Renewing Lost Love (9 page)

Read Renewing Lost Love Online

Authors: Karen Ward

Tags: #louisiana, #rescue, #lost love, #hero, #marine, #wyoming

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Pinky asks, “Do you have a description of the
truck and a license number?”

Dean answers, “It is reported to be a forest
green extended cab Dodge, 2004 model, Montana plates 2P 8505M. I
have already put out an APB for the truck to go along with the one
on Bixby. He will be in your area by now. Be alert.”

“Thanks, I’ll let everyone know.”

After he hangs up from speaking with Richard
Dean, Pinky tells Scoot, “The FBI agent called me just now. They
believe Bixby has stolen a truck in Montana and will be in the area
of the ranch by now. The truck is a forest green extended cab
Dodge, 2004, Montana plates, 2P 8505M. The owner blasted the truck
with buckshot but he doesn’t know if he hit the driver.”

“We better let Barry know before we take
off,” responds Scoot.


James Bixby is irritated. He is so close to
his prey but now he feels terrible. His head is pounding, he is
dizzy, weak, and he can tell he has a high fever. His back is so
sore he can’t even lean back against the truck seat. He has no
choice but to return to the compound and recuperate before he’ll be
able to take care of the mercenaries. He doesn’t want to take the
chance of getting caught again by trying to proceed in his
diminished state. Starting the engine he turns the truck back
toward the compound on the Montana-Idaho border near Sandpoint.


Addressing Barry and Bud Wilkes by phone
Scoot says, “Pinky just got a call from the FBI to let us know
Bixby stole a pickup in Montana and is probably in the area of the
ranch by now. The truck is a forest green extended cab 2004 Dodge,
Montana plates, 2P 8505M. The owner shot at the truck blowing out
the back window but doesn’t know if he hit Bixby.

I want you to run a check on all of the
security cameras to make sure they are all working properly. Notify
Jacob Murray and have them run a check on their cameras also. I
think you should run a check on all of the fire suppressant systems
too. I think he will try to create a distraction if he manages to
get inside. From what Pinky tells me, Bixby wants to kill all of us
so bring everyone together at the main house to stay until this
threat is neutralized. Barry, let the Brentwood’s know about the
latest threat and warn Eric to stay near the house. Goose is
calling Evelyn to bring the kids to the main house and of course,
I’ll call Skye and Damian. We should be at the ranch later tonight.
Are there any other suggestions?”


The Drake Security team arrives back at the
ranch just before midnight. Once again Pinky finds a voice message
from Richard Dean. “Mr. Williams, Richard Dean here. I wanted to
let you know the truck Bixby stole was located late this afternoon
in the mall parking lot in Kalispell, Montana. We are watching it.
I’ll let you know when I know something else.”

After the team listens to the message Pinky
asks, “Well, what do you think? Is he back in the Kalispell area or
is he hiding somewhere around here?”

Scoot replies, “It sounds like he might have
been hurt by that shotgun blast to the back window and he is
returning to the compound to heal. I don’t think we should let our
guard down though.”

Bear says, “I’ll make a trip to Kalispell and
see if I can pick up any information from my contacts around the
area. Maybe somebody saw or heard something. I have his mug shot
from when he was arrested, I’ll show it around and see if anyone
has seen him.”

Goose offers, “I’ll fly you up in the
morning. We can make a pass over that compound and see if we can
see anything.”

Scoot says, “That sounds good then. Just
don’t stay gone too long. If he is around we’re going to need you
here. Everyone get some shut eye, tomorrow may be a long day. I’ll
let Barry know the latest before I turn in.”


James Bixby groans in misery as he turns over
in the bed. Those women damn near killed him last night digging
that buckshot out of his back. If he hadn’t been so out of it on
the whiskey he probably would have killed them. He halfway believes
they intentionally made it as painful for him as they possibly
could. At least he should start getting better now thanks to the
antibiotics furnished by that dentist in Sandpoint. It really does
pay to have friends in high places.

Just before noon the cabin door slams against
the wall as Fred Davis, head of this militia group storms inside
and hollers, “Bixby, get your lazy ass out of that bed! I’m taking
you back to Kalispell. The FBI just left here. They were looking
for you. They said you murdered a guard and a nurse down in
Missoula and then stole a pickup. He said that’s how you got hurt.
We don’t want those bastards hanging around here so I’m kicking you
out, now!”

Bixby whines, “Aw Fred, don’t be hasty. I’m
so weak I can barely stand up. I need to rest a few days. If you
take me back now I’m sure to get caught. Give me a break,

Davis replies, “I don’t care if you have to
crawl on your belly through the snow, you are not staying here. Go
find someplace else to recuperate. We don’t need or want your kind
of trouble around here.” The sounds of a helicopter flying low
overhead vibrates through the cabin. “Damn, you brought those
mercenaries down on our heads too. Get up, now!”

Bixby crawls out of the bed and puts his
clothes and boots on. Then he slips his coat on and follows Davis
out of the cabin. A black rage is flowing through his veins but
doesn’t say a word. These wimpy bastards are going to pay for
kicking him out. He’ll make sure of it!


Flying low over the compound Bear is
examining the area through binoculars. He says, “Look, that’s Bixby
coming out of that cabin, the one on the end and getting into that
red pickup. Back off and let’s see where they are headed.”

Goose says, “It looks like the visit from the
FBI this morning made those guys think twice about letting the
slime ball hang around. I’ll radio law enforcement and have him
picked up wherever they leave him.”

They watch from above as Bixby is dropped off
at the mall in Kalispell. The state police immediately converge on
the area and after a short uneventful chase they load him up into
the patrol car and haul him to jail.

Goose says, “We need to refuel, then will you
be ready to head back to Wyoming?”

Bear says, “If you don’t mind, can we make a
pass over my cabin? I want to make sure everything is all right.
It’s got all of those new hidden security cameras in the cabin and
around the surrounding area that we can monitor from the ranch but
I still like to see it myself from time to time. What do you

“It sounds fine to me.” answers Goose.

After refueling and then making a pass over
Bear’s remote mountain cabin and finding nothing amiss they head
back to Wyoming.


I am so nervous I am shaking like a leaf and
butterflies are flitting around in my stomach. I am pacing around
and around my hospital room. Today is the day the plastic surgeon
is going to remove the bandages from my face revealing to me for
the first time the results of the plastic surgery to remove my
horrible scar.

I was surprised at how heavily my face was
bandaged after the surgery ten days ago and I hope that is not an
indication of how extensive my scars will be. I know my face will
look better, but will it look normal? The doctor has assured me
that he can fix anything I’m not happy with, but I am so

A light knock sounds at the hospital room
door and the plastic surgeon strides into the room smiling and
says, “Jasmine, are you ready to see the results?”

Visibly shaking I reply, “I think so. I am so

Laughing he says, “That’s understandable, but
I promise, you are going to like what you see.” I sit down on the
side of the bed and he slowly removes the heavy bandages and
carefully checks the surgical site for any signs of infection.
Obviously pleased with his work, he smiles and says, “All right,
Beautiful, go check out the results. Remember, it will look even
better as the redness and swelling fade.”

I rise off the bed and shakily walk toward
the mirror hanging over the sink in my room. My heart is pounding
and I close my eyes as I take the last few steps. When I finally
muster my courage and open my eyes, a look of sheer joy slides
across my face as I see the results of my surgery. I look just like
I did at twenty! The drooping of my eye is gone and the skin is
smooth with only a tiny line of scar showing. It is still red of
course and has a little bit swelling, but wow, it is gorgeous!

I turn and throw my arms around the surgeon’s
neck, kiss his weathered cheek, and cry, “Oh, thank you, thank you,
thank you. I never dreamed I could look just like I did before!” I
turn back toward the mirror with tears sliding down my cheeks as I
tenderly touch the beautiful face that once again belongs to


A few days after Bixby’s last arrest in
Montana, Pinky’s cell phone rings and his heart fills with
trepidation when he recognizes Richard Dean’s number on the caller
ID, “Pinky.”

“Mr. Williams, it is Richard Dean. I really
hate to have to tell you this, but Bixby escaped again. They were
transferring him from Kalispell to Missoula to await trial and he
escaped. He killed the deputy that was transporting him so they are
guessing about what happened but he evidently got out of his
handcuffs, tricked the deputy into stopping the car and opening the
door. A struggle ensued and the deputy was choked then shot with
his own weapon.”

“Damn! Where did all of this happen?” asks

“Actually, it happened just a few miles south
of Kalispell. He disappeared into the woods around the area. They
are searching but who knows. All we really know is he is still
somewhat weak from that shotgun blast and his previous injury.”

“All right, thanks for letting me know,”
replies Pinky shaking his head in disbelief.

Pinky is walking back into the Drake Security
office to tell the others the latest news when he hears Bear,
“Damn! Someone broke into my cabin! The security company just
called me. Pinky, come show me how to check these security

As he is walking over to the computer, Pinky
tells the guys about Bixby’s latest escape. He sits down at the
computer and brings up the surveillance cameras at Bear’s cabin in
Montana. The other members of the Drake Security team are gathered
around watching and they are all surprised when James Bixby’s face
appears on the screen. He is lying on the sofa covered with a
blanket, sound asleep.

Scoot says, “Well, how about that, talking
about luck. Now we can watch his every move and he doesn’t have a
clue. Bear, do you object to letting him stay at the cabin for a
few days?”

Bear answers, “No, I guess not. I’ll need to
let the security company know and my friend Rick. He sometimes
stops by to check on things and I wouldn’t want him to walk into an

Pinky says, “It sounds like a good idea to
me. Law enforcement sure isn’t having any luck keeping up with

Scoot says, “I’ll notify the FBI that we have
him under video surveillance and that we will notify them if he
leaves the cabin.”


James Bixby is giddy. He can’t believe his
good luck. A fully furnished cabin in the middle of nowhere with
electricity and running water as well as a fully stocked pantry is
more than he could have hoped for. He’ll just lay low here for a
few weeks, regain his strength, and then he’ll find a way to get
back to business. Those mercenaries can wait a few more weeks to
die. He wants to make sure he is in top form before he starts out


Pinky has been calling Jasmine’s psychiatrist
every day for updates on her progress. After six weeks of intense
therapy, the doctor has requested a joint counseling session with
both Jasmine and Pinky.

As he walks into the hospital Pinky’s heart
is pounding with both excitement and nervousness. This will be the
first time in six weeks he has seen Jasmine. He knows she had her
plastic surgery and he hopes she is pleased with the results.
Otherwise, he really doesn’t know what to expect from this

The minute he walks into the psychiatrist’s
office Pinky sees Jasmine standing at the window, her back to the
room. Nodding at the doctor, Pinky walks to the window and places
his hand on Jasmine’s shoulder and says, “Jasmine?”

I let the sound of his voice flow over me
warming me and when I feel his hand on my shoulder I take a quick
moment to savor his touch before stiffening.

“Keith, I want to thank you for coming

Confused by her reluctance to face him, Pinky
glances over at the doctor who is standing beside his desk
observing the exchange between the two. The doctor nods his
encouragement. Then Pinky says, “Jasmine, look at me please.” He
gently turns me toward him and lifts my face to his. Seeing my
beautiful face restored by the plastic surgery, a huge grin slides
across his face. He lifts his hand and gently traces the pale scar
barely visible and whispers, “Oh, Jasmine, you are so beautiful! I
am really happy for you.” Then he places a tender kiss on my

Smiling I nervously say, “It does look good
doesn’t it? I never expected to get such wonderful results. The
surgeon is a miracle worker.”

The doctor interrupts, “If you are ready,
let’s get started.” He indicates the two chairs in front of his
desk. “Keith, Jasmine wanted you to be here today so she can tell
you the whole story about her time with James Bixby in her own
words, at least as much as she currently remembers. I feel she may
still have some of the more traumatic events blocked. She wants to
know where she stands with you after you know all of the details of
what happened to her and what she has done so she can begin to make
plans for her future.” Pinky nods in understanding, apprehension
churning in his stomach. The doctor continues, “Are you ready

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