Recipe For Seduction (A Madewood Brothers Novel) (Entangled Brazen) (11 page)

Read Recipe For Seduction (A Madewood Brothers Novel) (Entangled Brazen) Online

Authors: Gina Gordon

Tags: #Romance, #friends to lovers, #Brothers, #Food, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #chef, #Erotic, #best friend older brother, #General, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Recipe For Seduction (A Madewood Brothers Novel) (Entangled Brazen)
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But for now, Finn would push aside his insecurities about whether he was needed or not.

He planned to make the most of his alone time with Veronica. He returned his attention to his date, who had made her way to the hostess desk, her palms placed firmly on the wood table. The hostess, a petite blonde with glasses, pointed in his direction.

When she saw him through the crowd, she smiled, and he raised his glass in invitation. Now that she had found him, her carriage was a little more confident, her gait a little more fluid. She flipped her hair over her shoulder and settled her glasses on her nose. As she approached, she didn’t look anywhere but at him. And he’d be lying if he didn’t admit the little black dress she’d squeezed her luscious body into did things to his man parts that made him want to fling her over his shoulder and caveman-carry her out to the car and have his wicked way with her.

And he had every indication she was thinking the exact same thing. Her desire danced like flames in the depths of her chocolate eyes. It used to be that he saw only the cute little girl who used to follow her brother around like a puppy. The cute little girl he had promised to keep safe. But those services were no longer needed. Time to move on to more interesting promises…

The closer she got, the more confident she became. Could it be he was the reason for her confidence? Or was it simply that she didn’t care about impressing him? Or maybe she was just glad to see him.

“How was your consultation?” he asked as she sidled up next to him. He leaned forward and placed a quick kiss on her lips, testing the waters of her PDA comfort level. But she held him there, even placed her hand on his cheek and moaned, just loud enough that only he could hear.

When he pulled away, her entire face lit up and gleamed with happiness. “Excellent. They signed on the dotted line.”

He smiled back, happy that she was just as committed to their alone time. He signaled the waiter to bring her the drink he’d already ordered for her. “Then this can be a celebratory dinner.”

She shrugged nonchalantly. “It’s just a new client. No big deal.”

Her expression didn’t match her response. Was she just being modest? Or did she really not understand her own potential? Even after all these years and all her successes, she still didn’t seem to realize the extent of her accomplishments.

“Anytime someone takes the time to solicit and book your business, it’s an honor,” he said. “Especially a wedding—one of the most important days of a couple’s life. So, yes, it’s definitely a celebration.”

She smiled. “I was hoping tonight’s dinner would be more along the lines of exploratory.”

He hiked a brow. “That sounds really clinical, and conjures images I don’t care to think about.” He had no idea why his mind immediately thought of probes and forbidden areas.

She laughed. “Let me rephrase.” The bartender brought her drink. She took a sip, downing half the liquid. “How about fulfilling a promise?”

She reached inside her purse and pulled out a small black item. She placed it on the bar and pushed it over to him while sliding her tight behind onto the stool beside him.

It was a tiny remote control. The buttons moved from high to low, pulse to vibrate. This was the control to a vibrator. Hopefully a vibrator she had positioned somewhere interesting on her body.

He smiled, hoping his wicked thoughts shone right through. “Is this what I think it is?”

She nodded and squirmed in her seat, nibbling on her bottom lip.

“If I touch this button will I hear buzzing?”

Her shoulders shot up to her ears and she looked around the room. “God, I hope not”—she leaned forward, lowering her voice—“but yes.”

The overwhelming urge to rip off her dress and inspect the gadget consumed every molecule of his body. But he would take it slow. This was something to savor. Something to allow her to experience in a very languid, torturous, heavenly way.

“You know what will happen when I take control of the remote, don’t you?”

She nodded again.

“That you won’t be able to stop me.”

“I don’t want to stop you.” Placing her hand on his leg, she leaned closer, her bottom sliding across the barstool. “The other night you fulfilled a fantasy I didn’t even know I had. You took control. And I loved it. But it’s your turn to fulfill a fantasy of mine. Wrong time, wrong place for an orgasm. Inappropriate pleasure. Right here. In this restaurant.” She gave him a naughty smile. “I’m all yours.”

He tamped down a growl that rumbled in his chest. She was giving him control again. She’d already let him spank her bottom to the point it turned bright crimson. And now, she was willing to give him dominion over her again. But this time, she was bringing her own kink to the table. The more time they spent together sexually, the more he suspected she was the perfect sexual partner. For him, anyway.

He had known she would be malleable—able to be molded and shaped into the kind of lover he had always dreamed of.

But no. The perfect lover would also aspire to be the mother of his children. Too bad that was never going to happen with Veronica.

He shook off his thoughts. There were more pressing matters at hand right now. Like giving her an orgasm to remember.

Returning to their game, he asked, “You’ll do whatever I say?”

She responded with one slow nod of her head.

It was time put that to the test.

“Spread your legs.”

She straightened on the stool and snapped her legs shut in natural reaction.

“I thought you would do whatever I asked?”

She swiped her hand over her head, straightening her hair. “I…I didn’t think it would be so soon.”

He picked up the remote. “Prepare yourself, little one.” He leaned in. “Because this remote is going to get quite the workout.”

Her mouth opened, but words didn’t escape. He had rendered her speechless and he hadn’t even pushed a button yet.

“Spread your legs.”

She turned her body toward the bar.

ed. “Facing this way. Let me see those panties you put on just for me.” Her little black dress was short. Really short.

She pulled her shoulders back and returned to her original position. She moved her gaze from side to side, surveying the other patrons in the bar, and with each turn her legs pried apart slowly, delicately. His heart raced with every inch of thigh she revealed with her own brand of seductiveness.

She stopped with barely enough room to place his knees between her legs.


She swallowed hard and her face flushed pink. The tiny worry vein at her temple made an appearance.

He sat back, letting his arm hang over the back of the stool and his own legs fall to the side. He shot Veronica a snide grin.

“You have pants on,” she spat out.

He made no comment, simply waited until she gathered her courage. His silence did the trick. Instead of fear, determination darkened her eyes.

She leaned forward, letting the heel of her hands hold her dress against the seat of the chair between her legs, but they were spread wide, as wide as she could get them.

Her hands moved closer to her thighs and her fingers clasped the hem of her dress. She slid her hands up, revealing smooth, supple thighs encased in black stockings topped by a band of lace. She pulled the dress up as far as the lace, but no more, letting him see creamy bare skin and the satin that covered her center.

He picked up the remote, letting it slide through his fingers as he turned it around on the bar. Her breath caught in anticipation. He decided he liked this game. He liked the power that came with making her tense with excitement at the thought of him using the remote.

Her eyes darted to the right. Shock lit up her face and immediately she lowered her gaze and turned away. But she was still obedient; her legs remained open.

He followed her line of sight and locked eyes with a man sitting at a booth just behind them. No doubt he had the same view of the beauty hiding under her dress. The man raised his glass in appreciation with a smile curving one side of his lip. A growl rumbled low in Finn’s chest.

It was your brilliant idea to have her spread her legs in public, dummy

He leaned forward, his hands gripping her thighs. She tensed at his touch but her muscles softened as his fingers massaged her legs.

He needed to get her out of the spotlight.

“How far is the range of this remote, exactly?” he asked.

She stuttered her words. “T-twenty-five f-feet.”

Perfect. The washroom was right outside the entrance to the bar.

“You’re going to visit the ladies’ room, lock yourself in the stall, and sit. Take your phone.” He picked it up from the bar where she’d set it. “When you’re comfortable, let me know.”

She looked at him with confusion, but followed his directions nonetheless.

When she walked away, he noticed she had picked up an extra sway to her hips. No doubt from her burlesque lessons. The fabric of her dress swayed from left to right as she balanced on high heels, the highest he’d ever seen her wear.

He ordered another drink while he waited. Four minutes later, her text still hadn’t come. Was she gathering her courage? Had he pushed her too far?

Finally, his phone buzzed on the bar.

I’m ready.

He pushed the button on the remote, keeping it at the lowest setting.
Can you feel that?

Veronica replied,

He wished he had a front-row seat, wanting desperately to see the look on her face. To know how much she enjoyed the subtle buzz against her body.

He turned the remote up to the next level. And waited. No response.

Are you alone in there?

Her response came quickly.

He smiled and a devilish idea formulated. He experimented with the settings, switching from high to low, from pulse to vibrate. His phone buzzed again.


He laughed. That was the point. Enough playing around. It was time for him to demonstrate who was in control. He turned the setting to high and used the random pulse option. That should be enough to get her going. To get her off.

Feel good

Her response was quick.

He wondered how good it felt.
As good as my cock

He’d never sexted before. Never had the opportunity. If he’d known how illicit and exciting it was, he would have tried it a long time ago.


He took a swig of his whiskey. Jameson. His favorite.
As good as my mouth

She responded, but not as quickly as the time before.
Hell no

He rearranged himself in his seat, pulling inconspicuously at the front of his pants. He pictured her on the seat, her legs spread wide, her chest heaving, breaths coming out in heavy pants. He knew exactly when the darkness would take over her eyes. Exactly when her cheeks would flush. And it would be right about now that she would whimper, begging him for more. And so she got more.

I have tonight all planned. When we get back to the hotel i’m going to blindfold you and tie you to the bed.

He wasn’t ashamed to say these things out loud, but there was a forbidden aspect to sending it in writing. The possibility of someone stumbling upon their sexual exchange.

He played with the settings again. She should be getting close now.

She responded.
what else

So, she liked dirty talk. Maybe she needed the visual image to get her off. And she would have it.

Once you’re bound to my mercy, my cock will be inside you. My mouth will be all over you

He looked to his left, then his right. The bartender was on his cell phone at the other end of the bar. The rest of the patrons were engaged in conversation, with no clue he was in the process of bringing her to an orgasm in the next room.

Are you going to come for me

He fiddled with the buttons again. This time, her response was quick. Y

She didn’t finish the word. She was that close.

Come now

Two seconds later, she responded.

He sat back in his chair with a satisfied grin.

About five minutes later, she walked back into the bar. Her dress was perfectly in place but her flushed cheeks gave away her pleasure. She settled on her stool and he waved over the bartender, who placed a tumbler in front of her, then filled it with brown liquid.

She downed the drink in one long gulp. When she had caught her breath, she turned to him.

“Did you mean all those things?” she asked, hope and anticipation dancing in her eyes.

“We have a whole lot of fun ahead of us, little one.” He brushed away a strand of her thick brown hair. “Is our friend still in place?”

She gulped. “Yes.” Her hand trembled around the tumbler.

He pulled his stool closer to the bar and leaned in, letting his shoulder brush her arm.

“Then let the fun begin.”

Veronica took the last bite of her incredible meal. “I am so stuffed. That was way too much food, but I couldn’t stop. So delicious.”

She’d worked up an appetite, given the monstrous orgasm she’d had in the ladies’ room just an hour ago.

Since then, Finn had encouraged her to try every dish that was brought to their table. Occasionally he’d send a zap of pleasure to her clit with the remote. Once during the appetizer he left it on so long she had dropped her fork and pushed her hand between her legs. She couldn’t help it. But he would only tease, letting the vibration push her higher and higher until she was ready to explode…and just before she got there, he would turn it off.

“I hope you saved room. We still have dessert.”

“Oh, I don’t know if I could eat another thing.” She patted her stomach.

“I wouldn’t worry.” He leaned in, his mouth just a whisper away from her ear. “You’ll be working it off later.”

A tinge of excitement tightened in her stomach. With the little teaser he had given through his texts, she couldn’t wait until they returned to their room.

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