Redemption is Here (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 9)

BOOK: Redemption is Here (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 9)
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By Morgan Kelley




































Copyright 2015 by
Morgan Kelley LLC
All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or in an information storage            or retrieval system without written consent from the author. All characters are fictional and any similarity to real life or individuals is coincidental.





Copyright 2015 cover photo ‘Old Misty Graveyard at night’ by Ilikesoup. Purchased from December 02, 2013        














Other works by Morgan Kelley:


Standalone Novels

The Junction 


Serial Sins   


The Blood Betrayal


FBI Thriller Series

The Killing Times (Book 1)


Sacred Burial Grounds (Book 2)


True Love Lost (Book 3)


Deep Dark Mire (Book 4)


Fire Burns Hot (Book 5)


Darkness of Truth (Book 6)


Devil Hath Come (Book 7)


Consumed by Wrath (Book 8)


Redemption is Here (Book 9)



Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Series


Celestia is Falling (1)


Vegas is Dying (2)


Christmas is Killing (3)


Love is Bleeding (4)



Littlemoon Investigations


Blood Red Rage (Book 1)


Lost & Broken (Book 2)



The Carter Chronicles


Sinner Repent (1)



The Harcourte Vampyre Society series


Dangerous Revelations (1)


Dangerous Choices (2)

































         ~~~~       About the Author    ~~~~

Morgan Kelley lives in the beautiful Pocono Mountains with her husband and two children. After attending college at Penn State University and studying Criminal Justice, Morgan knew her only true passion in life would be murder and books. She put them both together and began her career as a writer. Other than books and writing, you can find Morgan hanging out in her garden and digging in the dirt.


Her other works include: The Junction, Serial Sins, The Blood Betrayal, The Killing Times (1), Sacred Burial Grounds (2), True Love Lost (3), Deep Dark Mire (4), Fire Burns Hot (5), Darkness of Truth (6), Devil Hath Come (7), Consumed by Wrath (8), Redemption is Here (9), Blood Red Rage (1) Lost & Broken (2), Celestia is Falling (1), Vegas is Dying (2), Christmas is Killing (3), Love is Bleeding (4), Dangerous Revelations (1), Dangerous Choices (2), and Illegal Fantasies (Anthology 1)


Please feel free to visit Morgan at her website:, email her
[email protected]
, or visit her blog at












































Tony Magnus
Meets His Match...





definitely wasn’t for the faint at heart.

takes a special kind of person to take another’s life. The entire process is a bloody mess and often makes you wonder about your sanity. It makes you question everything you’ve ever learned in life.

Is it

it be wrong?

Then, when it comes down to it, there can ultimately be
only one judge. In the end, God Almighty is the only one who has the final answer for those questions. Even for him, life was all about balancing right and wrong.

Good and evil.

Sinner and saint.

That’s why God picked him.

Gazing down from the heavens, the Lord must have known that he was the perfect person to do this type of job.


He was chosen because he was a dutiful follower who didn't question God’s word. There were people in life who thought first, and then there were those who jumped right into action.

He was the latter.

Yet, taking a life shouldn’t be done easily. It needed to be balanced in careful consideration and judgment. Without that, it would be a bloody mess.

After all, w
ho decided which men and women were destined to die?

When the time came and thei
r number was up, someone had to make the final decision.

Who was strong enough to do it?

He was.

There would be no choice, because he was doing the Lord’s work. When one pictured the great power above
, wielding the sword of justice alone to balance the scales, it was nothing more than fallacy.

To believe that God saw and handled
everything on his own was ridiculous. He may continually have a watchful eye on everyone, but deliverance of justice could be slow. After all, the Lord was a very busy deity.

So, he had enlisted a little help.

There was nothing wrong with picking one of your creations to do the dirty work. Everyone needs a little assistance now and again, or someone to make spur of the moment calls on the fly.

Well, he was it.

He would watch, pray, and then make the final decision. God understood, because he was overburdened. Let’s face it; mankind is a vile, hideous lot who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about their fellow humans.

Now, he was helping God keep the sinners from corrupting the saints.

It was his calling.

From his childhood, he knew he was destined to handle it. He always wanted to be special, and what better way than to hold the life of another in his hand?

This was the ultimate gift from his Lord. It was something only given out to a few special angels, who he picked to do his bidding.

It was his job to do what he knew to be right.

With the slightest inclination, life was stolen or preserved. It was as close to being holy and God-like
as he would ever get. Don’t get him wrong, he knew that he wasn’t even close to being worthy of worship, but with this offered power, he was a marked man.

He was holy.

As long as he remembered who the boss was, he would be fine. To think otherwise would be blasphemous. Instead, he liked to think of himself as the Grim Reaper of sorts. It was his job to listen to God and make his move.

It took planning.

It took patience.

It took cunning.

That’s why he was the chosen one.

The Lord has his plans, and he was destined to be his right hand. Forget Jesus. He was going to be the sword that smote the sinner and saved the saint.

It was his duty in life.

As a child, his mother always told him to
remain holy. There were hours spent at church, long periods of bible study, and so much time spent molding him into the precious vessel of the Lord.

It wasn’t wasted.

She always expected holiness from her family. They needed to be above the law of God, living and sinning as little as possible. In her home, you either were on the Lord’s side or you were asking for his wrath.

The choice was easy.

Wouldn’t she be so proud to know that he’d finally reached this pinnacle? Where she never believed he could do it, God had other plans.

He was on top of the world.

Now, nothing could stop him from making his mark on the people he was sent to judge. With this new found power, he was above reproach. Anyone who saw him doing his work would know the truth.

He was meant to be the
Angel of Death.

It sent shivers through his body at the mere thought of the
title. Where some people lived their lives in a bubble, he didn't. As a follower of God, he was firmly rooted in his faith.

Nothing escaped him.
He saw it all, and it was his job to keep track of it. Maybe it was a good thing that he blended in so easily. He could watch, learn, and handle any situation that arose.

For example?

Well, just look at the woman on his prep table.

He was currently cutting into her chest, trying to remove her heart. It wasn’t easy. Who knew the breast bone was so damn thick?
After hacking at it for a while, he finally gave up. Instead, with a simple pair of garden tools, he snapped open the ribs, giving himself some space. Now, he had direct access to what he needed.

Her heart.

Oh, she was going to be losing it to him shortly.

After her
flagrant actions, there had been no choice.

For weeks, he’d watched her
, as she headed in and out of church and town. On the outside, this woman looked pure, but she wasn’t. She’d have her open dalliance with whoever she wanted, only to think she was above getting caught.

Well, she was definitely seen.

He didn't miss any of it.

Oh, and
God wasn’t happy.

So, his
Angel of Death was called out to do the job. Now, she was dead and ready for the final part of the task.

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