Reign of Ice (Forever Fae series) (12 page)

BOOK: Reign of Ice (Forever Fae series)
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WE MOVED INSIDE, shutting the glass doors to the balcony, and settled ourselves on the floor in front of the unlit fireplace. Brayden called upon his magic, and in an instant the flames leapt out of his hand and into the hearth. I never understood how someone from the Winter Court could have fire magic.

“You know, it’s strange that a Winter
Fae can wield fire. In a way, it makes no sense,” I said, mesmerized by the flames warming the room. “One would think you’d melt.” I snickered and I could feel Brayden shaking his head behind me.

“That might be why not that many Winter
Fae have the ability for fire,” he responded. “As far as I know my father and I are the only ones. So I guess it doesn’t make sense.”

Brayden grabbed a blanket off the chair behind him and wrapped it around us as he sidled up behind me, placing both of his legs on either side of me. It felt natural leaning up against him and having his arms around me, feeling his heartbeat against my back. He sighed loudly and I knew what he was getting ready to talk about. I could feel it through the bond how he was worried I’d get angry. It took him forever to explain about
Taryn coming to visit him and all the while it took everything I had not to break down and laugh. I was thankful he couldn’t see my face in that moment. I knew he was uncomfortable having to talk about it, but I already knew what happened … I was there. I waited on him to tell me the rest of the story about how he told Taryn he loved me, but that part of the conversation never came up.

“So you’re not angry with me?” he asked.

“Why would I be angry? You told me nothing happened, even though you did answer the door in just a towel. Next time, don’t do that. I don’t think you would like it if I answered the door in a towel with one of your warriors standing out there.”

He growled low in his chest. “Good point. I wouldn’t like that at all, but I would love to see you in a towel again.”

I laughed and turned to face him. “I’m sure you’ll have plenty of chances to since I’m forced to live with you here,” I teased.

Brayden lifted a brow and pulled me up on his lap, placing his hands on my thighs as I straddled his waist. “You know I’m not forcing you to stay here,” he said in all seriousness. “You know I would never make you.”

Resting my hands on his shoulders, I ran them over his back and up to his neck where I clasped them together firmly. “I want to be here, Brayden. I just wish our time together wasn’t rushed. You’re extremely good looking and trust me, my body is screaming for you to take me, and I can feel yours saying the same thing.” Which was true, I could. The desire in his eyes along with his cock growing stiffer between my legs alerted me of that. “But you know I need more,” I added softly.

He nodded. “I know that, and we’re going to show each other more, but there’s no harm in doing it in different ways is there?”

The look in his eyes was predatory as he bit his lip and wrapped his arms snuggly around my waist, holding me down on the hardness between his legs. I leaned down, our lips almost touching, when I whispered, “What did you have in mind?”

His hand tangled in my hair, gripping it tight, and pulling me down the rest of the way so our lips touched. “This, angel. This is what I had in
. I know that it’s a big step for us since our mating isn’t like a normal faerie bond, but with our connection we can still do everything we want in our mind and share it together. All it takes is our imagination.”

Intrigued, I bit my lip and sighed. “You know … I never thought about that. I think it could be kind of interesting, but I don’t want everything to be strictly in our minds you know.”

“Are you saying you want me to touch you like this?” he asked, sliding his hands up my bare thighs beneath my dress. “And like this?” he added, trailing his soft lips up my collarbone to my neck and jaw.

“Yes,” I breathed. “That’s exactly what I’m saying, but we can’t let it get too far.” Even as the words came out of my mouth I knew they were a lie. I wanted it to go further and I knew Brayden did, too. Unfortunately, I always made rash and irresponsible decisions in my life. For once, I wanted to do things slow and right.

Wrapping my legs around his waist, Brayden held me firmly and carried me over to the bed. “I’ll only go as far as you let me, angel,” he murmured gruffly, setting me down gently.

Lying down beside me, Brayden placed one of his legs in between mine and leaned over me, propping himself up on his elbow. His lip tilted up in an arrogant smirk as he lowered them to mine, crushing them to my lips in a possessive kiss.
“You taste so alive, angel. I never thought I could feel so much with anyone.”

“I never knew you could feel anything,”
I teased, but groaned when he growled and bit my lip.

“You’re going to wish you didn’t say that.”

Rolling on top of me, he spread my legs with his knee and pushed his groin up against me. I bucked underneath him and moaned. I never had a chance to put on underwear, so the only thing between him and me were his jeans. The roughness of them teased my sensitive flesh as he rocked his hips back and forth, dipping and thrusting against my core.

“Touch me, Brayden,” I demanded heatedly.

He stopped immediately and gazed down at me, grinning from ear to ear. “Are you actually begging me, angel?”

Grabbing him by the shoulders, I fisted my hands in his shirt and pulled him down to me. “Oh no, I’m not begging you …” I said, kissing him firmly on the lips, “… I’m telling you.”

Brayden chuckled, but opened his mouth further, letting his tongue mingle with mine.
“Whenever the time comes for me to make love to you, Ariella, you will beg me. Of that I am certain.”

“I told you I’m not the begging type.”

He chuckled again, and without breaking contact with my lips, he hooked a finger underneath the strap of my dress. He slowly glided it down my shoulder inch by inch until he freed my breast. Trailing his tongue down my chin to my neck, he carefully flicked my taut nipple with his tongue and closed his lips around my tender flesh, sucking greedily.

I moaned and arched my back into his touch, whispering his name. His hand removed the other strap of my dress and released the other breast. I ached for the feel of his skin on mine. Quickly, Brayden sat up and pulled off his shirt, throwing it to the floor. He gazed down at me with his hooded brown eyes and I up at him. His chest was hard and smooth with nothing except
pure, lean muscle. My dress was bunched up at my waist, leaving me exposed and spread open to him as he watched me lying there beneath him, waiting. Waiting for what I had no clue.

Gently, Brayden trailed his fingers up my thighs, and when his thumb rubbed over my sensitive flesh I gasped. Lowering himself onto me again, he licked and sucked one of my nipples while circling his thumb across my clit. Only when he pushed a finger into my opening did I almost lose control. I was so close to begging, but I bit my tongue to keep my words silent. My breathing accelerated along with
Brayden’s. I was so deliciously close to the edge that when he pushed further inside me I lost it.

His fingers pumped relentlessly as I jerked and bucked against the bed, gripping onto the bed sheets. “Brayden,” I shouted as the orgasm started to heighten.

“Let it go,” he groaned. “I want you to let it go, angel.”

Gliding his fingers in and out harder, I finally opened myself up and let the orgasm spill throughout my body. It felt like liquid fire as the tremors from my release spread to every nerve ending of my being. It felt amazing. Breathing hard, I closed my eyes while Brayden lay down beside me. When I opened them, I couldn’t stop my gaze from wandering down to his waist where his cock bulged against his jeans. Biting my lip, I started to unbutton his pants, but he stopped me by placing his hand on mine, halting me.

“You’re playing a dangerous game, angel, by doing that. Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” he asked.

“Trust me,” I said, exposing his rigid cock, which lay heavy against his stomach. “I want you to close your eyes and concentrate on my thoughts. I’m going to show
a good time now.”

Closing his eyes, he settled back onto the bed while I positioned myself beside him and took his penis into my grip. His body jerked as I stroked him gently at first, but then picked up my pace, squeezing him tightly. The images I sent from my mind to his were completely different. In my thoughts I was riding him hard, milking him for all he had. It was but a taste of what our life could be like if we just let it get to that point. Brayden groaned and thrust his hips with my movement just like he was in the thoughts I sent to him. Faster and faster I tortured him, wanting more than anything to straddle his body and make love to him the way I was in my thoughts. Brayden finally let go, groaning as his release came hot and swift. We both collapsed against the bed, breathing hard and satiated.

I kissed him on the lips and cuddled up beside him as he wrapped his arms around me. “That was very interesting, angel. I must say, you better be careful thinking those thoughts. I would hate for you to arouse me at the wrong time.”

“Yeah, I don’t think it would be good to be in the middle of addressing the court and suddenly have a complete hard on. I’ll try to keep my thoughts to myself, but it might be kind of difficult,” I admitted ruefully.

Brayden chuckled and nuzzled his nose into my hair, breathing me in. It was getting late and I was extremely tired. Moving to the Winter Court, fighting with Brayden, and then ending up in his bed was a lot to absorb in one day. Yawning, I reached down and pulled the covers over his body and mine.

“Goodnight, Brayden,”
I whispered in his mind.

“Goodnight, angel.”

Brayden told me three weeks is what I had until Durin showed up. I had three weeks to enjoy my life before everything ended, and I was going to make sure I made the best of the days I had. Even if that included going against what I thought was right and finished what I started with Brayden. It was too late to go back, and it was too late to stop from jumping … I already leapt.




THE SECOND MY eyes opened to the dawn I knew something was wrong. I could feel and smell the evil approaching like a distant plague threatening to spread its curse on our land. Brayden sensed my unease and immediately awoke beside me, his gaze alert and ready.

“What’s wrong, angel?”

Sliding out of the bed we just spent the night together on, I quickly ran to the window and peered out. I couldn’t see them, but I knew they were coming. Alasdair was almost there and he wasn’t alone.

“Shit! He’s coming, Brayden,” I shouted, alarmed. “The sorcerer is almost here.”

Brayden cursed angrily and quickly jumped out of bed to put on his armor and grab his sword. I did the same thing and had everything fastened except the vambraces on my arms. I was busy lacing them up when Brayden stopped in front of me with a scowl on his face. “I don’t know what you think you’re doing, but you’re not going out there with me,” he argued.

I huffed, “Don’t start with me, Brayden. You know I’m a good fighter.”

He walked past me out into the hall and down the steps with me following close behind. “Yes, I know you’re a good fighter, but
are what the sorcerer wants and with your Summer armor on he’ll find you in an instant. I don’t want to keep you from defending our people, but this is the one time I need you to stay behind.”

Before he could open the front door, we froze in place as the horns blared from one of the palace towers. The dark army was almost upon us. We both rushed out of the house and ran up the path to the palace. Warriors were everywhere, gearing up and forming lines in the front yard of the palace. The Winter Court gates were closed and locked, but with the sorcerer’s power I had no idea if his army could get past the gates. Our gates were strong and the Land of the
Fae infused its own magic to the protection of our courts. Alasdair was either extremely bold or extremely cocky to attack a whole court without his full power, or maybe he was testing us. Either way, we all knew what he wanted … me.

Brayden watched as his second in command,
Coran, assembled the warriors. He was torn between his obligation to me and to his court, and I could see the turmoil in his eyes and feel it in his soul. He didn’t want to let either one of us down.

Knowing I couldn’t let our true feelings show, I kept my face blank while I talked to him silently,
“Brayden, go. It would be easier to fight alongside you, but I understand your reasoning. I’ll be fine, I promise.”

He sighed.
“I’m going to hold you to that promise, Ariella. It is binding. If you break it you will face the consequences.”

“Yes, I know, caveman. That’s why I said it. Just be careful out there.”

He wanted to kiss me before he walked away, but we both knew he couldn’t. I wasn’t going to let him fight this battle on his own. I had my own plans and it didn’t involve me sitting idly by and watch everyone fight because of me. However, those plans got sidetracked when Brayden grabbed a hold of Lukas, who happened to be one of his best warriors. Lukas had long, dark hair pulled back and wrapped with his thistleburch chord. Kalen would do the same thing with his instead of wearing it around his arm or wrist, and he was also the one who educated me about the special thistleburch trees. They only grew in the Winter Court, but they were perceived to give off strengthening powers. Every time I saw Brayden, and even now, he had his wrapped around his wrist. I was pretty sure he never took it off.

“Lukas, I need you to take the princess somewhere safe and guard her for me. Do not let anyone get to her, you understand?” Brayden ordered.

Great! Now how was I going to get away and glamour myself? I couldn’t let Lukas see what I could do. He bowed to Brayden and said, “As you wish, Your Highness. Do you want me to take her to the king and queen?”

“No,” I blurted out, drawing their attention. “If you take me there and for some reason the sorcerer finds me he will have us all. That’s the last place you would want to take me.”

“Very well,” Brayden gave in, sighing. He glanced at me one last time before turning around and marching away.
“Don’t you dare do anything stupid, angel. I know what you are capable of.”

“But that is part of my charm,”
I teased, hoping to break the tension. His shoulders tensed and he fisted his hands by his side, clearly not liking the joke.
“I’ll be okay, Brayden. Just stay focused on defending your court and not worrying about me.”

“Not possible,”
he replied.
“But for you I’ll try.”

That was as good of an answer as I was going to get from him. Lukas grasped my elbow lightly and turned me to face him. “We need to go, Your Highness,” he said.

I nodded and followed him deep into the castle. I had explored it pretty thoroughly when I came here for the Winter Solstice Ball over a year ago. I was amazed with the architecture and the paintings they had in the halls. However, at this moment, I couldn’t enjoy any of it because I was rushed down the corridors until I got to the end of one of the hallways. Lukas opened the heavy wooden door and ushered me inside. It was an old library filled with dusty books and scrolls.

“How do you know we will be safe in here?” I asked him.

He shut the door and locked it behind him. “I don’t, but I figured it would be one of the last places someone would come looking for you.”

“Or one of the first,” I remarked, gazing at him warily. “Although one of the good things is that I can sense him when he’s near. I’ll know if he gets close.”

Releasing a shaky breath, I ran my fingers over the ancient leather bound books stacked neatly on the shelves. I bet there was hundreds of year’s worth of written knowledge from the fae and the mortal realm. I loved to read, but I was sure Calista would be ecstatic to explore this room for a while. I’d have to make sure to bring her here when she came to visit.

“How do you like being in the Winter Court?” Lukas asked. “I know it has to be a huge change coming from

“Oh, it has been a major change, but I had always been fascinated with the Winter Court. I think deep down I knew I was meant to be here,” I said, leaning against one of the old wooden desks. Flipping through some of the books, I noticed that whoever inhabited this library loved the mortal classics.

“You fought well yesterday, Your Highness. I know the warriors were impressed with your ability to counter Prince Brayden. How did you know our technique?”

I smiled at him as I remembered the fun I had training with
Kamden. “I had a friend in the Spring Court who taught me some Winter techniques. He used to be Winter until he followed Kalen to the Spring Court,” I answered.

“Who was it?” Lukas inquired, furrowing his brow.

“His name is Kamden. Do you know who I’m talking about?”

He grinned and started to chuckle. “Ah, yes, I know who
Kamden is. He’s my younger brother. I wanted to come fight with him when we attacked to help Sorcha and your brother rescue her guardian and friend, except I was needed here. How is he by the way?”

Thinking of
Kamden and Zanna made me miss them greatly. “He’s doing really well. He and Zanna are going to bond soon,” I informed him.

Lukas sighed happily and shook his head. “Well, it’s about time they decided on it. Our parents will be happy to hear it.”

Before I could say anything else, the feeling of unease and despair engulfed my body. I clutched my stomach and swallowed hard. Lukas noticed my hesitation and flew over to my side. “Are you ill, Princess?” he asked, taking my arm to steady me.

Without hesitating any further, I grabbed his hand and pulled him quickly to the door. “We have to get out of here, Lukas. He’s coming and he’s close,” I told him. “I knew I should’ve stayed with everyone else. The sorcerer knew I wouldn’t be with the army so he did the one thing that would ensure he could get to me easily.”

Lukas unsheathed his sword and slowly opened the door, glancing back and forth down both sides of the hallway. “What do you suggest we do?” he whispered.

“We need to get to Brayden and the others. Once everyone realizes what’s going on
they’ll all come back inside the palace, but until then we’re stuck in here fighting our own battle. Let’s try to get outside with everyone else.”

“Let’s go,” Lukas agreed. With his sword poised in his grasp and mine held firmly in my hand, we both set out into the hallway and briskly walked toward the next corridor. The second we heard his voice we froze.

“Ariella, where are you?” he called out. However, his voice wasn’t his normal one. It was one I knew well.

“It’s Prince Brayden,” Lukas muttered, starting toward him. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

“No, it’s not. Trust me, it’s not him. I would know if it was Brayden. Can you not feel the evil slithering around you?”

The stench of dark magic permeated all around me and I knew we were almost out of time. We had nowhere else to go except in a different room. Taking Lukas’ hand, I pulled him through the door closest to us into the bedroom beyond and shut it quietly. I needed to think.

“How do I kill him?” he asked.

Turning to him, I sighed and shook my head. “You can’t. We don’t have a way to kill him right now. He can turn into his shadow self and disappear before a blade could even run him through.”

Lukas grabbed my shoulders and squeezed, his blue gaze frantic yet determined. “I want you to hide, Princess. I’ll distract the sorcerer so you can get away.”

“No,” I hissed quietly. “I’m not going to let you do this. I have an idea, but whatever you do don’t freak out on me, okay?”

Impatiently, he furrowed his brows and started to protest, but then his mouth opened wide when he saw me change form right in front of his eyes. I was no longer Ariella, but a dark- haired, fair-skinned Winter Fae woman.

“Princess?” Lukas asked. “How did you do that?”

“I don’t have time to explain. Just play along with what I do.”

I flung myself into his arms and pressed my body against his like we were lovers trying to steal a few moments together. The door burst open, and standing in the doorway was the sorcerer pretending to be Brayden with a smirk on his face, thinking he caught me. When he realized it wasn’t me in the room, his expression grew fierce, angry.

“Where is the princess?” he demanded. “I know she’s here.”

Lukas kept his expression blank and shook his head.
In his hand he held his sword firmly, ready to strike.
Please don’t let him do anything stupid.
The sorcerer moved into the room and lifted his head as if he was trying to sniff me out.

“She’s not in here,” Lukas said through clenched teeth.

“Where are you hiding her? I can sense she’s near,” he snapped. He pulled out a dagger from his belt and Lukas and I both tensed. It was the iron blade that could poison us and kill us within minutes.
Oh, no!

“Ariella, what’s wrong?”
Brayden screamed in my mind.

“Lukas and I are in trouble. It was all a ruse. The sorcerer has been inside the palace trying to find me while all of you are out there guarding the gates,”
I told him quickly.

“She’s not here,” Lukas growled. “I would think, being her guardian, that you would know how to communicate with her.”

BOOK: Reign of Ice (Forever Fae series)
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