Read Renegade Wedding (Renegade Sons MC Book 3) Online
Authors: Emily Minton,Dawn Martens
“My sister doesn’t need a damn thing.”
Timber has been chasing after Tabby since the day she came to town. Preach is still having trouble with the fact that Timber wants his sister. Hell, even I’m having trouble accepting it. She’s nothing like Timber’s usual; she’s pure sweetness, and Timber has always liked his women with an edge.
A slow smile spreads across Timber’s face, and a chuckle slips from his lips. “Actually, she did. When I got there, Anna was covered from head to toe in chocolate ice cream and screaming that she wanted a bubble bath, and little Vi was crying for her bottle. Noah was trying to clean Anna up, but she was having none of it. She wanted her bath, and if she couldn’t get it, she was just gonna stay dirty.”
Preach stands up, ready to rescue his sister. “I guess I better go home.”
Timber shakes his head. “Nah, brother. We got it settled. Had to bribe Anna with a trip to the park Sunday, but she finally let me clean her up.”
Preach stays standing for a moment before sitting back down. His ass is barely in place when we hear a shout from across the room. I dip my head to my chest and give it a little shake. While Preach was bitchin’ at Reese, he should have added listening to him get his nut to the list things we don’t need to do.
ey, baby,” I whisper to Kidd as he climbs into bed beside me. “Have fun?”
“It was all right, baby girl, but I didn’t need a fuckin’ party. I would rather have been here with you,” he says, snuggling into me as his hands roam over my panty clad ass.
I shrug sleepily. “I just got home a few hours ago. It took forever to pick a damn dress.”
“Did you get one?” he asks as he starts to nuzzle the side of my neck.
“Yeah, and it’s bad ass. You’re gonna love it.”
“I’ll love stripping it off your ass.”
I roll over and smile. “Are you gonna fuck me, or are you gonna spend the whole night talking.”
He doesn’t respond, just presses his lips against mine. As soon as he does, the taste of beer fills my mouth. Jerking back, I start to yell. “You asshole! You were drinking.”
“It was my fuckin’ bachelor party. Did you really think I wouldn’t have a drink?”
“You fuckin’ promised you wouldn’t touch a drop as long as I didn’t.”
“It ain’t like I got drunk. I only had a few,” he says, not seeing the bigger picture. The dickhead lied to me, so now it’s my turn.
“Same goes for me then. Since you had a few, so will I. I’m fuckin’ drinking tomorrow night!”
His eyes narrow. “If you’re pregnant, that shit could hurt the baby.”
His words cut into me. Nervous energy makes me jump out of bed to pace the room. “I may never get pregnant. Timmons might’ve done too much damage to my insides.”
Just saying the bastard’s name sends bile up my throat. I know he’s dead and can no longer hurt me, but I have a feeling that he will always be a shadow in my life.
Kidd jumps up off the bed, grabbing me around the waist and leaning back so we are eye to eye.
“Don’t even think about it, babe. It doesn’t matter.” Kidd’s heartfelt words cut into my heart, the what ifs killing me.
“How can you say that? You know how much I want a baby.”
His voice softens further as he pushes a loose hair behind my ear. “I’ll buy us one.”
“What?” I can’t keep the smile off my face. “Are you crazy?”
“No, baby girl. I’m just determined to keep my woman happy.”
Forgetting to be angry, I snuggle into his arms and run my hand down to his cock, teasing him to hardness. “Fuck me, and I’ll be happy as hell.”
“I can do that, baby,” he growls, crushing his lips to mine as he backs me against the wall.
His tongue lashes against mine as he reaches between us. Without warning, he rips my panties off my body, letting the ruined lace fall to the floor.
“Hey, I liked those,” I complain.
“In my fuckin’ way.”
I make quick work of pushing his underwear down, and he steps out of them, kicking them to the side, my hand quickly stroking his cock. I love the way it’s hard, yet silky smooth at the same time. I spread the moisture from the tip, ripping a groan from his throat, while he furiously attacks the sensitive skin on my neck with his lips and teeth. He moves lower, across to my hardened nipples, first one then the other.
“Kidd, get in me. In me now.”
Without hesitating, he grabs a hold of my ass, lifting me and impaling me on his thick shaft. Both of us groan with pleasure.
“So damn wet, baby. Is that for me?” he asks as he thrusts home.
“Only you.”
“That’s right. Mine.” He picks up the pace, thrusting feverously. “I love your tight little pussy.”
Tangling my fingers into his hair, I pull his lips to mine, forcing my tongue past his parted lips and kissing him like I’ll die without it. God, he tastes so fucking good, like beer and pure man -my man.
“Hold on tight, baby,” he warns before sliding his hand between our bodies and slipping the rough pad of his finger into the wetness, gathering some and spreading it onto my sensitive clit. He circles my clit slowly while he pounds into me. The tender touch is at complete odds with the crazed way he’s fucking me. My body is on the edge. It would take just a couple rough swipes against my clit for me to go off like a damn rocket, but Kidd knows and keeps his fingers gentle, slow, maddening.
“Please, make me cum.”
A rough swipe of his finger against my over-sensitized nerves leaves me flinging my head back into the wall, using my shoulders to hold me so I can work my hips against him, and trying desperately to grind my clit harder into him as he pumps his cock in and out. He’s back to the gentle swipes, and I’m back to losing my mind.
His thrusts turn erratic, and I know he’s close. “Now, baby. Come right fuckin’ now,” he demands as he pinches my clit roughly.
Everything in the world falls away as I lose myself to ecstasy. When I come back down from the sexual high, I’m pinned against the wall by Kidd’s strong body and can’t find the energy to move.
“Holy fuck.”
“Yeah,” he agrees.
walk in the door of the place I still call home, Chipper and Mindy’s house, and smile. “Chipper, where are you?”
He comes out of the kitchen holding a half-eaten fried bologna and cheese sandwich. He lifts it toward me and smiles. “Want one?”
I scrunch up my nose, trying hard not to gag. “Hell, no. That shit is nasty.”
He laughs, a full belly laugh, before taking another bite. “Whatcha’ doing here, Jenna girl? I thought tonight was your big party.”
“It is. I’m supposed to meet the girls over at The Kitty Kat later on tonight, but I wanted to talk to you first.”
He shoves the rest of the sandwich in his mouth, and then rubs his hands onto the front of his pants. “Something wrong?”
I shake my head. “No, I just wanted to ask you something.”
“What? Are you getting cold feet?”
I laugh. No way in hell do I have cold feet. I can’t fuckin’ wait to be Kidd’s wife. “No, not at all.” I walk over to him and pull him to the couch.
I know what I want to ask, and I have no doubt that he will say yes, but I’m still nervous as hell. “You know I love you right?”
“What the hell, Jenna? You’re starting to scare me. You’re not sick, are you?”
Visions of Mindy telling us that she had cancer run through my head. She started the conversation the exact same way. “No, I’m not sick. I just have something really important to ask you.”
“Then fuckin’ ask. Quit pussy footing around.”
“You’ve been the best dad I could have ever asked for.” I look away, fidgeting in my seat. “Helping me out of that shit when I was a kid, you became my hero.”
He leans toward me and wraps his arm around my shoulder. “I would do anything for you, girl.”
“Will you walk me to Kidd on my wedding day?” Chipper is my dad; not by blood, but he’s my dad in every way that counts. “I want you to give me away.”
“Shit,” he chokes out, barely holding in his emotions. “Of course.”
“Thank you,” I whisper, leaning my head against his shoulder. “Love you, Chipper.”
He wraps his arms around me, hugging me tight. “I love you too,” he says while smiling down at me.
We’re both quiet for a minute before I quietly put voice to my thoughts. “I wish Mom could be there.”
Mindy may not have given birth to me, but she was my mother in every sense of the word.
“She will be. She’ll be right by your side every step of the way,” he says, squeezing me even tighter.
I’m about to respond when my phone rings. Using the excuse to break away, not wanting to cry in front of Chipper, I pull my phone out and place it to my ear. “Hello.”
“Ms. Chandler, this is Erika from Dr. Granger’s office. I have some exciting news for you.”
don’t know what in the fuck is wrong with it, but I’ve had this bike since I was seventeen. I don’t give a shit how much it costs. The damn think is gonna get fixed,” Timber says, wiping grease from his hands.
Preach shakes his head. “I don’t know, man. I’m thinking we’re gonna have to tear it apart, just to figure out what in the hell is going on.”
I look at the bike and shake my head. She’s a fine machine, and I don’t blame Timber for dishing out the cash to get her running again. “If Preach can’t fix her up, I’m not sure any of the brothers can. Maybe you should call over to the Lord’s compound. I’ve heard Boyd’s a fuckin’ magician when it comes to classic bikes.”
“I could have it fixed for you before the days over,” Mary says as she steps beside Timber.
We all look at her like she’s lost her damn mind, before a few chuckles slip past our lips.
Preach is the first to voice our thoughts. “No offence, Mary, but I just spent the last two days working on the bike. I doubt you’ll do anything that I haven’t already tried.”
“I suppose you think that since I’m a woman, I can’t fix it.” She shoots a glare his way before turning to look at Timber and me. “I’ll bet you a grand I can get it fixed.”
I shake my head immediately. “I’m not taking your money.”
“You won’t be taking shit. I’ll be taking yours, and I don’t have a problem lining my pocket with your cash.”
Timber lays his hand on her shoulder. “Mary, you don’t even ride a bike. How the hell do you expect to fix one?”
She shrugs his hand away and snarls at him. “Make the damn bet.”
Preach steps forward this time. “Sorry, can’t do. If I took your money, Daisy would beat my ass.”
Mary puffs up her chest and places her hands on her hips. “Fine, no money. If I can’t fix it, I’ll make the entire club my fried catfish with all the fixins’. If I do fix it, you boys have to do whatever I want.”
Timber slides his arm around her shoulder again and winks. “Darlin’, I would love that, but Tabby might not be so happy about it.”
Even though I know he’s just fuckin’ with her, I add my two cents. “Yeah, Jenna would be a little pissed.”
She throws her elbow into his side, causing him to grunt. “I don’t want your ass in my bed. I have two men that keep my sheets occupied every night. What I want is for you boys to be available for a few hours tonight to do me a little favor.”
“You’re not gonna give up on this are you?” Preach asks.
She shakes her head, and he smiles. “When you lose, we get your fried catfish?”
Her face flushes red with anger at the implication that there is no way in hell she can fix the bike, but she still nods.
Preach looks to Timber and me. “I say we go for it. Everyone knows that Mary’s catfish is fuckin’ delicious.”
Nodding, I look to her. “Fine, give it a go.”
Instead of touching the bike, she looks over her shoulder and shouts. “Holt, I need you out here.”
A few seconds later, he comes walking out of the club house with a wrench in his hand and a smile on his face.
walk into The Kitty Kat and see all my friends rushing around to put out food and drinks. I told Skittles this morning that I would be drinking tonight, but that all changed a few hours ago. No more drinking for me; not now, and not for a long damn time. “I’m here now, so let the party start.”
Daisy laughs at me and shakes her head. “Only you would want a party at a strip club.”
“Yeah, but tonight it better be a male strip club,” I say, looking around the club for Skittles. “The boys had stripers last night, so I get some tonight, only mine will have dicks.”
I hear a giggle come from behind me and turn to see Tabby walking in the door. Her face is beet red, and she’s got a smile on her lips. “I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet.”
She has come a long way since she moved to Big Clifty, but she’s still shy as hell. “Hey, Tabby. I was afraid you wouldn’t come.”
She moves closer, stepping next to Daisy. “You’re my friend. I wouldn’t miss your big night.”
If someone would have told me a few months ago that I would be friends with a chick like Tabby, I would’ve laughed. Now though, I’m honored to call her friend. The shit I went through as a kid was bad, but Tabby lived in hell for years and never gave up. “I’m glad you’re here. Let loose and have fun,” I say, giving her a smile.
“I will, thanks,” she says quietly.
“Alright, bitches! Let’s get the night started!” Skittles yells from the stage before jumping down and taking a seat. A second later,
You Shook Me All Night Long
by AC/DC comes blaring from the speakers, and the lights go out.
I make my way to the stage, taking my spot right in front. As soon as my ass hits the seat, Kidd steps onto the stage. Preach, Timber, and Reese follow him, and none of them look happy. In fact, they look mad as hell. This has to be some kind of joke. I know my man, and there is no way in hell he’d ever get on stage and strip.
As the chorus starts, they begin to move. I can’t hold back my smile as they start to shake their asses. The boys may not have any rhythm, but they look sexy as hell in their leather chaps and biker boots.