Remember Jamie Baker (34 page)

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Authors: Kelly Oram

BOOK: Remember Jamie Baker
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Major Wilks frowned, and so did Ryan. “Donovan wasn’t your fault.”

“Wasn’t he?” I challenged. “I went there of my own free will. I let him inject me with his serum.”

“He tried to control you, and it bit him in the ass,” Tyson muttered. “The man was a sociopath, Jamie. He got what he deserved.”

“And I’m still a murderer.”

Everyone in the room immediately tried to argue. I lifted my hands in surrender, to show them all that I understood what they meant. I appreciated their efforts to console me, but there was still a weight on my chest. I’d acquired wounds that were going to take a long time to heal. I would recover from everything that happened, eventually, but I would never be the same.

“Sorry about the self-pity party, Major. No, I have no desire to see Mr. E.”

“Actually, I meant Teodoro. He’s been asking to speak to you. I told him that would be solely up to you.”

Ryan’s jaw clenched, but that’s not what swayed my decision. “No,” I answered. Ryan let out a small breath of relief. “I can’t completely condemn him, but I hate him still. I don’t want to hear his apologies, or justifications, or declarations of feelings. Maybe someday I’ll be able to forgive him and start talking to him again, but it’s probably better for us both if I just make a clean break for now. Just make sure you get him help.”

Major Wilks stood there watching me for a long moment. Something about my answer had really made the wheels in his head start spinning. When I cocked an eyebrow at him, he pursed his lips. “Am I to assume, then,” he asked slowly, “that you don’t plan to stay?”

Ah. So that was his problem. I slumped a little in Ryan’s grasp. I knew this conversation would come up again, and I wasn’t looking forward to it. “You assume correctly, Major.”

He stiffened, grinding his teeth—probably in an attempt to hold his tongue. “I’ve got a lot of healing to do, Major. I’ve been through a lot. I need some time to recover, to spend time with my family and friends whom I’ve been missing from for six months. I’d like to go back to college, live a little, and grow up some before I commit my life in any one direction. Plus, I think I need to get to know the fiancé I can’t remember, yet still agreed to marry, a little better before he makes me officially tie the knot.”

Ryan flashed me a wolfish grin. “What do you want to know? I’ll give you a week.”

I snorted. “Nice try, Goldilocks. I may have agreed to it, but I’m seeing a very
engagement in our future.”

Ever the optimist—or egotist, depending on how you look at it—Ryan smirked. “Challenge accepted, Sunshine.”

I rolled my eyes and shrugged at Major Wilks. “Sorry. But like I said before, I’ll leave you with my number. You’ve earned my respect, Major Wilks, and even more than that, my trust. I may not be an official ACE, but maybe I could be more of an on-call backup? If you ever find yourself in a jam, let me know.”

Major Wilks, though clearly unhappy, nodded in agreement. “We’ll take what we can get. You did really well, Angel. You’re one hell of a damn fine soldier.”

I grinned again. “Thank you, sir.”

Major Wilks turned his frown on Ryan next. “I already know your answer, but you know I have to say it: We’d love you to stay.”

Ryan squeezed me tight and flashed the major a wide, toothy smile. “Oh, I would, Major, but it sounds like the wifey needs me elsewhere.”

I choked on some spit, causing everyone in the room to laugh. “You did not just call me

Ryan ignored me and winked at Major Wilks. “She’s been through a lot recently, you know? But maybe we’ll come back after college. I have to get a job somewhere, right? I’d never considered the military, but I’ve liked my time here. Jamie doesn’t have to join, but I’ve got no problems taking orders.” He shot me a pointed look. “Clearly, since I’m in love with the world’s bossiest woman.”

I am not bossy!” At the collective of snorts and snickers around the room, I groaned. “Whatever. It’s not the worst flaw to have.”

The guys all cracked up, and Major Wilks held out his hand to Ryan. “We’ll save your spot, Romeo. You just make sure you take good care of our Angel.”

That earned the major another Jamie Baker Eye Roll. The action was practically becoming a trademark.

It was at this break in the conversation that Dr. Haggerty shooed everyone out of the infirmary, insisting she check me over one last time before allowing me to leave. I was all for it because it meant the return of real clothing.

After receiving the stamp of approval from the doctor, I got dressed and went in search of my team. Dr. Haggerty said they were in the cafeteria and decided to walk down with me since it was dinnertime anyway.

I could smell my surprise before we reached the cafeteria, but I was still shocked by the roar of applause that met me when I entered the room. The mess hall was packed with soldiers, and they were all giving me a standing ovation.

Ryan greeted me with a proud smile and a quick kiss. At my questioning look, he chuckled. “You saved a lot of people, Sunshine.”

I blinked at the crowd again, awareness donning on me. “These are the soldiers we freed from the nanobots?”

Ryan nodded. “And the team that helped us get them out. We had to recruit nearly everyone stationed here that had the right skill set for the mission since we needed the man power and they are the only soldiers who know about the ACE division. They’re all anxious to go home to their families, but they insisted on waiting until you woke up. They wanted to say thank you.”

“And as a token of our appreciation,” Major Wilks interrupted, coming up to us with a huge smile, “we figured we’d spare you the cafeteria
and had the party catered by the best restaurant in Colorado Springs.”

I grinned back at him as if I were a little kid and he was my favorite grandpa. “I knew I liked you. Thank you, Major.”

After hours of overeating and mingling with grateful soldiers, I was ready for some peace and quiet. Like,
fifty years
of peace and quiet. The entire ACE team escorted us to the airport in Colorado Springs, where Ryan and I were putting my parents and Becky on a plane back to Sacramento.

As we stood on the curb, my parents and Beck gave Ryan and me hugs. “You sure you don’t want to come?”

“Sorry.” I winced, remembering my first—and last—experience with air travel. “I think I need to leave the flying to Superman.”

“But you’ll come home, right?” Mom asked.

I hugged her again. “Of course. I think I’m going to take Ryan to the desert house for a few days. I just need to decompress a little, you know? But we’ll be home for Sunday dinner. Promise. And invite Ryan’s parents.”

Mom bit her lip and scrunched up her face as if she was going to cry again.

“I promise I’ll be there, Mom.”

“I know. I’m just so happy to have you back.”

“Me too. I’ll see you guys in a few days.”

“Do you really have to go?” Tyson blurted suddenly. He sounded on the brink of tears.

I let go of my mom to pull the kid into my arms. “Hey. No pouting. Ryan does enough of that already.” The dig made Tyson crack a smile. “You have my number. Call me any time you have free time, and I will be there. We’ll have supercontests or something. You and me against Abiodun, Betty, and Natalia.”

Tyson’s sad face turned into one of glee, but he quickly swallowed his excitement and tried to play it cool. “I don’t know. Seems unfair. Too much awesomeness on one team.”

“True. Maybe we’ll have to let Shortstop be on our team, too. You know, give us a handicap.”

Shortstop’s protest was loud and whiny. I shot him a wink while everyone else laughed and then ruffled Tyson’s hair. “We’re family now, Tyson. I’ll come hang out with you so much you’ll be sick of me in no time.”

As I said good-bye, I kissed his cheek and all of the ACEs hooted and whistled. Tyson, again, tried to play it cool, but he couldn’t hide the little pink spots that warmed his cheeks.

Stepping back to Ryan again and clasping his hand, I filled him with the energy he needed to make the run with me to the desert. We waved and turned to leave and were stopped once more, this time by a mouselike voice. “You’re really going to let her leave?” Natalia asked Major Wilks, gaping up at him with her big pale-blue eyes. “You’re really not going to stop them? Not going to force Jamie to stay with you and be part of your team?”

Her question—so tragically skeptical—broke my heart. It had been a long time since the girl had known trust and basic human decency.

Major Wilks bent down to her level. “Of course I am, Natalia. I hope she’ll change her mind and come back someday, but I understand and respect her decision to leave. She’s free to go.”

Natalia glanced at me, chewing on her bottom lip and hugging her arms around her frail little body as she looked back at Major Wilks. “And me? Would I be allowed to leave, too?”

The question shocked the entire group and brought tears to both Betty’s and my mother’s eyes. Major Wilks swallowed and took longer than normal to reply. “Of course, sweetheart, if that’s what you want. We would just have to find someplace suitable for you.”

I knew what would happen next before my mother stepped forward. “She could come with us.” My mom glanced at my dad, who smiled and nodded. “We know a little something about raising special girls, after all. You could have Jamie’s old bedroom.”

My mom and Natalia both looked at Major Wilks with so much hope that there was no way he could refuse them. Sighing, he rose back to his feet. “The base really isn’t the best place for a young girl. Mr. and Mrs. Baker, I’m sure we could work that out; however, I’d like her to stay until we can make it official, and she’s gained a little strength back. It shouldn’t take her long, considering her gift.”

“Of course.” Mom bent down to Natalia’s height. “Would you really like to come live with us? You don’t want to stay with Betty, Abiodun, and Tyson?”

Natalia chewed her lips again, making eye contact with her fellow PACs one at a time. “We could still come see them, right?”

“Sure,” I said. “I can come get you and bring you here anytime, if you’re not scared of a little superrunning.”

Natalia considered my words and then shyly nodded to my mom before whispering, “The soldiers kind of scare me, and the base reminds me too much of Visticorp.”

Holy freaking heartbreaking Batman. Thank heavens for my mother. “Oh, sweetheart!” She pulled Natalia into a fierce hug, blinking away tears, and then brushed the little girl’s hair out of her face. It looked like I was gaining an adopted sister. “Would you like me to stay at the base with you until Major Wilks says it’s okay for you to come home with us?”

Natalia nodded again, and that was that. Becky would be flying home alone. My parents piled their luggage back into the military transport truck we’d driven here in.

With everything settled, I gave one last round of hugs to everyone and made Geek promise to call me if he ever cracked Teddy’s microchips (or the ACEs talked Teddy into giving them the password). I also made Smut promise to dress as a pirate captain for Halloween and send me the picture. The guys all got a good laugh out of that.

Ryan and I turned to leave, and Natalia broke away from the crowd to wrap her tiny arms around me. “Thank you,” she whispered.

I knelt down to give her a proper hug. “You’re welcome. Looks like you and I are going to be sisters now. I’ve always wanted a sister.”

“Me too!” She beamed a blinding smile at me and squeezed me around my neck. She placed a small, cool kiss on my cheek and suddenly whispered, “Hold still.”

The comment startled me, but I froze anyway, waiting to see if she would explain. After a second, warmth seeped into my body from her little hands. It took everything I had in me not to gasp.

Be still
, Betty’s voice whispered in my mind.
Don’t react.

The warmth traveled through my body, making me feel rested and energized in a way I’d never felt before. It slowly made its way to my head and wrapped around my brain like a warm blanket. I staggered a little, and Natalia whispered, “Almost finished.”

It was then that I figured out what she was doing. My disbelieving eyes found Betty’s and she smiled.
No one but us PACs knows
that Natalia has the gift to heal others. Even Donovan never discovered that fact. He believed she could only regenerate her own body. We told her she could never reveal her gifts to anyone. They are exhausting on her, and too many people would use her up until there was nothing left. You are special to her, Jamie, if she’s chosen to share this talent with you.

After she pulled her hands away, I could see the fatigue it had caused her to heal me. Betty was right. No one could ever know about this—not even Major Wilks. It would be far too dangerous. People’s intentions would always be good, but her power was too tempting. She would be taken advantage of.

Swallowing back a new fear and need to keep an eye on the girl, I mentally vowed I’d protect her and hugged her fiercely. “Thank you, Natalia,” I whispered. “I will take your secret to the grave.”

Her cheeks flushed, giving her some color for the first time since I’d met her. It was a good look for her. I couldn’t wait until she gained some of her strength back. I doubted it would take her long now that no one was stealing her bone marrow on a weekly basis. Superhealing, and all.

“You can tell Ryan,” she muttered, glancing up at him and blushing even deeper. “He’ll figure it out soon enough anyway.”

I laughed. “I’m sure you’re right.” Tears sprang into my eyes. “Thank you, Natalia.”

. You saved us, Jamie. You saved all of us.”

I rose to my feet and squeezed her hand. “Take care of my parents for me. And my room.”

I was rewarded with another smile before she skipped back over to my parents and took both of their hands in hers. She was a strong kid. She was going to be fine, too. Probably sooner than I would be.

Still feeling choked up at the sight of the happy child grinning adoringly up at my parents, I took a deep breath and turned to Ryan. The moment I looked into his eyes, a flood of memories came rushing to the front of my mind—memories so beautiful and powerful that I gasped. It was all there. Every moment, every touch, every kiss, every smile. Every time I wanted to strangle him. Every time he broke me down and I gave him his way. Every. Single. Memory.

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