Reclaiming (4 page)

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Authors: Gabrielle Demonico

BOOK: Reclaiming
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Keys in hand, she continued to the top of the stairs and down the corridor to her apartment. A few seconds later, as she inserted the key into the lock, a different chill hit her. She sensed a presence from behind and without a thought she turned to face it. A surge of adrenaline pumped through her veins as she cast a frantic eye in every direction. With shaky hands, she felt around in her purse for her pepper spray, found it and clutched it tight.

“Who’s there?” She stammered.

To her far left, a large planter in the corner shook back and forth. It was too dark in the hallway to make out anyone or anything.

“Who is it?” She shouted in the direction of the planter.
“I… I have pepper spray. I know how to use it. Don’t think I won’t. Come out!”

But nothing appeared. The plant fell motionless. With a hard swallow, Daniella aimed the pepper spray canister in the general direction of the planter.

“This is your last warning.” She proclaimed in an unconvincing tone. “If you don’t show yourself, I will use this. Also, cops are here pretty much day and night so if you are thinking of attacking me or whatever, you better reconsider!”

She paused for any hint of acknowledgment.

None came.

“I am counting to three, whoever you are!” She exclaimed. “If you don’t come out, I will spray you. I swear, I will!”

With a nervous stare, she peered into the shadows to see if she could detect anything. Satisfied that her attacker was content to take their chances, she started the countdown.

“One…” she began. She raised the pepper spray canister up and straightened her arm in the direction of the planter. “Two…” she continued. With her arm at full extension, she flipped up the safety on the canister. “Three!” She yelled. “That’s it! I’m at three. I am going to spray you!”

As her arm shook, she squeezed the trigger on the canister and a powerful stream of liquid jettisoned forth. The spray hit the plant in an instant. As it did a high pitched screech filled the air. Horrified, Daniella released the trigger and fell backwards against her front door as a large tomcat raced by at breakneck speed.

Horror turned to relief almost right away and then to laughter a few seconds later as she rested against her front door. For several more moments, she shook her head and chastised herself for being so panicky. As she put the pepper spray back into her purse, she let out a deep exhale and slipped the key into the deadbolt.

As the locked clicked open, a voice from behind said, “You treat all animals like that?”

Daniella lost her grip on her purse. It fell to the ground and as it did the contents scattered in every direction. She spun in place and her eyes locked upon the source of the voice. A sliver of moonlight fell across Jett
’s face as he moved towards her.

“You fuck
— !” Daniella shouted out of instinct as he leapt at her and covered her mouth with his palm. “Mmmphhhh, mmmrrpphh!!” she screamed.

His eyes locked on hers. He shook his head. With a firm whisper he said,
“Shhh, inside… Don’t…”

Daniella shook her head and struggled to break free of him but with each second that passed
, his grip grew tighter. With no hope of escape, she nodded and walked inside of her apartment as he opened the door with his free hand. Once inside, he kicked the door closed behind him and with his hand still in place over her mouth, he turned her back to face him. Daniella’s blood raged hot in her veins as she looked at him. She wanted to bite his hand, spit in his face and kick him in the balls. But a Kung Fu expert she wasn’t so she waited to see what he would say, if anything.

It didn
’t take long.

“Daniella, look, I know you are pissed.” He began. “You have every right to be. I will take my hand away from your mouth but you have to promise me you will stay calm. Can you do that?”

She lied and nodded in the affirmative.

With reluctance, Jett removed his palm from her lips and just as he did, she whipped around and began to run to the door. As she fled, she screamed,
“Help, please anyone! Help!”

Jett closed on her in a flash. He grabbed her and spun her back towards him. Whether it was the suddenness of the movement or perhaps the moment itself, Daniella felt faint. It was the last thing she remembered.

When she next awoke, she sat up with a rush. As her awareness returned, she noticed that she was on her bed with feet tied and hands bound behind her. A gag in her mouth squelched any plans she might have had to scream. Her eyes scanned the room for any sign of Jett until at last she saw him, seated in a chair nearby.

For several seconds, she shot icy daggers at him with her pupils. Satisfied he
’d gotten the message, she turned away from him, laid back down and slammed her head against the pillow.

She heard the chair creak as he got up from it and then the floor groan beneath
his feet as he walked towards her. The outline of his thick torso appeared in her peripheral vision. Wordless, he reached down towards her cheek and attempted to caress it but Daniella snapped her head away and turned it in the opposite direction.

He sighed and said,
“I’m sorry I had to do this to you but you left me no choice, Daniella.”

Fuuuhhh uuuuu…” she muttered into the gag.

“That’s fair. I probably deserve that.”

Daniella pivoted her head back towards him. “Pronanly?”

She looked up at him with fury in her eyes.

“Okay, I did.” He replied. “Look, I need to talk to you. Just hear me out and I promise you will never see me again. Can you do that?”

Daniella lay still for a moment. As much as she hated him for doing what he
’d done, she wanted to hear whatever explanation he had. With reluctance, she nodded.

“You sure this time?” He asked with a cautious tone. “I mean, if I take this off, you aren’t going to start screaming again are you?”

“Nnnooo…” she groaned.

Jett leaned in over her and removed the gag from her mouth. Afterward, he untied her hands and feet as well. Once he
’d finished, he slipped his hands into the pockets of his jeans and looked down at her.

“Mind if I sit?”

“No,” Daniella replied. “I guess not.”

After he got on the bed with her, they turned to face each other. In the midst of her rage, she
’d forgotten how gorgeous he was. Her weakness for him made her ill and she cursed herself for being unable to control it.

“Well?” She said to try to get the conversation moving and squelch her burgeoning lust.

Jett cleared his throat and began, “I don’t know what to say except that I am sorry, Daniella. I deserve any anger you want to throw at me. I shouldn’t have let so much time go by without contacting you but I am innocent and I am not going to let whoever killed Wyatt get away with it. There was no choice but to disappear.”

Daniella stood up. She exhaled as she looked away from him and instead stared up toward the ceiling.
you are innocent, Jett. Don’t you understand how worried sick I have been about you?”

Jett lowered his head into his palms.
“I know…” he groaned.

Daniella continued,
“You should have turned yourself in and let the police help you find out who killed your brother. But instead of that, you ran and in the process, made my life an utter hell.”

“The police,” Jett scoffed. “Please…”

She snapped back around to face him. “Yes, Jett, the police. Even Billy told me if you cooperated with him the day he arrested you, things wouldn’t be as serious as they are now.”

“What do you mean?” Jett replied. “I was already in custody for suspicion of murder. How much worse could it get?”

Daniella shook her head. “
A lot worse
.” Daniella sighed. “Jett, in addition to the original charge, you are also now wanted for assaulting a police officer.”

“Huh? When did I do that?”

Daniella groaned. “Jett, please… The day Billy arrested you… You beat him up and got away. It’s not like it’s a big secret or anything.”

No sooner did she finish her sentence then Jett burst into laughter.

“Uh! What the hell is so goddamn funny, Jett?” She said. “This is all really serious shit here, you know?”

A few seconds later, his amusement subsided. He shook his head and said,
“I’m surprised at you, Daniella. Do you think I would do something like that?”

Daniella raised her eyebrows.
“Well, I didn’t but frankly, I don’t have any idea what to think any longer.”

Jett looked at her and exhaled.
“Look, I never laid a finger on the guy. He’s lying and that’s all there is to it.”

“What are you talking about, Jett? I’ve never known Billy to lie about anything.”

“Well, he
lying about this. Sit down for a sec, would ya?” He said as he looked up at her.

“No thank you, I prefer to stand.” She huffed.

“Alright.” He replied. “Anyway, after Billy arrested me and we drove away from your house that day, he didn’t take me to the police station.”

“He didn’t?” She replied. “What do you mean?”

“No, he didn’t,” Jett began. “We started out towards downtown but after a few minutes, he turned down that dirt road that runs along Granville Creek. You know what I am talking about, right?”


“Well, we kept going for a while until he pulled off onto another trail where he stopped the car.” Jett continued. “He opened the door, pulled me out and told me he was going to teach me a lesson for hurting you… or something along those lines. Anyway, the asshole starts to haul me around to the rear of the car. As he did, we both slipped in mud. I fell forward and hit the ground while he slipped back and knocked himself out cold on the trunk.”

“What?” Daniella said. “What did you do?”

Jett shrugged. “What was I supposed to do? It was my chance and I took it.” He said. “I slid over on my butt, grabbed the keys to the cuffs from him and took off into the woods. Five minutes later I was free. I watched from behind some trees until he woke up. It was a good fifteen minutes or so. After I saw he was okay, I ran and never looked back. End of story. I
did not
assault that guy. I swear.”

“Well, then you have to tell them what happened.” Daniella begged. “Tell the police.”

“What? No way, Daniella!” Jett exclaimed as he stood up from the bed and started to pace. “Billy’s got it in for me. I don’t know if the guy still has feelings for you or what but there’s no way I am turning myself into him.”

Daniella chewed her lower lip. In that moment, she didn
’t know who she was angrier with, Billy for lying to everyone or Jett for being so stubborn. Either way, she was sick of being in the middle of it all. She wanted her life back and now was the time to make that clear.

“So what now Jett?” She asked.

“What do you mean?” he said as he stopped and looked at her.

“I mean, what are you going to do now?” She clarified. “And whatever you are going to say better not involve me. I am through with this.”

Jett nodded. “I know.”

Daniella folded her arms at her chest.
“Well? I am waiting…”

Jett looked down for a moment and then exhaled.

“What? What is it?” Daniella asked.

“I need to see Dr. Mallory again.”

“Uh! Dr. Mallory? Did you bang your head on a tree in the woods or something?” She said as she waved her hands in the air. “What in the world makes you think she’s going to see you? She almost called the police on us the last time we were there and you weren’t even under arrest yet!”

“I know. That’s why I need for you to call and get the appointment for yourself.” He said as he winced at her.

“Ohhh, no. No, no, no…” she said.

“Daniella, it’s the only chance I have.”

“Wait, wait, so you want me to lie to her about my reason for coming and then show up with the man who turned into to a half human, half bear in her office?” She replied. “Assuming she doesn’t blow both of us away with a shotgun, what do you even think she is going to be able to do for you?”

“I’m not sure but she helped me remember I had a brother, didn’t she? She’s the only one that can help me get at everything else. I’m lost without her help.” He said. “Look, Daniella, I get that my idea is flawed but…”

“Flawed!” She exclaimed. “No Jett, it’s not just flawed. It. Is. Totally. Insane! There’s no way I am doing it. Not in a million years! Don’t you get that if the police find out you’re here or I know anything about what’s happening with you, they will throw me in jail. Is that what you want?”

“No, of course not.”

“Well, that is what will happen if we try this.”

“No, it won’t.”

“What do you mean? Of course it will, Jett. Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Daniella. It won’t. Trust me.” He said. As he finished the sentence, he reached behind his back and produced a pistol. “The keys to the handcuffs weren’t the only thing I took from Billy that day.”

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