Reckless Exposure (9 page)

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Authors: Anne Rainey

BOOK: Reckless Exposure
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“Yes, Rand. Oh, yes. I could never forget.” Her voice had gone hoarse with need.

Trey’s fingers pinched her nipples and she felt the zing of pleasure clear to her womb.

“Does the idea of having me there now, while Trey fucks your wet little pussy, turn you on?”

“You know it does,” she softly whispered.

“Mmm, you’re so hot, baby, you light me on fire.” Rand groaned as he let his finger penetrate her, little by little, until the lubed digit was buried deep inside her anus. She shuddered and pushed against him. His finger moved in and out, fucking her with slow precision.

As Lucy started to think she could take no more of his teasing, one of Rand’s big, warm hands clutched her hips. “Hold still,” he ordered. She obeyed.

Suddenly Trey’s sheathed cock caressed her clit, driving her mad with pleasure. Lucy writhed and moved in time to both men’s strokes. When she squeezed her bottom around Rand’s finger, he growled.

“None of that, baby,” Rand practically pleaded. “Ease up a little for me.”

She could barely concentrate on his words with Trey’s cock teasing her into another climax.

“Such sweet torture you are, cover girl,” Trey murmured as he lifted his head and kissed the breast closest to his mouth.

Lucy pressed down and shuddered as his talented lips sucked in her nipple. Both breasts swelled and ached for his attention, and her sex grew damp as Rand continued to pump her ass. Soon she felt Trey slip between her swollen folds a mere inch, just enough to drive her wild. She felt every heated touch. Rand took his time, slowly sliding a single finger in and out of her ass before finally adding a second digit, stretching her, preparing her for the ultimate invasion of his cock.

Lucy flew apart, the last remnants of her inhibitions dropping away as need rushed in and took command. She gyrated against Trey while Rand tormented her from behind. When he leaned down and bit her hip, Lucy lost it.

Her climax came from out of nowhere, rising up like a flood and swamping her with a wave of wild desire. She screamed hard and loud, her back arching as her body shattered. Everything she thought she knew about sexual pleasure seemed to pale in the wake of what she’d just experienced.

Trey’s rough voice just barely broke through the quagmire of her mind. ”I want this pretty pussy while Rand fucks that tight ass.

Will you give it to us?”

Rand growled as he slid his fingers out of her and wrapped a fist in her hair. “Look at me, angel.”

She turned her head, already limp and sweating from her second orgasm, but when she saw the intensity, the insane yearning etched into Rand’s gorgeous face, her body went from sated to hungry all over again.

“You are mine,” he said. “From this moment forward, you are mine.”

No words sprang to mind over such a bold claim. She couldn’t deal with the ramifications of it. Later, perhaps, when she wasn’t out of her mind with lust.

As the heavy weight of Rand’s cock pushed inside her ass, Trey nudged into her pussy. Her inner muscles clenched. She froze at the stretching pain. She panicked and tried to move away, but they were both there, two pairs of hands stroking and soothing.

“Rand, no, it’s too much,” she cried as her body tensed even more.

Trey pulled out instantly, lessening the pressure on the sensitive inner tissues. Rand stayed still, unmoving, barely inside the tight rim of her anus.

“Shh, it’s okay,” Rand crooned, “There’s no hurry, baby.”

“Pleasure, Lucy, only pleasure,” Trey promised.

She relaxed a fraction, relieved by Rand’s words and the sincerity in Trey’s dark eyes.

By slow degrees Trey slid inside again, and her vagina stretched, but as he held still, pleasure began to nudge out the pain.

She leaned close and buried her face against his neck. His arms came around her in a gentle hold.

“It’s okay, angel,” Rand said as he smoothed a palm up and down her back. “Let us take care of you. All you have to do is enjoy.”

She rocked backward as Rand leaned over her, caging her in. He raked his teeth over the sensitive spot behind her ear and her panic disappeared entirely. Her body hummed back to life.

“Mmm, that’s my girl. Just relax and let us take away the pain,” he whispered. “Trust, remember?”

She nodded.

“You do trust him, Lucy,” Trey said. “You love Rand, right?” She lifted and stared down at Trey, deciding to give him total honesty. “More than life,” she admitted, her voice rough with emotion.

His eyes softened. “Then that’s all that matters.” Rand began stroking her hair and smoothing a palm downward until he cupped her bottom and kneaded the plump flesh. She melted, giving both men what they needed in that moment. Rand seemed to know the instant she submitted and began a slow glide inside her ass, filling her. There was a delicious sort of pressure and friction. Fullness. He filled her up until she thought she’d die from the sheer pleasure. But there wasn’t any pain. It was like nothing she’d ever experienced. The silky inner walls of her vagina were caressed with the gentle thrusts from Trey. The forbidden nature of what they were doing sent a rush of rapture through her core.

With each inward stroke from Rand, Trey slid outward. Her muscles held them both tight and she squeezed her ass, giving Rand a small dose of the erotic pleasure-pain he craved.

Rand swore and Trey groaned. Both men’s total concentration were centered on her.

Rand murmured her name and pushed against her hips, filling her completely. Trey pulled out all the way, then thrust forward.

Both men stretched and filled her. Lucy’s desire rose to a fever pitch, ever closer to the edge as the men thrust back and forth, fucking her with wild abandon. Her climax came over her like a tsunami, unexpected and driving her into a blissful paradise she’d never known before.

“That’s good, so good. Bathe my cock with those pussy juices, Lucy,” Trey murmured.

Rand pumped at her ass, fucking her hard, while Trey’s slower, more precise strokes took her breath away. Suddenly both men thrust deep one last time. Lucy could feel every spasm from both their cocks as their climax took them. When they shouted her name, Lucy thought she’d never heard anything sexier.

She collapsed against Trey, exhausted, her clit still pulsing from her own orgasm, her body on fire.

Rand pulled free of her and leaned down to kiss her shoulder blade. “I do love you,” he said. “More than anything in the world.” Lucy’s ears were playing tricks on her, because surely he hadn’t just said what she thought he said.

He brushed her damp hair from her face and kissed her cheek.

“You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. No matter what you decide after tonight, I will always love you.” She forced herself to turn and look at him. For the first time, he was completely open. No barriers, no hiding behind a playful smile. And she burst into tears.

Reckless Exposure: Chapter 7

Rand stared at Lucy as tears fell down her cheeks. He’d never been comfortable when she cried. This time his heart nearly shattered as he watched her.

Trey’s arms went around her in a comforting embrace, while Rand soothed her from his position atop of her. Lucy wiggled, as if to slip from between them, but Rand wouldn’t let her escape. He’d just given her his heart, and she could damn well look him in the eye. “Lucy, look at me, baby,” he murmured.

Lucy shook her head and buried her face against Trey’s chest.

If any other man had held his woman that way, Rand would have come unhinged. But Trey wasn’t acting territorial. Hell, he almost acted as if he was trying to help them, as if he cared and wanted to see them work out their problems.

Rand smoothed his palm up and down Lucy’s back, wishing he knew the right words to make her stop crying. But what the hell did he know about sweet words? He felt like a damn fool. He was more than shocked when Trey spoke up in his defense.

“Lucy, you need to stop this and talk to Rand,” he said. “He’s opening his heart to you. Don’t you care about that at all?” Lucy lifted her head and stared at Trey as if he’d grown two heads. “Care?” she asked, her voice hoarse from crying. “Are you serious?” She smacked his chest. “Men! You’re all so dense! Absolutely dense!” She looked back at Rand, murder in her eyes. “Get off, or I swear I’ll maim you!”

A visual of her kneeing him in the crotch sprang to mind. Rand leaped off the bed as if his ass were on fire.

Lucy was quick to follow, her stride confident as she came toward him, pointing her dainty little finger. “Four years! For four years I’ve been wishing you would say those words to me. What do you do? You choose the worst possible time in the world!”

“You’re pissed at the timing?” His own anger shot out of control. “What the fuck does it matter
I tell you, as long as I tell you?”

“I was sandwiched between you and another man, you thick-headed imbecile. That’s not the time to tell me—for the first time ever, mind you—that you love me!”

Rand came toward her. Lucy backed up a step and smacked into Trey, who had slipped out of bed right after she did. Lucy swiveled around, prepared to blast him too, but Trey was quicker.

“Calm down,” Trey said, his voice somehow settling them both.

“You wanted him to love you. He does. You wanted him to tell you his feelings out loud. He did. Give him a chance to speak before you flay him for doing the very thing you asked of him.” She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Trey. “Don’t play the counselor with me!”

“I’m not. But you need to listen to him, Lucy.” She rolled her eyes and started toward the closet. “I need clothes.”

Rand and Trey watched as she crossed the room. Her sweet body seemed to glide across the carpet. She wasn’t a high-paid model for nothing. Lucy exuded beauty and grace. As she donned a black silk robe, Rand nearly whimpered. He wanted her naked.

Now. Every day. He’d just sated himself inside her delectable body and still he wanted to sink between her supple thighs. He looked at Trey and saw the same wild cravings in the other man’s eyes. They both sighed and moved to the living room to pull on their jeans.

Partially dressed, Rand went to the kitchen and grabbed a few beers. Trey and Lucy followed close behind. He handed a cold longneck bottle to Trey and held out another for Lucy. She shook her head. Rand and Trey quickly swallowed half the contents. Lucy sat at the table and waited, her legs crossed, her fingers playing with the sash of her robe.

Rand put his beer on the counter and looked straight at the woman who held his heart. “My dad said he loved me. Then I never saw him again.” Somehow the confession wasn’t as hard as he’d thought it’d be. “I swore I’d never tell another living soul those three words.”

She left the chair and came to him. She cupped his cheek in her soft palm. “You aren’t your father. You’re a good man, an honest man.” Her lips thinned as she muttered, “Most days.” He covered her hand with his own. “Don’t you see, Lucy? I thought he was, too. For years I thought he was perfect. I guess compared to mom, dad seemed like a saint. It took me a long time to stop watching for him at the apartment window and waiting for him to come back for me. I couldn’t understand why he’d leave me.”

Rand released her and pushed a hand through his hair. He went to the table, pulled out a chair, and sat down. “In the back of my mind, I sort of knew why he left mom. Even at ten years old I could see that she didn’t care about herself, much less anyone else.

But I couldn’t let myself believe he didn’t care about me. I thought he’d come back. He said he loved me. You don’t abandon those you love.”

Lucy started to come toward him, to comfort him no doubt, but he’d never tell her the whole story if she started touching him. He’d chicken out, as he always did. “Don’t,” he said. “Just let me finish.” Lucy stayed still. Trey watched him, his eyes willing him to spill his soul. “I know I told you about the way I was raised. You know about my mom and her addiction. Being so poor, we barely scraped by.”

“Yes,” Lucy said.

Her face was so full of love it nearly swallowed Rand whole.

“Mom was controllable if she had plenty of heroin. When she ran out, she’d go through withdrawal. Those were the bad days. She’d get on these rampages, shouting and beating anything she could get her hands on. That was usually me. Dad kept her at bay most times, but even he had a hard time controlling her.” He took a deep breath and went on. “After Dad left, I was defenseless. I realized damned quick that it was smart to keep mom supplied. That was the only thing that made her happy. I did whatever I could to make a buck.

Sold stuff, washed windows, cleaned houses. Whatever I could to keep her satisfied.”

“No kid should have to go through that. I’m sorry, Rand.” He smiled, to take the hurt out of her eyes if nothing else. “I know. It’s okay. It wasn’t the best way to grow up, but I survived.

It sounds shitty, but when I was old enough to support myself, I got out and never looked back.” He stood and went to her, unable to keep his distance any longer. Immediately her arms came around his middle and he pulled her in close, drawing strength from her in a way he couldn’t with anyone else. After several seconds, he pushed back enough to see into her chocolate eyes.

“When you came along it seemed too good to be true. A sweet country girl from Ohio wanted to spend time with me. I couldn’t let myself believe it would last.”

“I’m just me, Rand. I’m no better or worse than you. My up-bringing was good—wonderful, in fact. My parents are both loving people. But that doesn’t define who I am, no more than your childhood defines you.”

“I know that now. I guess I was afraid if I let myself fall in love with you, you’d leave. The thing is, I fell in love anyway. I was just too stubborn to admit it.”

“I love you, Rand. I love the man you are, the child you were, and the person you’ll be in the future. You’re strong and smart and honest and everything I ever dreamed.”

“I love you, angel. Tonight… I don’t know, I thought I could let you go. I thought I could give you up. Like this would be our last hurrah or some shit. But damn, the thought of you leaving has me in knots. Give us a chance. I can give you the white picket fence and two-point-five kids if that’s what you want, baby. Just don’t leave.”

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