Recipe for Magic (7 page)

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Authors: Agatha Bird

BOOK: Recipe for Magic
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Connor rocked back on his heels with relief. “Nah, don’t worry. Do you want to keep practicing? That was a pretty good first run.”

“All right,” Landyn said after a brief hesitation. “And maybe this time, try not to show off and destroy my conjuring in the process.”

“Hey,” Connor drawled in mock indignation. “But mine was impressive, right?”

“Very. I’m in awe,” Landyn said, and allowed Connor to sling an arm around his shoulder as they walked back inside. He caught Connor’s eyes and, despite his flippant tone, Connor could tell he was sincere.

Plenty of people had paid Connor compliments, but Landyn’s approval felt special, though he refused to examine it too closely. He laughed and squeezed Landyn’s shoulder. They had dragons to conjure.



on conjuring for most of the next week, spending all their spare time in the practice room. The spellwork for the dragons took hours to prepare each time, and the Trial was fast approaching.

They carefully choreographed the fight and ran through the conjurings until they nearly collapsed.

They’d taken to lingering in the room after they finished practice. Tonight, they sat in two plush armchairs near the fireplace. There was still enough chill to warrant a fire. Connor glanced at a shivering Landyn, then waved his fingers to revive the embers. Landyn let out a contented little sigh and stopped rubbing his arms through his robe.

“You’ve nearly mastered your dragon,” Landyn said, giving Connor one of his rare, honest smiles.

“Yeah,” Connor replied, busy staring at the way the flames cast a warm glow over Landyn’s face and reflected bright points of flame in his eyes.

“Maybe tomorrow we can put the finishing touches on our barrier spells. The Trial is only two days away, and I’m still a little worried that we haven’t eliminated the sizzle when they touch.”

“Maybe,” Connor said. Landyn was warm enough now that his cheeks were pink and his forehead had gone shiny.

“Are you listening?”

The light cast dancing shadows on Landyn’s face. He looked like a fire sprite with the flames glinting golden off his brown hair.


Landyn wasn’t half-bad to look at. A bit on the skinny side, but he could land a bed partner if he wanted, especially with a sly mouth like his. Connor wondered how Landyn would kiss: Would he try to take charge, give sharp little nips to his partner’s mouth? Where would he put his hands? On the waist? Cupped around Connor’s jaw?

“I am moments away from dousing you in frigid water.”

Connor snapped out of his daze. “Sorry, what?”

“Finishing touches,” Landyn said impatiently. “I’m sorry, am I keeping you from something? Or someone?” Landyn’s eyes had gone the barest shade of vulnerable.

Landyn was beautiful, Connor realized. He was powerful and clever, when he wasn’t being a sanctimonious know-it-all, and he had a wicked sense of humor—though this was usually at Connor’s expense. And then there was his mouth.

It didn’t make sense that Landyn hadn’t been sitting with him at the popular table.

“Why don’t you have any friends?” Connor asked. “And I don’t count. Not people you’re magically obligated to endure, but people you’d spend time with by choice. Real friends.”

Landyn’s face closed off. “What?”

“Did something happen?” Connor pressed. The thought made his magic sizzle under his skin. Had someone said something to Landyn? Betrayed him? If they had, Connor would find them and teach them that sticks and stones may break bones, but fire spells would reduce them to cinders.

Landyn turned his face to the fire. “No. I can see what you’re thinking, but it wasn’t anything quite so dramatic. It just… happened. I was always quiet, and then little things built up over time, until it became easier not to bother with people at all.”

“But nobody hurt you?” Connor needed to make sure. His gut churned like there were fire rocks in his stomach.

“No, Connor, nobody offended my delicate sensibilities and drove me to a life of solitary despair,” Landyn said, sounding exasperated. “I don’t know that I can explain. Somewhere along the way, for some reason, I pulled away from people and didn’t stop. You wouldn’t understand. It’s different for you. People like you; you can make friends with anyone. Real friends,” he echoed bitterly. The way he said it made Connor’s chest hurt.

Connor gave a weak smirk. “People want to be friends with me because of my father. It’s always been that way. Then along came the Oracle and—poof! Friends gone.”

Landyn shook his head. “That might be part of it, but I’ve seen you with the cook, the teachers, other students. You’re charming.”

Connor grinned. “You think I’m charming?”

“I’m surprised you haven’t found a new girlfriend already,” Landyn said casually.

Connor raised an eyebrow. He’d been working on this particular eyebrow maneuver since he began studying with Landyn, since Landyn so frequently employed a similar expression. “Who’d date me now? I’ve been dethroned, remember? No more King Connor, as you like to remind me.”

Landyn shrugged, his eyes trained resolutely on the fire. “I’m sure there are girls who’d date you.”

“What about you?”

Landyn’s head snapped up. “What?”

“Any girls you’d like to date?”

“Oh,” Landyn said. He laughed humorlessly, then took a deep breath. “No. Girls aren’t exactly my type.”

Connor was quiet for a moment. The only sound was the crackling of flames and a snap as a log broke and settled on the grate. “Boys, then?”

Landyn gave him a sharp look, his chin tipped up. Connor knew him well enough by now to see that Landyn was readying himself for a fight. It made Connor’s heart clench to think Landyn expected the worst from him.

“Is that a problem?” Landyn asked.

Connor deliberately relaxed his posture and slouched further in his chair. “Nope.”

“Really,” Landyn asked flatly. There went the eyebrow.

“Really,” Connor repeated. He scratched at his nose. “How about Dugan? He looks good if you don’t stare directly at him.”

“What!” Landyn squawked. “He’s an oaf!”

“Yeah, but you haven’t seen him in the changing rooms after a tournament. I think he’s part mountain troll, if you know what I mean.”

Landyn stopped short, gaping at him, and leaned forward in his chair until their knees were touching. “Are you—? I mean, do you—?”

Connor shrugged, feeling suddenly reckless. He’d never told anyone about his occasional fantasies that didn’t involve breasts, but why not? He didn’t have anything to lose, and something about Landyn made him want to spill all his secrets. “I’ve never liked a guy that much before, but I can appreciate the aesthetics.”

Landyn looked unsettled. “I didn’t think you’d— Never mind. Can we get back to work, please?”

“You’re the one who brought it up.”

“Yes, well, now I’m
bringing it up.” The tips of Landyn’s ears had gone red.

“Don’t be like that,” Connor said, trying for an easy smile. “We’re bonding here.”

Landyn held up his right hand to display the Pairing Sigil, inked deep blue into his skin, and said wryly, “We’re already fairly bonded, Connor.”

Connor felt an answering tug from his sigil; he didn’t think but brought his hand up and pressed their palms together.

A shock of magic traveled up his arm. Landyn’s breath hitched.

“Connor?” Landyn’s voice wobbled. His eyes were fixed on their hands, and Connor suddenly knew that Landyn had never kissed anyone. Connor wanted it to be him.

He put his arm on the chair and leaned closer, using the movement to tangle their fingers, keeping their sigils tightly pressed. He was aware of the flush sweeping up the back of his neck and the sweaty slide of their palms.

Landyn’s breathing came faster. “Connor?” he repeated, this time in a near whisper, and licked his lips.

“Landyn,” Connor said just as softly. Their faces were inches apart, and Connor felt puffs of air against his lips from Landyn’s rapid breathing. Connor held himself back, stroking his thumb along Landyn’s jaw. He wanted this so badly, but somehow—perhaps through their connection—he knew the final choice needed to be Landyn’s.

After an agonizing minute, Landyn closed his eyes in surrender and closed the distance between them. His lips pressed against Connor’s, just the barest of touches, and he froze uncertainly.

Connor tilted his head so their noses stopped bumping together quite so hard; Landyn made a questioning noise. The new angle positioned Landyn’s lower lip perfectly and Connor sucked on it, tonguing the soft flesh until Landyn’s mouth opened with a gasp.

Connor pulled back enough to take in Landyn’s expression: Landyn’s eyes were half-lidded and hazy with arousal, his pupils wide; he licked his lips, his eyes fixed on Connor’s mouth.

Leaning back in, Connor pressed soft, light kisses to Landyn’s lips until they parted again. “Touch your tongue to mine,” Connor urged. “Just a touch. Let me show you.”

Landyn gave a high, choked noise and opened his mouth, touching the soft, wet tip of his tongue hesitantly against Connor’s. Connor dipped his tongue farther inside with light strokes as he wrapped one hand around the back of Landyn’s neck and placed their joined hands against the hardness in Landyn’s lap.

Connor used the opportunity to draw Landyn’s tongue into his mouth, sucking lightly as Landyn moaned and shuddered beneath him. Landyn’s mouth was cool, and his kisses tasted like spring water, crisp and fresh. Connor could kiss him forever.

He trailed their joined hands over Landyn’s erection, pressing their palms down and rubbing firmly, causing Landyn to jerk and make a desperate noise into Connor’s mouth.

Landyn pulled back sharply. “Connor,” he panted, his eyes bright with lust. “We should—we have to stop.”

“Why?” Connor asked, giving the corner of Landyn’s mouth a soft lick. He finally had this mouth under him. He wasn’t eager to give it up.

.” Landyn’s eyes rolled back as Connor continued to palm him through his robes. “B-because the Trial is in two days and we can’t get distracted.”

“Spoken like someone who’s never been
before,” Connor murmured, kissing his way up Landyn’s jaw to his ear and breathing hotly against the skin before taking the lobe between his teeth.

“No, we need to focus. We need to—oh, that’s nice. No, no, ice water, melting snow,” Landyn said, squeezing his eyes shut. “Cold mountain streams, freezing rain—”

The temperature in the room dropped and a hard shiver wracked Connor’s frame, distracting him from mouthing at Landyn’s skin. He saw blue light flickering wildly around Landyn’s hands. “Hey, what—?”

A glacial deluge poured down over them, soaking them to the bone. The stinging cold hit so fast it made Connor’s chest contract, and he couldn’t get any air. His fingers scrabbled at Landyn’s shoulder, and his dick felt like it had snapped off. “What the hell!” he cursed.

“Sorry, sorry,” Landyn said, his voice high and tight. “I didn’t mean to! I couldn’t control it!”

Connor collapsed against him, laughing helplessly once he could take a deep breath and it no longer felt like there was an icy band around his heart. “So it was good for you?”

,” Landyn said, his teeth chattering.

“Don’t worry, we’ll work on your control when we do this again.”

Landyn moved until their foreheads were touching. “Again?”

“Yeah,” Connor said, pressing a cold, wet kiss to Landyn’s cheek. “I’ll teach you how to turn up the heat.” He waggled his eyebrows.

Landyn pushed him off the chair into a puddle.

Connor thought he might be in love.



day Connor could barely concentrate. He spent most of the day jumping when their hands accidentally touched, hyperaware of their shoulders brushing as they walked side by side. Landyn was more quiet than usual, but he gave Connor shy smiles all day long that heated Connor’s blood and had him grinning helplessly back.

Connor had been looking forward to their final run-through all day. He loved the feeling of their magic working together, but he’d admit he also loved the idea of continuing what they’d started last night. He smiled, remembering what it had felt like to kiss the subtle corners of Landyn’s mouth and could barely wait to tug Landyn down on one of the armchairs and put that clever mouth to other uses.

It was
evening, and Landyn had run back to fetch a book, but Connor went ahead without him, too jittery to waste any more time.

He rounded a corner blindly, almost to the room, and was stopped by a slim, delicate hand on his chest.

“Elisa,” Connor said, startled.

“Connor,” Elisa said, fluttering a coquettish look from under her lashes. She put her hand on Connor’s arm, trailing her fingers lightly over his skin, and Connor couldn’t help the involuntary shiver or the way heat rushed to his dick; Elisa had him pretty well trained.

“The Trial is tomorrow,” Elisa said.

“Yes,” Connor said, attempting to edge around her. “Which is why I’m heading to practice now. So, if you’d—”

Elisa put her hand on his cheek and tilted his face down, brushing their lips together. “Connor,” she breathed. “I’m so sorry that I was such a fool.”

Connor stood frozen, blinking stupidly down at her. “What?”

Her pale gray eyes were wide and sad as she looked up at him. “It’s supposed to be us together at the Trial. That’s what we always said, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, but—”

“It can still be us, Connor. If we go to the Oracle together, we can convince it to unite us like we planned.”

“Elisa, I—”

“Think about it,” Elisa said quickly, going up on her toes to press a longer kiss to Connor’s mouth. When she pulled away, she wiped her thumb across his lower lip and gave him a smile full of promise. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Connor stared after her and wandered into the practice room in something of a daze. He touched his fingers to his lips. Nothing. He felt nothing for Elisa. All he could think about was Landyn. His mouth curved into a smile.

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