Reed: Scifi Alien Invasion Romance (Hell Squad Book 4) (6 page)

BOOK: Reed: Scifi Alien Invasion Romance (Hell Squad Book 4)
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Maybe she’d have to think about what she could do to make him see
. See past the victim.

Natalya turned to her living area, which was dominated by a desk she’d had moved in and her comp sitting on top of it.

And resting beside the comp were the two energy cubes.

For now, she had these to focus on. She stared at the blinking light on the live one. At least her work didn’t twist her up inside. It was one thing that soothed her and made her feel in control.

She sat in her chair and picked up the cubes.
Time to tell me your secrets
. She lost track of time as she worked. She measured energy output, ran scans. Both cubes seemed almost identical, with faint grooves she guessed were decorative as she couldn’t see any other obvious reason for them. She lifted the cube that wasn’t operational. She couldn’t see a reason why it wouldn’t work.

Unless she pulled it apart.

She sank back in her chair, tugging the hem of her white, button-down sleepshirt. She didn’t like thinking that it had probably belonged to some now-dead businessman.

A movement at the corner of her room caught her eye. She gasped, jumping to her feet. Her chair fell over and clattered to the floor.

Heart beating, she lifted a closed fist to her chest. There was nothing there. Just shadows. Just nightmares trying to haunt her. It was always worst in the middle of the night, all alone, with only the past for company.

She tried some deep breathing. She’d visited the base therapist once and the woman had taught her a few methods for easing panic attacks. But Natalya hadn’t been back. Talking about the past, about the lab, just made her feel worse, not better.

She wanted to be bold, be confident again. She didn’t want to be a mouse to be coaxed or looked after. She wanted to charge up to Reed MacKinnon and kiss him, yank his shirt off and lick those hard abs of his. She wanted to see how long and thick his cock was, taste it, feel it inside her.

. She went damp between her legs. She rubbed her thighs together to try and ease the ache. She desperately wanted to know how she and Reed would fit together.

Her gaze fell on the cubes again. And on the grooves etched on the edges of them.
Fit together.

Fit together.

She hurried back to her desk, excitement surging. She lifted the cubes, studying the faint grooves. She and Noah hadn’t given them much attention because they hadn’t seemed important.

Natalya lifted the cubes, turning them, lining up the grooves.

The cubes clicked together.

And the non-operational cube flared to life, red lights flashing, while the lights on the other cube turned brighter and pulsed a golden-orange.

Her eyes widened. She snatched up her analyzer and ran it over them. The energy output was higher. She reached for her comp, tapping notes into it. It made sense now. The newer cube was a command cube. It carried the instructions and controls. She turned the joined cubes over. There were more grooves.

. You could clip multiple cubes together, increasing the power source as required. A couple of cubes could maybe power a vehicle. An armload, maybe a ptero ship. She chewed on her lip. A whole stack of them a facility—she swallowed—like a lab.

Or even a huge alien spaceship.

She touched the command cube. Could she hack into it? Could she do something to it that would render it useless?

It pulsed again and she felt an electric shock through her body.
. She snatched her hand back and the cubes clattered onto her desk. Tingles raced through her, and they weren’t the pleasant kind.

The sensation seemed to settle in her chest. Her heart jerked and started a rapid, painful rhythm. Gasping, she clutched her chest, and lurched to her feet.

She tried to pull in air, but panic was seizing her. She couldn’t breathe.

Couldn’t. Breathe.

She stumbled toward her door. Help. She needed help. Somehow, she got out of her room. She staggered down the empty tunnel, slamming into the wall a few times.

She wasn’t really thinking; she just kept trying to get air into her burning lungs and moving her feet. Her skin felt hot, and damp with perspiration. Her heart felt like it was going to burst out of her chest.

She reached a door and slammed her palms against it, sobbing. She slid down until her knees hit the concrete.

The door opened. Reed stood there, bare-chested, jeans unsnapped, tawny hair tousled.

“Shit.” He crouched and scooped her into his arms. “I’ve got you, brown-eyed girl. I’ve got you.”

She leaned into him. With his arms around her, she believed everything would be all right. But the pain in her chest made her moan.




Reed strode down the tunnel, jaw tight, and his arms secure around a shaking Natalya.

The way she was shivering, and curled in on herself…he was damned worried.

As soon as she saw the infirmary door appear ahead, she started struggling. “No.”

“Something’s wrong. You need to get checked out.”

. No more tests, no more prodding. I’m fine.” She jerked again and he had to tighten his hold not to drop her. She was fighting like a wild woman.

“Something’s wrong. You’re seeing the doc.”

“The energy cubes. I was working with them and I got some kind of shock.”

He frowned. “Then you definitely need to get checked out.”

“Please.” This time her voice was a harsh whisper, her brown eyes so large he could drown in them. “Please, Reed.”

. He breathed in, evaluating his options. Finally, he grabbed his communicator from his pocket and dialed up a name.

“Hello?” A sleepy female voice.

“Emerson? Reed. Something’s wrong with Natalya. She got some kind of energy shock from the alien tech she was working on. She’s not well.”

There was the rumble of a male voice in the background. Gabe.

Reed continued. “She won’t go to the infirmary. Could you meet me at my quarters?”

“Sure thing.” The doctor sounded more awake now. “Five minutes.”

Reed headed back the way he’d come. Natalya was still shaking, but she’d settled down.

“I don’t want to be checked out,” she said, tone mutinous.

“Too bad. Infirmary or Emerson. Your choice.”

Natalya muttered under her breath. “Not really a choice.”

“It is. I know you want to control your life again, but I won’t compromise your health.”

She was silent for the rest of the trip. He pressed his palm to his door lock and carried her inside.

He flicked on the lights and winced. Damn, he should have tidied up a bit. His bed was unmade, and there were clothes tossed over his couch. Dust was gathering in his postage-stamp-sized kitchen because he never, ever used it. And the center of the room was dominated by the makings of a mountain bike he was working on. He scavenged parts for it, and when he had free time, he was putting it together. He had no idea if he’d ever get to ride it, but he hoped so. One day.

He set Natalya on the couch. Hurriedly, he scooped up his clothes, opened the bathroom door and tossed them inside.

She was still shaking, her arms wrapped around herself, but she was looking around. “You’re messy.”

He cleared his throat. “Ah, yeah. Keeping things tidy is not my strong suit.”

Large brown eyes met his. “I’m very tidy.”

He smiled. “Yeah, I’d guessed as much.” And boy, did he want to mess her up a little.

It was then he realized she was wearing…not very much. That man’s shirt left her legs very, very bare. All that smooth skin…
Damn. She’s hurt, MacKinnon. Get a grip.

Suddenly, he was irrationally jealous of the shirt. Lying on her skin, against places he wanted to see, caress, kiss. He huffed out a breath. And he really hated that it was some other man’s shirt. He knew she would have gotten it at the base clothing store, and had no idea who it had once belonged to, but he had the urge to see her in one of his T-shirts. Soft cotton draped over her high, firm breasts.

The door chimed.

He let Emerson and Gabe in. The big man gave him a nod and they stood together as Emerson hurried over to Natalya, carrying a small medical bag.

“What happened?” There was a frown on Doc Emerson’s face as she studied the other woman.

Natalya explained what had transpired with the cubes. “I’m really feeling better now. I think I might have just had a panic attack, that’s all.”

“I’m going to run a scan.” Emerson lifted her m-scanner.

Natalya tensed and Reed moved closer, pressing a hand to her shoulder.

“Nothing intrusive, Natalya, I promise.” Emerson somehow kept her voice no-nonsense and soothing. “Just let me make sure you’re okay.”

Reed squeezed Natalya’s shoulder and finally, she gave a short nod.

She did seem better. Her skin wasn’t pale and clammy anymore. And her shaking had stopped.

A few seconds later, Emerson clicked off the scanner. “Everything seems okay. Your heartrate is a little elevated, but I’d say it’ll calm down.”

Natalya nodded.

“I suggest some sleep, not work.”

Gabe made a sound in his throat and Reed raised an eyebrow.

“Funny to hear her give that advice to someone,” Gabe said, voice low.

Emerson pulled a face. “Can it, big guy. I’m getting better at it.”

Again, Natalya curled her arms around herself. “I’ve…been having trouble sleeping.”

“I can give you something to help—”

“No.” Natalya shook her head vehemently. “No, no drugs.”

Damn the fucking raptors. Reed wanted to tear them apart for what they’d done to her.

“Okay,” Emerson conceded with a sigh. “Then I recommend you find something to help you relax. I’d suggest a hot shower or a bubble bath, but I know the water’s cold this time of night and you don’t have a tub. Maybe some warm milk? Some gentle music?”

“I’ll make sure she sleeps,” Reed said.

The doctor’s mouth twitched. “I’m sure you will.” She picked her small medical bag up and eyed Reed again. “Sex is also a good relaxant.”

Natalya made a choked noise. Reed smiled and shook his head. “We’ll take that under advisement, Doc.”

“All right, my job here is done.” Emerson straightened and turned to Gabe. “Come on, big guy. Now I’m awake, I might need something to help me relax.”

Gabe smiled. “A bubble bath?”

Emerson strode out the door and glanced over her shoulder. “No. That’s definitely not what I had in mind.”

Gabe nodded at Reed and hurried out after his woman.

When Reed looked over, Natalya had folded her legs up to her chest, her cheek pressed to one knee. She looked as though the tiniest thing would make her shatter. But if he told her that, she’d probably give him a tongue lashing. He knew she had a core of strength in there, but right now she needed a lifeline.

An idea sparked. He held out a hand. “Come on.”

“Where are we going?”

He swung her back into his arms. “To do something I know will help you relax.”


Chapter Six

When Reed carried her out of the tunnel and into the crisp night, Natalya breathed in a huge lungful of air.

Spring had arrived, and while the air was cool, it wasn’t cold. Actually, it felt good on her skin. Refreshing. Cleansing.

He carried her through the trees, following a path he clearly knew well. She knew he snuck out of the base whenever the need struck him. He had outdoorsman stamped all over him, so living underground had to be difficult for him.

“I can walk,” she said.

He shook his head. “Nope. I like carrying you.”

And she liked being carried. She wasn’t big but she wasn’t small, either, yet he carried her with an ease that made the feminine part of her sigh.

She knew where they were headed, but when he finally stopped and set her on her feet she still felt the beauty of the scenery wash over her. Moonlight glinted on the swimming hole. It wasn’t large, but it was pretty. It was roughly a circle and surrounded by large boulders and rocks. The dense bush came right to the ring of rocks at the water’s edge and there was just something so…calming and tranquil about it.

“Going in?” he asked.

She caught her lip between her teeth. She was desperate to feel the cool water on her skin. Should she go in with her shirt on? Make him turn around? Or finally reclaim a small part of her confidence?

She nodded, then started unbuttoning her shirt.

Reed straightened like he’d been hit with a stun gun. His gaze zeroed in on her hands. She took her time, slipping each button out.

When they were all undone, she clasped the sides of the shirt, ready to slide it off. She hesitated. Her scar was…ugly. She could have gotten rid of it, but she just didn’t want to undergo any more medical procedures.

Well, it was a part of her now, for better or worse. She shrugged her shoulders and let the shirt fall to her feet.

Reed’s hot gaze slid over her, lingering on her breasts, her belly and the juncture of her thighs. Oh, it felt so good to have a man look at her like that. To have
man look at her like that.

In the moonlight, she could easily make out the bulge at the front of his pants. The sight caused her breath to hitch. Then, she forced her gaze away, turned, and did a shallow dive into the pool.

The water was very cool, bordering on cold. But it invigorated her.

Okay, maybe the fact that she was naked in front of Reed had a little bit to do with it, too.

She surfaced and turned.

The rocky bank of the waterhole was empty.

Frowning, she treaded water, looking around. There was a ripple on the surface of the water, like someone else had dived in.

She waited for him to surface.

And waited.

Her pulse tripped. He’d been under a long time. She turned in circles, searching the smooth surface for any sign of him.

A hand gripped her ankle and gently tugged. She yelped and Reed pushed out of the water right in front of her, water streaming off him.

“You were under so long.” Natalya knew her voice sounded just a little breathless. All those muscles. His shoulders and chest were so hard, so sculpted.

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