Regency Rogues Omnibus (102 page)

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Authors: Shirl Anders

BOOK: Regency Rogues Omnibus
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Affinity’s core quivered as she watched him, trying fiercely to keep her breath from gasping. She should leave! She should set the journal on the hallway table and sneak away. Maybe he would never know. Perhaps he would always wonder how it got there. He might blame a servant. They could be fired for thievery. Touching something so private would make anyone furious. She could steal it, stuff it into her breeches now and flee.
She wanted it.
She never wanted to let it go. How could she wonder the rest of her life what else was written there?

Then, without realizing it, while her gaze was watching Law’s hand with his strong lean fingers slowly caressing . . . She just did it! She stuffed the journal into the back of her breeches. It was held by the banded waist and covered by her wool sweater. To keep her hands free, she assured herself as a passage from Law’s journal spirited unbidden through her mind.


. . . I have never had a woman’s mouth pressed to my swollen cock before . . .


She could not leave. Nothing in her soul could make her take that first step. It might be a sin or damnation upon her soul, but she had to watch. It was a living breathing thing inside of her and the desire of it made her knees weak.

Then, Law’s fingers began to unbutton the narrow pocketed front of his evening trousers. His head was tilted backward with his muscular throat bared and his male nipples hard.
Oh my god.
Affinity sucked in a climatic breath. Law’s nipples were tan circles on his raised breastplates with the tips taut and poking outward. Just like hers would be pink, but flushed to a deep rose, while lancing outward twice as far as Law’s aroused nubs. The desire in her clit strained, gnawing deeply at her.

Then, it was as though a curtain flashed open before her eyes and Law’s manly organ was lifted upward into naked view. Hastily, Affinity bit her bottom lip so hard she tasted blood as her fingers clenched over the open doorway molding. She was shocked, blinded, and stunned at the suddenness of a climax bursting inside her sex. The pleasure contorted repeatedly as her body shuddered in uncontrolled amazement, while her eyes glazed over the head of Law’s bared organ.

It looked as though a large ruddy flesh-colored nut had been attached to the sleek shaft. The entire male cock was rigid and bowing upward into Law’s hand, like a powerful lancing entity. It appeared, jutting out of the black material as it was, as though it might not be attached to Law’s body at all.

But then, he grasped the root of it, drawing his hand from the ponderous base to the red-swollen bullet-shaped head. His grip had to be so tight, so purposeful, because when he reached the rimmed head, he continued lifting his entire rigid organ upward toward his chest, and suddenly his full testicles sprang free from the folds of black material, two twin sacks, full and heavy.

The clashing of exotic pleasure thrashing through Affinity’s sex multiplied in throes that pinnacled . . . receded, then pinnacled again. She was nearly choking and feeling faint at the exquisite rapture bursting inside her sex, and some sound or movement must have escaped her because Law’s gaze turned toward her at just that moment!

Affinity did not realize that Law’s eyes were still closed as he stroked his male cock fiercely. In her passionately clouded vision she saw only discovery as she leaped backward away from it on legs too weak and shaky to hold her steady. That was when the sound reverberated in her mind like a hundred drums beating with a singular stroke. It was the solid thump of her spine hitting the wall in the silence.

“Oh no!” she gasped, forgetting to remain quiet in her panic. A panic that was stubbornly lethargic to her imminent needs, because of the last pangs of a climax thrashing through her body.

Law’s head dropped forward from its tilted back position as a growl and half groan scraped his throat tightly. The sound was arousal combined with challenge as his straining and heated body fought the backlash of interruption. There was a disassociated breach in his mind, when he clung to the imminent ejaculation of his cock at the same moment his instincts rose with alarm.

His heartbeat raced in his chest as his pumping hand stopped abruptly, then he squeezed his cock furiously to keep it from erupting. At the same moment, he was rushing to stand and meet the danger or challenge of that sound in his home, where no loud thumping sounds should be other that his suppressed groan of release.

His mind finally started to partially work, even as his body was meeting the unknown threat by pushing his strong limbs forward. Was it an intruder? Law’s gaze quickly found Warrior stretched out calmly in front of the fireplace. His mind registered that as quite odd, just as he rushed into the hallway.

The apparition he found there let out a high-pitched and clearly frightened squeal at the sight of him. This person, he could not tell gender, had their small hands raised forward as though warding him off.

“What in the hell are you up to?” Law demanded, with a suppressed shout.

The sound of his shout made the apparition jerk as if slapped, then immediately the person began to spring forward down his hallway away from him. Law forgot his shirt hanging open and his bare cock jutting through the sagging vent of his trousers, as he gave chase in his anger and alarm. He grabbed the petite apparition quite roughly in his agitation, swinging the person around, then jostling that person up against the wall. He realized just then that the apparition wore the most ridiculous veiled bonnet, at the same moment his chest pitched into soft and overly large mounds of breasts. Breasts!

“My God,” Law exclaimed.

“Let me go!” His apparition’s voice was shrill and indignant for all that she was an intruder in his home, Law thought just as indignantly. In his normal demeanor, he would have let her go immediately. He did not jostle around women, even the thief that she might be. However, his aggrieving predicament now was that his naked and very aroused cock was between her gaze and his body. And at the moment, pressed together as they were, she could not see it.

It rather infuriated him that he should have to worry over such a thing. Yet damn him, he did! His entire senses were centered on that one thing. Certainly she must feel it, so stiffly aroused as it was. Hell, even he could feel the beating of it, that and her breasts crushed into his chest. She smelled of violets.

“Who are you?” It was an inane question, useless, but the only rational thing that came into Law’s lust-tinged mind, as he coarsely thought how easy it would be to strip this womanly apparition’s sweater and rub his body against those breasts. Her head shook to his question as he knew it would. “What are you doing here? What do you want?”

“I-I,” she stuttered with her breath coming hotly beneath his chin. “Please, let me go,” she pleaded in a small feminine voice.

Law realized that she could be a prostitute looking for his help. They had shown up at his back door before, never inside though, that was highly irregular, only her voice was cultured and that did not fit. Then, there was this devilish voice rooting around loudly inside his head for the insane hope that she was not a prostitute. This was due to the fact that his body was pressed, quite tautly aroused, to her body, and the lengthy celibacy that he’d sustained up until this time was furiously mocking him.

He nearly sagged beneath his tension-filled arousal and now oncoming confusion. His body must have literally sagged a bit, because he felt his forehead lightly pressed to her temple and he realized that she had her face tilted up to him.

“Are you all right?” The woman’s question came whispered and soft, and the tones of caring in her voice could not be denied.

Law understood he could accuse her, interrogate her, or overpower her, but all his senses denied that. “Do you need money, little one? Or perhaps you came here looking for a benefactor. I would gladly give you either freely.”

Oh my God,
Affinity thought in bafflement, he thinks I’m a prostitute!

Of course he would, but her mind was so confused that she was hardly thinking clearly. In fact, her tottering mind was alternately focused on only two paramount events. The first was the warmth she could feel of Law’s body pressed more intimately to her body than she’d ever experienced before, and then more stunningly spectacular was the feel of his rigid organ pressed solidly into her belly. This bold impression was so near to the place of her recent climatic eruption that the sensitivity there was tenfold and humming to life again, only this time in a different way that did not necessarily attract her clit as much but lower in her woman’s portal. A woman’s portal which throbbed, as though beckoning the perfectly shaped organ lying heavily against her body. An organ that she could feel palpitating.

Oh my God, the craving of it nearly made Affinity faint, while shivers ran down her inner thighs. Thighs that wanted to be lifted open and pressed wide somehow. A small moment of breathless pants escaped her and she realized that she had never come close to the fonts of physical desire before.

She should try to wrestle free. She should scream and yell at him, try to startle him, break free and run. She should do any number of things not to be discovered, yet her fingers were so close and her mind was not one she recognized at all.


. . . The wetness that she gives from her mouth to the cock that she proclaims most important. How she would grip the shaft tightly with one hand, pumping the base of the shaft as her sucking lips clenched around the head…


“I am not myself!” Affinity gasped sharply, and then her fingertips were touching the incredibly soft but molten hot head of Law’s male organ. Law jerked toward her as though someone had punched him between the shoulder blades. The movement caught her hand tightly between their bodies and pressed her fingers into a snug circle around the knobbed head of his rigid organ. The smooth flesh held heat enough to toast her fingertips as her head fell back inexplicably and Law’s head fell forward, until their cheeks pressed together over her veil.

“What are you doing?” Law’s voice groaned deeply, as though he were in torture.

“I am not myself,” she whispered tragically, sounding as tortured as he sounded. Then, she caressed one of her fingertips longingly through the slit, dabbing creamy heat on the tip of her finger.

“My God!” he exclaimed, then he roughly shoved away from her. The movement was so abrupt and forceful that the open collar of his shirt snagged the veil on her bonnet. The bonnet was jerked off her head and it sailed through the air, landing on the polished wood flooring between them.

Law’s back hit the wall. He could go no further as his wild gaze took in the woman pressed to the wall across from him. There was a riotous battle waging inside of him between a ravenous need, denial, and morality. Yet his pitching gaze landed on the woman’s hands clutched between her thighs and grasping her mound. He knew then, before even looking at her face that she was being consumed by uncontrollable temptations also. She was not just a cock tease in these events, but perhaps driven beyond normal constraints by lawless desire as he was.

Then, before he could raise his gaze to fully look upon her face, she sprang free from the wall with a strangled gasp and rushed down the hallway. All that he could glimpse in an unfocused offering was the side of her pale and delicate face. However, more amazing to him was watching the bun of hair on top of her head lose the law of gravity and spiral free into waves of long brown hair falling down her back. It was light brown hair with strands of honey and russet intertwined.

And . . . he had seen it before.

“She asked after you, your grace. She asked if ye be married.” The sound of Nell’s voice filled Law’s mind as he watched the lady scamper from his house. He’d lost the choice to stop her moments ago, when he’d broken away from her, instead of clinging to what she might offer. Damn his reasoning mind to hell! However, he knew he would appreciate it better later, when he could think more clearly, when he could think with his mind and not his cock. A cock still rigid with lust that he gingerly set back into his trousers, buttoning the fall front. Then, he strode forward grasping his top hat and coat as he strode out the open front doorway of his townhouse. He would not accost the lady or be accosted by her again, yet at the same time he would not allow her to travel home unattended. At least, he severely told himself these were his reasons for following hidden behind her, until she made it to her residence some five blocks away.

But of course, the fact still remained that he now knew where she lived.



Chapter Six



“I wish I were you!” Caprice declared, nodding her head so firmly that the lustrous black waves of her hair bounced around her pretty, yet plump oval face.

“It is sso daring,” Brevity lisped excitedly, with her pixie like beauty animated in the glow of her periwinkle blue eyes.

“So plucky,” Diversity proclaimed, while her six-foot tall hourglass figure paced with suppressed energy behind the settee Brevity and Caprice sat upon.

Affinity gazed hopefully at her friends from where she sat across from them in Brevity’s front parlor. She’d not told her friends everything about her investigation of Law and the subsequent encounter with him. Some of the events were too intimate and too private. But she needed their help.

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