Reed, Erika - Something Worth Waiting For (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (10 page)

BOOK: Reed, Erika - Something Worth Waiting For (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Nick walked back into the room carrying a washcloth to clean her. When he was done, he got under the covers and pulled Jenna into an embrace. Tyler was on his back with Jenna’s arm and head on his chest. “Tonight was the best thing that has happened to us in a long time. So many years have gone by without you in our lives. We have missed you, honey. We love you so much.”

Jenna could feel her heart expand at what he’d just said. She knew they meant it. She loved them, too. Jenna felt a tear leak out of the corner of her eye. These men had wormed their way into her heart again. She couldn’t bear the thought of leaving them again. She didn’t want to. They made her feel at home. They felt like home.

* * * *

After they made love, Tyler carried Jenna to the bathroom. Nick had run them a bath. He also had placed some candles surrounding the tub, and they used the candlelight to bathe one another. Jenna took turns soaping up their hard bodies. Their chests were sculptured like works of art. When God made these men, he definitely took his time on them.

They had just made Jenna come in the tub with their fingers and mouths. She just had sex with them, and she wanted them all over again. They carefully dried Jenna off, and they all climbed back into bed.

Through the night, she felt slight touches and kisses on her body. Jenna had never wanted anything more in life than to be right here for the rest of her life.

* * * *

Jenna woke the next morning between two sex gods. Tyler’s body was pressed against hers with his cock between her cheeks. Nick was sleeping on his back with Jenna’s arm thrown across his chest. Jenna let her hand stroke his light dusting of chest hairs. She heard his breathing change. She also felt Tyler’s dick harden behind her. Jenna raised her head off his shoulder to see Nick was staring at her.

“Good morning, honey. Did you sleep well?”

“Very well, Nick.”

“Umm, I didn’t. I wanted to wake you up all night. I can’t seem to get enough of our Jenna here.” Tyler rolled Jenna onto her back and began to suck her breast into his mouth.

“You guys are going to be the death of me.” Jenna felt Tyler lick and suck his way to her vagina. She then could feel Tyler roll her clit into his mouth. “Yes.” Nick then ran his finger along her cheek.

“Open up, honey. I want to feel that hot mouth of yours around my cock.”

Jenna kindly obliged to his request. She loved the taste of him. He was so manly. So erotic to look at. Nick looked into her eyes with adoration. He had such a warm smile. Jenna then cupped his scrotum, and that earned a moan from him.

Tyler used his finger to pass into her backside as he sucked her clit and used his thumb at the same time. Jenna felt herself come undone as her orgasm exploded. Nick then shot his seed down her throat the same time she was coming down from her orgasm.

“Well, I think I’ll go get in the shower now. It’s your turn to make us some breakfast today, Nick. I’m going to take Jenna in the shower with me and wash her back, and then I’m going to make Jenna come again in the shower. Hopefully by then you will have our breakfast ready for us when we’re done,” Tyler said to Nick, with a wink.

They all just laughed as they went their ways.

Chapter 18

Beth had called Jenna after breakfast. She was anxious to have Jenna work on her site. They had agreed to meet at her store that afternoon. Nick and Tyler had some work to do in the office, so they dropped her off and told her they would be back to get her in a few hours.

“I just love your store, Beth. It has a little of everything.” Jenna took a look around a little better today. She didn’t have the time to look at the things in Beth’s store when she was in town the other day. Now that she had more time on her hands, Jenna wanted to look around the shop at her leisure. It was strictly a women’s apparel store.

“My website is very popular to women that live outside of town and can’t make it here regularly. They like how they can order my things online and have them sent to them. A few of my customers like the discretion of ordering the adult toys without having people in town knowing their business.”

“Do you want to get some coffee at the diner and work on this there? I would love to get a piece of pie. I’ve had a craving for it for the past couple of days.”

“Well, I’m sure Nick and Tyler have been keeping you quite active and you need to keep your strength,” Beth said with a smirk.

* * * *

“Do you think she’ll stay?”

“I really hope so, Tyler. We’ve come a long way with her these past two weeks, and everything seems to be working out perfect.” Nick and Tyler were finishing up their work in the office before they had to pick up Jenna from shopping.

“I’m hoping she’ll see how comfortable she is here again and want to stay. Her arm is stronger now, and I’m afraid she’ll use that as a reason to go back to California.”

“I know she loves us. She’s just afraid to say it. I could tell we’re breaking down her walls. It’s getting harder for her.” Nick wanted Jenna to be in their lives more than anything. She was their perfect match. She made them feel and want things they never thought of with any other woman.

“I wish she would communicate with us more about the past. I don’t want her thinking it’s just sex with us. It never was in the past when we were growing up. Now we are able express our sexual attraction to her.” Tyler ran a hand through his hair. “I can’t get enough of Jenna. She has me thinking of her night and day. I lie awake at night just staring at her, just to make sure I’m not dreaming. I want to make sure she’s still here, in our bed, night after night. It’s like I want to memorize every minute she’s around.”

“I know what you mean, buddy. I know what you mean.”

* * * *

Jenna was ready for them when they picked her up later that day. She had a good time with Beth. They found they had a lot of things in common. Jenna didn’t have many friends in California. She kind of kept to herself, especially after she lost the baby.

“How about we get an early dinner then we have a special treat for you later,” Nick said as he walked to the truck with her.

“Oooh, another surprise, a girl could get used to this treatment from two hunky men such as you.”

“Baby, we aim to spoil you rotten,” Tyler said as he hugged her to his side. “Did you have a nice time working with Beth?”

“Beth is very sweet. I will have to keep in touch with her after I leave.” Jenna looked up to see the hurt in Tyler’s eyes.

“Baby, I don’t want to talk about your leaving us. Let’s not ruin the evening, shall we.”

The ride to the restaurant was extremely quiet. Jenna wasn’t sure how to break the silence. She had made them mad. They knew she had to go home. Why couldn’t they just accept it? She just wanted to seize the moment and enjoy her time with them while she was still here.

* * * *

They were right! They had surprised her again. After dinner, they ended up at the only drive-in that still existed within a fifty-mile radius. They used to come here when they were teenagers. They would get a big container of popcorn, Jenna would hold it between them, and they would bring a small ice chest of drinks.

“I’ll run inside and get us some popcorn with extra butter. Do you want me to get anything else while I’m in there?” Tyler said as he opened the truck door.

“No thank you. I’m still full from dinner.”

Jenna sat in the truck with Nick while Tyler went to the concession stand. Jenna noticed how some of the young girls stared at him as he walked there. She couldn’t help but feel as giddy as they did. He was so handsome and manly. The young girls just giggled and fanned themselves as he walked past them. Jenna knew exactly how they felt.

“Are you having a good time so far, honey?”

“I’ve enjoyed every minute I’ve spent with you and Tyler. I always have, Nick.”

Jenna didn’t care what was on the movie screen. Her thoughts were only on the two males sitting on either side of her. Jenna thought of testing their will power for once. She wanted to see if she could be the aggressive one for once. Jenna slid her hands slowly up and down their thighs. She could feel their muscles twitch on their thighs. Aha! She had their attention now. Jenna then started making her way on the inside of their thighs, close to their groin.

“Baby, please don’t start something you’re not going to finish.”

“Who said anything about not finishing? I’m just getting started with you two. Now, unzip your pants for me and pull out those big cocks. You guys just sit there and watch the movie.”

“Movie? What movie? Who’s going to concentrate on the screen when we want to watch you,” Nick said as he unzipped and pulled his jeans down his thighs.

Jenna took hold of Nick’s cock, and then she slowly did the same with Tyler’s. Jenna slowly stroked their cocks simultaneously from root to head as each of them formed a small amount of pre-cum. Jenna used that to her advantage and rubbed it around the cock as a lubricant to stroke them. She heard Tyler let out a hiss as he helped Nick pull down Jenna’s pants. Thank God she wore her yoga pants again. That made it easier for them to take off.

“Jenna, I want us all to come together. Would you like that?” Tyler said as he pressed his hand firmly to her mound and inserted his finger to her pussy.

“Yes!” Jenna increased her rhythm while stroking Nick’s and Tyler’s cocks. They were so hard. She could feel their cocks throbbing and knew they were as close as she was.

Jenna felt Nick’s finger rubbing her clit quicker and harder. “Oh God, I’m going to come. Jenna could then feel Nick pinch her nub as she felt their cocks jerk in her hand.

“Jenna, please. Wrap your lips around my cock so I can come down your throat.” Jenna leaned down in time to drink Tyler’s come. “Yes, that’s it, baby.”

“Honey, I’m going to blow. Come suck my cock off now,” Nick said, and he wove his hands in the back of her hair as he came down her throat shortly after.

They sat there as their breathing started to even out. Jenna was pleasantly sated, and they pulled up their pants and tried to watch the remainder of the movie.

Chapter 19

It had been four weeks since Jenna had her accident. She had a doctor’s appointment in town with Dr. Monroe, so Nick and Tyler dropped her off. They told her they had to go check on a job site where the inspector had put a halt to their contract. One of them would come back to pick her up when her appointment was over. Jenna was feeling tired and wasn’t her energetic self lately. She just chalked it up to those insatiable men that kept her up all night, making love to her. Not that Jenna was complaining.

“Hello, Jenna, how have things been going for you?”

“I feel good, Dr. Monroe. I haven’t needed to wear the sling in a week or so. I haven’t had any headaches or symptoms from the mild concussion. I feel I’m ready to go back home now.”

“Yes. Well, let me be the judge of that,” The doctor felt the back of her head, did routine exercises to ensure her shoulder was back to normal, and he even gave her a sucker for being such a good patient. “Jenna, have you been sleeping well lately? You seem to have circles under your eyes.”

“Well, sleep isn’t one thing I seem to get a lot of staying with Nick and Tyler. Those two are full of energy.” They had been her ideal sexual partners. They constantly groped her and kissed her. The slightest touch from them landed them in bed. She couldn’t get enough of them. They were perfect mates for one another.

“Be that as it may, Jenna, I would like to send some vitamins home with you and some iron tablets also. I want you to run to the lab on your way out so they can draw some blood. I want to make sure there’s nothing else wrong.”

“I’ve just been tired lately and not very hungry. I get that way sometimes when my time of the month approaches. Please don’t mention this to Nick and Tyler. I don’t want them to worry about me.”

“Okay, Jenna, try to get some rest, and I hope you’ll come see me before you go back to California?”

“Thank you, Dr. Monroe. Have a good day!”

* * * *

Tyler came to pick up Jenna from her appointment. “Nick has some issues at the job site he needs to handle. I thought you and I could go for a ride on the boat and meet up with Nick later.”

“I would love to spend the afternoon with you.” Jenna knew she would be going home in a few days but was afraid to say anything to them. It was best just to leave without a word. She only wanted to go back with memories of the time she’d had with them.

It was a beautiful afternoon. The sun was out, the water was calm, and the lake was peaceful. Tyler had picked up some sandwiches and drinks for them to enjoy while on the lake.

“Jenna, you never did tell us what Dr. Monroe had to say. Is everything all right?”

“He said I no longer have to wear my sling and my shoulder has healed up nicely.”

“Oh. Well, that’s good news. Hey, the water’s warm enough. What do you say we take a swim?”

“I didn’t bring a suit.”

“You don’t need one,” he said with a wink

“Fine, but the last one in the water has to make dinner tonight.”

“You’re on, baby. You know how fast I can get naked when you’re around.”

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