Reckless Love: A Billionaire Baby Steamy Fantasy Multicultural Love Story Rockstar Romance (6 page)

BOOK: Reckless Love: A Billionaire Baby Steamy Fantasy Multicultural Love Story Rockstar Romance
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Leo… and Nigel


Leo opened one eye. The brightness a too-familiar agony. His head was pounding, and his mouth was dry as a bone. He smacked his lips trying to generate some spit, but even that tiny movement caused thunderbolts of pain to go through his head.


“Fuck,” he said. Then he shouted: “Fuck!” This was the morning he was supposed to meet Jasmine.
What the fuck time is it?


Despite the terrible headache and incoming nausea, he stood up unsteadily and made its way to the shower, almost tripping on Nigel who was passed out on the floor, a scramble of arms and legs. He didn’t do his usual routine of checking his tongue – there was no time. The hot water steamed up the bathroom as he ripped off his jeans.
When had he put those on? Holy shit. Fuck fuck fucking hell.


He had exactly twelve minutes before he was supposed to meet her. He hoped she’d wait, but he didn’t know how to explain his state of incredible hangover. Maybe she’d understand, after all – his brother did get married the day before – normal people got wrecked at weddings, right? It wasn’t just him. Of course he got wrecked pretty frequently, but she didn’t have to know that.


The soap got in his eye, burning it. He swore some more, when there was a great pounding the door.
Must be fucking Nigel.


“Holy shit, mate, take it easy,” he shouted. “I’ll be out of here in a minute!”


There was a large banging sound as Nigel came barreling into the room, heading straight for the toilet. Leo regarded him through his one good eye (the other temporarily blinded with soap) as he kneeled in front of the porcelain. Leo rinsed his hair to the sounds of Nigel eliminating the contents of the stomach and Leo wasn’t sure – perhaps a lung as well. Unfortunately, for Leo and for Nigel, Leo’s stomach was in an equally fragile state. He could feel the urge coming over him as well.


I can’t puke in the shower, can I?


I can’t puke in the toilet. I may end up puking on Nigel. Why is I never put a bin in here? Things were getting urgent.
The last soap dripping onto the floor, he pushed the shower door open and pulled Nigel up by the collar mid-retch.


"Get out of the way," came the warning just before the stream hit. He almost slipped on the soap dripping from his naked body but was able to catch himself on the counter. Then Nigel pushed him. This time he wasn't so lucky. He fell on his ass, hard, and hit the back of his head on the shower door. But Nigel was able to contain his own vomit in the porcelain bowl. Nigel wiped his mouth, and looked at his friend through weary eyes.


"Sorry mate," he said contritely.


"It's all right," Leo said, defeated. The shower was still running, steam was filling up the bathroom, and the toilet was full of vomit. His head was pounding. And it was time to meet the love of his life.





Jasmine critiqued herself in the mirror. She had been up for three and a half hours, had breakfast, coffee, read the New York Times on her phone, showered, shaved her legs and done her makeup twice. Just to make it perfect.


She couldn't really help it – she was super excited. It was the first date she'd been on in years, if you didn't count – and she didn't – the date that her neighbor had sent her on without her permission. That boy was too young, skinny and pimply, bespectacled and perfectly nice, but not exactly the kind of man she was looking for.


However, she wasn't sure that Leo was.


The kind of man that she was looking for would be someone who understood her. What was trying to achieve, what it took to get there, and why she was bothering as a young black woman. She’d never imagined that that person would take the form of a rock musician, an Englishman, and most likely it didn't. But did she always have to be looking for the perfect Mr. Right? Or would it be better just to look for the perfect Mr. Right now?


She grabbed her tweezers and plucked a stray eyebrow hair. There wasn't much left to do and there was still a half hour to go. She took another sip of coffee, and imagined his eyes, the way they looked at her. His lips, and the way they would feel on hers. A shiver ran down her spine in anticipation. Might as well practice a little.


Would he kiss her today?




Jasmine and Leo


Jasmine waited by the gate in the stone wall, looking around anxiously. She checked her phone again to find out what time it was. Of course as was her habit, she got there five minutes early, but she knew someone like Leo probably didn't follow the same tradition. Still, it was nearly ten after the time they had decided to meet, and she was getting nervous. Was the standing her up?


She didn't think that was something that he would do, but she couldn't know for sure. As always happen when she got nervous, her mind started racing. Where the hell is he? She looked at her phone again, even though she knew was still the same minute. Should she even bother waiting any longer? It was just her luck, to finally meet someone she was interested in and he's a total flake. Rock star, billionaire, gorgeous guy, what did it matter if he wasn't even there? He might as well not exist.
Does he think I'm the kind of girl that will just stand around and wait, just because he tossed off an invitation at the last minute? Maybe he's not even at the estate anymore.


She scanned the horizon and hoping to see his loping figure rushing towards her, but there was nothing. Fucking hell.


She played with her contacts list, wondering if she should call somebody, before remembering that it was all long distance. Even her quartet members’ phones were currently long distance. She could always text, however.


. She could text her. But then she remembered the strange conversation that they had had in the middle of the night.
What was that about, anyway? Who did she think she was, treating Jasmine like a child, acting like she wouldn't be professional just because she had one date? The other girls have had lots of dates. Her brow furrowed. Did she expect me to be the only responsible one, to keep the quartet together when the rest of them go gallivanting around Europe or wherever?
She checked her phone again. One minute had passed.


Well, she wouldn't wait much longer. There was no point in wasting the last day she had at the estate. She had to admit that it was beautiful here. The sun was gentle, a slightly cloudy sky, and she could see sheep in the distance grazing peacefully. Sheep may safely graze, she thought. And rock stars may safely sleep in, when they're supposed to meet their American girl.


In Leo's room, Nigel was pouting. "But Leo, I need breakfast! You can't leave right now! How am I supposed to eat this morning? Am I waiting for you? Screw that, I'm getting out of here. Who are you meeting anyway? Is it a girl? Did you meet someone last night you didn't tell me about?”


"Where the hell is my wallet." He patted his pockets, searching everywhere for his keys, phone, sunglasses, wallet. When he finally had everything, he grabbed his hat and tipped it to Nigel. "You're a big boy Nigel, I'm sure you'll figure out a way to eat. You shouldn't rely on me to feed you at your age," he winked and walked out the door, Nigel's protests increasingly less audible.


He caught a glimpse of the clock on the wall. He was already a few minutes late and it would take at least five minutes to get there. He hoped she'd wait.
What Americans that punctual? Still she looked like the punctual type.
He broke a bit of a jog, until he realized that it was making his hangover worse, and his ass still hurt from the fall. Showing up pale, sweaty and limping wasn't exactly seductive. He slowed down to a brisk walk, the headache throbbing a little less with each step, the Advil he’d’ swallowed seemingly starting to take effect.


It was quarter after the hour. Jasmine shoved her phone back in her purse. It looked like he wasn't coming. Well, forget it. I'll just go for a walk. Later on I may catch up with the girls and have tea, or something equally British.
Whatever the heck you can do out here. But I'm not can spend all day standing like a sheep in a field waiting for my shepherd.


She looked around one last time before departing. This time she did see a tall figure in the distance. He was hurrying.
Was it Leo? It was! It was him. He wasn't standing her up after all. But he was late.


Should she walk toward him? Let him come to her? Pretend she didn't see him and start to leave?
But that was playing games, and Jasmine didn't think she was into that sort of thing.
That sort of thing was for immature girls – and she was sure he got enough of them when he was on tour. No, she would just stay where she was. And watch him walk towards her, maybe stare him down a little.
The figure in the distance got bigger and biggeruntil it was recognizably Leo. He had a crooked smile, which contributed to an overall guilty expressio
She had to admit that he looked adorable, if perhaps a little pale.


"Jasmine! I'm so glad you waited. I hope it wasn't for too long – I'm so sorry I'm late." He reached out and grabbed her hand and there it was – that shock that sizzle electricity. He pulled her toward him and kissed her on both cheeks. She caught a whiff of his cologne and breathed in deeply. "How are you?"


She wanted to be angry but she found she couldn't. He was just too attractive, too contrite, and his eyes were a little too crinkled at the corners to stay mad. She cursed herself a little, but then thought, do I really want to spend the rest of the day with a sour look on my face?


"I'm fine, thank you. It's good to see you." She looked up at him a little suspiciously. "So was it a late one last night?"


"Can you tell?" He took his hat off for a moment and ran his fingers through his hair. Popping it back on, he said, "I suppose one must celebrate when their brother gets married, but perhaps I overdid it a little. One of my bandmates, Nigel – he's our guitarist – showed up at the last minute. The boy loves to party, and so my plans for proper quiet night were completely derailed." He squeezed her hand. "I was so afraid I'd miss you, and then it wouldn't get to see you again before you left."


"We’ll still be in England a few days." She squeezed his hand back, tentatively. "In fact if you're still around, you could always come to one of our performances."


"That sounds lovely," he said, "but the problem is, I'll be going to America when you're in England. Ironic isn't it?"


"That does seem ironic. Although I've never been 100% sure what that word means. As soon as people start talking about it I get more and more confused," she laughed.


"You and Alanis Morissette, I suppose," he grinned. "No matter, the upshot of the whole thing is that I'll be in your homeland when you're in mine, and never the twain shall meet."


"Well isn't that a shame," she said eyes downcast. He spun her around and tipped up her chin with one finger.


"A shame? On the contrary, I think it's rather romantic, and besides, we were lucky enough to meet now, weren't we?" She looked up at him. Her mouth was slightly opened, her eyes wide but a little hooded. He took that as a sign. Did she want him to kiss her?
No time like the present to find out,
he figured. His thumb traced the curve of her cheek as he leaned in, looking first in her eyes and that her lips, so full and soft looking. She trembled a little underneath his touch. It was so different, so different from the girls on tour. Those girls he didn't give a damn about.
There was just something about this one, that meant so much more. And it wasn't about the amount of time that he had known her. Because there was something timeless – timeless, like this time right now
– they were so close, his hand on her cheek. "Do you realize,” he said softly, “that this is the only time left we have left where we still won't have kissed? It'll never be like that again, in just one moment. We’ll never not have kissed again…"


She felt like she was melting in his arms, almost hypnotized by his words, realizing he was right. As much as she wanted to kiss him, there was something beautiful about not yet having kissed him. Knowing it was good to happen, but living in that ephemeral moment before it did.


And then he leaned in a little more, and a little more until their lips touched, and all of their energy passed between them, delicately, sweetly, slowly, the softness of their lips joining together, gaining confidence in their connection, exploring each other's mouths gently and more fully with each passing moment.


Finally, flushed, Jasmine pulled away. She was a bit breathless.


"Should we really be doing this here?" He swept a strand of hair across her face and tucked it behind her ear. "Perhaps we should go somewhere more private."


Jasmine was torn. She wasn't exactly the type to be doing any of this: dating, making it with someone especially in public, going somewhere more private. She cleared her throat. "Actually I was thinking we should probably go somewhere more
." She looked down shyly.


Leo was a bit confused. No woman had ever attempted such a proposal from him, ever. Did she not like him? But she had responded so well when he kissed her.


"Of course, certainly," he said smoothly. Taking her hand again, they continued to walk around the grounds. "Is there any place that you especially like to go? Sightseeing? Not that there's that much to do around here, but we could always go to London."


"London! Do you mean it? I wasn't sure if I'd have time to get there as a tourist on this trip. We have a few concerts, and aside from today we will probably be mostly in rehearsal."


"Of course we have time, not to worry about that. But we should go now," he said checking the time on his phone.


A surge of excitement flared and Jasmine's chest. Not only would she see one of the greatest cities in the world, but she would be with the most handsome man. He held her hand and they strode to the barn in which his car was kept. She practically skipped along, her heart singing in excitement. For his part, Leo kept up with her, the sore spot on his ass from falling in the bathroom throbbing a little less with each minute.


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