Reckless (Wrecked)

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Authors: Elle Casey

BOOK: Reckless (Wrecked)
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Title page

Other Books by Elle Casey


Chapter One - A Night to Remember

Chapter Two - Witnesses

Chapter Three - On the Road

Chapter Four - Stockpiles and Watchkeepers

Chapter Five - Home Sweet Home

Chapter Six - Settling In

Chapter Seven - Close Call

Chapter Eight - Safehouse

Chapter Nine - Intruders

Chapter Ten - Trials and Tribulations

Chapter Eleven - Summertime

About the Author

Other Books by Elle Casey




© 2012 Elle Casey, all rights reserved, worldwide.  No part of this ebook may be reproduced, emailed, uploaded to or downloaded from a file-sharing site, or copied without author permission.  If you did not pay for this ebook or receive it via a free, author-authorized promotion directly through Amazon, you are in violation of this copyright, and the author respectfully asks that you please support artistic expression and help promote anti-piracy efforts by buying a copy of this ebook at
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Elle Casey

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Other Books by Elle Casey


War of the Fae: Book One, The Changelings -

War of the Fae: Book Two, Call to Arms

War of the Fae: Book Three, Darkness & Light

War of the Fae: Book Four, New World Order


Clash of the Otherworlds: Book 1, After the Fall

Clash of the Otherworlds: Book 2, Between the Realms

Clash of the Otherworlds: Book 3, Portal Guardians


Apocalypsis: Book 1, Kahayatle

Apocalypsis: Book 2, Warpaint

Apocalypsis: Book 3, Exodus

Apocalypsis: Book 4, Haven


My Vampire Summer

My Vampire Fall (Coming Soon)





Aces High

(co-written with Jason Brant)



To indie author, Amanda McKeon.

I see greatness in you, girl.









Chapter One


A Night to Remember


CANDI STARED AT HER REFLECTION in the mirror, turning her head slowly left and then right.  “Holy you-know-what, you’ve done it again, Sarah.  It’s like
or something.”  She reached her hand up to the side of her head.

Sarah slapped it away before it could make contact with the artfully arranged and decorated dreadlocks that surrounded Candi’s pretty pink cheeks and expertly made-up face.  “Don’t touch!  How many times do I have to tell you?  It needs to stay looking good for at least another six hours, and I don’t want you smudging anything either.”

Candi stood up instead of trying to sneak in a touch; Sarah would probably karate-chop her if she tried anyway.  “Should we put our dresses on now?”  She looked around the space, taking in the disaster that was her bedroom.  Normally it was pretty neat, but with Sarah there doing prom preparations it had quickly turned into what looked like a war zone.  Shoe boxes and shoes, tissue paper, various underthings, and snack plates littered the tabletops, floor, and bed.

“Yes.  I need you to help me with the zipper on mine.  Come to my room with me.”  Sarah left, not looking back to see if she was being followed.

Candi sighed.  Pregnancy had changed some things about Sarah, but not her bossiness, that was for sure.  She smiled secretly as she thought about it, knowing she wouldn’t change that about her friend even if she could.  It was part of her charm and usually bearable.

The former guest room of the Buckley house had become Sarah Peterson’s new digs.  Frank Peterson was being a total jerk about his daughter’s teen pregnancy, and her mother was too cowed to stand up to him and tell him to cut it out.  Candi had hope that maybe Frank would eventually come around, but in the two weeks since the news had been made public, he’d done nothing but insist she wasn’t welcome in his house or his life. Sarah was handling it well, all things considered.  The only outward expression of her disappointment had been to start using his first name instead of
.  And sometimes it came out more like
  Candi never corrected her because she would probably have done the same thing if it were her.  Thank goodness she had Glen Buckley as her dad.  He was the most chilled-out adult in the world, and had accepted Sarah into their home and family no questions asked, just like Candi’s mom had.

Sarah was standing in front of the dress that was hanging on her closet door, unzipping the bag it had come in.

Candi watched as the beautiful long black gown with spaghetti straps and sparkling black beading was revealed from within.  She inhaled a quick breath, just like she did every time she saw it.  “Wow, Sarah.  It’s

“I know, right?”  She looked over her shoulder and smiled before going back to getting it off the hanger.  “Totally schmexy.  Jonathan’s going to bust something when he sees me in it.”

“I think every guy in school is going to bust something when they see you in it.”  Candi sat down on the bed, fighting the urge to fling herself onto her back.  Sarah would kill her if she messed up the ‘do.

“Have you talked to Jason today?” asked Sarah, holding the dress up to the front of her body, looking down at it while sticking out a leg.

“No.  He’s going to be busy getting things ready, all the way up to the end.  But I’ll see him soon enough, I’m sure,” she said, standing again, frustrated by not being able to relax.  Pretty hair and makeup was fun for the most part, but when all she felt like doing was going to bed it was a serious pain in the butt.

“You don’t sound very excited about it,” said Sarah, sliding her arms up into the dress from the bottom.

“I am.  I just … I don’t know.  I’m nervous or something.”

“Prom queen jitters.  I know exactly what you’re going through right now.”  She put the dress over her head carefully to avoid upsetting her hair, and wiggled around, trying to get the material to fall down around her body.

Candi stepped over and took the bottom seam of the dress, gently pulling it down to the floor.  After walking behind her friend, she zipped it up, noting immediately that it fit Sarah like a glove. 
She’s right.  Jonathan is going to bust something. 
“You don’t know for sure I’m going to win.”

“Everyone is voting for you, so yes, I am sure.  And Kevin’s going to be king.  So just wrap your little fuzzy head around that and deal.”

“You should be the prom queen.”

“And dance with my brother? 
Too incestuous for me.”

Candi laughed.  “Just because you’re crowned with someone doesn’t mean you’re romantic together.”

Sarah walked over to the full length mirror on the back of the door.  “I know.  But it doesn’t matter anyway.  No one’s going to vote for the pregnant chick for prom queen.  Everyone’s celebrating my downfall right now, not my beauty and charisma.”  She smoothed the dress down over her still flat stomach, turning sideways to look at her profile.

“That’s not true … don’t say that.  No one’s happy that you’re pregnant in a bad way.”

Sarah snorted.  “Are you kidding?  Elise Winters was totally mocking me hard in the bathroom the other day.  I was in a stall ralphing as usual, so she didn’t know I overheard.”

Candi shook her head in disbelief.  “Are you serious?  What a jerk.  She is so incredibly stuck up, I’m surprised she doesn’t get bird turds up her nose.”

Sarah laughed, breaking away from the study of her reflection. “What did you just say?”

Candi shrugged, grinning back.  “You know … nose in the air … birds flying by …”

“Nice effort.  Total fail, but nice anyway.”

“Yeah, I know.  I was never very good at insults.”

Sarah walked over and gave her a quick hug.  “Yes, and that’s a compliment to your character, so don’t start getting good at it.  That’s my department.”

Candi squeezed her back.  “I hope you’re not suggesting that there’s anything wrong with your character, because then you’d just be making me mad.”

Sarah pulled back, pointing a nail-polished finger in Candi’s face.  “No violence.  I’m a pregnant lady and responsible for bringing new life into the world, which is a privilege and a responsibility.”

Candi raised an eyebrow at that.  “Seriously?”

Sarah shrugged.  “Jonathan’s words.  I thought they sounded nice.”  She went back over to look at her profile again.  “Do you think I’m showing yet?”

“No.  How can you possibly be showing when all you’ve done is throw up every morning and afternoon and only eat crackers?  You’ve lost weight not gained any.”

“The doctor said it’s normal.  And showing is baby weight, not mommy weight.”  She smoothed her dress over her abdomen one more time.

“Well, you’re not showing.  It’s too early anyway.  Now get your shoes and help me with my dress.”

Sarah studied her reflection for a few more long seconds before sighing and turning away from the mirror.  “I see a bump.”  She got her shoes and stood, dangling them from a finger.  “Well, come on then … let’s go.  I have my shoes and I’m dressed.”


“Oh, yeah.  Get it for me,” she said, leaving the room.

Candi sighed. 
The queen has spoken
.  Maybe it would have bothered her a few months ago, or even on the island when they were marooned together, to be bossed around like that.  But today, with Sarah carrying her brother’s baby - Candi’s own niece or nephew - and the fact that she knew Sarah just did this as a joke now and not because she was careless with others’ feelings, Candi could just play along.  It was almost like a private joke between them at this point.

Candi opened the Nordstrom box on the dresser, lifting the cashmere shawl from inside, putting it up to her cheek for a feel. 
Sarah’s so lucky her mom buys her presents like this.

“Don’t get any of your makeup on it!” yelled Sarah from the hallway.

Candi’s hand froze just inches from her face. 
Dang it.  How did she know?
  “I wasn’t!” she yelled.

Sarah’s face suddenly appeared, leaning into the doorway.  “Lies.  You can’t help but snuggle that thing every time you touch it.  It even smells like you now.”

Candi frowned, knowing she was busted.  “But it’s so soft!  It was made to be cuddled!”

Sarah smiled.  “I know, right?  And tonight is the night for cuddling, so I’m all set.  Come on,” she jerked her head back, her voice coming from down the hallway already, “let’s get you dressed, Cinderella.”


Sarah helped Candi into her prom dress.  It was dark green, shorter than her own, and totally suited to Candi’s new style.  Her tanned legs and lean figure were perfectly displayed, the cinched waist showing off her post-island-rescue tiny size.

Returning from their temporary treehouse home hadn’t caused Candi to fall back into her old ways of snacking and lying in bed all weekend.  Sarah was proud that her friend had taken the tragedy and used it to turn her life around, jogging every day but Sunday and eating right.

All of them agreed that after eating castaway-style, some of the usual snacks had lost their luster.  Yes, they were tired of fish; but they were definitely not tired of all the fresh foods they hadn’t been able to get while they were there.  Sarah and Candi were now practically vegetarians - Candi because she was making a conscious choice to eat healthier, and Sarah because almost everything meat- and milk-based made her feel nauseous.

“Gorgeous.  Just like it was in the mall dressing room,” said Sarah, stepping back and admiring the way the short strapless dress showed off Candi’s trim figure.  “Spin around.”

Candi spun, the edges of the dress flying out around her to reveal the new, lacy black panties underneath, the ones they’d bought at Victoria’s Secret just yesterday.

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