Read Red Hot Obsessions Online

Authors: Blair Babylon

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Collections & Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Literary Collections, #General, #Erotica, #New Adult

Red Hot Obsessions (196 page)

BOOK: Red Hot Obsessions
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Logan suddenly dropped the belt to the floor and clutched my arm, tugging me up. “Get up.”

I stood and settled my skirt with a shimmy. “Don’t we have one more? Do you want me to turn around?”

“You’ve had enough. You’ve made restitution. To wrap this up, I want you to go over to that corner, press your nose into it and lift your nightie so your punished bottom can be on display as these men recommence their game. You did well.” He pulled a small tube of cream out of his back pocket and handed it to me. “Here. This will help ease the searing pain. You may leave in ten minutes. Goodnight, Addison.”

I looked at the tube in shock and back up at him. “Wait. What?”

“You’ve been punished enough. I’ll hire the crew I did last year to clean it up. Goodnight.” He pushed his gaze away from me toward the men. “Gentlemen, I do hope you will use discretion and keep this matter to yourselves. She has paid her due in full. It has been resolved. No further shame or disgrace should come to her.” He snatched up his belt and slid it back into the loops as he left the room without even so much as a glance back.

Embers stung my eyes. What the hell just happened? I wanted to take all three. But he stopped. Why? Did I not please him with my compliance, with my surrender? I had been right on the brink of coming too. And then, he stopped. I felt deserted and used as I went to stand corner, especially in having to apply this stupid cream myself. He couldn’t even do that? Touch me soothingly me for fifteen seconds? What the hell was his problem! This was nothing but a punishment to him, that’s what! And he came downstairs, with the shoes and the belt and the cream, prepared for my pick. I foolishly assumed it was more, like a bonding experience or something, and definitely, an erotic one. We had a moment in the hall! He fingered me into another stratosphere. I assumed that
had been a test, that maybe he was considering keeping me around. Did I not pass? Apparently not!

I chucked the tube on the floor when I was done rubbing my own sore ass. Logan left a gouge in my soul. I didn’t want the peepers to hear me cry, so I did it as quietly as possible, though I was so close to wailing. He just … left me. After all that! After he pulled me out. He had to know. And how crushing this would be to me. How could he? That,
… was oddly, the worst punishment of all.


When my time was up at the notification of Old Man Thorndike, I put on my shoes and panties, gathered up my crap and fled the house, catching one last ogle from Geoffrey to haunt my dreams.

My heart literally hurt like it was going to burst. I wanted to run back there, storm through the mansion to find Logan and demand answers. But I didn’t have any right. He’d made no promises to me, no commitment. It’s not like he was my boyfriend or something. He’d dished out a punishment to me. He whacked my ass for a good 30 minutes. And that’s it. But I really, really thought we’d shared something special. Didn’t we?

I stopped, chucked the torn-off pieces of my costume, rested my hand on a large tree trunk and covered my face with my other hand. Sobs billowed out of me.

“Addison,” Logan said from way behind me.

I turned, still blubbering like a ditched junior higher.

He jogged over and stopped about three feet from me, drinking me in from top to bottom and back up again. “Addison.”

“Why? Why’d you...”

“Uh, that was so incredibly hot.”

“I know! It was! No one’s ever touched me like that before...or spanked me or licked me. You know, dammit! You know exactly what I’m like. Leaving me like that, you just about killed me.” I slapped his chest and my palm became glued in place when I felt the rapid beat of his heart.

His eyes, god, his eyes, even in the darkness, emanated intensity, and the sound of our co-mingled exhales, like we were already fucking wildly in a summer sweat, filled the night air with the sexiest rhythm and swirls of mist.

I clenched his shirt, digging my fingernails into the flesh beneath it.

“God, Addison. I’m so sorry. I’m—” He seized my hands, then my face and mashed his lips into mine. He grabbed my bottom lip with his teeth and tugged it down, then returned to sweetly mating with my lips. His tongue slid in, and I sucked it in deeper, desperately, and danced around his. His mouth felt so incredible, so firm, so hot, so urgent and ravenously owning of mine. His respiration shot up to hot and heavy, which only made mine the same. We were breathing crazy and our clutches on one another’s butt cheeks fused us together. His ferocious digs into my flesh hurt like hell, but I just didn’t care. He crushed me against his torso with his arms and swarmed my arms, neck and whole backside with lustful grabs as our passion grew. I was floating and spinning and alive with fire that rippled out from my chest and into my limbs and suddenly wet core.

He pressed me against the tree and drifted his hands down, then clutched my hips, pulling my sore butt away from rough bark and ground his rock-hard cock against my pelvis. “You blow my mind. I’ve never met anyone like you. Can I touch you again? But all over? I’m dying to feel your little, pink parts again...and
. More, more, more. Uh, I can’t get enough of you.” He was already hungrily roaming before my reply. He asked as a courtesy to be polite I’m sure, but I could tell by his wild seizure, he was determined to sample every inch of me and make me ache and shake for his touch tomorrow. Even if I were totally non-compliant, he had the power to not only dissolve every speck of resistance but also make me beg his worst. I could already feel that he was turning me into a Logan addict.

I bit my lip as the crazy words,
violate me
, sprouted. I wanted to feel like
. I didn’t want him to
I wanted him to conquer me, do what he craved and make me scream. I wanted him to make demands of me, ram his cock down my throat and yank me over his lap for another demo of naughty-girl discipline. I was sick, so messed up. No one had ever made me feel like this, so dirty, so sexy, so horny, so hot.

He pulled my head back and bit my neck with scraping nibbles that build up into, mmm, real bites. So delicious. He was claiming me, turning me into his goddess of night. “Mmmm. Can I?”

“Uh, yes,” I said breathlessly. “Touch me, please!”

He didn’t hesitate to go for gold. I gasped when he let go of my upper body and slapped me between the legs with his fingers, and I moaned and ground my jaw when he cupped his hand around my wet heat. “You’re so drenched, still or again. I love how excited you get from pain … or
thing I dish out really. Words, kisses, caresses.”

“Don’t ask, Logan. Just

That fueled him, and he attacked me with a heartier hold, like a well-versed Master. In this very moment, he owned me and made sure I knew he did with his rough possession of my sex. As we kissed again with reckless abandon, like starving orphans, he lifted the ethereal cloth covering my flesh and slid a frisky, grabby hand up my stomach and chest and into my bra. His other hand between my legs lost its clamping grip and he drew hard circles outside my panties, massaging, pressing up. The knuckle of his thumb, shrouded in lace, went into me.

My arms tight around his waist, I cried out and breathed hard like a marathoner on the last mile.

He pressed up, more and more, while dining at my breasts with bites, licks and sucks for several moments, leaving each nipple hard and erect and tingling for more. “You’re such a bad girl. Look how wet and perky you are. You like it when I show you how naughty you truly are?”

Loving his words, I mewed in his ear. “Yes. I’m so very bad.”

“Yes, you filthy thing. You just keep dripping for me. I’m sorry I left you like that. I just … you were on the brink of coming back there, weren’t you? You were so close.”

“Yes,” I moaned. I attacked his neck, as his hands, that had just brought me a luscious pleasure-pain, now drove me to heightened ecstasy.

“I could tell. I stopped because I’m greedy. I want you to come for me, just for me, for my pleasure and my eyes alone. Got it? They didn’t deserve to see such a beautiful sight, with you sliding up and over the edge and the writhing of your gorgeous red fruit. They wouldn’t appreciate it like I would. Like I
. Right now.”

Again, he shocked me with suddenness when he yanked my panties down a few inches, removing the scant obstacle from his touch, so he could awaken me freely in the raw. I loved the feel of his smooth skin on mine.

“Aaahh, mmm. Logan.”

His massaging, circle-drawing knuckle shifted to my now-naked clit as he shoved two fingers into my hot, wet core. He pumped slowly and kept that pace as he slid them in and out.

“Harder, faster, rougher,” I muttered.

“Mmm. As you wish.”

I moaned and groaned and cried out like a raging slut as he drove them up and in, again and again, exactly like I craved. “Ah, Logan.”

He devoured my breasts again as he tucked the tip of his pinky into my anus. His hand got slimed up with my love juice, and he jerked my panties down past my knees and stripped them off completely. A mix of hot and cold was licking my exposed sex.

I leaned my upper back against the tree trunk, as the intensity of his thrusts picked up. He turned his hand around, palm out, and his two fingers curled towards my front wall with soft, tickling strokes as his pinky and index finger pressed firmly outside against my pelvic bone. His fluid motion turned into forward-flowing circles, slow and steady at first, then sliding into quick and rough, so that he was ramming me into oblivion.

“Uh, aaahh. Yes, like that. Perfect. Don’t stop. That’s so amazing. Pound me, pound me.” I clutched onto him as he hurled me into a squall of emotion and sensation. Sloshy squishing added percussion to my moans of desire. “Aaahhh.” It felt so glorious, to be finger-fucked by him so brutally, with fingers on the inside, and at the same time gently with a thumb that was performing ballet on my clit. He pummeled me and curled against my g-spot for several minutes. It went on and on as he attacked my mouth and neck, and I didn’t want either to stop. I was crying out and my limbs continually shook. The pleasure in multiple spots was better than anything I’d ever experienced, even the spanking. I was blasting to heaven. Except … that I suddenly had to pee. Now, really? But I didn’t want to ask him to stop. No freaking way. I let him go on and on, ignoring the pressure. But, shit, it seemed to be building. I was elated, so high, flying on a cloud of bliss … that was … until a wretched dam burst, drenching him and killing the moment. What the hell. I felt limp. “Oh my god!” I peed! And I mean, I didn’t just tinkle, I erupted in a gush all over his hand. I yanked him off my privates and shoved his dripping, right hand away. I lurched back, then yowled when I accidentally smashed my well-spanked cheeks into jagged wood. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Oh god. I could die. That is so embarrassing. Uh, I’m gonna die.” My legs got soft.

He rubbed my arm with his left hand, a look of concern in his eyes.

“Let go of me!”

“What? What’s wrong. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. You came, Addison. I wanted that. Did I hurt you? Was I too rough?”

“No. That was not cum. I didn’t … I, uh, I peed. All over your hand. Uuuuhhh, I’m so sorry.” The weirdest urination ever though! My insides felt like they were waving and firing strings of hot glowing light all over my body. Maybe because I was so aroused at the same time.

He shook his head and laughed. Hot damn. His laugh was fucking sexy too.

“What’s so funny?”

“You don’t know?”

“Know what?”

“You’ve never had that kind of climax before?”

“Yeah, of course I’ve climaxed before. That wasn’t a climax, Logan. I suddenly, out of nowhere, had to pee and thought I could hold out, but I just, ohmygod, pissed all over your hand.”

“You are so stunning and your innocence, so adorable. I didn’t know if I could actually do it right for you, especially with you standing up.”

“Do what? Make me pee? I’m not into golden showers, sorry.”

“No.” He smiled, drew his fingers—still drenched with my humiliation—up to his mouth and sucked off my freaking piss. “It’s not urine. See? Mmm. You taste like sweet, spicy butter and of course, peaches.” He dragged his wet thumb across my bottom lip. “Suck.”

I recoiled, crinkled my lips and eyelids.


Looking him in the eyes and still cringing, I wrapped my mouth around his thumb and sucked him tentatively at first, then with all the sensuality I could muster. He was right. Not pee. And not bad. I swirled my tongue around and scraped him delicately with my teeth, proving the pleasure I could deliver elsewhere, even though I’d never done
on a guy. I received a dildo for a prank grad gift, so I could “finally get laid.” Mmm hmm, very funny. I put it to use, but in my mouth only. I wanted the first cock-sized thing to enter my vagina to
cock, not some fake one, but my mouth was another story. I practiced going down. A lot. I even taught myself how to deep throat. A tongue pointed down and out, mouth open wide, was the key. I wanted to show him, but a thumb just wouldn’t cut it for proper, adequate demonstration. I’d have to get into his pants. But, off the oral and back to the toys. Now, I had not only a dildo but a whole locked trunk of goodies at home. A whole box! Some girls collect bridal magazines. I have toys. Lots of them. I had a
summer hunting for naughty treasure. I didn’t even know if I’d ever use them all. I bought some ’cause they looked scary, some for their color or shape, some for their weirdness and some because I imagined how good they’d feel smashing into my ass. The box served to remind me to not settle for someone too vanilla, to not kill the me I know lurks there.
I wonder if Logan has a box. Or a dungeon.
I moaned at the thought.

He growled in his throat. “Addison. You had a
orgasm. You squirted.”

I grazed my teeth down his thumb as I came off and left a kiss on the pad. Okay. I wasn’t a total moron, I’d heard of that. I just didn’t know I was supposed to anticipate a different thrill ride, that I’d experience a different kind of squirt. “Oh,” I said softly, blushing that I looked like such an inexperienced idiot. I’d even fingered the spongy spot in there a few times, but I got bored at the lack of fun and buildup and went back to the tiny, easy-to-thrill nub on the outside. But it was an entirely different sensation with someone else ramming me blind. That I liked. A lot.

“That was amazing, and your reaction only makes it sweeter.”

“I didn’t know it would be
squirty. At least one of us is getting kicks out of my idiocy.”

“An idiot is certainly not what I see.” I noticed the beaming of his face before he jerked me back into another knock-me-on-my-ass, make-me-weak-and-wet kiss. His fingers threaded into my hair at the back of my head, his divine muscles molded to mine and our lips perfectly aligned, moving in sync like they were custom made for each other. Not even a hint of spit edged out at the corners. All the hot slickness was reserved for inside, around our roving, exploring tongues. We were both exhaling faster through our noses, bursts of hot, quick breaths. We were famished souls, devouring one another at a feast. His fingers flew back inside me, and I purred in his mouth.

He dropped to his knees and smacked each leg, prompting me to spread open. I trembled when his rapid breaths whisked along my soaked flower, and I let out moans when he surrounded me, taking me all in. With his mouth still frenzied, he ravished me like a beast. He sucked everything and stroked my clit with his tongue, and then drove it up inside me.

“Aaaahh. Oh, Logan. Wow. You are so good at that.”

He retraced his same steps, but on his fourth expedition, he spent much time delving into all my folds and giving me playful nips.

My legs wobbled. I was floating so high, high, high.

He lovingly toyed me with his tongue, inside and out. It was slow and slippery, much different than the fingering. He attended to my clit and tugged and rolled it between with firm, full lips. He was taking me higher, and my pussy was gearing up to let loose. Just when I was about to break, he came off me, eliciting a groan.

“Mmm. You taste so good, so sweet. Turn around and grab the tree.”

I spun immediately, trembling in anticipating for his next move. He was damn full of surprises.

He stood. When I heard a zipper, I jolted, smiled and licked my lips. I then sighed as a velvety softness flitted across my butt. Damn, he was caressing my red ass with the shaft my mouth was watering to devour. What would he do if I dropped to my knees and just had at him until he came in my mouth or all over my chest, or face even? I didn’t care which. He slapped me with its stiffness a few times, then, still holding it, slid the length of it right between my legs. It was large enough to pass beyond my thighs. I looked down at the mushroom tip beneath my stomach and licked my lips again. His hard candy was a couple feet from my mouth, right there for the taking. I took hold of him between my thighs, and he shifted his hand to my stomach.

BOOK: Red Hot Obsessions
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