Remembrance: A Contemporary Erotic Romance (Iris Series Book 4) (23 page)

BOOK: Remembrance: A Contemporary Erotic Romance (Iris Series Book 4)
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“Especially the gorgeous women,” he continued.  “I’m afraid I must have your name, young lady,” he said in mock authority like a police officer.

“Janie Callahan,” she said with an amused look, putting out her hand to shake his.

Without missing a beat, he took her hand and held it gently but firmly then brought his other hand to meet his first so both of his were holding hers.  “Well, Janie Callahan.  I’m Eric Weston.”  His hands turned hers over and stroked at her palm.  “I’m afraid I’ll need to find us a quiet corner where I can interrogate you.”

Janie smirked.  “I assure you, it’s not my intention to kill anyone tonight.”

“I disagree.  You could definitely do some serious damage in that dress.”  He gave her an appreciative and blatant once over with his eyes, which were shining when they reached hers again.  “And even more out of it, I imagine.”

“Well, you just get right to it, don’t you, Eric Weston?” she smiled while sipping her champagne.

His smile got even bigger and he stepped a little closer.  “I don’t waste time.  Not when there’s a woman who looks like a goddess standing here all by herself.  Either you’re here alone or your date is the stupidest man alive for leaving you standing here unattended.”

She was flattered.  Although she didn’t have years of experience with it like Ayanna, she knew how to banter charmingly.  She glanced over at Luke, noticing he was looking down at his phone in concentration only to then look up again and begin searching the room with his eyes.

He was looking for her, she was sure.  When his eyes collided with Janie’s, he frowned, completely ignored the person who’d been talking to him and began walking toward her.

This ought to be fun.  She smiled back up at Eric.  “My apologies, Mr. Weston, but –”

He didn’t let her finish, and murmured, now playing with her fingers, “No apologies, please.  If you’re apologizing, that means you’re thinking of saying no.  Don’t say no, Janie Callahan.  Let’s just find a quiet corner and get to know each other better.  I promise I’ll be on my best behavior.”  He gave her a lazy smile that said his best behavior was certain to include shameless flirting and not taking no for an answer.

This man had potential to help her make Luke squirm.

“Somehow I doubt that,” she said dryly.

“You caught me.”  He covered his heart with his hand as if wounded.  “I’ll admit I don’t like being on my best behavior.”  He sent her a heated look.  “
I’m actually much more enjoyable when I’m misbehaving.”

As much as she would’ve enjoyed the attention, her mind was on another man at the moment.  Luke’s imminent approach caused her arousal to come swift and hot. 

Eric stepped forward, directing his next comment toward her ear.  “I can tell just by looking at you that you would be a tiger, Janie Callahan.”  He dropped his voice.  “But I’m sure if you were stroked just right you’d purr like a kitten.”

She didn’t need to turn to know Luke was almost there since Eric’s miffed gaze over her shoulder said it all. 

“Eric,” she heard Luke say with a mixture of authority and annoyance.  Luke’s hand smoothed down Janie’s back and moved to her waist.  “I see you’ve met our chef for the evening.”

Eric was still holding Janie’s hand and raised his eyebrows while still looking into her eyes.  “Chef?” 

“Janie’s catering company did our food tonight.  She’s been in the kitchen all day so now she’s going to kick back and relax,” Luke said. 

“Then this is perfect timing,” Eric said quietly in appreciation, his eyes skimming her face and neck, moving briefly to her chest.  “The food is outstanding.  Congratulations on a successful evening,” he said nodding to her.

“Thank you,” she smiled.  She finally turned back to Luke and looked up into his eyes.  There was a flash of warning in his, a more intense one than the one he’d given her when Miguel Gastaldi had been talking to her.  She licked her lips and decided to play a little.  “Eric and I were thinking about sitting down to chat for a bit,” she said, finishing off her champagne but still holding the glass.  Her eyes challenged his.

Luke nodded with mock disappointment, “Sorry, that’s not possible at the moment.”  His eyes pierced into hers, darkening with an edge of danger.  He looked at Eric.  “I need to steal her away, Eric.  I have some people that I need her to meet.”  He effortlessly disengaged her hand from Eric’s and put it in his.

“Well, don’t keep her too long, Luke.  The poor woman’s been on her feet all day,” he said then turned to smile down at Janie.  “When he’s done talking business, I’ll take you to that quiet corner I promised so you can enjoy the rest of your evening.”

“I’m afraid she’ll be with me for the rest of it.  Sorry to ruin your plans,” he said, obviously not sorry one bit.  Although he was calm, he sounded jealous to her ears.  Score one point for Janie.

“My plans aren’t ruined at all.”  He moved his eyes from Luke back to Janie.  “We can get to know each other another night.  I’m sure you have a card?”

Although Janie was thoroughly enjoying their pissing contest, she cleared her throat and handed her empty glass to Luke so she could pull out her clutch to retrieve her business card. “Eric, it was really nice to meet you,” she said with a smile for him, card in hand.

Eric returned her smile and let his hand encircle her wrist gently, rubbing his thumb on it until he rubbed it down to her hand to take the card.  “Have dinner with me this week.  I’ll call you and we’ll set up a time.”

She could feel Luke’s hand tighten on her hip.  Cojones.  Mr. Weston had big ones for sure.  Luke apparently had had enough of Eric’s shenanigans and snickered at the man’s efforts.

“We’ll see you around, Weston.”  Luke reached down and took Janie’s hand, leading her away, dropping off her empty glass to a passing waiter who smiled at Janie.

Janie looked behind her and gave an apologetic look toward Eric, whose face showed determination and then she was whisked away to another part of the room.  Her heart was beating quickly, first because Luke was being so possessive and second, because a handsome man had just come onto her.  She was a woman, after all, and it always felt good when a handsome man took notice.

“You’re being rude and your mother taught you better manners than that.  She’d be ashamed of you right now,” Janie said under her breath.  “He could be another contender,” she pointed out.

“No,” he said adamantly.  “And my mother would be praising me right now for rescuing you from the clutches of the biggest player at this party,” he grumbled, continuing to lead her through
the venue.  “Trust me on this, Janie.  You don’t want to a go out on a date with him,” he grumbled.  “And you were supposed to text me when you were ready.  You need to go back into the bathroom and do something about that neckline.  I’m sure someone at this party has some double sided tape to secure your dress a little better.”

She stopped walking causing him to stop as well.  “You’re pissing me off, Luke,” she warned when he finally made eye contact with her.  “My dress is fine and you know it.  If you don’t wan
t to look at my neckline for the rest of the evening then I’ll be happy to head back to Eric, who I’m sure would appreciate it more.”  She paused.  “You know,” she began, starting to get worked up and putting her hands on her hips, “it’s amazing women even agree to date you.  You can be such an insensitive clod sometimes.  As if I didn’t have enough body issues to begin with and you make a comment like that, when you loved this dress when I tried it on.” 

She whirled around and began walking to get another drink.  He was such an ass.  She didn’t get very far since he took her hand again and led her to an alcove, bypassing people who were saying hi to him and calling his name.  He kept walking until they had some privacy.  By this time, she was fuming.

“And I’m not some teenager, Luke, whose skirt length has to be checked by the hall monitor,” she whispered vehemently, trying not to make a scene. 

He interrupted her.  “I’m sorry,” he said sincerely.  He took her hand and squeezed it bringing it to his lips until she looked up at him and then said again more forcefully.  “I’m sorry.”  He swallowed with a look of chagrin.  “I didn’t mean to –”  He stopped and shook his head.  “He’s not right for you, okay?  And I didn’t like the way he looked at you.  I don’t want men looking at you like you’re a piece of meat,” he said adamantly.

She rolled her eyes, exasperated.  “Well maybe I want to be looked at like a piece of meat sometimes.  I mean,” she sputtered in frustration, “men never looked at me that way while I was growing up,” she mumbled and looked down.  “Idiot.”

He tipped her face back so she looked up into his gorgeous blue eyes which were shining with concern and apology.  “I am an idiot.  I’m sorry.”  He sighed and was quiet for a moment, then said, “I know you’re no longer a ‘baby girl’, but seeing men look at you like that puts my back up.  I don’t like it.”  He didn’t look happy at all. 

She needed to turn this situation around to her advantage.  If she was going to seduce him, she needed to use whatever cards were dealt tonight and make them work.

She leaned into his hand still holding her chin.  “If you didn’t know me and just saw me at a party, would you find me attractive?”

He hesitated then his eyes went from intense to dark.  “Yes.”

A visceral current of need coursed through her so strongly she nearly lost her breath.  “What would you do?  If you didn’t already have a history with me and wanted to meet me?”

He clenched his jaw.  “I’d come over and introduce myself.”

“Like Eric did?”

He looked like he was struggling in how to answer the question and removed his hand from her chin, shoving it in his pocket. 

“You see, that’s the problem, Luke.  If you didn’t know me, and saw me at a party and found me attractive, you probably
approach me the way Eric did.  But because we have this history between us, I’m beginning to think it’s going to be too hard for you to find a man for me since you’ve only seen me one way.  You said you were going to find a man like you, someone you could trust with me.  I mean is it even
for you specifically to find a man you can trust, someone like you, but also know in the back of your mind that the man you choose may want to tear my clothes off?” She brought her hand to her neck just above her cleavage, where she rubbed her fingers as if she had to scratch an itch.

And she definitely had an itch to scratch.  Its name was Luke Daniels.

His eyes drifted to her fingers at her chest. 

“You see the dilemma here?” she continued.  “If you continue to treat me like you’re my chaperone, I don’t know if I’ll ever get this man who we’ve designed this list for.  You need to see me as a woman, Luke.  How many different ways do I need to say this?”

He pierced her with his eyes.  “I do see you as a woman, Janie.” He looked away to make sure no one was listening then back into her eyes.  “I think last night proved that.”

She gulped.  “Well, then.  You need to find me a man who can be trusted but who wants to ravish me,” she murmured, enjoying the look on his face.  “I’ve said this to you before.  Eric Weston definitely has potential.”


“You said I could date, but just no sex.”

“There’s no way he’ll go out with you and not expect sex.  You need to trust me on this.  And he
be trusted.”

“Well, it’s not like he’s go
ing to force me or anything, Luke.  It’ll be nice to go out with a guy who wants me.”  She continued stroking her finger over the top part of her chest.

“I wasn’t kidding when I said you were playing with fire, Janie.  Don’t toy with these men.”

She put her hands on her hips.  “I can’t just go out with a guy for fun?  I’m not toying with anyone.  Not all guys expects sex and I’m certainly not going to promise it to them.  I told you I wasn’t a tease.  I went out with Danny for a while and
didn’t have sex.” 

Luke pressed his fingers to his eyes and let out a huge and frustrated expulsion of air.  “You just said that you wanted a man to ravish you and Weston had potential.  Weston is most certainly not a man with potential for the end game here.  He’s a player, like Detective Douche.”

She rolled her eyes.  “There’s nothing wrong with going out with Eric just once.  I agreed to no sex and I have the next several weeks off from work so this is the perfect time to get to know some more men.”

.  You’re impossible, woman,” he mumbled, running his hand down his face.

“Hey, if you don’t want me to end up with a guy like Weston, then you better hurry up and find the right man.  Chop, chop.  Get to it, Daniels, because I look good tonight,” she purred and watched him swallow, his eyes darkening even more.  “And last night barely took the edge off.”  She licked her lips and gave him a
sexy smile.  “I’m feeling like I need to scream again.”

His eyes zeroed in on her tongue then he brought them back to meet her eyes again, taking a moment before speaking.  She couldn’t read his thoughts, but he cocked his head to study her more intensely.  Then as if making a decision, he said, “Remember our deal.  If you decide to go out with anyone in the next two weeks –”

“I know, I know.  I have to tell you and no sex.”  She waved him away with her hand.

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