Read Reestrian Mates - Complete Online

Authors: Sue Mercury,Sue Lyndon

Reestrian Mates - Complete (16 page)

BOOK: Reestrian Mates - Complete
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“I will love you and care for you until the day I die, my dearest Gina, if only you will have me. Mate with me here, in this room, and we will become bonded for life.” He trailed a finger across her lips and she shuddered. “I’ll even let you keep your job. Whatever makes you happy, my sweet, will make me happy too. Trust the mating bond to bring understanding to our lives.”

As he spoke, tears shone in her eyes, and she blinked fast several times. Even as she appeared on the verge of crying, a small grin played across her lips.

“Say you’ll mate with me, Gina. Say you’ll be mine forever.” Waiting for her response was torture, and his soul ripped apart anew with each second she remained silent.

Finally, her smile widened and she nodded. “Okay. Yes. I’ll mate you with you, Jax. As much as I feel like we’re rushing things, I can’t stand the thought of you hooking up with some random human chick outside the city. But I’m not just saying yes because of how jealous I’d be, Jax. I do like you, and this whole week that I’ve been pushing you away…well, you’ve really gotten under my skin. I hope I will make you happy too, and wow, I should probably shut up. I sometimes ramble when I’m nervous.”

“I look forward to making you ramble often, my sweet mate.”

She laughed.

Joy swelled in his chest, and his heart had never felt so full. His throat burned and he swallowed hard, then leaned down until his mouth was level with Gina’s. Their breath mingled together for several seconds, and after a shudder ran through her again, he claimed her lips with his, delving his tongue inside to taste and explore the sweetness of his mate.

His mate
. She would belong to him forever, and he thrilled at the thought of having her by his side, always. He was proud to call her his mate, this perfect little human who had challenged him that first day in the dome.

She moaned into his mouth and he kissed her harder, deeper, until they broke apart panting breathlessly. His vision blurred but he didn’t care. Now was the time to claim her, when his fever burned dangerously hot, and the bond between them could be forged.

“Just one moment,” he said, releasing her and rushing to the communication panel. He slammed his fingers over the buttons until Klemm’s voice filled the room again. “Gina and I will be alone in my house for the next few days. We would very much like it if no one disturbed us. Will you check on the dome for me and make sure the pilots keep to their schedule, assuming there’s no damage to the hovercrafts?”

“Ah, I guess a trip outside Rahatha won’t be necessary after all?” Klemm sounded both amused and relieved. “I will take care of everything. Now go and mate with your Gina.”

Chapter Four


Gina heard Alice’s delighted squeal in the background before Jax cut the line to their friends.

She grinned. This was really happening. Not only was she about to sleep with Jax, but she was committing to him for the rest of her life. This last fact should’ve scared her, but she felt nothing but his love, and his fierce desire to keep her safe spoke of his endless devotion.

He hadn’t fled to this bunker alone. He’d come for her, and he’d carried her through the streets during the Ettalian attack. None of her former love interests would’ve risked their lives for hers. She’d never believed in soul mates, or in fate, but as she stared into Jax’s eyes, she imagined she had been destined for this strong Reestrian male all along.

She expected him to pounce on her like a starved lion on a mouse, but he kept his distance for a long minute, and his intense gaze both unnerved her and sent excited tingles rushing through her. Finally, he moved from his place by the panel and started circling her. She could scarcely breathe and felt as if he was indeed a predator sizing her up, getting ready to devour her.

A deep growl emitted from his throat when he came to stand directly in front of her, and then he swept her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. He tossed her atop the covers and yanked at the hem of her skirt. The damn thing didn’t budge and she giggled.

“It has a zip,” she said with a grin. “In the back.” She turned over and wiggled her butt at him, expecting him to undo the zipper.

Instead, he gave another growl and ripped her skirt to shreds, ignoring her surprised gasps. His need to have her now, to take her so quickly and during the height of his fevered mating urge, left her quivering with desire. He shifted his weight off the bed and she heard two loud thumps.

She rolled over on her back, intending to give him her best come hither look, only to gasp again. Her mouth dropped open at the sight that greeted her. He stood before her in his birthday suit, so gloriously naked and proud, his muscles toned to perfection and his huge cock jutting out from between his powerful thighs. His own clothes, even those delicious tight pants he always wore, rested in tatters at his feet. His boots had been thrown all the way across the room.

“I can’t believe I’ve been playing hard to get these last few days,” she mumbled. “God, I’m an idiot.”

He didn’t seem to hear her comment, and he straddled her and made quick work of tearing off her panties, blouse, and bra. She lifted her center to his, and groaned at the sensation of his massive length brushing against her aching entrance. He growled again and pinned her wrists above her head, holding them down with one hand, while he explored her body with his other hand, caressing and squeezing her while she struggled to sink down on his cock. But she couldn’t move more than an inch, and she cried out in frustration.

Her pussy throbbed, and she met his gaze pleadingly, hoping he claimed her soon. She felt feverish and desperate to be filled up by his hugeness, to finally have him inside her. To finally belong to him.

“Is my little human mate getting impatient?” One corner of his mouth curled before he leaned down to capture a nipple, giving it a bite and then licking it to soothe the slight pain he caused. She was beside herself with need and she wiggled around underneath him, moaning and even cursing him.

, Jax, would you just fuck me already?”

“Tsk, tsk. You have quite the mouth on you, my dearest Gina.” He moved on to her other nipple, biting and running his tongue over it, all the while holding her in place.

“If you don’t take me soon, Jax, you’re going to hear every four letter word in the English language. I can cuss you out in Spanish too.”

He released her wrists and cupped her face, staring down at her with his black eyes. His flesh felt scorching against hers, and she groaned when his cock lurched up to her pulsing center, the tip of his length resting right at the entrance of her pussy. He kissed her then, much more gently than she expected, and she circled her arms around his waist and brought her legs up around his body. She wanted to take all of him when he finally thrust into her.

He pulled back and met her eyes, his expression tender and in contrast to his earlier roughness when he’d ripped of their clothes. “My dearest Gina. My mate.” He shifted his position slightly and in the next moment pushed all the way inside her, stretching her and filling her with his hugeness. She gasped and dug her nails into his back, gulping in air as she became accustomed to his generous size.

Rearing back on the bed, he gripped her hips and started plunging in and out of her pussy.

“Oh, Jax…” She tried to meet his thrusts, but she couldn’t keep up with his rapid pace, so she stayed in place beneath him and let him claim her, let him mate her with all the passion he possessed.


* ~ * ~ *


Jax drove in and out of Gina’s tightness, keeping his gaze locked with hers as he mated her, as he loved her. His heart swelled with affection and the world faded away, until they were in the stars and floating together in the vastness of space. She clung to him and shuddered, and he surrounded her with his arms, holding her against his heart.

The stars spun in circles, dancing around the moons of Reestria. Their hearts joined in a brilliant blast of light, their souls becoming joined for all time. A great sense of peace settled over Jax, and when the shared vision of their mating bond experience faded, they were back in his house, hugging one another and panting. She blinked several times, a blissful expression crossing her face.

“Wow. I had no idea it would be like that.” She stared into his eyes, her gaze emotional and filled with love. “I was so silly to fight this. You really care for me, don’t you, Jax?”

He smiled down at her and resumed thrusting into her, building speed with each plunge. “Yes, I care for you deeply, Gina. You are mine to love and protect, mine to hold against my heart every night for the rest of our lives.”

“I…wow…I feel so much for you too, I…” Tears glimmered in her eyes. “I’m completely overwhelmed with my feelings for you, Jax. I feel like crying, and I feel like laughing and dancing and smiling all at the same time.”

He grinned, pleased by her reaction. They could discuss the particulars of the mating bond later though. Right now, he wanted to focus on the physical aspects of their union, and he tightened his hold on her hips and pounded into her without mercy. She tossed her head around and groaned, trying to meet his thrusts but unable to keep up with him. She clutched the covers and cried out, and he felt her muscles clamping down around his cock as she found her release.

His came hard inside her moments later, filling her with his seed, all the while hoping he got her with child this first time. Growling low in his throat, he pumped into her until the last of his pleasure faded. Withdrawing from her slowly, he sat up on the bed and lifted her into his lap, cuddling her against his chest.

A soft sigh escaped her as she stroked her fingers through his hair. She was right where she belonged, in his arms with her head resting over his heart.

“You still feel hot,” she said, caressing his cheek. “But not as hot as before.”

“My fever will cool over the next few days. Our mating bond is complete, but the more I claim you, the more quickly I will return to normal.” Although, he knew that even once his fever had cooled completely, he would still want to claim her at all hours of the day.

“Ah, I get it now. The famous Reestrian-week-o’-sex I’ve heard about. I just hope my boss gives me the time I need off work. He can be a real hard ass.”

Jax chuckled and nuzzled his face in her hair, inhaling her sweet floral scent. He cupped her bottom and gave it a firm squeeze. “Let’s make it two weeks.”

Savage Alien


Chapter One


A series of explosions rattled the ground. Mia looked up as a second fleet of ships joined the three ships that were currently attacking Rahatha. She’d driven four hours just to glimpse the magnificent walls surrounding the secretive Human-Reestrian settlement in Oregon, and now she regretted her trip. She stumbled as another blast sounded, praying these new aliens, whoever they were, didn’t aim at anything outside the city’s walls. How stupid she’d been to park a mile away and travel on foot.

Green bursts of light caught her attention, and she paused and gawked at the sky. Her mouth dropped open. The second fleet of ships weren’t joining the first three to wreak havoc on the city. No, these ships were attacking the first ones.

. She’d slipped past the road block and trespassed on the same day an aerial battle was taking place. She wondered who the hell could be attacking Rahatha and why. None of the crafts zipping over the city resembled anything she’d seen on Earth. Humans didn’t have a hand in this violence. The black ships, the first three that had appeared, had to belong to a new race of aliens, while the gray ships that had appeared must belong to the Reestrians.

Holy crap
. She really needed to get back to her car. She would drive back to her apartment in Salem and gladly watch the rest of the battle on the news. She snorted.
the news covered it. She turned and ran at full speed until her side ached, then slowed and gazed over her shoulder just as the attacking aliens’ ships exploded into balls of green fire. Debris rained down upon the city.

. Was the battle over already? Her desire to reach her car and drive away to certain safety warred with her desire to witness what would happen next.

Thick swirls of smoke rose from the city. The fight had lasted all of five minutes, and it appeared the Reestrians were the victors. Maybe she didn’t need to rush back to her car, after all.

She came to a complete stop and cursed her curiosity. Her friends told her she was silly for driving so far just to glimpse Rahatha’s walls, but her desire to see it with her own two eyes had prompted her to save up the gas money for the trip.

Reestrians fascinated her. She never missed a news special about them, and after reading a book called
The Wonderful World of Reestrians
by the renowned expert on all things Reestrian, Dr. Leann Walters, Mia couldn’t stop thinking about them. How cool was it that aliens not only existed, but some of them lived on Earth too?

Oh, and the three chapters in Dr. Walters’ book that had been devoted to Reestrian mating practices made her heart race every time she thought of them. She had those chapters bookmarked, and a few choice passages highlighted.

Though Reestrians were more technologically advanced than humans, there was something deliciously primitive about them. The mating urge Reestrian males experienced sounded quite savage, and she couldn’t stop daydreaming about being swept away by a seven foot tall, muscular, well-endowed Reestrian at the height of his mating urge.

She reached for her water bottle, unscrewed the cap, and took a long swig. Maybe she needed therapy. Was it unhealthy to spend so much time thinking about Reestrians? Sure, the males were super hunky. Sure, the males were loyal to their females due to some magical mating bond. But she was a regular human girl, and all the job applications she’d sent to various businesses in Rahatha hadn’t even gotten her a phone call. What chance did she have of meeting a Reestrian male? None, it appeared. She’d spent her birthday money getting a Reestrian language implant on the black market and all for nothing. Fat chance she would ever get to try it out.

Where was her car? Had she been running in the wrong direction? A glance at Rahatha showed the friendly ships descending, and a second later they disappeared behind the walls. Except…not all of them landed inside the city.

Her heart thumped a wild rhythm and her water bottle slipped from her hand, falling with a thud and splashing over her feet. A large gray ship rose above the walls, as if the pilot had changed his mind about where to land, and headed in her direction.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

What if they thought she was the enemy too? She didn’t stand a chance against their advanced, otherworldly weaponry. Their green laser zappers had blown the other aliens’ ships to smithereens. If she didn’t hide soon, there would be nothing left of her but a charred spot in the grass.

Tossing off her backpack, she hightailed it for the tree line. A coopery taste invaded her mouth and the ache in her side sharpened. Gasping for air, she ran as fast as she could. She ran for her life. Panic swelled, making it more difficult to take in breaths.

The leaves on the trees ahead of her stirred, and then she felt the wind rushing over her and saw the grass and shrubbery along her path rippling with movement. A massive shadow fell over her. She screamed, and suddenly she wasn’t running anymore.

Her body tingled and her surroundings faded. The sensation of treading water, or strangely enough, air, lasted for two seconds before she found herself wobbling on a hard surface. Disoriented, her eyes flew shut and she slipped down, and her hands spread open upon a smooth, cold floor.

Well, at least she wasn’t dead. The Reestrians hadn’t directed their green laser zapper at her. But she wasn’t on the ground outside running for the forest anymore. Fear clutched her heart and a chill spread through her. She knew she’d been taken aboard a Reestrian warship, but the courage to open her eyes and confirm the truth fled. If she kept her eyes closed and stayed on the floor, maybe she would wake up in her bed and discover this entire day had been a dream, from her drive to Rahatha to the aerial battle to her capture.

The road blocks were there for a reason. The inhabitants of Rahatha didn’t want visitors bothering them, and though she hadn’t breached the walls, she had still technically trespassed on Reestrian land.

Her stomach flipped. What would they do to her? Would they turn her over to American authorities, or would they mete out justice themselves? She hoped it was the former, because while she knew a lot about Reestrians, she didn’t know a thing about their judicial system.

Footsteps echoed all around her, and she finally forced her eyes open.

She gasped.

Three large Reestrian males hovered over her, all wearing black uniforms. She realized with a startled cry that these weren’t any ordinary Reestrians. These men were Warrior Reestrians from the Giamot Clan. She’d read about them in Dr. Walter’s book, and her fear intensified tenfold.

Warrior Reestrians protected their kind, but they also lived by their own rules. While Reestrian males from other clans usually didn’t take a female against her will, those from the Giamot Clan thought nothing of stealing a mate. In fact, they sometimes made a sport of it, risking their lives to steal the most attractive females, even those from other clans.

She suspected they didn’t deal kindly with trespassers either.

“Human female,” the tallest Reestrian boomed, his gaze one of stark interest. “What brings you to Rahatha?”

Her whole body broke into a tremble. She tried to answer his question, but fear stole her voice.

The other two males grunted and left the room. Tearing her eyes from the Reestrian still standing over her, she glanced around and saw nothing but gray walls illuminated in soft, yellow light. Beneath her was a black circular platform. The room contained no furniture or control panels that she could see, and she feared this room might be intended as a prison cell.

Her prison cell.

The Reestrian gripped her upper arms and hauled her to her feet. She cried out and tried to escape his grasp, but his strength surpassed hers and she soon ceased her squirming.

“I’m sorry I trespassed,” she finally said, her voice shaking as hard as her body.

Her captor leaned down and began sniffing her.

What the hell
? Was he seriously smelling her? She swallowed hard and blinked rapidly as tears gathered in her eyes. She had never been more terrified in her life.

“You are unclaimed. That is good.”


She peered at him with wide eyes as she slowly grasped his meaning. Fantasizing about being carried off by a Reestrian male at the height of his mating urge was one thing, but to actually experience it? She felt dwarfed by his size, panicked by his intense gaze, and wished to God she had run faster.

His next words startled a gasp from her.

“My brother will find you pleasing.”


* ~ * ~ *


Sekor paced his quarters and ran a hand through his hair. A glance out the small window beside his bed showed they hadn’t landed in Rahatha yet. He bristled and felt his fever surge hotter.

His brother, Captain Heega, knew about his predicament. So why were they delaying their business on Earth and hovering outside the city walls? The sooner they landed and verified the safety of Rahatha’s inhabitants, the sooner they could return to Reestria.

The sooner he could find a mate.

His vision blurred and he swayed on his feet.

He would need to find an unclaimed female immediately upon his return home. His mating urge had begun a day ago, but tracking the troublesome Ettalians had taken priority over his biological needs. Now that the enemy had been defeated, there was nothing to distract him from the fierce impulses rising within.

Flashes of soft skin and silky hair impacted upon his mind. His muscles ached and perspiration soaked through his uniform. His cock stirred when he imagined tasting a female, holding her captive beneath him while he plundered her mouth and prepared to claim her body. Her heart and soul would come next, for during the moment of their first mating they would become bonded for life.

Almighty One, he felt like his head was going to explode. He paced and paced, and he cast another annoyed glance out the window. The ship was now descending to the landing platform inside Rahatha. Finally. He wondered if there had been a problem with the ship’s landing mechanisms.

How long did he have until his fever burned at its hottest? Hours? Days? He hoped it was days. Too bad there were no unclaimed Reestrian females in Rahatha.

He clutched his head as another wave of dizziness fell upon him.

He didn’t think he would be able to stop himself from claiming the first unmated female he came across. He paced faster, feeling like a caged animal. He wanted. He needed. He burned with desire. Ripping open his shirt, he emitted a deep growl.


* ~ * ~ *


“I am Captain Heega. What are you called, human girl?”

“Mia.” She gulped.
Holy shit
. Did this Reestrian really plan to hand her over to his brother? Did Reestrians turn lawbreakers such as herself into sex slaves or something?

“I will take you to Blina and Vessa. They will prepare you for my brother.” Captain Heega led her from the gray room with a firm grip on her arm.

“Wait! No!” Mia struggled, but it was no use. What chance did she have against the captain of a Reestrian warship? His muscles had muscles, and he had to be well over seven feet tall. At five foot six, she didn’t even reach his shoulders.

“Cease your fighting, Mia. You will need your strength.”

“Please send me back to the surface. My car is nearby. I will drive away and never venture near Rahatha again. I pr-promise.” Tears streamed down her face.

She didn’t think Reestrians were so cool anymore. If this was how they handled prisoners, she wanted nothing to do with the aliens. How ridiculous she’d been to devour every news article and record all the television specials about them. If Reestrians had a fan club, she would have been their president, but no more. All her fascination with the aliens faded under cold reality.

The captain hurried her through narrow, dim corridors. A few uniformed Reestrians bounded past them, nodding at their superior while giving her a curious look. Or perhaps it was a knowing look. Were they aware of her crime? If so, did they realize how outrageous her punishment was compared to the little crime of venturing past the road blocks?

She sniffled and tried to peer into the open doors they flew past, but Captain Heega was walking so fast she wasn’t able to glimpse much beyond a small cafeteria area and a room with lots of panels and flashing buttons.

“Wh-what is your brother’s name?”

“Sekor.” The
sound rolled off his tongue in a guttural purr that sounded perfectly alien.

“Can’t I get a trial before I’m sent to him? Please?” She peered up at the captain as he pulled her down a new corridor. “I’m an American citizen and I’m entitled to due process. Can I at least contact my lawyer?” Not that she had a lawyer. Who would she call anyway, even if he allowed her to contact someone?

“You belong to Sekor now.” Frustration threaded his words and he moved faster.

She renewed her struggles but it didn’t slow him a bit. A sense of urgency surrounded him, as if getting her to his brother was a matter of life or death. Her throat burned as she tried to hold back a sob. All the self-defense classes in the world couldn’t have prepared her to face off with Captain Heega, and if his brother was even half as strong, she wouldn’t stand a chance against him either.

BOOK: Reestrian Mates - Complete
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