Rediscovering Peace (Military Love Book 1) (27 page)

BOOK: Rediscovering Peace (Military Love Book 1)
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“Are you sure you’re okay to go on your own? I can take you.”

“No, it’s fine. I will be back in about thirty minutes. You can start unpacking if you don’t mind.”

I grabbed my keys and headed to the closest pharmacy. I purchased three pregnancy tests just in case. I pulled up to the gas station and locked myself in the bathroom. I didn’t want to take a chance of Braden finding out.

I peed on all three sticks and waited for what seemed like the longest two minutes of my life. When the time was up, I took a deep breath and slowly opened my eyes. Three positive tests were staring back at me. I was pregnant with Braden’s child. My earlier fear turned into excitement. I was having a baby. I couldn’t wait to tell him but first I wanted to make an appointment with my gynecologist to make sure everything was alright with the baby. I wrapped the tests and disposed of them in the trash.

I walked out to my car and called my doctor. She was able to squeeze me in the next day and I could barely contain my giddiness. When I got back home, Braden was already busy unpacking and getting the house ready. I joined him and we were busy for the rest of the day. It was hard for me not to tell him about the pregnancy but I only had to wait one day. I could do it.

After the long day we had, we both curled up on the couch and watched a movie. Soon we were both asleep, and I only woke up for a short time when Braden carried me to bed in the middle of the night.

The next day Braden had to go back into work to do some more paperwork and I unpacked some more before it was time for my appointment.

I arrived at the doctor’s office early and soon was led to the examination room. The doctor came in and asked me when my last period had been.

“Well, let’s do an ultrasound shall we?” She prepped me for a vaginal ultrasound since it was too early for an abdominal ultrasound.

“Ahh... there it is.” She pointed at the screen and I was looking at a little blob.

“Is that?”

“Yes that’s it. We won’t be able to hear the heartbeat for another three weeks or so.”

My eyes filled with tears. My blob. I had never experienced anything like this. Now I wished Braden was here with me to feel it too. I couldn’t wait till later that night. I already had an idea of how I would tell him.

“It looks like your baby is doing just fine. You are about seven weeks pregnant, which puts you at a due date of April 10
. I am going to prescribe some prenatal vitamins. You’ll have to make sure you eat enough so the baby gets all the nutrition it needs. Other than that, you should be fine. I want you to come back in a month for another ultrasound. Will the dad be joining us then?”

“Yes, yes he will. Oh my God. I can’t believe this is happening. I am having a baby.” I was crying with happiness.

The doctor smiled brightly at me and sent me on my way. I headed to the store and grabbed a few things I needed for Braden’s surprise.

I prepared dinner when I got back home and waited for him to get back from work. Dinner was almost done when I heard the front door open.

“Hey, beautiful. Did you have a good day?” He hugged me from behind and kissed me on the cheek.

“Yes I did. I finished some more boxes. Now we only have a few left. We can tackle those later. I have dinner ready. Why don’t you go sit down while I bring out the food?”

“Mhmm... I have found a good one. She feeds me.”

Laughing I slapped him across the chest.

Soon we sat eating dinner, indulging in light conversation. I was getting more nervous by the minute and had to fight hard not to play with my hair. He would instantly know that something was up.

When we finished, I cleared off the table and got Braden’s gift. I set it in front of him.

“What’s this?” he asked suspiciously.

“Just a little something for my soon-to-be-husband.”

He opened it and when he saw the baby socks he looked at me incredulously.

“Keep digging in the box.” I urged him on.

Finally, he got to the ultrasound picture that the doctor had printed. He looked at me, looked back at the picture and I could tell when it finally clicked. His eyes widened and a smile spread across his face.

“Are you? Wait... We are having a baby?”

“Yes. I am about seven weeks pregnant. My due date is April 10
. We are going to be parents.”

“But how? I thought you were on birth control?”

“I was. But then everything with Dylan happened and I forgot to get back on it after the hospital stay. I am sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I know it’s too soon.”

“Baby, don’t apologize. You just made me the happiest man on earth. I am going to be a dad.” He got up and pulled me in his arms.

“So you’re happy?” I asked.

“Happy? I am over the moon excited. This is all I have ever wanted. Marry you and have children. I can’t wait to see your belly grow with our baby.” He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. He carried me to the bedroom where he laid me on the bed. He was making quick works of his clothes and was standing in front of me gloriously naked. He crawled in bed and between kisses he peeled off my clothes as well. When I was completely undressed, he lowered his head to my stomach and put his lips to it.

“Hey, my sweet peanut. I can’t wait to meet you. We love you so much already. No more making Mommy sick though. She needs all her strength to carry you in her belly and to make sure you’re healthy.”

I started crying at his words. I don’t know how I ever doubted his love for me.

“I hope those are happy tears, love.”

“Yes they are. Now make love to me. I want to feel you inside of me.”

“But... What if I hurt the baby?”

I busted out laughing. “You won’t hurt the baby. The doctor said it’s perfectly fine to have sex during the pregnancy.”

“Well then, I guess I should listen to the doctor and make sweet love to my future wife.”

Then he lowered his head down to my nipples and started sucking on them. I squirmed at the sensation. My need for him grew as he went lower and started licking around my clit. When he slid two fingers inside of me, I was about to combust already. His fingers were stroking my inner walls as he finally started sucking on my nub. I wiggled underneath him but he used his free hand to restrain me to the bed and still me. His tongue was circling around my opening relentlessly. I felt the familiar build up and soon I was crying out Braden’s name. He flopped on his back and pulled me up so I was straddling his hips. I lowered myself on his hard length moaning at how filled I was. I started lifting myself up and down setting the pace. He was hitting my sensitive spot and I knew I was close to coming apart again. Suddenly, he flipped me on my stomach and entered me from behind. His finger was circling around my back entrance and he gently pushed his thumb into me. We had been experimenting with anal play but never went all the way. I was ready for it now.

“Braden, I want you there,” I said in between trying to catch my breath.

“Are you sure? I don’t want you to do anything you don’t feel comfortable doing.”

“I am sure.” He pulled out of me, reached into the nightstand and pulled out some lube. After lubricating me I felt him at my entrance. I stiffened but I wanted this.

“Relax, baby. I’ll take it slow, I promise. If it’s too much we will stop.”

I relaxed into the pillows and he slowly pushed into me inch for inch. It was a bit painful at first but the pain quickly turned into pleasure and I urged him on to push in completely. He complied with my wishes until I was completely filled with him. He brought his hands down to my clit and circled them around it while slamming into me. There was a tingling sensation going through my whole body. He stroked my clit a few more times before I combusted around him and had the most toe curling orgasm I have ever had. He followed me shortly and as he cried out my name we both flopped on our sides covered in sweat.

“That was amazing.” He grinned at me.

“I love you so much, Braden.”

“I love you too. And our little peanut.” We took a shower together to clean up. After we got done we went back to bed and cuddled up together.

This was my life. I couldn’t be happier. Braden was by my side and soon we would be joined by our little peanut.

Chapter 15


3 months later

It was Christmas Day. Skye and I were about to get married. Luckily the weather Gods had been on our side and it was a beautiful warm day. She had spent the night with her parents to stick to traditions. It had been hell. I hated being separated from her, but in just a few hours she would be walking down the aisle and become my wife.

The last three months had been the best months of my life. I was watching her belly grow with our child and I swear she looked more beautiful every day. She complained that she wouldn’t be able to fit into her wedding dress all the time, but her eyes showed how proud she was of the life growing inside of her.

After she had told me that we were having a baby, she had made another appointment so I could be there and experience everything with her. It was the first time they did an abdominal ultrasound. It was amazing to see my child growing inside of her. When we heard our child’s heartbeat my knees buckled under me.

Now, not too long ago we had found out that we would be having a little girl. To say I was scared shitless was an understatement. I was mentally already stocking up on ammo to keep any admirers away from her. My daughter was grounded from dating until she was thirty. I already felt sorry for the poor bastard that would try to steal her heart. Not with my girl. Only over my dead body.

Skye’s attacker was never sentenced since he had committed suicide not too long after being arrested. I hadn’t exactly looked forward to the trial and Skye having to relive everything again. She still woke up from nightmares some nights but with the help of Dr. Ferguson she was doing a lot better. I knew it was bad, but I was happy the bastard wasn’t alive anymore and would never be able to hurt another woman again. He got what he deserved.

I was standing at the beach where we would get married. Everything was already set up. There was an arch that was decorated with purple lilies and about ten chairs were set up. We had stuck to our plan to keep the ceremony small. As I stood there I thought back to the day when we told our parents and friends about the baby.

Skye had invited everyone over for dinner. She claimed we were having a small housewarming party. The plan was perfect.

She had set the table and on every plate was a little box that contained their surprises.

They arrived a little after 6:00 p.m. and after settling at the table Skye brought out the food.

“What’s with the gift boxes? Is it our birthday or something?” Pete asked.

“Haha. No. But Braden and I do have a little surprise for you. Why don’t you open the boxes and find out?” Skye grinned at them.

They opened up the boxes and looked at us surprised.

Caige was holding up an onesie that read: “My godfather is better than yours.”

Faith had one that said the same just with godmother.

Skye’s parents got a bib that said: “My grandparents can kick your grandparents’ ass.”

And finally my dad had a little shirt that said: “My papa is cooler than you.”

Finally, Skye’s mom looked at us. “You are pregnant?”

I smiled at everyone in the room “Yes. We are having a baby. Skye is at twelve weeks now. Sorry we didn’t tell you right away, but we wanted to get out of the first trimester before telling anyone.”

Faith started jumping up and down. “I knew it. I just knew it. You haven’t been drinking and you have that glow about you. OMG, I am going to be an aunt.” She went and hugged Skye and me.

Everybody started talking about the baby, nurseries and things we needed to get. They were all just as excited as we were. Life was great.

“Are you nervous?” Caige pulled me out of my thoughts.

“No. I have been waiting for this day for over a decade now. I just want it to be over with and make her mine.”

“Skye doesn’t have a big brother, but I have pretty much taken on the role. I love her like she was my sister. You know I think highly of you and you guys are perfect for each other. But if you hurt her I will kill you and make it look like an accident.”

BOOK: Rediscovering Peace (Military Love Book 1)
10.38Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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