Reckless Abandon (8 page)

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Authors: Morgan Ashbury

BOOK: Reckless Abandon
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Reckless Abandon


For now, he focused on the woman in his arms. That last dig of Clayton’s had hit the mark, even if Chastity hadn’t shown it. “It’s your grandmother’s behavior that has hurt you most.”

“It is. And I don’t know what I’m going to do about her.” Jordan hoped Chastity would have the luxury of time to shore up her defenses before having to face the older woman. In his experience, going toe to toe with the woman who had raised you, even if that woman had failed miserably and you had right on your side, could be a very hard thing to do.

* * * *

“It’s about trust.”

Chastity tilted her head to one side. Jordan had turned out to be an intriguing man. Mercurial, going from flashing her cheeky grins to sliding his arms around her and just holding her when she needed it.

Then as if a switch had been thrown, he’d become the Dom.

After an hour of perusing grant requests, Chastity had decided she’d had enough of her work for the day. In the two years she’d been at the helm of the Trust, she’d missed only one day—yesterday. She felt too restless to sit at her desk. When she’d told Jordan she didn’t want to stay there any longer, he asked her where she wanted to go instead.

So they sat at this picnic table in a corner of Lakeside Park at around noon on this lovely summer Friday.

“You said that before—the need for trust.”

“It bears repeating. There are as many variations in the lifestyle as there are individuals living it. Some are more into the bondage and pain aspects of it. That’s not me.” He proved himself a mind reader then, because he added, “That spanking wasn’t an application of pain, darling, it was

“It hurt like hell.”

He actually had the nerve to laugh!


Morgan Ashbury

“That may be, but you behaved yourself when Marcus kissed you later last night. Open your blouse.”

The non sequitur startled her. “Here?” Though there appeared to be few people about, they sat in an open park in the middle of a lazy afternoon.

“Don’t ask questions, and don’t hesitate. I’m your master and I’ve given you a command. Now, open your blouse.” The look in Jordan’s eyes had left teasing behind. She began to unfasten her buttons, formed in the shape of pearls. When the last of the seven had been slipped from its buttonhole, she folded her hands on her lap.

“It’s about trust, but it’s also about control. My exercising it, and your relinquishing of it. That’s why I’m a Dom. I need to have control—of my life and my relationships. And you, sweet Chastity, very much want and need to turn over control—of your life and your relationships. You just don’t fully realize it yet. And you also need to learn that you can trust me not to bring you to harm, in any way.

Now, reach up and pop open that nifty little front closure on your bra.

From the moment I saw you pull that thing on this morning, I’ve been having delicious fantasies of it being opened just this way.” She had noticed Jordan’s interest in her bra as she’d dressed that morning. Right after breakfast, Marcus had been sent to gather her clothes. Then her men had showered her, making certain every inch of her flesh had been washed, rinsed, and moisturized. Jordan had directed her dressing as if the act had been a stage play. The entire ritual aroused her, giving her a hum in her blood that had stayed just simmering, until now.

Part of Chastity couldn’t believe she actually did it. Jordan didn’t look smug because she’d obeyed. He looked aroused.

“Push the cups to the side so I can see you nipples. Very good.

Now pull your skirt up to your waist.” She wanted to look around and make certain that no one was close enough to see. The look in his eyes told her he knew exactly what she
Reckless Abandon


wanted to do. With as little overt movement as possible, she tugged up her skirt, a slim-fitting one like many of the business suits in her closet, until the garment was all scrunched up around her waist.

“Do you recall what you’re wearing beneath your skirt, Chastity?” She swallowed hard, because the expression on Jordan’s face, pure lust, sped her heart and fluttered her belly.

“Of course I do—just panties. I didn’t bother with hose this morning because the weatherman said it would be hot this afternoon.”

“A beautiful red piece of nothing that hugged your pussy when you pulled it on the way I want to. Yes, darling, it’s hot and getting hotter. Give me your panties, please.”
Oh, God
. Hot, horny, Chastity trembled with need. Removing her panties without drawing attention to herself would be difficult. Sitting on the bench, her legs under the table, she could either try to slither out of them, or be bold and stand right up.

She couldn’t quite bring herself to stand up and pull the lacy garment off, although the shock she’d give Jordan might just be worth whatever embarrassment the bold move caused.

She wiggled and tugged, leaning forward to try and lift her ass off the bench, all the while conscious of the way the man sitting across from her stared at her as if he wanted to eat her.

Her undies came free from between her and the wood she sat upon. She let them drop, caught the edge of them with her toe of her shoe and lifted them with her foot until she could grasp them in her hand.

Jordan took the proffered panties and held the crotch to his nose, inhaling deeply. Chastity would never have thought such a raw display could increase her arousal.

“Now you have a choice. I can eat you, or fuck you. Right here, right now. What will it be?”

“You have got to be kidding!” Surely he had to be joking? They were outside in a public park in broad daylight!


Morgan Ashbury

Jordan shook his head, then eased his body up from the table.

Chastity met his gaze and his smile as he came around the end of it toward her. Using one finger, he lifted her face for his kiss. Bold, carnal, Jordan’s lips devoured, his tongue dominated, spearing into her mouth as if to taste every bit of her.

When he lifted her up from the table she went, wrapping her arms around him, losing herself in the flavor and the heat of him. Nothing else mattered but that she continue kissing him and feeling the security of his arms around her.

He broke the kiss abruptly, spun her around, and pushed gently so that she leaned forward over the picnic table.

A rasp, a tear, a glide
. He used one of his legs to move one of hers, spreading her legs wider.

Then Chastity cried out, shocked and aroused, as Jordan’s latex-covered cock slid into her to the hilt.

Reckless Abandon


Chapter 8

He thrust into her three times then stopped. His cock filled her, hot and still and deep.

“As you can see, Chastity, I’m not kidding.” How could he even
? Pleasure became a gentle ripple that spread through her body, pre-empting every thought. She’d been wet and ready before, but now it felt as if her juices flowed like a river.

.” It didn’t matter that they were outside in plain sight of anyone who cared to look their way. Only the fabulous sensations coursing through her body mattered. Only the hot, hard presence of his dick deep inside her body mattered.

He began to move, his thrusts measured, deliberate. “When we go to the club tonight, you’re going to be paddled. Publicly. Considering where we are, a fitting punishment for you breaking the rules, don’t you think?”

“Can’t think.”

His chuckle sounded smug. “Then don’t.” He braced his left knee on the bench and leaned over her, changing the angle of his thrusts. Chastity could only whimper as her arousal climbed. One large masculine hand reached around her to stroke and knead her breasts in turn. His other hand clamped on her hip, holding her steady for his relentless loving.

“Squeeze me.”

He whispered that command close to her ear, then used his tongue to trace the shell. Chastity shivered and tightened the internal muscles around his cock.

“You’re so hot and tight, darling. You feel so good around me.”

Morgan Ashbury

” Her orgasm sparkled tantalizingly close, and Chastity wanted, needed to feel those electrifying waves wash over her again.

“Please, please, please!” She didn’t know any other way to beg, didn’t feel capable of uttering more than just that one word.

“Shh, Chastity. Don’t beg, baby. I’ll give you what you need. I’ll always give you what you need. Here now.” His fingers found her clit and began to massage it in light, quick strokes that set her off like a rocket.

Her shout sounded so loud it must have fluttered the leaves on the trees at the other side of the park, but that didn’t matter. The orgasmic tidal wave swamped her, took her under, obliterating everything in its wake. She came and came until she had not enough strength left to even hold herself up, not enough energy to do anything but collapse, her weight heavy on the table. She felt Jordan’s increased thrusts, heard his groan hoarse in her ear as his cock began to quiver and pulse inside her.

She took comfort from the press of his body against hers as, for a long moment, all they could do was breathe. Jordan placed a gentle kiss just under her right ear.

“Look around, sweetheart.”

With passion now spent and reason returned, she did. Only a handful of people occupied the park, none of them very close, and none of them looking in their direction.

“I would never really risk humiliating you, sweetheart. Remember that.”

* * * *

Blake poured himself two fingers of scotch and downed it in one gulp. Then he poured a second drink and carried the glass over to the bay window of his apartment.

What the fuck am I going to do now

Reckless Abandon


When Gertrude called him yesterday morning, he’d been certain it would only take some posturing and he’d be able to smooth whatever ruffled feathers Chastity might have. She was a cold, unfeeling woman, but she could be counted on to do her grandmother’s bidding and to more or less behave in the best interests of propriety. Gertrude had failed to mention that it had been
who had overheard him with Miranda. Stupid old bitch. If she’d told him that, he would have gone into Chastity’s office with mea culpa on his lips.

Instead, he’d just dug himself a deeper hole.

“It’s time to rethink this.” His voice broke the silence and he blinked. He didn’t usually talk to himself. He set his glass down, then scrubbed his hands over his face. There had to be a way to get Chastity back.
getting her back wasn’t an option. He was in deep shit and needed her money.

He’d borrowed five million dollars from a man who had no sense of humor, and no patience with excuses. The first payment would be due two months from tomorrow—three days after the wedding. This particular creditor would expect the money on time whether there had actually been a wedding or not.

If the investment Blake had made with half of that money had panned out, he wouldn’t even need that cunt, Chastity, at all. He’d have made enough to pay back the full amount of the loan with interest. But his investment had soured. Not his fault. Who could have guessed the fucking markets would tank?

He eyed the remainder of the amber liquid in the tumbler. What the hell. Grabbing the glass, he knocked back the liquor.

Chastity’s demeanor today had surprised him. She’d seemed different. And who the hell was that asshole who’d been with her?

They’d seemed awfully damned cozy on that loveseat. “Jordan Fitzpatrick. That name sounds awfully fucking familiar.” Blake poured himself another scotch, then headed to his home office. He fucking loved the Internet. Information you used to have to

Morgan Ashbury

hire an investigator for you could pretty much glean for yourself with a bit of time and a modicum of effort.

In this case, finding the information didn’t make anything clearer.

He’d never met the guy personally before today but he’d certainly heard of his club, Reckless Abandon. What red-blooded man in this city hadn’t? He’d had more than a few fantasies in his time about holding a woman bound and gagged and at his mercy.

Chastity Sawyer and Jordan Fitzpatrick. Surely they weren’t a couple? Blake couldn’t see it. Chastity was such a frigid bitch, he couldn’t imagine her playing kinky sex games. And yet…

Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to do a bit of snooping around. His uncle might give him grief for not going back to the office for the rest of the day, but Blake had to get a handle on this situation, fast. Clayton Commodities could get along without him for one day. Besides, once he married Chastity, he’d have enough money to buy and sell his uncle’s firm several times over.

No, his time would be better spent taking a close look at Chastity’s new friend. And while he looked, he’d come up with a way to ensure he got what he wanted.

Blake Clayton would see to it that things went his way, no matter what it took.

* * * *

Music throbbed, a slow and sexy beat that took them in the moment they stepped through the door. Friday nights at Reckless Abandon could be crowded and lively. The weekend had arrived and young professionals celebrated the end of the interminable work week, tapping energy that had lain dormant inside them the last five days.

Jordan could relate.

Reckless Abandon


He’d been an employee once too, until he’d seen his way clear to having his own club. He had to be his own boss, really. That was his nature.

“Hand Michael your coat, darling.”

He bit back a smile as Marcus helped Chastity out of the thin trench coat, the same one he’d draped over her the night before. She wore only slightly more under it tonight. Marcus loved shopping, and his trip out that morning had netted some tantalizing results.

The red bustier barely covered her nipples, and the black skirt barely covered her ass. The thong she wore beneath it provided a thin strip of material that
covered her pussy. If she bent over a bit the globes of her ass would shimmer pale white for all to see.

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