Reign of the Vampires (17 page)

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Authors: Rebekah R. Ganiere

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Suspense, #Action & Adventure, #978-1-61650-659-9, #Vampires, #Dystopian, #Paranormal, #Rebekah, #Ganiere, #The, #Society

BOOK: Reign of the Vampires
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Ever since she’d taken over the company after her parents’ deaths, and the kings had given her the coven, they’d just been waiting for a reason to take it away. The problem was, they had none. Her being young and inexperienced was not a legal reason. Chase would’ve been a much better choice. But since her father had left the entire company to her, they’d given her the coven as well, so there’d be no conflicts. The three kings and the Council hated conflict. They’d do almost anything to preserve their peace and their way of life. Which meant she had to find the blood club and stop it, quick.

“William, Chase is going to get the real estate holdings to you in the next few hours. What I need you to do is to find all properties that have been bought, or changed hands in the last five years. Then see if there are any people who’ve bought several pieces of property in the past ten years.”

He nodded, then paused as if trying to figure out how to formulate something.

“What is it, William? I have things to do, just tell me, please.”

“You had a call from...Lord Garon. He said he needs to speak with you.”

“Great.” She had no desire to speak to him. “Call him and see if you can find out what he needs.”

“Me?” William squeaked.

. You can do this. Call him, tell him I’m very busy at the moment, and ask if you can help.”

William’s mouth opened and closed several times before he cleared his throat and finally said, “Yes, mistress,” in a hoarse voice.

“Good, now leave me please and let me know when you have new information.”

William nodded before leaving.

She shifted her gaze to Mason after the door closed.

They stared at each other before he said, “What do you want me to do?”

Danika threw her hands in the air. “I have no clue! But you cannot stand there like that and stare at me all evening, or I’ll get nothing accomplished. What did you do before you were picked up?”

“Picked up?” His brows shot up. “That’s a nice way of putting it isn’t it?”

“Were you really that much better off before?”

“I was free.”

“Free? Free to do what?” she snapped.

“Whatever I wanted.”

“Like run in the shadows and steal from people?”

“Vamps are not people, they’re vamps. Humans are people.”

“Then what am I?”

He didn’t answer.

Danika pinched the bridge of her nose. Her anger was out of proportion as it had been the night before. She didn’t know why she suddenly felt such pressure in her life, but she didn’t need this right now, she had too much on her plate. She blew out a long slow breath. She’d never had a slave before. Why had she thought this would be so easy? “All right, Mason, I get it. You haven’t yet come to terms with being a slave and having to do the bidding of another. I can accept that. You may not have all of the so-called freedom you had before, but life won’t be so bad for you. You’ll have regular food, bed, comforts.”

“Is that all that’s important to you? If you were ripped away from everyone you knew, everyone you were supposed to provide for, and forced into slavery to the ruling class would you be fine with regular food and a bed?”

Danika opened her mouth and then closed it again. She’d never thought about it before. Humans were humans. She felt bad for what they’d been through but they’d brought it on themselves. She’d heard stories about how the humans now lived and she assumed that though they were technically slaves, they enjoyed being brought into the service of Vampires. Being given the luxuries that their rural camps lacked. Like Matthew. He enjoyed being a house blood slave.

The night before had been different; she’d been too relaxed and had let her hormones get the better of her. But talking to Mason now, she saw that they had very little in common. She was the master and he was the slave. She needed to bond him to her so he would learn that. It was strictly business.

“We should continue the bonding process, it will help you adjust. Let’s sit on the couch.” Danika stood and pointed to the small loveseat in the corner of her office.

Mason stared at her, his jaw muscles working hard.

She unbuttoned her blazer, tucked her feet under her, and sat as comfortably as possible.

Mason walked the few steps to where she waited for him. His thigh rubbed up against her in a casual way, due to the confined space.

“So this is how you plan to break my desire for freedom? By bonding me to you?”

“Like I said, it will become easier after the bonding is complete. You will feel my needs and understand—”

“What about my needs?”

Danika didn’t answer him. She wanted to tell him that she was a good person. That she would be a good master. That she treated her humans well and she wasn’t the monster he was making her out to be. She wanted to stamp her feet and scream in the air until he believed her. But she doubted it would do any good. Despite his apparent desire for her body, he was like all the rest of the males in the society, he’d judged her before even getting to know her.

The heat from his leg sent her body into a frenzy of lust. As need pulsed between her thighs, she swallowed hard. This was not a good idea.

* * * *

Mason scratched at his arms and pulled on the collar of his shirt. The office felt oppressive and his clothes two sizes too small. He tried to hold his body as far away from her as possible. Something was wrong. Danika seemed agitated, possibly with Chase, possibly with him. He was sure she wasn’t as unfeeling toward the plight of the humans as she inferred. She wasn’t like the Vampire who’d taken him as a child. He’d seen her gentleness with William, the way she spoke of him and to him. She wasn’t a Vampire like any he’d seen before. After what he’d witnessed between her and her uncle though, he got the feeling that her position was not one many of the male Vampires looked on favorably.

Mason had meant it when he said that he’d strengthen her position. With him at her back, no one would dare to mess with her, he would see to that. Again he saw the fragile girl inside the icy exterior.

It took every ounce of willpower for Mason not to push her down on the sofa and cover her with his mouth. He wanted to take his large hands and rip her hair from the tight bun she’d put it in, run his fingers through the length of it, making her forget her troubles. To press his hard chest against her soft body and feel her small frame as it melted into his. Emotions bubbled and churned inside him, forcing him to pay attention to her. Something inside craved the touch of her skin, the taste of her blood. The underlying need to protect her from everyone was all-consuming. He was in tune with her needs, though he was not able to bond with her. Mason wanted to steal her away. To speak ancient words that would take her somewhere safe. Somewhere he’d have her all to himself. To make love to her whenever they wanted without fear of consequences.

When she took off her jacket and threw it on the adjoining chair, his heart raced. Her low-cut blouse was just sheer enough to see the outline of her breasts. They were firm and round and silhouetted her small waist. She pulled up the bell sleeve of the blouse and bit into her creamy white flesh, holding it out to him. He wasn’t sure what to do. He wanted to taste her again, but his mind raced from all of the other things he wanted to do to her, as well. Finally, he took her wrist and pressed it to his mouth.

Though bonding to her as a slave was not possible, he couldn’t resist the opportunity to taste her and feel her cooling blood inside his body once more. Not once since taking in her blood the night before had the beast tried to surface.

Drawing from her, he took the cool liquid into his mouth, savoring the flavor on his tongue like a fine wine. The moan of pleasure that escaped her almost caused him to attack, but instead he pulled her wrist tighter to his mouth. A cool hand on his neck caused him to open his eyes. He released her wrist and watched as she licked at her wound, closing it. He rolled up the sleeve of his white button-down shirt, lifted his forearm to her awaiting mouth, and she bit into him. He had to clutch at the arm of the small sofa to keep from crying out. The desire building inside him threatened to consume him. She drew from him faster this time, taking from him in large gulps. Digging his fingers deep into the sofa arm, Mason struggled to keep from grabbing onto her. His resolve slipped and the beast began to break free. His eyes whipped open and he looked down at his hand that gripped the couch. His nails lengthened. There was a slight popping sound where they extended and pierced the leather of the couch, cutting through into the foam.

No, no, no!
The skin on his back stretched and pulled away from his muscles. The pain was intense and searing. Forgetting Danika, he sent all his energy to concentrating on what was unleashing within him. Willing himself to stop, he pushed at the beast that was trying to surface. Without thinking, he hummed the ancient chant that he’d been taught as a child, to calm the beast and keep it at bay. He watched his nails blunt out and then shortened, until they were human fingers again. Breathing in sporadic bursts, he turned to find Danika staring at him
She licked his wound shut, then dropped his arm into her lap.

“Did I hurt you?”


“This bonding will be over by tomorrow night. It will be easier after that.”

No, it wouldn’t. “I hope you’re right.”





William never received the files, and Danika was so busy working on other things that she didn’t notice until it was almost four AM. Mason sat on the sofa, deep in thought. She felt his eyes upon her occasionally, but it never lasted. Frequently she would find her mind wandering; thinking about the expression on his face as she drank from him. At first she’d been too wrapped up in his blood to notice. The strange popping sound. His hand had clutched the sofa arm so hard that she was afraid he was going to crush it.

His face had been in a twist of agony so tight that she thought for a moment he might be turning. Then he’d relaxed. His eyes brighter than she’d ever seen, beautiful and strange. They were not human eyes. They were...something else. They seemed to see right through her soul. And his blood was so tempting and nourishing that she’d wanted to drain him. She’d never been stronger after a feed than with him. In college, she’d experimented with humans and vampyr. Her first real sexual experience had been with a Vampire professor of hers at Yale. But none of them made her feel inside the way Mason did.

William knocked on her office door. “Yes, William.” She stood.

“I’m sorry, but I’m afraid that my call to Lord Garon didn’t go so well.”

“Truly?” She wasn’t surprised. “Did he say what he wanted?”

“Uh, no. He refused to tell me. He did, however, tell me at length about how unfit I was to call him. And about how disrespectful it was that you didn’t call yourself.”

“Did he leave any kind of message at all?”

“Not one that I want to repeat.”

“Fine, then. I’m sure if he needs to get ahold of me, he will.”

“Yes, mistress. The car is downstairs waiting for us, if you’re ready to go.”

“Let’s go. You need to feed, and we all need some sleep.”

Grabbing her bag and jacket, Danika shut down her computer. Mason was already punching the button for the elevator.

They’d gone down two floors when the doors opened. Lance and Merrick Ayre, another of her VPs, stood inside talking. With them was Ike. He and Mason eyed each other for a minute, then Ike nodded curtly to Mason, who nodded back.

“M’lord,” said Lance.

“Lance. Merrick.”

“I spoke with Mr. Trevor. He wants to renew his contract with us, but due to his sales volume, he wants to negotiate a better price.”

“I’m sure he would. What do you think?”

“There is a little leeway to work with. He’s paying the full price right now. But our initial predictions as to how much he would order were under by about twenty percent.”

“Look at the numbers and make a decision; send William the paperwork, and I’ll approve it.” Lance glanced from Danika to William. “Is there a problem, Lance?”

“No m’lord, it’s just... No, there’s no problem.” He bowed and closed his mouth. William looked away.

She touched his arm to calm him, then turned to Lance. “I apologize. I have not introduced you to William. He’s my fledgling and my assistant for the time being, until his transition period is over. I’m afraid that I’ve been unfair to William. I haven’t introduced him to anyone as of yet. I apologize to you both. I’ll remedy the situation immediately. I will schedule a Turning Celebration for the coven to welcome my new fledgling. I’ll see to it personally and ask that you both accept my apology.”

Lance’s gaze dropped. “There is no need to apologize, m’lord.”

“Yes, there is, especially to William.” She turned to William. “It was unexpected, and because of all the recent events, I’d forgotten the traditions for a fledgling. I’ll make sure that the celebration is arranged for this weekend.”

“That’s not necessary,” William said in a small voice.

She waved him off.

They walked in silence to the cars. Mason was alert, as always. The cool breeze brushed Danika’s skin and she took a deep breath. A familiar scent hit her. She turned in a circle looking for the source. Toward the edge of the parking lot, someone stood obscured by the shadow of a tree. Straining, Danika tried to see more clearly. She sniffed the air again and took a step toward the silhouette. A shiver crawled up her spine.

“Mason,” she whispered. He was at her side in an instant, putting a protective arm around her waist. He moved in front of her. William came up behind her and pressed his hands into her shoulders, making her into a Vampire sandwich.

“William, take her to the car,” Mason commanded.

William pulled Danika toward the awaiting vehicle. Lance and Merrick stopped.

Mason rushed off toward the edge of the parking lot. “Lock the car and stay in there,” he yelled.

“You need me?” Ike called.

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