Reindeer Games (11 page)

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Authors: Jet Mykles

Tags: #LGBT Shape-shifter Paranormal

BOOK: Reindeer Games
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the window beside the door. Wod led him up the porch steps and didn’t let go to

open the door. The entry was wide enough for them both to enter with only a slight

adjustment. Lon stopped and reluctantly released Wod, whose arm had slid away

when he started for the kitchen. Silently the taller man set down the goblet that he

still carried. Lon enjoyed the rich scent of mulled wine that filled the air.

Hands now free, Wod crossed the room to stand before Lon. He raised his

hands to cup Lon’s jaw, tilting his face up so they finally looked at one another.

“Lon.” His name was a sigh on generous lips. Wod’s thumb caressed the tip of his

chin. “Are you sure?”

Lon reached up to grip Wod’s wrists. “I’m sure.”

“What happened?”


Wod smiled. “What happened to change your mind?”

“Oh.” Embarrassed, Lon flicked his gaze down. His hands dropped from Wod to

fold together into nervous fists. But then he forced his eyes back up, summoning

courage. “I-I think you’re right. I don’t know him at all.”


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“You could. I’m serious about helping you.”

“I know. That’s part of the reason. You want to help me get what I want, even

if that’s not what you want.”

Dark eyes searched his face, but no words seemed to be forthcoming.

Lon continued. “He told me that he’s stayed away from me on purpose.”

That made Wod frown. “He said that?”

“He said he knew that he and I wanted different things.”

Wod’s hands slid down Lon’s neck to rest on his shoulders. “Why would he say


Lon had to smile, remembering his conversation with Rom. “He was telling me

that he thought you liked me.”

Wod’s jaw dropped. “He what?”

Lon had to giggle, some of the joy he’d felt earlier trickling free into his

bloodstream. “He said you came to his place and wouldn’t stop talking about me.”

Groaning, Wod slapped a hand over his face. “That moron. I was
to get

to think about you.”

Lon put a hand on Wod’s hip as he edged a little closer. “He thinks we’d make

a good couple.”

Wod’s hand found Lon’s shoulder again. “What do you think?”

Lon found he was biting his lip and forced his teeth to release it. “I-I’d like to

see if he’s right. I-if you do too.”

Fingers threaded into the hair behind Lon’s right ear. “I do.”

Lon’s gaze fastened on Wod’s lips. “All right.”

The lips smiled, and then Lon couldn’t see them, because they were too close,

drifting toward his mouth. He shut his eyes and parted his lips for the gentle kiss

that brushed them. He sighed, stepping in to Wod’s body, needing to feel that

warmth and strength pressed against him. One strong arm wound about his back as

fingers tugged his hair to tilt his head farther. Wod’s mouth opened, and his tongue

Reindeer Games


descended to mate with Lon’s. Lon submitted easily, eagerly, to Wod, clutching the

larger man as fresh joy simmered and sparkled into burbling desire.

“Come on.” Wod released Lon and used the hand at his back to guide him

through the open door of the bedroom.

Giddy and dizzy, Lon nearly tripped over his feet but managed to make it to

the mattress without falling flat on his face. Without a lamp, only the clear

moonlight through the windows to either side of the bed lit the room. The soft

comforter gave a sigh under Lon’s weight.

“Are you all right?”

“’M fine.” Lon rolled over to sit on the edge of the bed. “I’m…” He stopped,

overcome by the sight of Wod standing before him as he pulled off his loose shirt.

“Christmas, you’re beautiful.”

Wod smiled, dropping the shirt on the floor. “Thank you.” He cupped Lon’s jaw.

“So are you.”

“No.” The denial was immediate and instinctive. “I’m not like you. I’m not—”

His words stopped, thanks to a kiss. “Hush. You are if I say you are.”

Lon sighed, head tilted back as he simply enjoyed the pleasure of this man’s

presence. “Okay.”

Wod chuckled softly as his fingers started on the buttons of Lon’s jacket.


Lon kept his face back, eyes closed, willing to let Wod undress him. “Yes?”

His jacket opened, and Wod slid it off his shoulders. “You have had sex before,

haven’t you?”

Lon’s eyes opened. “Huh? Oh, yeah.”

He looked down as Wod knelt. An abundance of dark hair hid his face from

view as he tugged at Lon’s ankle boots. “With women or men?”

Emboldened by the slight hesitance in that normally sure voice, Lon reached

out to comb his fingers through Wod’s hair. So soft, so thick. It nearly distracted


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him from the topic at hand. He didn’t mind that Wod mistook him for a virgin. He

wouldn’t be the only one. Bok said it was because of the way Lon acted. “

,” he’d say with a snort. “Both.”

Setting Lon’s boots and socks aside, Wod knelt so that Lon’s knees nudged his

chest. He set his hands on Lon’s thighs. “We don’t have to do this now. If you don’t

want. I don’t want to go further than you’re ready for.”

Love clogged Lon’s throat, prohibiting words for a moment. Needing to

communicate, he parted his knees and reached to gather Wod closer. The bigger

man came to him easily, burying his face in the curve of Lon’s neck as Lon’s arms

wrapped tight about him. “I want you,” Lon croaked as soon as he could manage.

“So much. Please.”

As Wod’s teeth and tongue sampled Lon’s neck, his hands made busy pulling

Lon’s shirt from his pants. They startled apart when he reached the dildo, still

wedged in Lon’s waistband. They both looked down at the toy that spilled into Lon’s

lap, and laughed.

“We’ll get to this later,” Wod announced, plucking it up and setting it on the

nightstand. “I don’t need any help for our first time.”

Our first time
. First of many, Lon promised himself. He pulled his shirt up and

over his head, then lay back on the mattress at Wod’s urging. Wod kissed his lips,

his chin, his neck. Hands smoothed over his sides as Wod reached his collarbone,

then veered down toward a nipple. Lon cried out at the gentle pinch of teeth around

his sensitive bud. He gripped Wod’s shoulders as the other man lavished attention

on first one nipple, then the other. All the while, Wod unlaced Lon’s pants and

started easing them down his hips. Lips at the base of Lon’s rib cage made him

squirm, and he gasped when his cock was freed from the heated confines of his

pants. Wod pulled back to remove Lon’s pants, and then Lon lay there naked for

Wod’s perusal.

He appeared to like what he saw. “I’ve wanted you exactly like that for

months,” Wod murmured as he unlaced his own pants.

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Lon pushed up on his elbows, unable to be fully embarrassed when he was far

too interested in watching Wod get naked. “Really?”

“Oh yes.” Wod had to pause to bend and pull off his shoes. “I pictured you just

like that, pale and perfect in the middle of my bed. Eager and waiting for me.”

Lon glanced at the erection that lay on his lower belly. He was not huge by any

means, but he was nicely proportionate for his size. Or so he’d been told. That he

was eager was self-evident. He imagined his cock, even erect, would fit all the way

inside Wod’s mouth. And just that thought made his cock ooze a few drops of cum.

“It drove me crazy that you kept running from me.” Wod yanked at the last of

his laces and began to ease his pants down his long legs.

Lon sighed, his mouth watering at the sight of Wod’s cock. It didn’t matter

that he’d seen it before. This time it was hard and thrust up just for him. His palms

tingled with a need to grip it. “You scared me.”

“That was the last thing I wanted.”

Lon nodded, far too distracted by the sight before him. “You’re so beautiful.”

He sounded like a broken record, but his brain had shorted during their first kiss.

He couldn’t properly concentrate on words.

Wod smiled as he tossed aside his pants. He leaned forward and wrapped his

hands underneath Lon’s thighs from the inside, then lifted and parted them. In the

same move, he pushed Lon further back on the mattress, making room for himself

to crawl up after. Lon’s head fell over the far side, and he had to lift it to see Wod

settle with Lon’s thighs draped over his shoulders. Wod’s attention centered on

Lon’s cock, one big palm supporting it as he dragged his tongue from base to tip.

Lon let his head drop back, eyes closed so he could fully enjoy the sensation. Wod

took his time, bathing Lon’s cock thoroughly before he finally slipped the tip

between his lips and lashed the hole with his tongue. Lon whimpered, digging his

heels into Wod’s back as Wod lowered his head and did indeed take the whole of

Lon’s cock into his mouth. Tongue and throat worked to squeeze Lon tight. Lon

managed to lift his head, because he simply had to drink in the sight of Wod’s nose


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brushing the sparse hair at the base of his cock, then the pull at Wod’s lips as he

dragged them up Lon’s shaft back to the tip.

“Wod!” Lon cried after Wod had sucked him in a number of times. “Christmas

coal, Wod!”

Then fingers were prodding gently between the cheeks of Lon’s ass. The

simplest of sex spells had wet Wod’s fingers, lubricating them to press inside Lon’s

eager opening. First one, then two slid inside, a wonderful stretch and a gorgeous

press to that spot just inside that made snowflakes flutter in Lon’s brain.

“Wod, please.”

He didn’t know what he begged for exactly, but Wod gave him something

wonderful. Mouth and fingers took up a rhythm—one pressing, the other pulling, in

tandem. Lon’s hips picked up the rhythm, and he writhed in abandon as pleasure

built and finally crested in an explosion that left him blind and helpless.

He was aware of Wod moving, adjusting. At one point Wod tugged at his legs

to pull him back onto the mattress so his head wasn’t falling over the side. But he

didn’t open his eyes until Wod pushed one of his legs back, bending him in half so

his thigh brushed his chest. Then he looked down to see Wod aiming his shining wet

cock at Lon’s anus. The tip prodded, and Lon groaned, grabbing his leg to hold it

back. The other leg he spread wide, giving Wod as much access as he could manage.

Wod spared him a grin, a light sheen of sweat making his skin shimmer in the

moonlight. He pushed, and the tip of him penetrated Lon.


“You’re all right?”

As part of his answer, Lon rolled his hips so another inch of Wod slid into him.

“Yes. More.”

Wod went slow, leaning closer to Lon as his cock eased into Lon’s body. Lon

was on fire, his chest and belly heaving and his spent cock twitching, trying to rally

to the cause. As soon as he could reach, he released his leg and gripped Wod’s

shoulders, pulling at him.

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Wod pressed his lips to Lon’s cheek. “Lon.”

Eyes shut tight over tears of joy, Lon wrapped his arms around Wod’s neck as

the other man started to pull his cock out to the tip. Then that awesome filling as

Wod stuffed back inside. Lon could only cling tight, no longer in command of his

limbs as Wod rocked into him. Wod’s lips brushed his cheek, his neck, his lips, but

only lightly. Their concentration centered at their hips, at the place where their

bodies formed a perfect seal. Wod thrust into him, and desperate, breathless squeals

spilled from Lon at every jolt. That gorgeous friction and fullness inside his ass

drove all thought and breath from him, leaving him a mindless, greedy husk

needing to be filled. He begged and pleaded, scratched and squeezed the muscles of

Wod’s back, suckled and bit at the lips that mated with his. It all built, suffocating

him with pleasure, making him squirm. He almost didn’t recognize that telltale

tingle in his testicles, drowned as it was by the entire encounter. He barely realized

when he reached the brink, snapping his head back and crying to the ceiling as

ecstasy exploded within him, gusting from his cock into the inferno heat between

him and his lover. He hadn’t finished spilling before Wod growled, forehead pressed

to Lon’s neck as his rhythm shattered.

Blindly Lon turned his head to seek out Wod. The larger man adjusted slowly,

rolling them both almost to their sides. Lon found his lips, and they shared a sloppy,

wet kiss as their labored breathing mingled. At last, Lon opened his eyes to see

Wod’s dark gaze drinking him in over a smile he could bask in forever.

“I love you,” Lon said on a sigh.

Wod blinked, and only then did Lon hear his words.
Too soon
. Everyone always

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