same time. Her eyes caressed the entire length of me before she returned to her cohorts with a look of satisfaction on h
er face. Internally, I grumbled

Just beyond my encounter, I spied Ian at last. He reclined exactly where I had suspected, in one of the best seats in the house, with an arm wrapped around one of the men who had accompanied him on his midnight stroll, Talon. Virgil stood off to the side, his eyes not
fixed on anything in particular, but flicking to me
when I entered his peripheral vision. Ian had his free hand on Talon’s cheek by th
e time he noticed my presence, but i
mmediately, his face lit. “Peter!” he said, hand
relinquishing its caress
to rise in a wave. “Come over here, dark vagabond. I’ve been hoping you would show.”

Talon sighed and looked at me as well. I perked an eyebrow
while closing
the distance between me and
the table where Ian sat with William,
and two female vampires who had yet to be introduced. They were adorned with black and lace, one a redheaded woman who looked no more than eighteen years old. The other had her long, brown hair tied back in a bun; her apparent age a much more distinguished-looking twenty-five. They all nodded when I approached.

Ian waited until I paused beside the table to slink out from beside his male companion and stand. A more reserved tan suit hung from his slender frame, although the gem-encrusted cane was still propped beside his booth. The ringmaster
conducting his circus
. “Welcome, Peter. It delights me to no end that you finally decided to join us. I’ll admit Virgil and I were debating whether or not you would.” He glanced in the direction of the brown-haired vampire to his left. “It would seem I won, Virgil.”

Virgil smirked, but
failed to look at Ian. I stepped forward when Ian extended his hand and shook it without hesitation. “I do apologize for the delay,” I said. My
dropped to my side once Ian released his grip. “I had other matters toward which to attend.”

“Other matters meaning your human.” The corner of Ian’s mouth curled in a knowing grin.

“Amongst other things.” I attempted to mirror his smile. “I hope my delay did not offend you.”

“Not at all. Please –” He motioned to one of the few remaining fr
ee chairs, one positioned
across from where he sat. “–Take a seat. Allow me to entertain you for a few mom
ents before we speak in private

I pulled out the chair and sat as Ian assumed his place by Talon’s side. He pointed first to his male companion. “You remember my child, Talon. And Virgil, Clarence, and William should all be familiar faces. These two beautiful women are Patricia and Geneviève.” Ian paused, smiling as I nodded to each of the vampires. When I stopped at Patricia, he continued. “Pa
tricia and William were twins. They r
efused to be separated, so I had to keep Patricia safe until she could be turned with her brother. She in particular has been looking forward to meeting you after hearing us talk the other night.”

The brown-haired vampiress flaunted her fangs as her ruby lips spread in a grin. “Hello, Peter,” she said, surprising me when she rose to her feet and climbed onto my lap. Chocolate-colored eyes drifted from the sight of my neck and traversed slowly northward until she met my gaze. Her long fingernails brushed past the side of my face, touching my sunglasses. The shiver I suppressed had nothing to do with arousal. “You’re even handsomer than my brother described you. I bet you’re an especially delicious creature beneath those glasses.”

I summoned as much of a smile as I seemed capable, allowing my pointed teeth to become more pronounced and feigning interest. “Nothing could be as fair as you, Pet. I would allow you to see my eyes, but then the night would be a loss.”

“Perhaps I could lure you someplace more private.”

Taking her hand from my face, I placed a gentlemanly kiss on the back of her palm. “I imagine a night with you would be exquisite.” Her hand fell to her lap when I let go. “I am afraid I must decline, though. Some other fortunate devil shall have to be the envy of the coven tonight.”

She shrugged. “Suit yourself.” When she lifted from my lap and stood to resume a place beside her brother, I nearly sighed with relief, wondering how many women would seem apt to throw themselves at me until I left. William rested an arm on the back of her chair and she crossed her legs, her gaze not straying from me even when she plucked a lit cigarette from William’s hand. “The offer is always open,” she said punctuating the comment with a wink.

I smiled. “My eternal gratitude, Patricia. I consider it an h
onor to have turned your head.”

“Don’t let it trouble you, sister dear,” William said as she lifted the cigarette to her lips and indulged a long draw from the end. The look on his face turned mocking. “He takes company with a human woman for all his needs.”

“Where is the human?” Talon asked. Ian smirked and stroked his hair.

“She remained at home for the evening,
as was
,” I said.

“What are your plans with her?” Virgil c
himed. “U
sing her and killing her? You’re probably not old enough to turn her.”

My attention shifted to Ian’s second. “I have no immediate plans with her.”

“How did she come to take your company, then?”

I attempted not to
betray my unease
in response to where the line of questioning had already strayed. Still, I
risked a hopefully more-casual-than-not indulgence
by thrusting a hand in my pocket and lighting a cigarette of my own. As the embers glowed orange, I entertained thoughts of
the speed with which
I could plunge a dagger into each vampire gathered. “Because I am a dashing devil and she is a vixen of a mortal. I have not favored the company of her kind very much prior to her, but she holds my interest. How she came to fall until my wiles, I do not know, but I can say this much…” My eyes shifted from Talon to Ian, a dark grin tugging at the corner of my mouth. “I would drive a sword through the heart of any who would harm her.”

“Then may it never come to that,” Ian said, neither blinking nor looking away. He mirrored my grin for a moment before shifting to address the women. “Peter is still a child in our ways. Who he chooses to take company with is his business and no one else’s. His coven was met wi
th tragedy recently. A seer killed his mistress,
a close friend of mine. I’m hoping we can lure his wandering spirit to settle with us.”

“Yes, tell me more about your coven,” I said, drawing from my cigarette again. Smoke bellowed past my lips as I continued speaking. “Your children are certainly livelier than Sabrina’s were. I have wondered if my former brethren are currently lying around without her oversight, waiting for somebody to shepherd them into a sloth their imaginations have not yet fathomed.”

Ian laughed. “Well, not all of these are my children, admittedly.” The hand around Talon flipped in the direction of William and Patricia. “I like turning pairs. The machismo of the male needs the delicate deviance of a female to compliment it. Even when I haven’t bestowed the dark gift to a couple or a pair of siblings, I’ve always made sure one gender’s turning is followed shortly thereafter by the other. It keeps things balanced that way.”

I smirked. “I thought you didn’t care much for balance. Or is that limited to humans and vampires?”

“Oh, I agree humans and vampires need to have a balance, I simply don’t think the Order’s balance is the correct way of looking at it.”

“And I am still undecided.” My eyes flicked about the room, taking in the sight of the others once more. “From where does the rest of your collective hail if they are not all yours?”

“My children have turned others, who have made sires of their own. This might sound a bit Darwinian, but I allow my children to choose the company they keep provided they choose wisely.” I caught a sinister smile on his face when my attention shifted back to him. “This is my house and my house is the only coven in this city. Staying here has its price. If I feel the gift has been given to someone unworthy, I reserve the right to thin the herd before they tarnish my name. My children know that, though, and have accepted it.”

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