Read Red Hot Obsessions Online

Authors: Blair Babylon

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Collections & Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Literary Collections, #General, #Erotica, #New Adult

Red Hot Obsessions (150 page)

BOOK: Red Hot Obsessions
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“Stand up for a moment,” he told me, and when I did, he wiggled out of his pants, then threw his legs over the side of the bed and grabbed my hips to tug down my skirt. It fell effortlessly to the floor, and Chase wasted no time in removing my panties as well.

Soon, we were both naked, and the full awkwardness of the situation was beginning to sink in for me. Was this really what I wanted? I know that I had said all of those things to Chase, and yes, I had meant them, but still. How could I be sure he was the right person to give myself to? In truth, I wasn't, but I couldn't think of a better man.

“Are you alright?” he asked, noticing my sudden change in mood.

“Yeah,” I nodded. “I guess I'm just a bit nervous.”

“I won't hurt you.”

“I know you won't. Can we just . . . take things a bit slow?”

“Sure. We can take things as slow as you want,” his voice was soothing.

“Lay back on the bed. I want . . . well, you'll see.”

He smirked, obeying. I crawled up on the bed behind him, stopping at his hips. His massive rod pointed up at me like an arrow, and I sank down, flicking my tongue out at the tip.

Chase groaned, resting his head against the pillow for a moment before he craned it back up to watch me.

I gripped the base of his member, holding it steady while I ran the blade of my tongue up the underside. He tasted like skin and sex and man. Completely intoxicating. I was quickly becoming aware of the fact that I actually enjoyed sucking cock. The look on a man's face when you held his most tender bits inside of your mouth was absolutely exquisite.

With a feline like purr, I pressed my lips around the tip, suckling at it and teasing the groove on the underside with my tongue. The smoothness of his glans was pleasant in my mouth, the velvety softness of his shaft, comfortable in my hand. I stroked slowly as I sucked on him, eliciting a torrent of groans. Chase was very vocal. I liked that.

Soon, I found myself taking him in further, pressing him to the back of my throat. My gag reflex went off instantly, and I blushed as I pulled away. Chase didn't seem to mind though. He simply lay there, his eyes half-closed, as if my mouth was the most amazing thing he'd ever felt on his cock.

I decided to take another try at deep-throating him, lowering my lips more slowly onto his rod and pulling back whenever I could feel the muscles of my throat ready to go into eject mode. It took a bit of trial and error, but I eventually got the hang of it. Chase's hips writhed beneath me as I milked his cock into my mouth, following my strokes with very audible slurping. Every time I reached the tip, I would swirl my tongue up and over his delicious ridges, which seemed to please him very much by the heated sounds he was making.

“Oh my God, Chey, you've got to stop. I'm going to . . .”

I could feel his member twitch in my mouth, and for a moment, I thought he was going to expend his juices, but thankfully, Chase seemed to have more reservation than that. He urged me off his pulsing member, though I was a little disappointed for having to leave it. I had been really enjoying myself, tasting his meaty manhood.

Chase sat up and tangled his fingers into my hair, drawing me to him for a heated kiss. His mouth moved on top of mine desperately, needily, and my own body began to hunger—to hunger for his touch, for the touch of a man who truly wanted me. No one on the face of the planet wanted me more than Chase did.

Soon, I was lying on my back, and he was leaning over me. His hand reached between my legs, his thick fingers parting my lower lips to press my arousal button. My breath hitched as he found it, rubbing dangerous circles around the sensitive bundle of nerves. Everything disappeared around us, and my doubt melted away. This was the man I wanted inside of me.

He leaned down, sucking one of my nipples into his mouth. The sensation sent warm electric need straight to my clit, which his fingers were currently working like a light switch. The only mode my body was set to was on though. I curled my fingers into his hair, moaning out my pleasure.

“Are you alright?” he breathed against my skin, sending a shiver down my spine.

“Yes. Less talking, more sucking.”

He was happy to oblige, moving to my other nipple to give it equal attention. The finger that had been rubbing my clit began traveling downward, and I spread my legs to give it better access. It played around my moist tunnel, gently dipping into my wetness but not pressing too far. My hips writhed in approval, waiting impatiently for his hand to claim me.

The first finger slipped inside, knuckle deep, and I felt my inner walls closing in on it involuntarily, almost as if my body was trying to trap the intruder. Chase groaned, nuzzling my chest lovingly.

“You're definitely still a virgin,” he murmured, as if I needed a reminder.

A second finger joined the first, and I winced a bit, feeling the pressure of being too full. If two fingers stung, I didn't even want to imagine what his cock was going to feel like. Still, I had committed to this, and I wasn't about to back out.

The first few passes Chase's fingers made inside of me were uncomfortable, but the wetness of my cunt offered soothing relief. Soon, his fingers were sliding in and out almost effortlessly, bringing pleasure instead of pain. I groaned, licking my lips, my entire body a mess of sensations. It all felt so incredible, and I could hardly wait for the next step.

“I'm ready,” I whispered.

“Are you sure?” Chase asked, scooting up on the bed so that he could kiss me again. His hand left my pussy, and I felt oddly empty.

“Yes. I want you inside of me, but first.” I reached for my phone on the bedside table.

He gave me a queer look. “What are you doing?”

“I want to record this. A girl only loses her virginity once in her lifetime,” I told him as I propped the phone up against the lamp and began setting it up to record video.

“Damn, Chey. I never knew you were so kinky.”

“Well, now you do.” I grinned, thinking about my sessions with Damien Reed. Once I hit the record button, I laid back down, getting comfortable beneath Chase. “I'm ready for you, stud.”

Without another word, he crawled between my legs, spreading them a bit wider. I watched him tower over me, thinking about how incredibly sexy he looked. In that moment, he was no longer Chase my long-time friend. He was Chase my lover, the man I wanted to give myself to—the man who deserved to have me.

His tip pressed against my wet opening, and I felt that very familiar unpleasant stretching. The magic of the moment faded away from the pain of my cunt being spread wider than it could handle. I gasped as he bucked inside of me, filling me to the hilt with his thick member. My hands wrapped around his shoulders, my nails digging into his flesh.

“Are you alright?” he asked, looking especially concerned.

“It hurts a bit, is all,” I said between breaths, praying my body would adjust quickly.

“Do you want me to pull out?”

“I don't know.”

I could feel my cunt pulsing around his tool, as if all of my blood had rushed down below in fear that something traumatic was happening to my nether region. Chase's cock was pretty traumatic, but it was a good kind of trauma. Despite my pain, I was happy, not regretting my decision at all.

“It's fine,” I whispered, though I wasn't sure if I was lying or not.

Chase nodded, pulling his hips back. Then he pushed in again, though a lot more slowly this time. The pain was still there, but I did my best to bear it. I had been warned time and time again that my first time would hurt, but I had also been assured it would get better. I just hoped the get better part would happen soon.

I stifled my cries as Chase began thrusting. My cunt throbbed and ached, but eventually, the pain did begin to subside. There was a strange pleasurable sensation as he moved on top of me, the friction of his cock rubbing my inner walls, bringing me to new heights.

His mouth found mine, and I moaned into it, quickly becoming lost in the moment again. Chase was on top of me, fucking me, and I absolutely loved it. I wrapped my arms around him, holding him against me as he picked up speed, causing the friction to build to the point it was almost overwhelming. I felt so full, overstuffed, like his member might destroy me at any moment. Still, my body begged him to continue. A pleasure storm was brewing between my legs, swirling and bubbling and waiting to erupt.

“Don't stop,” I cried out, fearing the ebb that would draw my orgasm away.

Chase didn't stop, and with a few more thrusts of his hips, I was cast overboard into a sea of bliss, my love tunnel squeezing his member as tightly as it could muster after being pounded into submission. It was all it took to send him over the edge. He pulled out of my cunt and shot a thick load onto my stomach, panting for breath and groaning out his pleasure. I watched him with a satisfied look on my face as his abs contracted, and he squeezed the last remaining drops of his orgasm out of his cock.

When we were both done, I leaned over to stop the recording on my cell phone, and Chase crawled off the bed to go get a towel from the bathroom, cleaning his creamy man babies off my stomach like a perfect gentleman. I smiled at him all the while, utterly and totally satisfied with myself and him and the way everything had gone down. It felt so right, like this was what was supposed to happen. Maybe Damien Reed wasn't wrong to turn me away.

“Do you want to take a shower with me?” Chase offered, looking down at the blood on his cock.

To be honest, I was surprised that I had bled at all. When I was seven years old, I was sure I had torn my hymen during a tragic seesaw incident where this kid decided to jump on the seesaw when I was trying to climb onto it. My cunt ended up bloody and swollen.

Besides, I didn't bleed when I stuck the pen inside me either, so I just assumed I wasn't going to bleed after sex.

We were both messy, but I wanted to get home. The euphoria of the moment was wearing off, and I remembered where I was at, in a dirty bedroom on a filthy bed. All I wanted was to go home and take a shower in my own clean bathroom.

“Maybe some other time, stud,” I told him as I sat up to start getting dressed.

“So.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Do you feel any different about me?”

“Yeah.” I nodded. “I think I do. But I still need a few days to mull over everything that's happened. I'll keep in touch.”

“Promise?” his voice sounded desperate, as if he expected to be abandoned again.

“I promise.” I smiled warmly at him before standing to give him a kiss on the cheek and walk myself out.

“When will you call me?”

“Soon,” I told him, and then disappeared out the door.

The entire drive home, I felt stupidly happy. Chase had been perfect. Maybe his apartment sucked, but he had been absolutely kind and gentle and sweet. Everything a real man should be. Damien Reed could take some lessons from him.

Damien Reed. Why was I still even thinking about that guy? It was obvious we didn't want the same thing. He was just being . . . Well, to be honest, I wasn't sure what he was being, but I was starting to feel like he wasn't good for me.


I wasn't sure exactly why I sent Damien Reed that video of Chase and I having sex. Maybe I wanted to see how he would react. The guy was so cool and put together that nothing ever seemed to faze him. This would probably be no different.

Perhaps I wanted to show him that I wasn't an innocent virgin anymore. He said he didn't sleep with virgins or girls who were in relationships. Now, neither of those things applied to me.

Don't get me wrong. I did feel a bit guilty after I sent the video, sick to my stomach, even. I knew Damien wouldn't show it to anyone else, but still, it somehow felt vindictive to do it, and like a breach of Chase's trust. He hadn't asked me if I planned to show it to anyone, but surely he had to assume that at least Tanya would see it.

I sent the video on Thursday night, and on Friday, I was surprised when I did get a reaction from Damien Reed. Maybe I was over thinking things, over analyzing his expression, but I was almost certain that every time he looked at me during Art Appreciation class, he seemed disapproving. His brown eyes were darker somehow, his serious expression laced with discontent. It served him right for denying me, I thought proudly. He was nothing to me anyway. Nothing but my teacher, our relationship, strictly platonic.

I went to his house on Saturday, curious about what he'd have to say about the video, but half hoping he wouldn't say anything at all. That would be one awkward conversation I didn't want to have, even if I had set myself up for it.

He greeted me with the same professional poise as always, opening the door for me to step inside. Instead of taking me to the classroom, Damien led me into his living room and sat me down in front of his humongous big-screen TV. Fear welled up inside of me that we were going to discuss the video, but I swallowed it, realizing this had probably been unavoidable.

“You seem like you had a rather productive week,” he said.

“I did,” I admitted, feeling my body tense in nervousness.

“Well, we're not going to do anything too strenuous today. Since you crossed a pretty big sexual threshold over the week, I thought you might benefit from a bit of video instruction. The video I'm about to show you will go over a broad range of sexual positions that you and your boyfriend can experiment with whenever you're together next.”

“He's not my boyfriend,” I pointed out quickly, though I wasn't sure why it mattered. Part of me wanted Damien to ask questions, to be curious, but he seemed not to care.

“Well, this will be educational for you anyways. I still have a stack of tests to grade, so I'm going to put this on for you and then go into my study. If you get thirsty, the kitchen is just around the corner. I'll come out before the video is over, and we can discuss any questions you might have.”

I nodded, a bit disappointed. The pervert in me hoped for another hands-on lesson. Even though I had slept with Chase, I didn't feel obligated to be exclusive with him. It was selfish, but I wanted to savor my time with Damien for a while longer before I quit my lessons and became an item with Chase.

Damien clicked on the remote to start the video and then left the room. I settled onto the couch and watched the screen as the first image displayed. What I saw caused a flurry of emotions I hadn't been prepared for. Instead of the couple in the video being a random pair of porno stars, it was Damien Reed with some blonde girl. My stomach twisted into green snakes of jealousy, and my entire body heated up with unmerited rage.

That son of a bitch. How could he do this to me? He knew. He knows I like him. And now he's making me watch him have sex with someone else.

I shifted in my seat uncomfortably as the first scene began. They were doing it missionary style. The girl, whoever she was, had the most blissful expression on her face. Who wouldn't under Damien Reed?

I hated her. I hated the both of them, but I couldn't force myself to stop watching. If I left, my lessons with Damien would be over in a very final way. I didn't want that, but I didn't think I could sit through an entire hour of emotional torture watching him fuck other women either.

Desperately, I tried to focus on something else. Looking away from the TV didn't help much though, because I could still hear their moans. Well, I could still hear her moans. Damien was as silent as a grave, but the woman sounded like she was getting the best fucking ever.

My eyes went back to the screen, and I tried to concentrate only on Damien. It was the first time I had ever seen him fully naked. His body was every bit as fit as I had imagined, though a bit more hairy. He manscaped; that was obvious. But there was still a fine smattering of dark hair on his chest and stomach. I usually didn't like hairy men, but it looked good on him.

Their next position was cowgirl. I wasn't sure if I was happy or more upset that it was with the same girl. On one hand, if he had the same partner during the entire video, I wouldn't feel like he was such a slut. On the other hand, this girl was probably his girlfriend, which made my heart ache, for some odd reason.

Damien kept his hands on her thighs while she rocked her hips, gazing down at him as if she owned him. The look on her face was so confident, and her moves were almost flawless. You could tell this wasn't her first rodeo.

The third position was reverse cowgirl, and as I watched the woman fuck Damien, I wondered if the video was old or recent. I studied Damien's face as best I could. If he was younger in the video, he wasn't much younger. His hairstyle was the same. His face was the same. But then I looked at his arms and noticed that the sleeve on his left arm wasn't complete. The flowers were there, but it was missing the numbers.

Old video
. I sighed in relief, though it was still painful to watch. The thought of Damien Reed being with anyone other than me sent uncomfortable stirrings inside my heart. It was as if what Chase and I had done together suddenly didn't matter anymore. I wanted Damien so badly that my lust for him over-road any logic I previously had towards my relationship with Chase. I felt horribly guilty about it, but I couldn't change the way I felt, no matter how hard I tried.

By the fourth position, I was incredibly moody. Now Damien was taking the woman from behind. His hands were hooked around her hips, and he was pounding into her. The squeals she made with each thrust sent a shiver of desire to my mound. I tried to drown the image of the woman out, to replace her with me instead, on all fours, staring back at Damien's powerful form while he claimed my pussy. Thinking about it made me squeeze my legs together, but I couldn't seem to hold onto the fantasy for long.

The video was wearing on me, emotionally chipping away at me with each change in position. By the time the video was halfway over, I could feel my eyes fighting back tears. Why did I have to want him so badly? Why was he doing this to me? Surely, he knew it hurt me to watch him with someone else.

Hot tears streaked down my face. I silently begged for Damien to come turn the video off, to end my suffering. What would I do if he came around the corner though? Would I break out in sobs? And even worse, how would he react? He was so cold. So very cold.

My mind was filling so quickly with negativity that I thought I might go crazy from it. I couldn't handle this anymore, didn't deserve to be tortured like this. If this was the game that he was going to play with me, then I wanted out of it. He obviously didn't care about me, so what did it matter anyway.

Despite the desperate cries inside my head to stick it out, my body moved of its own accord, standing and heading towards the door. I tried to stifle my sniffles as I took long strides, wanting to get out of the house as quickly as possible

When Damien Reed returned from his office, I would be gone.

BOOK: Red Hot Obsessions
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