Remember This (7 page)

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Authors: Shae Buggs

BOOK: Remember This
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This is exactly why I can’t stand him. He can’t keep his eyes to himself and girls definitely can’t keep their eyes off of him. I think that might be why he went for me in the first place. I didn’t give him any attention when we first met and I don’t think he liked that very much. He was insistent on wooing me and making me come apart at the seams until I finally caved and fell for his charm. It didn’t happen overnight though and I think I bewildered him.

I just have to get through a couple more weeks at most and then he should have his memory back. We can get a divorce as soon as he remembers who he is. After the divorce, I can really focus on my career. Speaking of that, I need to check my email. I wonder if I can figure out the combination to that damn safe. I hope everything is going ok back at the office. If I could just get my phone and check to make sure, then I would be able to enjoy myself more.

“Lucy, I am going back to our room and Kara and Scott are leaving,” says Drey interrupting my thoughts. Everyone has finished eating and I realize I have spent the entire evening thinking about Mason.

“I’m coming too,” I say a little flustered. “Let me just grab my purse.” We walk back to the room exhausted from flying all day. I take a quick shower and climb into bed. As I lay there, I try to sort out my feelings for Mason which is more difficult than it should be.

Maybe Kara is right. Maybe he will go back to normal and he’ll act like the man I fell in love with. He used to make me feel like I was the only girl on the planet when we were together. We definitely fought but we never went to bed angry. I miss those times.

If I wasn’t so busy with work, I would have been sad that I lost my best friend. But, being the work-a-holic that I am, I didn’t even pay attention to my emotions, or his emotions for that matter. Now that I reflect on it, I sound like a self absorbed bitch. My work was more important than my marriage. But I wasn’t the only one who let things go. Mason stopped trying too.

And now I am marrying him again. I really got myself into a ridiculous situation when I hit him in the head but I think the satisfaction of hitting him may have been worth it. I wouldn’t recommend it for other upset wives, but, man did it feel good.

I close my eyes trying to push memories of Mason out of my head. I have to put up with him during the day so I definitely don’t want to dream about him.


Kara, Drey and I all walk into the spa early the next day. The lobby of the spa is decorated in lavender and turquoise. It smells like lavender too. The dress I have on is all white sheer lace. My swim suit underneath is a dark purple. I don’t know if it’s the lavender calming me down but I feel refreshed and ready to relax at the spa.

“So, I booked us hour massages and then we will have lunch here at the spa pool,” I say as we change into white robes in the dressing room. The room has hard wood floors, plush chairs next to the windows and it is lit only by the bright sun. We put our clothes in a locker and sit in the chairs by the window waiting until our massage room is ready.

“What’s the plan after lunch?” Drey asks.

“I was thinking mud baths would be nice,” I say looking out at the view of the beach. It really is peaceful here.

“That sounds amazing,” Kara smiles. “I have never had a mud bath but I have heard they are to die for.”

“Mason and I got them when we were here for the wedding last time and they actually have four tubs in one room so I thought we could reserve a room for the three of us so we could chat,” I say excitedly. The spa is one of my favorite parts of vacation and I need all the relaxation I can get on this trip.

“Ladies, right this way,” says the tall slender woman in a black skirt and blazer that checked us in at the front desk. Her heels clank against the floors as she shows us to our room.

The room has three massage beds that face a wall with floor to ceiling windows. The view overlooks the pool and the beach is in the distance. The woman instructs us to get comfortable on the beds and tells us that our treatment will start soon. We take our clothes off and lay stomach down on the beds. There are white fluffy towels by the beds that we used to cover ourselves from the waist down.

“I feel so exposed,” Kara laughs as she struggles to get the towel to stay on her lower half.

“I just hope we get don’t get Birtha, Gretta, and their charming boy/girl sibling Ox like we did last time, Drey snorts remembering our last experience together at the spa. “They were good with their hands but not much to look at.”

Just as Drey finishes laughing about how Ox had a beard and boobs, the door to our room opens.

“I have died and gone to heaven,” she gasps as she surveys the gorgeous men walking in the door. There are three of them in white pants and tight white shirts all carrying bags that say Coco Beach Spa on the front. They’re all fairly tall, muscular, and very tan. Two of them have dark hair and the other is blond.

“Hi,” one of the dark haired men says and he smiles revealing perfect teeth. “We are going to be giving you lovely ladies a massage today.

Drey, Kara, and I try to say something but nothing but grunting and snorting comes out of our mouths. We’re beyond mesmerized by the gorgeous men that will soon be rubbing oil all over our bodies. Drey gives me her “I know who I will be having sex with tonight” look as the blond one makes his way over to her bed and starts unpacking his bag. As he walks past me I get a whiff of clean laundry. The tallest of the dark haired men walks to Kara’s bed and accidentally brushes up against her as he sets his things on the ground. Kara nearly jumps out of her skin and as she does, her towel slides off of her body again exposing her entire naked backside with the exception of her underwear. She reaches and catches the towel seconds before it hits the ground.

“Sorry,” Kara says nervously, her cheeks turning a bright pink. “My towel fell off again.”

Drey and I laugh silently to ourselves as Kara turns an even darker pink, the color of her freshly painted fingernails. The last of the three men walks over to me and touches my shoulder.

“Hi, I’m Jake,” he says as he grabs the oil out of his bag. If I’m not mistaken, I think he winks at me.

“I’m Lucy,” I say as I try not to drool all over myself. Jake is so cute. I can tell he is in shape and possibly more toned than Mason. But why am I comparing him to Mason? Why am I thinking about Mason at all?

“I will be taking care of you all day today,” Jake says quietly so only I can hear. Raising his voice, he says, “So I see you ladies have arranged to have mud baths later in the day, is that correct?”

“Uh huh,” The three of us say in unison since those are the only words we can manage to get squeak out.

“Perfect,” he smiles. “That’s my favorite treatment at the spa. We will be doing your foot massages during your bath then.”

“Sounds great,” Drey says as she bats her lashes at Luke, her new toy.

I close my eyes and revel in the feeling of muscular hands gliding across my body. The oil is warm and smells like coconut and paradise. My body turns to putty. I can hear Drey and her catch of the day giggling next to me. He seems to be doing more flirting than massaging. I’m sure she would prefer that anyways.

I open my eyes because I notice that Kara has been really quiet. It looks like she has her teeth clenched and I remember that she is very ticklish. Last time we had our massages, she had to tell Birtha to rub only the middle of her back. I see her face soften as his hands glide to her shoulders. I watch her for a couple of minutes and I think I hear her snoring now.

I feel like I have entered another universe when the hot rocks are set down my spine. I am no longer human, but a jelly fish. I let my mind wander not thinking of anything in particular until an hour has passed.

“I feel so refreshed,” Kara says as she finishes putting her swimsuit and sun dress back on in the dressing room. “I can’t believe that I flashed everyone though.”

“Yeah, that was pretty funny,” Drey laughs. “Especially since you chose to wear your nude granny panties today. We had swim suits on when we got here. Why didn’t you just take all of your clothes off?”

“I just felt uncomfortable being completely naked so I brought some underwear to put on for the massage,” she says blushing again.

“Well, you can’t wear them in the mud bath,” I add.

“I know!” Kara scoffs, I think a little embarrassed.

“Weren’t those men gorgeous?” Drey says as we reach our covered cabana by the pool. We have salads and fruit waiting for us when we arrive. “I can’t wait to see Luke again at our mud baths.”

“I know, you two looked like you were getting along quite nicely,” Kara giggles.

“Alright ladies what will you have to drink?” says the poolside waitress in her itty bitty black skirt and bikini top. That is one ‘uniform’ that leaves nothing to the imagination.

“I will have a strawberry daiquiri,” Kara says.

“Yeah, I’ll have the same thing,” Drey echoes to the waitress.

“And you already have a drink coming to you, Miss,” the waitress says turning to me.

“I do?” I say completely confused.

“Yes, your husband brought you a margarita before he went golfing just a few minutes ago,” she explains.

“Oh. Well that’s what I was going to order anyways so I guess that’s ok.” On my approval, the waitress leaves to go get the drinks.

“Why would Mason bring you a margarita?” Drey asks a little skeptical of the situation.

“He was probably just being nice,” Kara says as she takes a bite of the watermelon on her plate. “He probably just feels bad about the plane and room incidences. Scott said that he thinks this whole amnesia thing has really changed Mason.”

“I guess you’re right.” The waitress comes back with our drinks. My drink has a little umbrella in it and a note attached. I read the note out loud:

“Just a little something for my bride-to-be. I hope you have a great day at the spa. –Love Mason.”

“Now I feel bad for being so mean to him,” I gush as I re-read the note. “And this is the best margarita I have ever had! Try it,” I say offering it to Drey and Kara.

“No, thank you,” says Drey. “Ever since that crazy fraternity party we went to junior year in college, I have never been able to drink tequila since.”

“Same here,” Kara cringes. “That stuff makes me gag.”

We sit in the cabana for an hour or so eating and sipping on our second round of drinks. We slip into the pool a couple of times to cool off and then head back to the dressing rooms to get ready for our mud baths. We get back into our robes and sit in the chairs by the windows again and wait for our treatment.

“Man, my stomach has been rumbling ever since lunch,” I say rubbing my abdomen. “It must have been the dressing on the salad.”

“My stomach is fine and we all had the same thing,” Drey says.

“Yeah, I feel fine,” says Kara. “The only thing we had different was our drinks. It must have been the tequila. We told you that was bad news.”

“But I drink it all the time. I even had it last night and it didn’t bother me. Maybe I’m just getting nervous for the wedding. Or maybe I have been stressing about work too much. Drey, I really need my phone so I can check my emails.”

“Do you really think that is going to make you less stressed?” she asks giving me a suspicious look. “I’m not giving it back to you. I’m enjoying spending time with you without your phone.”

“Ok, fine. You win again,” I surrender. “But I still feel like shit. I’m sure it will go away once we start our treatment.”

“Right this way,” says Ms. Clanky from the front desk again.

We are escorted to a room with four tubs, only three of which are full of mud. There are no windows in the room and the lights are dim. There are a few candles set around giving off a faint aroma but it is overshadowed by the musky smell of the mud. Its not a bad smell, just different. We take our robes off and climb in our tubs.

“I wasn’t expecting the mud to be this warm,” Kara says as she settles into the first tub.

“I know it feels great doesn’t it?” Drey says as she climbs in.

I take my robe off and hesitantly step into the tub. Drey and Kara look so relaxed but I feel faint. I cling to the side of the tub as I lower myself in.

“What’s wrong Lucy?” Kara asks. “Is it your stomach still?”

I nod and squirm a little in the mud. “The rumbling has moved down into my lower stomach and is starting to be really uncomfortable. I feel really gassy all of a sudden.”

“Well, let it all out before our sexy men get here,” Drey laughs.

“This isn’t funny, Drey,” I say starting to panic. “I think I need to find the bathroom.”

5. Shit, Damn, Fart

Before I can make my move to the ladies room, the door to our room opens and the three men from earlier walk in with their bags. I lower myself back into the tub and glare at Kara and Drey who are now trying not to laugh. They must have heard my stomach rumble. It was so loud that I’m surprised the guys didn’t hear it as they set up their things. I had to release some of the gas in my stomach before I exploded. I try burping but am surprised to hear that it comes out the other end instead. It’s a muffled sound because of the mud but still loud enough for the girls to hear and a bubble forms at the surface. Drey and Kara are practically crying they are laughing so hard. The second I feel better I am going to kick their asses for laughing at me. The boys say their hellos and put their hands in the mud to start massaging our feet.

My feet are squirming around as I try not to make a sound.

“Oh, are you ticklish?” Jake asks smiling up at me.

“Yeah, that’s it,” I lie to him. What am I supposed to say, that I have farted ten times in the last five seconds and that I feel like I am going to shit myself?

“I can rub your legs instead if you would rather me do that,” he suggests.

“Um, no, the feet are fine,” I say. I wish I could tell him that the farther he moves up my legs, the closer he moves to the danger zone. “I’m sorry, I’ll try to keep still.”

I sit there for what feels like forever and my stomach is gargling and aching like crazy. Every time my stomach makes a noise I try to say something really loudly to Drey or Kara so Jake and the other guys can’t hear it. One time though I screamed “Hiya buddy!” because I couldn’t think of anything else to say fast enough. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy.

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