Red Hot Obsessions (231 page)

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Authors: Blair Babylon

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Collections & Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Literary Collections, #General, #Erotica, #New Adult

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Fuming mad like a bull about to charge, he turned back to tear me apart and kick my ass no doubt, but Thor shifted around and got in his way, palm slammed into his chest.

“Hey, idiot! Settle down!” Thor seized Mittsy by the leather lapels. Most of the snaps on his vest came undone when Thor yanked him forward to get up in his face.

Mittsy stood there bear-chested. Yes,
. He was a furry without even trying.

“Get the fuck out! Pushing women around does not make you a Dom. If you don’t walk out on your own, right now, I think this girl can handle the job for Steve and toss your ass onto the cement. I’d better not see your troll face in here again. Got it?”

Grabber shook himself free and glared at the god, bouncer, owner or whatever he was. He stormed off and tore down the stairs.

Thor followed his angry strut with his gaze until the guy exited the main floor, then he turned back to me and ran fingers down my arm in concern, provoking a shiver. “Sorry ’bout that. Even with no alcohol to draw, we still get assholes in here from time to time. You okay?”

“Yes. He was about to chuck me over the balcony though, so thanks for the save. God, there are freaks like that who just think they can push strangers around without a verbal exchange?”

“Unfortunately, yes. Not just in here, but within the scene as well, which doesn’t help BDSM’s poor rep any. Respect for titles is expected here, but you don’t have to
to any Dom or Top here unless you choose to.” He eyed me up and down and hummed as he took in my face and eyes. He bit his lip with a slow slide. “Wow. You sure are a peach, just-ripened and surely sweet and juicy.”

My face flushed but my heart sank. Of all the fruit to pick.

As if he hadn’t just said that or turned me red, he continued, “A lot of bloodsuckers masquerade as Doms so they can overpower and abuse women, and there are also those who are truly interested in practicing, but they’re clueless and going off of misconceptions and uneducated guesses. I try to be accommodating to those on the learning curve, but I’m not taking chances with that piece of shit. That was his third and final shot. Hopefully, your first time at XX isn’t tainted now.”

“No, not really
, but I can’t stop shaking.”

“I know, honey. It’s okay. I have that effect on women.” His blue eyes gleamed with devilishness. “You should see my ...
talents.” The dirty tilt of his smile weakened my knees and made my lips twitch. I loved his flash flirtation.

I cleared my throat. “How do you know it’s my first time and that I’m ‘
’, as you say?”

“Well, not only do you have the wide-eyed antsiness most newbies have, I’ve never seen you before. Trust me, I’d notice a feisty auburn-haired beauty as scrumptious as you.” His hot breath grazing my neck gave me chills and his competing scents of mint and a musk that had a base of honey and leather drew my face closer to his skin. They were so comforting, cozy and warm. I wanted to curl up into his neck and suck in his, mmm, yummy aromas. He ogled me from head to toe again with chimeric caresses of fire, and my heartbeat rammed against my ribs in response. He winked and leaned closer to my ear. “Keep it on the down-low please, but brats are kind of my kryptonite. When I have to seduce or wrestle a sub and
her obey me, and she
but only after she gives me hell first, I’m done for. Total mush. You don’t take crap. I like that. I like the rush of conquest.”

I smirked. “Yeah, I can tell.”

“With those ninja skills and take-no-shit attitude, you’d get killer tips here if you’d be willing to swing Domme? Just sayin’.”

“Oh, no, I’m not job hunting or interested in dominating anybody,
, ha,
Thor. I’m just a sub on the prowl, checking things out is all.”

“Funny. You’re not the first one to say I resemble Thor. Chad Matthews, Chris Hemsworth, and I take turns on the posters. I fulfill a lot of Nordic fantasies around here … and cowboy and pirate … oh, and rock star.” He flipped his shoulder-length blond hair in a comical display of over-exaggeration. “It’s my dashing, bad boy looks.”

I laughed. “And bad boy
no doubt.”

“Fuck yes.” Wicked spells swam in his oceanic eyes. “And check out my tat.” He lifted his sleeve and showed off the viciously barbed rose that coiled around his upper left arm like a snake and looked like it was poking in deep at random and making his skin bleed.

I laughed. “Yeah, a bleeding tat definitely seals the deal.”

“It dazzles plenty around here. I get bitten there more than anywhere else.”

“Aw, your poor cock must be jealous.”

“Uh, you have no idea. If you’re on the prowl, pet, does that mean you’re unclaimed?”

“Oh, no, I am. We’re just … um, thinking about shit. Going from a brand new lifestyle into a giant question mark because of a few unforeseen bumps.”

“Not uncommon. It can take a while to get in sync. What’s your name, cutie?”

I snickered and rubbed my hot cheek. “Addison.”

“Hi, Addison. I’m Jason.”

“Master Jason?”

“Just Jason. I’m only
Jason when I work the balcony. Some subbies are looking for a specific fantasy when they scene with me so I let them pick what they want to call me. Other House Doms are far more stringent about the Master thing.”

, are you the owner or something?”

His sly grin said he found my name for him adorable. “Nah. My cousin owns the club. I just work here. It feeds both my lusts
my pockets. Can’t beat that.”

“No, I guess not. Well, you do talk a good game and can make me quiver like nobody’s business. I’m curious though, are you a
Dom or just skilled at playing one and baiting suitable catches because you’re paid to fish?”

“Ooo, so sassy. Wanna find out?”

I blushed, gawked and laughed under my breath again. I felt like a giddy teenager. He made me feel entirely different things than Logan, and I wanted to revel in the new, zappy sensations firing off in my body. “No, um, thanks for the invite, but getting touched like that by someone else would feel like I’m being unfaithful. My Dom is my boyfriend too. I don’t want to like … cheat. I’m just here to observe. Get spanked at most.”

“Who says I have to touch you.”

I shivered. “Right.” My nervousness and the metaphorical ice in my cunt was melting like chocolate on a hot summer’s day. And the best thing, he was making me feel like I could actually do this and have some fun. My face and private zones suddenly filled with fizzing lava when I heard the crack of a paddle on flesh. I looked just in time to see Sabrina’s next whack. I smiled for her and my face got all the more warm. Even as she shrilled in agony at the hard launch into her backside, I could tell she was loving it. I could hear the delight in her screams. “Ah, I don’t know.”

He drew close to my ear again. “That damn blush of yours is making me rock hard. I’d love to add it elsewhere. If that’s the
you’ll be getting here, it should at least be from the best.”

“The best? I have my doubts you could top Master Michael. He looks sensational.”

“Try me.” He looked over his shoulder at the paddle scene and back at me. “Public spankings are fine, but I prefer to give private thrashings. There’s more intimacy. What say you?”

“I like to get either.”

His eyes widened in happy surprise at that, and he licked his lip. “That’s unexpected.”

“I’m a hot bundle of surprises. Are you spoken for in real life?” I asked.

“Uh, spoken for?” He scratched his cheekbone. “No. I can’t think of a single woman who’d be cool with what I do for a living. Can you?”

I smiled and looked back at him. “Oh,
I didn’t really think about that. So,
, let’s say, hypothetically, that I’m interested. What would I have to pay to scene with you,
, or to get you to paint me pink?”

“Hmm, I don’t know,” he scratched his face, then thumbed his lip slowly. “I could give you the club discount since you’re a first-timer and all. You are pondering it though, not shooting me down, so we are making promising progress.”

I squinted. “Are you just jerking me around?”

my upper arm, like, socked me a good one as if we’ve been friends forever. “Yep, there’s no fooling you. There’s no up-front, obligatory cost. I do get tips and, uh, certain
, we shall say, but I’m no man-whore. We’re sustainable through paid membership and cover charges on other nights—only Saturday nights are free. Membership opens up parties, munches, kinkier events than this, and decadent roleplay fantasies to serious lifestylers. Like, there’s a vamp night which is as sexy, hot and painful as it sounds, and a Daddy Dom/little girl tea and dance on Saturday afternoons that starts off as an innocent and cute play date then gets raunchier and raunchier as the day progresses with blatant group display, punishment, toy play, and humiliation.”

“I’m not a little, but it sounds fun. Do you play in that?”

“No, I don’t have time for kid games. I’m in high demand, ya know.”

I snickered because he said that in whimsical way over conceited. “No doubt. It’s because you’re so haaauh...” I clammed up. Oh my god!

“Hot or hung works for me,” he said without skipping a beat.

I really liked his quick wit. I glanced down at his package. “Even with your daring choice of purple and 1980’s mesh, I’d have to go with the former. I can’t testify to the status of your goods.”

“I lost a bet.” He seized my hand and shoved it to his package, forcing my palm and fingers to glide along and squeeze his erection. His pitch dropped a notch. “How about now? Can you adequately assess? Or do you need a visual?”

My blood sizzled. I was shocked I was still holding onto his stiffness even though he’d let go, and even further shocked when I said, “Yeah, I’m gonna have to see it to be sure.” Shit! I actually said that? I gawked, tore my hand off him and rushed away, taking all of five steps before he clutched my arms to yank me back and plant me against his torso.

After growling, “That can be arranged, Cinnamon girl,” in my ear, he then let me go, but I stayed right up against his body, his hard cock pressing into my spine. His hot breath, and then his thumbnail, grazing my skin, made me shiver. The hard line he scratched down my upper arm left a tingling ache.

I loved his raunchy playfulness and overconfidence that was laced with joviality. And I wanted to play. Badly. My mouth was watering for some fun. And he was a hot, hot Dom. His personality, his look, everything. His chest and shoulders made a wall of sexy that kept begging me to scale it and grapple for holds. Alarmed by the rush of arousal that simple scratch elicited, I took a step back when I turned around and said, “Bring it.”

He scowled and huffed.

Damn! My hesitant expression and recoil killed the confidence I wanted to project, but I was in war, wanting to do this with all my might yet terrified of enjoying it. I wanted to get Logan out of my fucking head, and this would surely do it.

“Are you
, little girl, or are
the one doing the jerking around now? I have one private scene a night, so I’m not gonna waste my time if you don’t
want to play. You look like you’re trying to muster up interest or courage. I’m no fucking consolation prize or coddler. I’m a damn good thrill for any female sub, no matter what we do. You can stop the scene at any time. I can see it on your face that you’re making it a bigger deal than it has to be. It’s casual and fun, nothing serious.”

“I want to, I do, but I will not be doing any jerking.”

“I know. I’d never ask you to disregard your Dom. But since you are responsible for this insufferable condition,” he ground my hand against his yummy hardness again and lowered his voice a notch as he added, “you should at least do me the courtesy of watching me resolve it.”

What! Instant turn-on. My mouth dropped open and my heart started beating faster, both at the paddle raps and yowls behind me and the eloquently spoken invite to visually dine on what I could already tell was a fine specimen of manhood. When he released my hand, I let go of him. “You’re right. Bearing fault, it would be irresponsible and rude of me to leave you in such a state. I might be
, but, sorry, I just can’t take you seriously in orchid.”

“Fuck the purple,” he said, then stripped off both shirts right out in the open in one swoop and tossed them in a ball over the banister. Oh my god. I think drool might have spilled over my lip, but I couldn’t truly feel anything in this state of mind-numbing gawkery. “Yay or nay, Addison? Your call.”

I yanked my eyes away and peered over the wooden rail to see where the shirt had landed. My mouth still hung embarrassingly agape when I looked back.

He stood there half-naked, with that fiercely sexy tattoo, and no one seemed to notice or care. Oh, my cunt sure did, squeezing and dripping like the fuck hole it is.

I narrowed my eyes and stiffened my back. “I’m in. Lead the way.” I almost called him Sir but stopped myself at the S, letting out only a hiss. “Jason,” I added. One person was my Sir. Just one. I wasn’t sure what to call him then. Master felt really weird and Sir was out. Maybe I wouldn’t have to call him anything. Maybe I could just keep my mouth shut. Yeah, as if that would even happen. I couldn’t believe I was doing this.

“Delightful.” Crazy how he could turn such a pretty word into a hard punch. “Follow me.”

Feeling sexually charged, I stalked after him with my shoulders high and pussy tingling.

He walked me two-thirds of the way across the balcony, then turned left and escorted me down a hallway. I followed him into a room at the end through double doors. It was navy blue and white in a nautical theme with circle windows and nets. Of course a kinky mermaid held a flogger next to an anchor on the wall. For normal furniture, there was a recliner, a sectional couch with ottomans, end tables and a coffee table, but for kink, there were ropes hanging from the ceiling for suspension, a swing, a horse, a spanking bench and two St. Andrews crosses, one along the wall, and another parallel with the floor that looked like it had movable arms. A decked-out dungeon at sea. This would be very hot for stowaway fantasies. Very.

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