Red Lines (16 page)

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Authors: T.A. Foster

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Red Lines
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“Yeah, I guess a lot of things are different since I left.” She joined him on the porch swing.

“How’s she doing? How are you doing?” He kicked off the porch, and they swung over the rose bushes.

The only place left to fall was on to Travis’s shoulder. She let her cheek rest against his T-shirt. “I think she’s in a state of shock. She’s talking about going after everything they own and all the financial assets.” Haven sat up. “I’ve never heard her talk about the business, ever. Unless it was a complaint because it kept Dad away from home.”

“Yeah, I’d say that’s a turn of events. But what about you? How are you taking all of this?”

“I guess I’m fine. It’s not like it’s news.” She thought back to all the times she almost told her mom Denton’s secret. To all the times she could have blurted it out or pulled her aside, but she never did. She held on to it; she buried it like the dirt it was.

“How long do you think you’ll stay?”

“I haven’t thought that far. Mom wants me to go back to Texas, but I can’t leave. I just got here.” She sighed. “I’m going to have to talk to my dad.”

“Are you really?”

“Yeah, I need to see him before I go back. He and I are, or were, in a good place for the first time in months. He really came through for me with my writing contract. Now I don’t know what to think.” Things were confusing.

Travis tucked his arm around Haven’s shoulder and pushed off harder than the first swing. “Where’s your cowboy? Shouldn’t he be helping with this stuff?”

Haven laughed. “You mean Evan?”

“Yeah, that one.”

“He’s in L.A. shooting a movie.”

“Ahh, think he’s coming out this weekend?”

She shook her head. “No, he’s in the middle of filming and they have a tight schedule. But he let me take the jet.”

“Nice perk. What’s it like dating an actual movie star?” He poked her in the side.

“I don’t think we can talk about this, can we?”

“Sure, why not? I’m kind of seeing someone. You’re seeing someone. Why can’t we talk about it? That’s what friends do, right?”

Haven pulled back. “You’re seeing someone? Who?”

“Melanie Tillis.” Travis cracked a smile.

“What? Are you serious?”

Melanie was a kindergarten teacher at the island school. She was older than they were by two years. Haven remembered the year she was homecoming queen. Although, on Perry Island, homecoming was during basketball season because the school was always too small to have a football team.

“What, you don’t approve? You don’t like Melanie?”

Haven tried to wipe the shocked look off her face. “No, it’s not that. She’s great. Her family is great. It’s just she’s older. She’s a teacher.” Haven was trying to picture the dark-haired surfer with the petite beauty queen.

“Teachers date too. You think a surf instructor’s not good enough for her?”

“No, no, of course not. You’re right. I can totally see why she would date you. That’s not what I meant.” Haven leaned back into the crook of his arm with a new understanding that she might be in Melanie’s spot. “You and the homecoming queen.” She whistled. “I guess I’ve missed a lot.”

If she hadn’t wanted so desperately to write music, maybe things would have turned out differently with Travis. He was sweet, funny, and hot. Of course Melanie would want to date him. Half the island girls did too.

The more she thought about it, the more it made sense. Melanie was the kind of girl who was ready to settle down and make Perry Island her permanent home. Teaching at the school had always been her dream, and it made her parents happy to have her so close. Travis may have found a perfect match.

“Not too much. You running off with a movie star and now this are the biggest pieces of news to hit the island since the hurricane.”

Haven sighed. She used to hate the rumor mill and how quickly gossip spread through the village, but she realized it was nothing compared to landing in the paper, on magazine pages, or the evening news. This was a simpler way to deal with headlines; she just hadn’t realized it as clearly until now.

“Trav, everything is so different.” The salt wind whipped at her hair.

He squeezed her shoulder. “You knew we were going to have to grow up some time.”

“I guess I did.” She heard the neighbor’s dog bark and wondered how things had drifted so far from center.

seen the dailies?” Jeff smiled over a cup of coffee.

“I’m not much for the headlines. You know that.” Evan watched his agent scroll through his phone for the third time this morning, glad that was someone else’s job.

“I know, man, but this is pretty damn exciting. Your face is on everything. Everything.”

Evan waited for a waitress to refill his coffee. Since word had gotten out that the secret movie location was no longer secret, he could barely leave the hotel. Jeff had agreed to meet him in the hotel restaurant, where other celebrities met without being hounded by the press.

“Listen to this one:
Is Evan Carlson up for the role of Dexter Red? Yes, definitely yes
.” He turned the screen around so Evan could see it. “And look at that picture of you. It’s fitting for Dex. When did you pose in that suit?”

“I think it was part of the
Spy Cross
campaign. Suits by day, black ops by night.”

“Right, right. That was a great movie.” Jeff leaned back in his seat, grinning. “This is unbelievable. We knew it would be huge. But this huge? Come on, man—not even a smile?”

Evan faked a toothy grin. “I’ve got other things on my mind.”

“What could be bigger than this? You are officially an international topic of conversation. You’ve made it. You thought you were big before, but this, this is it.”

Evan nodded at the waitress when she returned to the table and filled his cup to the brim. “Look, you told me I didn’t have much of a choice. I wasn’t exactly ready to retire, so I’m dealing with it.”

“Dealing? I don’t want to hear that. This isn’t a life sentence. It’s a gift. A beautiful, career-defining gift.” Jeff put his phone facedown on the table and leaned forward. “Tell me why you got into acting.” His tone had quickly changed.

“What do you mean?”

“What makes someone who could have played in the NFL hand that over for this?”

“I think my NFL prospects have been blown out of proportion like everything else I do. I wasn’t going to go that high in the draft. Besides, I don’t know if I can explain it.” Evan reclined in his seat.

“Try me.” Jeff looked sincerely interested.

“All right. I feel something when I do it. It’s a rush. It’s as big, no it’s bigger than throwing a touchdown. It’s a high that I haven’t felt in any other kind of work.” He picked up the mug. “Stepping through that adrenaline, pushing through it—that’s how I know I’m doing something. It gives me a feeling of…” He searched for the right word. “I guess accomplishment.”

“Then, why aren’t you owning that right now?”

“What do you mean?”

“This is your time. You’re playing the role of a lifetime. You’re popular, you’re liked, women are throwing themselves at you, and you’re doing something you love. Instead, you look like someone shot your dog. Come on, man. Enjoy it. This ride is never guaranteed. You are going to be a part of movie history because of
Red Lines
. You don’t want to look back on this time in your life and think it was a miserable experience, do you?”

Evan couldn’t go there. He couldn’t tell Jeff that without Haven everything felt empty and wasted. On the set, Emmy made everything complicated. He wanted to love the role. He wanted to be Dexter Red. He wanted to embrace the transformation that should be taking place, but he was afraid if he truly committed to it, he’d leave Haven behind and somehow relent to Emmy. He couldn’t tell Jeff all that. Better to just leave it alone.

“You’re right. I’ll work harder on looking happy.”

“I don’t want you just to look happy. Be happy, Evan. Enjoy this ride.”

“Got it. Happiness all around.” Evan smiled wider this time, actually feeling some of Jeff’s pep talk taking hold.

“Good, because tonight you’re going to a party.”

“I never got an invitation for a party.”

“You need some fun. You need to get out and see what you’ve created. I’ll meet you in the lobby at nine.” Jeff folded his napkin and tossed it on the table. “I’ve got a few calls to return on your behalf. See you then?”

Evan chewed over the options. It was either the party or another lonely night in the cold suite. “See you then.”


were always cool, but perfect for outdoor parties. Evan walked into the Hollywood Hills estate nodding and grinning. Only a few steps onto the patio and the crowd parted to make way for him and Jeff.

“See, what did I tell you?” Jeff whispered in his ear while patting him on the back. “You’re already a legend.”

Evan smiled. “I think you’re overacting just a bit. You haven’t been out of Texas enough.” He joked with his agent, but couldn’t help but notice that people who were usually his peers were treating him differently. Jeff wasn’t completely wrong.

“I’ll get us some drinks. Mingle. And remember, you’re here to have fun.” Jeff pointed at him before disappearing for the bar.

The party was outside on the pool patio overlooking a steep descent into a ravine. A long glass wall bordered the edge of the property, giving the illusion that you could just drop right down into the abyss.

Evan strolled to the edge and peered over the side. The lights stretched out until eventually the bottom was dark, and he had no idea how far it was to the bottom. He stepped back.

He felt the graze of a hand along his shoulder. He turned his head to see Julie Monaco next to him.

“So, what do you think is down there?” she asked, keeping her gaze at the darkness in front of them.

“Definitely wildcats, maybe a bear or two.”

“Have you ever seen any up close?”

“I’ve seen plenty on my ranch. I’ve got all kinds of wildlife running out there.”

He noticed she had yet to face him. Julie was one actress he had always wanted to meet. She was in
Vegas Star
, Ivy Grace’s first novel turned screenplay, and he always thought they’d have something in common since he too had starred in one of the screenwriter’s films. It was one of those Hollywood things that made them part of the same clique, even though they had never crossed paths.

“You like the wild?” She stood on her tiptoes, leaning closer to the glass. It made him uncomfortable how close she was to the edge, even with the barrier. He wanted to grab her shoulder and pull her back from the ledge.

“I guess you could say that. I like nature. I’m an outdoorsy guy.” He shoved his hands in his pockets.

“I was wrong about you, then.” Finally, she pivoted and looked at him. Her auburn hair looked almost black under the night. It was layered around her shoulders, and she was wearing a strapless black dress.

“How so?” he asked.

“I’m just saying it’s nice to still be surprised when you meet a big movie star.” She winked.

“Big movie star, huh? What about you? You’ve got an Oscar nod, and I don’t have half the titles under my belt you do.”

“That doesn’t mean much anymore. It only matters what movies you do. Looks like you choose wisely.”

Evan hesitated. “Talking about
Red Lines

“Of course. Isn’t that what everyone is talking about?” She cocked her head to the side. “You know I read for the part of Karina?”

Evan shook his head. “No, I had no idea. I kind of came into the film late.” He tried to shake the vision of Julie taking Emmy’s place on set. He debated which one would be more trouble.

She giggled and took a sip of wine. “With Emmy Harper interested, no one else had a chance. Even if I did want to work with you.”

He was shocked. Julie was unexpected. “You wanted to work with me? Why?”

“Because I heard you were fun. You keep things light, but have a way of taking the work seriously. Not to mention, you’re pretty easy on the eyes.”

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